DAILY NEBRASKA N THE i..,iiwi'iii"iiii'"i""'Hitn'"1 Munckc Takes Fourth in Oratorical Contest lliirol.l V. Munoko. "20. won fourtli plate In the Missouri Valley Orutoilul contest, held at Amt'H, Iowa. M.mh S. )IU HulJt-t tit "Patriotism." Kirrtt vUii? was won by Frank Lowe of the University of Missouri. f"uUlnK upon "Making the Work! lor l)o moo racy." Second place was won by Will King of Drake, and third place by J. K. Taylor of Kuinwn Amkultural College. BEPNIE AND BAKER OR PHEUM TODAY A to Ben Uernle and Phil Haker. Win play raRtlmo aud ocinsionally something more dlRnMed on a flddlo and aa accordoon. they captured the house by their ulet methods, catchy niuslo and pleasant humor, not to for get Mr. Daker'a Irresistible smile. The pair hold up the xhow. Denver Times. CHINA TOWNS REPORT EXCELLENT PROGRESS (Continued from pug oue) "SPA" Get your Lunches at tha City Y. M. C. A, Cafetarla Plan 1STH AND P Tucker-Shean 1123 O Street Mfg. Jewelers and Opticians Dealers In Watches, Clocks, Diamonds. Jewelry, Sterling Silver and Op tical merchandise. Expert Watch. Clock, Jewelry and Optical Repairing ! GOOD CLEANING SERVICE Send Your Work to LINCOLN. Cleaning & Dye Work 326 So. 11th Phone B-6575 results nlipady Keen." (Taken from Student Secretary's report.) The Time Investment flub form erly the KlKht Week Club-has Intro duced In the Peking and Tlenslu R.-liool the present plan whereby the students Ikii pledges for summer work t ihe beginning if the school term, with the thought of taking definite training for the work which they have promised to do In connection with their school work. In 1'eklng and Tleutsln where tho work has been presented. 359 girls have signed up to tako the training. The I'nlon Cabinet In Peking planned a .id raised the money for a Christmas treat for the poor children of the neighborhood. The little tots were gathered together at the Young Wo men's Christian Association building and given a good time. Out of this has grown a Sunday School which Is held at the Association building every Sunday. TIENTSIN Tientsin renorts splendid results in their Sunday afternoon classes. Tiiwti cl.issoa are well attenaea. wun an average of over 60 which shows that not only has an Interest been created but that It is lasting. The Educational Work continues. Put your ear to the door and listen to the rumble of the sewing machines, the murmur of English as It Is sup posed to be spoken, and the scales and scales that belong to the prelim inary performances of a pianist In the making. It Is a busy part of the build ing where the Educational Work goes on. And the Poor Children's Classes. Busy little folks learning the First National Reader by heart, backwards, sideways, and every way. but learn ing. Others a little older listen to the scratch of the pencil on the slate and over thirty others are deep In texts and also learning to sing nymns. And when these little folk were In vited to tea by a board member, bless their little hearts, they were so "shy" to eat so they carefully wrapped the goodies In their handkerchiefs and "stowed them away" later with unin- terupted Joy. I The University School of Music j AND OTHERJFINE ARTS ' 1918 SUMMER SESSION 1918 U Begins Monday, JuneTth, lasting five weeks NORMAL COTOSE FOR SUPERVISION OF rUHIilU iSuttuwu .w.w SUMMER COURSE " InJ PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION AND STORYTELLING Special Information Upon Request i.mhi. t'T'i; tiif ' " HHP- 'if. '"' . &MiilMmJ.kMii.Ui..,.itl.. II:. -I : ' ' " " Professional Optical Service Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Any Lens DuDlicated DR. W. H. MARTI 1234 O St Opposite N, Optometrist Miller & fame !"the University cf Chicago rfj,," in laaiuon to r , work, rllut Uo instruc- uVyVJ tun by correspondence. h. 2iiTMr U.efC(Oiiil!C!C!ga.ia. t-rTVl f I'ttTalcpj ml fo nn-fit EMU lO PENCIL1 rr II E perfec I tion of pencil Quality un equalled for smoothness, uni formity of grading and durability. 