The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1918, Image 1

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The Daily n
YOU XV". NO. 127-
TelXni for Most Part Well
Hatched and Games Close
AlpM T.u Omeoa Ha. Easy Time
9 , Aiph Look Well for Champion
. ,hip Thlnos R"nn,nfl Smoothly
8,8m. Chi va. Kappa Sigma, High
school grounds at 5.30 o'clock.
Alpha Sigma Pnl vt- Phl Kappa
cushman Motor Works at 12:30
Alpha Tau Omega v. DelU Tau
Oena. Athletic eld at 120 o'clock.
Delta Ups'lon ar.d Alpha Theta Chi.
Athlet field at 4 o'clock.
Yesterday afternoon saw the close
of the Erst round of the interfra
teraity baseball tourney with erery
ikizg running smoothly ard accord
teg to schedule. Nearly all of the
teans so far hare been well matched
ud He game close. The most in
tftiER games of the afternoon
wen Delta Chi ts. Delta Upsilon.
a&d Si Alpha Epsilon ts. Phi DelU
Theta. Sigma Aipn r.psiou j k
. , eye 0j xnx-aj of the houses, baths or posters and these
. . v thA'vin also be on disnlav. rniTereitT
faas as having a good chance for the
Alpha Tau Omega walloped Phi
DelU Chi by hitting the ball to all
eoraers of the field. Bailey pitched
ta league form, striking out twelve
sea and allowing only three hit.
Shelly. Shaw. Launphere. and Carter
kept the outfielder busy chasing
home rans and triples.
. n.v. t. nmn lit PW!
Delta Chi 0 j
Eaueries Alpha Tau Omega,
Bailey Shaw; Phi DelU Chi. Lamb,
U, ' J
rv. ... t-h tnninr ih !
De3U Cbi's for lx innings put on a
batting rUly -and knocked Franci
ost of the box. Before the D. U.
were retired the score stood 7 to C.
Jackson and Howarth bore the brunt
of the victor" offensive.
Score DelU Upsilon 8. Delta Chi
Batteries DelU UpsUon. Studley.
Jact&cn; DelU Chi, Francis. Farley.
The Phi DelU were unable to solve
Peterson's delivery, while the Sig
Al;hs hit the ball when hits meant
nuL. The Sig Alpha have one of
the fastest team In the tournament
and stand a good chance of playing
t&e f.Tih game.
(Contlsned on page foir.)
Contest Under Direction of
Saddle and Sirloin Club
Aurora Winner Last Year
. '
The fifth annual Nebraska State
Hh School Stock Judging Contest
a be held at the SUte Farm Sat-
day. thinning at S o'clock In the
jawxirg. and probably extending Into J
afternoon. This erent U held (
r ine ausptces or tne cooi .
a:ncu dub. an organlzaUon a
State Farm eomDosed chiefly of men
c' LtJ P- VU t- ?e6raaa
ock Judging team this year
The cup was won last year by the
Asror hirh oKrwl pnA -oniiiderable
tor-rt i being nacixested- Aurora.
F r.yx r m. tit.l. A 111.
CMj- riwus
ante and Tecumsea hare registered
t'r the contest thu far, and quite a
v& tA-UCI CJ1UIC BIC " '
btlore Saturday. The team winning
v-ivr fcaturflay. The team winiu
rst place wia be awarded a cup.
4 beside, the cup. 17 ribbon, aud
c4al rm be awarded Indlriduals
rarvir, k.,h
ulMM ommi juife JllirwIllluiSSMiHUl
21 ..:'' v-i V .fcA. 'ssw it
To Last All Day Tomorrow j
and Sunday Afternoon '
Displays of All Species of Birds and
House Whistling Lectures and
Bird Plays at Auditorium
Bird exhibits of all kinds from pre
historic ages and present together
with characteristic houses, bird
baths, bird plays and bird music make
up a part of the program of the
Bird Exhibition to be given Saturday
and Sunday by the Druner Bird Club
as a part of the program of the gov
ernment In the Interests of bird con
servation. The exhibition Is modelled
m Ttm ftr t ha
ster display held In Seattle. Washing-
iuu m suuii iiuic u iuu mil pruu-;
ably be the largest exhibition ot itsj Graf lived up to his reputation
kind lr the countrv. The display land marched off with the mi'.e in the
will be open from 9 oVlock until 8 j remarkable time of iA Kretiler. a
new man astounded the Nebraska
o clock on Saturday and from 2.a,n,ir fol!owers. by finishing but
o'clock until S o'clock Sunday. !f,ve in the rear. Ted Smith
The exhibition will contain every--won the half mile and Richard New
thing pertaining to birds that can ' man was right on his heels erery
I m i .
du toauea over iony oi us bi
specimens ot stunea oiras or am-;
erent snecles from water birds to the
common varieties. Twelve of thelites Moines.
cuicini m. wuiai. iui ui ai, ocvvuv
and third prizes for the best bird
1 1 .v . J aW,...
will also be on display
student will Judge.
