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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
THE C. ROY MILLER, For Foot Comfort lajtiHtmnt of Fallen Arches, removal of Goran and Ingrowing X), ond lieutenancy at Ft. Monroe, and that Second Lieut. W. H. Hauman In tho reserve coast defense I Mwn to be transferred to the Columbia river diMrlct. Wagner, Minkovsky and Plunk are to be trained for aeranautlc observers of heavy artillery. They will he Riven their training at Une ley Held. Va. Buy Liberty Bond LAWYERS HAVE NOBLE SERVICE TO PERFORM No Camouflap-e! 410 Canter " " una me reum oi itaniona bl.,. COMFORT SHOES B-3781 tr nLIVER THEATRE Tonioht At 8:00 Mat. Wed and Sat. 1 ill m ill i SOCIETY "OLIVER AND PLAYERS in NEVER SAY PIE" uvt Wrtk "THE MAN FROM OVER THERE flRPHEd Mj PHONE B3i8 John flul HYAMS & McINTYRE In a Model riaylet "Maybloom" "DONALD KERR & EFT IE WESTON In "Smart Songs and Nifty Dances" ELIDA MORRIS The Lyric Lady HARRY BERESFORD & CO. In Mina 1 our unu "CYCLING BRUNETTES" In "Defying Gravity" Tho Girl With HARRY the Wonder- GILFOIL ful Arm in Famous SANTI Character In Dances of the "The Gay Old Orient u.iini at 2:20: teats 25c Nlflhta at 8:20; aeata 25c, 50c, 75c Waffles and Coffee 15c HENDRY'S CAFE 136 North Eleventh phone B-1589 Lincoln, Neb. GOOD CLEANING SERVICE Send Your Work to LINCOLN. Cleaning & Dye Work 826 So. 11th Phone B-6576 W'WMWMlrtllllltlir tlflll WIUMiM "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C A, Cafeteria Plan 18TH AND P Professional Optical Service Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Any Lens Duplicated DA. W. h. MARTIN. Optometrist ,1234 O St. Opposite Miller A Paine Luncheonette fVLLER'S PRESCRIPTION 11 HARM AC V STUDENTS HEADQUARTERS OrpheamSbeRcpalrisg Co. 211 North 12th Street Grpheum Building Tucker-Shean 1123 O Street Mfg. Jewelers and Opticians Dealers In Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Sterling Sliver and Op tica. merchandise. Expert Watch, Clock, Jewelry and Optical Repairing Everything In FLOWERS HILTNER BROS. 1042 O St. B775 April 12 Alpha Chi Omega Lincoln. Alpha Gamma Rho Informal Rose wllde. April IS AH-TJnlversUy rrty Closed Alpha Chi Omega Banquet Lincoln, 5 to 8 o'clock. Silver Serpent party for sophomore girls Music and Faculty hall, 2-6 o'clock. April 19 Alpha Tau Omega banquet Lincoln. Freshman Hop Lincoln. XI Delta party Alpha Xi Delta house. April 20 Bushnell Guild banquet Lincoln. Alpha Tau Omega Informal Lin coln. Iota Sigma ri Banquet Lincoln. Dramatic Club vaudeville Temple. April 26 Sigma Phi Fpsilon. Alpha Omicron PI party bouse. April 27 Sigma Phi Epsilon Banquet Lincoln Alpha Omicron PI banquet Lincoln. Latin club banquet Lincoln. May 3 Thi Delta Theta Lincoln. PERSONALS Homer Noble of Denver is visiting at his home In Lincoln. Donald Jenkins Is at his home in Lincoln on a furlough from the Great Lakes Naval Training station. Mrs. T. Peterson of Superior Is visit ing her daughter, Agnes, at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Tat Riley, '20, of Texas, is visiting at the Pi Kappa Phi house for a few days. Buy a Liberty Bond UNIVERSITY NOTICES Surgical Dressings Class The first meeting of the new class in surgical dressings under Miss H. I. Redford will be held at 7 o'clock Mon day evening. Girls wishing to reg ister for this class are requested to see Miss Redford. Graduate Teachers' Club The Graduate teachers club will hold Its regular meeting in Music Hall of the Temple, Friday evening at ? o'clock. Delian Literary Society The Delian Literary society will meet in Faculty hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Everyone is welcome. Teachers Certificates All sophomores and juniors who ex pect to receive a teacher's certificate at the end of the present school year, loave names in the registrar's office by April 20. Senior Play Tryouts All seniors who wish to tryout for the senior play will register at the Dramatic Arts room TJ 106, today only. Nature Study Class Nature Study class will take the State Hospital car at Tenth and O 2 o'clock. Come prepared to walk from Electric park to Penni- tentlary. Buy a Liberty Bond NEWS FROM CAMP Lieutenant Migby of the navy, a former student at the University of Nebraska, visited the military depart ment Wednesday. He has been sta tioned in Washington, D. C and stopped here on his way from home to Newport. R. L, where be expects to be assigned to sea. duty. Buy Liberty Bond NEBRASKANS WILL GO TO LANGLEY FIELD. VA. Wagner, Miskovsky and Blunk to Train There for Aero nantic Observers - Second Lieut. Adolf Blunk 1-. of the coast artillery is visiting here to day on his way back to Ft. Monroe lie has finished his training there and i" been spending a two weeks' leave L home- He reports that First Lieut Ralph Wagner, who took his degree in 