17 Hack degrees from 6B softest to to 9H hardest, and hard and medium (indelible) copy ing. Looi for the distinc tive VENUS finishl i 8 lllltltll 1 FREE! ThU trial box with five VENUS imwmi renins UnlHcr and VENUS F."er ent free. W'ntt for it. American Lead Pencil Co. Zls ' ' " 1 ! Dept. -DM . Tru tht VENUS ErBur, o. Mad In 12 mium. 12 00 pm hn. i WOMEN NO LONGER IN SUBMISSION (Continued from Paw One) trial workers of the silk and cotton Industries. This last named Is an especially important field, for 1 have seen little tiny girls, working tnere day by day. with only ten minutes to heat their little bags of rice for their menla." Miss Taylor said. "There are city Associations in Can ton. Foochow. Shanghai, Tientsin, and Peking, and there are nine cities wait-1 Iner. one having waited for nine years. "The Y. W. C. A. work Is divided Into the educational department, the phy sical department and the Bible study and religious work. There are twenty six student associations In China," said Miss Taylor, "and they are so similar that one can hardly recognize the dif ference between them and the ones here in America. "Every year six Association confer ences are held and one Is in the Tem ple of the Sleeping Buddha. Honors To Y. W. C. A. "Three great honors have come to the Y. V. C. A. in China. One is from the Government which asked the Association to take charge of all Chinese women students who come to the United States As a result of this, cvprv Chbiese etrl who comes to study here Is under the direct super vision of the American Y. V. C. A. From the educational leaders In China has come the recognition of the na tional training school for physical edu cation as the best In China, and the request to enlarge it to train directors for the government schools. There are thirty-two enrolled now and fifty for next year and the pos sibility of a hundred If there were ac commodations. The third honor to the association la that the United Church of China has asked the Asso ciation to give the services of Miss Ruth Paxon. student secretary, to serve as woman member of the Con tinuation committee organized by Dr. .Tnhn U Mott. This means that If there is any special thing going on In Chir-a, Miss Paxon will have charge of all of th women's work. "An astonishing change has taken place In the conditions and outlook of womanhood in China " said Miss Tay lor. "n astonishing similarity exists between the work here and there, and an astonishing opportunity awaits any American secretary going to cnina a: this time. ALAN BROOKS ORPHEUM TODAY "Dollars and Sense" contains so many pparkling vitrolic lines that one wonders If its author had at some time or other been the victim of a "Helen." Dorothea Sadler as the ultra-selfish woman of the piece, was th perfect tvpe for the part. A. M. C. In Denver Express. C 111 J- 1 Cjrordon The college man's shirt. Well made of fine white Oxford. Cut in patterns that assure perfectly comfortable fit. It is an ARROW SHIRT CLUETT. PEA BODY & CO.. Inc., Makm-$. TROY. N. V. Mini " Pi The Corset Is the Foundation Your college outfit starts with a Your figure will be graceful and you will have distinct style, irrespective of simplicity in dress, and, your health as sured. Moreover, a Redfern Model is so ideally com fortable, fitting so natuT' ally that its wearer may do any athletic stunt as easily as she dances, rides or walks, in her corset. Be sure to have your Redfern Corset properly fitted before you choose your suits and frocks then their correct appearance is assured. $3.50 up HsXWvV - ' 4 v - 1 1 ACH1E Y-B MENT Twenty -five yean "ago the General Eledric Company wa founded. Since then, electricity ha sent iu thrill through, the whole strurture of life. Eager to turn whceU, to lift and carry, to banish dark, to gather beat, to hurl voices and thought across space, to give th world new tools for its work electricity has bent to mans will. Throughout this" period the General Dectnc Company has held the great responsibiltiesand high ideals of leadership. Tt h'Kt.free"epu"i)f!teearch- It has given tangible form to'inven' tion, in apparatus of infinite precision an4 gigantic power.1 .And it has gone forth,cooperating ; with every industry, to command this unseen; force and fetA it far to rve a2 people. By the achievements which this com, pany has already recorded may best, be judged the greater ends its future", shall attain, the deeper mysteries it yet shall solve in electrifying more and more of the world's work. v