Prof. R. H. Wolcott. head ot the
department of zoology, will give an
illustrated lecture on birds' with
about SO colored slides at 2 o'clock
on Saturday and at 4 o'clock the
same day ProL M. H. Swenk will
land 4 o'clock Miss Lily E. Buttoa
of Fremont, who has studied bird
music for several years, will whistle
bird call and explain the time, scale
and key ot their song. At these times
on Saturday a bird play will be given
In costume br the school children.
i nere wui oe do prvsmui su-
day but students who cannot come
Saturday are urged to attend Sunday
a the entire exhibition wCI be kept
intact until S o clock Sunday even-
Buy a Liberty Bond
All Subscription Cards Must
Be Turned Into Activities
Office Tonight
Today is the last chance the Uni
versity will hare to help Nebraska
go "over the top" In the third Lib
erty Loan drive. The university
subscription to the second Liberty
. - a - f fTLAA TIia AV.
loan xTDOuniei 10 v.vw. i.
Lament need the money worse Dr. G. E. Condra made a hurled
..- , , ..vinar aiiltrtn in Seward where he mspeciea
tnan ever ana wr - " ---
nAnt t subscribe that can pos-
;,t7y do so.
i-fc- r r.r iJnroin Has over-suo-
srYA Its third Liberty loan quota.
f,.. mVAkjJ dollars and
d 5 DOt close until
"f1 n3 from ,n orer
"Os erentas. BeponM rro
v. w.
JT- m this keeps Nebraska
p;tv to Ue same class and
-- - . tbe $75,000
fensber of th- 200 commit-
"mart " h.
,r, taneA lDto the io-
77 activity ofSe by this evening.
.dents activity "'-
I -is
Graduate TcacHers Meet
I . mm - li.fl T '. 4
m music nan luiiium
nAmiP teachers club of the
I hnol of education will
i s- - " - 7 wv n
meet rhi. ; ocloci in
BTS2; d ProL
Bentley . Dr- &. a fj'u Da
'A. A. Ked will speak.
For our Boys. ARMORY," SAT.
McMahon Docs the Hundred in
10 Flat in Easy Manner
Final Tryouts to Be Held Saturday
Afternoon and Tuesday Several
Hard Battles Promised in Races
Competition a lu-en between the
forty cinder athletes, who ran Thurs
day afternoon In the ecor.d ot the
Drake relay tryouts. The dopesters
at Drake are pkkicg McMahon to
have an equal chance ith Drew, the
world's champion sprinter. There
grounds are well founded, for Mac
h'?1 entUrT ,n Vf !fU
and there was no one to push him
I, his limit
i . . i 1 k n
i men are iresnmen auu uamw j
eligible men pep up consiaeraoiy. me
' two-mile ream will not be sent to
j ri 9 iu ..i v. - auvu. .
and Crau. which bid well to cop
I .1. ktnstM tills TA9r I
the conference honors this year
Coach Stewart has decided to 1
Coach Stewart has decided to hold
line uiui iijuun
o'clock on Saturday and next Tues
day at 3 o'clock. The final tryouts
for the 2:20. half mile, and mile will
take place Saturday afternoon.
The Summary" .
The summary of the tryouts
Thursday follows:
100-yard dash UcMahon. first;
Townsend. second: Danforth. third;
time 10 seconds-
220-yard dash (first heat) Mc
Mahon. first.
220-yard dash (second heat)
Townsend. first.
220-yard dash (third heat) Fin
ney, first.
iiA.nri dash (special I Byron,
McMahon. first; time 53 15 seconds.
Half mile Smith, first; .xewman.
Conservation Department
to Handle Soil Survey
The special session of the legisla
ture added a number of duties to the
sUte conservation and soil surrey
r.t Ik Fnivers'ty The so-called
potash bill required the surveying
and evaluating of all iaes on
a i-inte as well as the tnvesti-
1 ..!.-, anA ronnrtinr of any mineral
resources that may be on school
lands in the sUte.
no r- c mNnRA I
- . . . ,
the city' new well In which a large
I1 0od water na. oeen
Conservatory Instructor
Gives Piano Recital
Mr. Will Owen Jones gave a piano
recital at Convocation yesterday
morning in the Tempie raeain:
11 o'clock. Mrs. Jones Is a teacner
miversitr school of music.
W . s. '
She playeu.
Gypsy Tale Po.dini
Sonata fn F Minor ...Brahms
TarentelU Leschtizky
Paul N. Temple, commissioned sec
ond lieutenant at the second train
leg camp at Fort Snellir-g and now
stationed at Camp Dodge. Iowa, with
the.33S:h field artillery, wa on the
campu Tuesday.
Specialists in All Branches
I Wanted by Government
Skilled Accountants, Engineer, or
Chemists Wishing to Serve Asked
to Report to Prof. LeRosslgnol
The University has been given an
other opportunity to supply men for
service in the further prosecution of
the war. At the present time there
are great opportunities for men in
the ordnance department ot the army. '
Specialists in many different lines
of activity are in great demand at
Washington and other places In the
country. The ordnance branch of
the service is the branch that sup
plies the active fighting units of the
army with munitions and supplies.
