( THE riAil.Y NEBRASKAN , THE DAILY NbbKHQ" " 1 i Miss Norma Kidd to Speak at Vespers Today Miss Norma Kidd, secretary of the DR. LUCKEY DENIES HE IS UNPATRIOTIC (Continued on page three) i .'i M i i j J .5 1 f ;i 4.' k . 5 V. W. C. A., will speak at Vespers this afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. rooms in the Temple. Her subject will be "The New Membership Basis." Rutu 8heldon, '18,. will preside at the meeting. The changing of the mem bership wording will be discussed. The opinions of University girls are wanted. Try Roberts Sanitary DAIRY Open Until Midnight 1238 "0" St. Opposite Miller & Paine Waffles and Coffee 15c HENDRY'S CAFE 126 North Eleventh Phone B-1589 Lincoln, Neb. "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Save Your Eyes Dr. W. H. Martin Ontometrist ' SSnAj.t,' Eyes examined without charge, we design, make, adjust and repair your glasses at reasonable charge's. Cice Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone L-7773 123", O St Suite 5 Upstairs Opposite Ml!!er & Paine Try a Hot Goupe ILLER'S RESCRIPTION HARM AC V STUDENTS HEADQUARTERS Or pheimi Shoe Repairing Co. 211 North 12th Street Orpheum Building p GOOD CLEANING SERVICE Send Your Work to I LINCOLN I Cleaning & Dye Works H 326 So. 11th Phone B-6575 form'fit rnT TAR LUNCH gatlon. To the point blank question of whether he was loyal to me pretu dent of the United States and in sympathy with the cause of democ racy, he- replied in the affirmative. When definitely asked to tell what he had done in support of the war, In order to determine the truth of a report that he was not bo enthusias tic as he might be. Dr. Luckey would only say that he had given what he could afford. Independent Investiga tion shows, however, that he pur chased as many liberty bonds as any faculty member with the exception of Chancellor Avery, that he also con tributed liberally to the Red Cross, the Armenian and Serbian relief, and the Y. M. C. A. The following questions, put to Dr. Luckey by The Nebraskan, were an swered affirmatively: Are you In sympathy at heart with the cause of democracy? Are you loyal to the president in his war policy? The following charges were denied by him: Have you, to your knowledge, made unpatriotic statements to your classes? Have you ever intentionally com pared American and German govern ment to the detriment of the former? Did you have anything to do with the petition circulated in your classes which declared that you had neither taught nor said anything unpatriotic? Letter From Dr. Luckey The editor of The Nebraskan has received the following letter from Dr. Luckey, In connection with the re porter's interview: "Dear Mr. Beede: For some time I have been under criticism in the very field I pride myself of being strongest. I do not know the animus and intrigue that are promulgating it, neither have I the time nor inclina tion to ferret them out. I am too busy and too much in earnest trying to make the young men and women more efficient and able to live better and truer lives. I am aware that anyone who really thinks and gives expres sion to his thoughts will meet with opposition, but in a democracy we should expect Justice and fair play. I am not a formalist, and in speaking I am attracted by the thought and try to make clear my ideas without being conscious of the particular words in which they are clothed. For this reason the pure formalist may not see the truth that lies hidden. "I think It is only fair to the con scientious doubters for me to state that I am absolutely sympathetic with the president in this war and deem it a great privilege to have such a worthy and trusted leader at this critical time. I have complete confi dence in his wisdom, Judgment, and genuine sympathy for humanity, and from the first I have lived in harmony with this truth. As for the other criticisms I have nothing to say. For tunately for my friends my past life has not been shady and will bear the closest inspection. "Sincerely yours, "O. W. A. LUCKEY." NEBRASKA ORGANIZATIONS DISCUSS FARM PROBLEMS (Continued from Page One) Origin and Work, J. B. Grinnell, Papil- lion. The National Non-Partisan League: Its Alms and Progress in Nebraska, Dr. Samuel R. Maxwell, Denver. The Trend of Farmers' Movements in Nebraska During Sixty Years, L. S. Herron, Omaha. The Organization of Nebraska Farm ers to Win the War, O. C. Smith. Kearney. Wednesday Evening, January 16 6:30 P. M. Annual Banquet Plates $1.25. Hon. J. N. Dryden, Kearney, Presiding President's Annual Address, Hon. S C. Basselt, Gibbon. Toast Program: Mayor J. E. Miller, Lincoln: Hon. E. P. Brown, Arbor; Dr. B. F. Baiiey, Normal; Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Lincoln. Lobby of Tempis Theatre War Pictures and War Posters Ex hibition from the Historical Society Museum, in charge of Curator "E. K Blackman. The Nebraska Territorial Pioneers association will also open sessions to day with the following program: PROGRAM Lindell Hotel Parlors Tuesday, January 15 9:30 A. M. Registration and Distri bution of Badges. 10:30 A. M. Annual Business Meet ing. 12:00 M. Luncheon, Lindell Cafe, Plates Fifty Cents. 2:00 P. M. Camp Fire Meeting, Rob ert B. Windham, Plattsmouth, Pre siding. The Nebraska Memorial association at their seventh annual meeting will hold a business meeting for reports cud clcct'cu of cZcen t 11. SO . ut. at the lindell hoteL The February Issue of AW Is now on sale at Station A and leading News Stands in Lincoln,- Omaha and Beatrice (SET YOUR "COPY TOE) AY Price 15c 4j I j.tu uiiilTl . - II I I 1 " " - m-. proudly alphabetted, migrates from "stude" to co-ed, from frat house to giiTs dorm. If it's a Bradley, it abides there. Ak for them at the best diopt. Wrue for the Bradley Style Booklet. BRADLEY KNITTING fr-i " mt . . v If Sold by I ' T r . ,r. -,.. J. T" v- X, ' v r G WAN "Cum Laude" Sweaters v ubiquitous a sweater is. From matricula luation its uses are multituduious, its paths de- v . Tl ..Ll-t I : A-l - Vious. And how nomaaic, too. 1 ne auucre s luxurious snacr, CO., Dclavan, Wu. ...? If. W-JLTC t- I ' '' . I,. f : . . .... .. - J;-k i "C Is-". r s,r ... " Exclusively 1