33 engineering in '15. and in elec trical engineering at the midyear commencement this year, is to be transferred to Ft Hancock. Also .that U Mickovsky has received hi' sec- Prof. H. H. Wilson Declares Position of Those in Practice a Responsible one Ambition, grit and proper ideals of the profession are the guages which measure the success of the lawyer, declared Prof. H. H. Wilson Tuesday evening at a meeting of the Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity, held at the PI Kappa Phi house. One must enter the profession, said the speaker, not with an object of making large gains but- with the purpose of serving nobly in a noble profession where one as sumes the trust of (he general public and pledges fidelity of service to the government by aiding faithfully in the administration of justice. Professor Wilson emphasized the fact that the law business knows com paratively few failures. Ninety-two per cent of the business men. he said, fail while the lawyer is always guaran teed an honorable living. Experience he considers the big point in the prac tice. Professor Wilson has been an instructor in law courses for twenty cifcht years. Buy a Liberty Bond HALF AND HALF "What is the height of familiarity?" "To tell your roommate when you receive your monthly check." Record The End of a Meatless Day 1 have eaten a bale Of spinach and kale, And 1 never raised a row. T have swallowed a can Of moistened bran And I feel like a brindle cow. 1 am taking a snack Fram the old hay stack In the evening shadows gray. I am glad you bet At last to get. To the end of a meatless day. Rocky Mountain Collegian. Tt ain't the individuals Nor the army as a whole, But the everlasting teamwork Of every bloomin' soul. Kipling. What Was Wrong There once was a soldier quite thin, WTiose tongue hung away from his chin. When asked what was wrong, He gulped loud and long, And said he was just mustered in. Widow. Science to the Rescue For those who do not know the connection between women and elec tricity, we shall enumerate from the Electrical Experimenter: When a woman is sulky and will not speak Exciter. If she gets too excited Controller. If her way of thinking is not yours Converter. If she is willing to come half way Meter. If she will come all the way Re ceiver. If she wants to go further Con ductor. If she wants to be an angel Trans former. If you think she is unfaithful Tlfttftef-or. If she is unfaithful Lever. If she proves your fears are wrong Compensator. If she goes up in the air- Conden ser If she wants chocolates Feeder. If she sings wrong Tuner. If she is in the country Tele grapher. If she is a poor cook Discharger. If her dress unhooks Connector. If she eats too much Reducer. If she Is wrong Rectifier. If she is cold to you Heater. If she gossips too much Regulator. If she fumes and sputters Insula tor. if oh "becomes upset Reverser. And if she is the only Queen Lover. The Torch. Gee Aint it Tuff Yesterday be'in Saturday. I woke me up At 6 bells and Turned over with a Sigh of relief and Went back to sleep For two winks. When the freshman Am -111 Ml I 0pvrij-ht t!8, Rohcrrfc-Wn k. Company In the next cot Pulled me out ; "It's time to drill," He said Darn it; 1 wish the war was over. Daily Illini. Professor J: "What is density, Mr. Davis?" Mr. Davis. "I can't define it exactly, but I can give an illustration." Professor J: "The illustration is good, sit down." Minnesota Daily. The Freshie stood on the burning deck, And so far as we can learn. He stood with perfect safety, For he was too green to burn. Z. Courier. Isn't it a Fact? We groan too much, Wre howl too much. We moan too much, We frown too much A pile too much, But never, never, Smile too much. Rocky Mountain Collegian. l A sua i n I 1 . J1 FOUNDATION The industry and the thrift of American farms, American factories, American shops, American homes the indus try and thrift of every citizen in the land the industry and thrift that invest in Liberty Bonds this is the sure foun dation of American Victory. " We must lick Thi p Paid for IN. aliont these clothes. .lust pod plain Mxles in which poM tailoring and p"l material are evident. UNCLE SAM SAYS: cut out the frills, the belts the flaps, the cuffs save the wool for the boys "over there," so you can lc patriotic and well dressed at the same time. BETTER VALUES AT $25 TO $35 Ihfln you would except under present market conditions. We're rowdy to show you will vou look ? MAGEE'S Professor (who had Just finished giving the student reporter several items, remarked) : "Aren't you going to hand me something, I charge ten cents for everything I give you?" Reporter: "Well, I charge ten cents for putting it in." Buy a Liberty Bond Collars FOR SPJUKG CASCO -2Vi in. C IYC- - 2 "r, in mujj , r. VICTORY'S I'-' i ; cr be licked" mnd Contribufd By