The work of this department is one
of the most important of all the
army branches.
The following information has
A utr tvnuw ii5 w wuw .
sa pMr f r Tnn.
signol from Mr. S. Whitten. sec-1
retarv of the Lincoln Commercial j
club. askine that publicity be given
to the matter and that students be
made acquainted with .the oppor
tunities In this service. The letter
is as follows:
"Prof. J. E. LeRosslgnol.
University of Nebraska.
Lincoln. Nebr.
"Pear Sir:
"I beg to hand you, for your In
formation, letter from Major L. H.
Van Dusen. civilian personnel sec
tion, war department 1330 F street.
N. W Washington. D. C, pointing
out the urgent needs of the oruoance
department of the war department
aepanmeni oi me r ucjmhuku
for worker skilled in different
branches, and trust you will see to
it that this information is brought
to the attention of the student body
of your institution and department
that we may show our interest in
assisting the war department in fill
ing its ranks.
The Request
Tour very truly.
1. The ordnance department of
the war department has immediate
need for high grade mechanical
draftsmen. Inspectors of munition.
(Continued on page four)
One Subject Upon Which Men
and Women of University
Must" Speak
Student opinion is a curious thing.
Feeling and beliefs find starting
place In remote corner and struggle
here and there for growth and often
time die. At other time they grow
rapi(Ly. if there I any foundation,
and If provoked or incited at any
time gather their power until noth
ing short of granting the demand
can overcome them. Under ordinary
j circumstances the- opinion will be
pauUt cAl ixuui vac siu'icut mm .
quietly and very few know of the
view that are held.
An "Indignation Bomb
As is shown by the following "In
dignation bomb" with which come
student has finally rellered hi mind
It I seen that there Is one subject
upon which student, will not keep
still, at least until they are far bet
ter satisfied with conditions:
"There are fifteen hundred mec
from the Unirersity of Nebraska who
nave iueted iLeif 11 a to put dsxs
German culture and one of this num
ber ha already given hi life for
the cause. While these men are
giving their all, the Unirersity to
day tolerates organization whose
aim In their own word I to pro
mote "German culture." In the Corn
husker of 1J13 on the page devoted
APRIL 13. Admission 30 Cents
Auct,on Artlc,e8 should Be
Left at Activities' Office
Auctioneer to Dispose of Articles
Suited to Every Taste Dancing
and Refreshments Listed
All member of the student body
and faculty who have not yet made
their donations for the Nebraska
Base Hospital Unit Carnival tomor
row evening are asked by the com
mittee to turn their gifts as soon
as possible at the Students Activities
office. It is necessary for the success
of the carnival thatCOO donations be
given to put on the raffle wheels and
in the fish pond if Nebraska Unl
- , .
rersitT students mean to do anyining
worth while for the Hospital Unit,
Many attractive present have aJ-
ready been turned In unsolicited, we
were unable to drag the. name ot
the auctioneer form the committee
but we know that whoever he Is he
Is going to auction off a soldier
sweater, war savings stamps, a dainty
rose and rold ranity case, war army
socks, "five pound of candy, home
made cakes and doughnuu. Urpneum
tickets, and pictures and so many
other articles that every taste and
every pocket book will be satisfied.
The gifts need not be expensive,
as the fish pond is to be filled with
the trinkets and knick knack. Most
ot the organization have made their
donations and all those that have
not may do so any time until six
o'clock Saturday.
Program to Suit Everyone
Tickets will be sold on the campu
today and at the door tomorrow
night, for 30c, which Include the ad
mission refreshments and dancing
for the entire erening. Every stu
dent should feel It hi duty as well
as his inclination to attend this party,
which is the last All-Unirersity party
of the year, and eren the Faculty
will be there.
Proceeds to Our Boy
The entire proceeds, as ha been
announced, will be turned over to
buy equipment for the Nebraska Uni
rersity Base Hospital Unit which
is in training now, to sailing for
France the last of next month. Ne
braska's Unit ha only a 9S,0(H
equipment, which i but $5000 more
than the mfn'mnm amount for any
hospital under the Red Cross. Most
of the units hare equipment amount
ing to from 1200.00 to S250.000.
Election of Next Year's Mem
bers to Be Held Next
Monday and Tuesday
Nomination for the girl' club
board for next year were announced
yesterday at a meeting in Law 101
at 1L30 o'clock. The nomination
meeting wa held under the auspices
of the present girls' club board and
for the purpose of nominating two
extra girl from each class to make
up the list The board Itself nomi
nates five girl from the freshman
and sophomore class and six from
the junior claa. Thea at & public
meeting two girl for each class may
be nominated from the floor.
Election for the board member
will be held next Monday and Tues
day. April 15 and 16, and a roting
Uble will be In the Library. Clrl
who hare not Joined the Girls' club
yet may pay their membership due.
S0c then.
ot n