N.E.BR ASKAN THE DAILY I i i.rBT Alnlm Zota nln. W. P. Rob rtH on back. Call B1G1G. 75-31 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Boyd wants to boo you about your Paiiadlan Pictures 1 printing. NOW is a mighty good time to buy a new pair of shoes at our 1-5 OFF SALE $5.00 SHOES NOW $4.00 $6.00 SHOES NOW $4.80 $7.00 SHOES NOW $5.60 Tucker-Shean 1123 O Street Mfg. Jewelers and Opticians Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Sterling Silver and Op tical merchandise. Expert Watch, Clock, Jewelry and Optical Repairing GOOD CLEANING SERVICE Send Your Work to LINCOLN Cleaning & Dye Works M 326 So. nth Knone u-ooto 2r,ilII!!l!t!lirJil!!!!!ra!l rMimuiriiiiii'ilii!! MS !!!!li!!!l!il!ll!!B! Save Your Eyes Dr. W. H. Martin Eyes examined without charge, we design, make, adjust and repair your glasses at reasonable charges. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone L-7773 1234 O St Suite 5 Upstairs Opposite Miller & Paine iii 8 mil hi 9mmm V mm ill III J I Eyery Weight oL Underwear for Men is found in the LEWIS Union Suit for Fall and Winter; cotton, cashmere, cotton and worsted, silk and worsted and Sea Island cotton mercerized. You can get light, medium or hea y weight ! lew; UNION SUITS Priced, $1.50 to S6.00 end Higher We display and sell these famous LEWIS Union Suits and want you to examine the differ ent weights and materials, and the generously good construc tion and then note the big consumer-value. Palladlan Literary Society will moet for Cornhuskor plcturo at Townsond'a Tuosday at 12 o'ciock. nH Cross Workers The Red Cross rooms In Nebraska hall will bo open Tuosday anu 'inurs day 2 to G o'clock, Fridays, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 o'clock. Pre-Medlc Society The Pro-Medic society will bold a business mooting Tuesday, January 8, in Bessoy hall, Qonoral Locturo room, for business transactions. All-University Party Meeting An important meeting of the general All-University Party committee has h..n nniiort for Tuosday evening at 7 o'clock, in Faculty hall of the Tom ..I., tnr. Mm lUiniRsinn of tho "Foto of Nations." As this Is tho most am bitious undertaking of tho committoo this year, all members are urged to be present and on time. ALUMNI NEWS Ethel Lee Howie. ,06-'14, has been elected teacher of history In the high school at Ogden City, Utah. Mildred V. Lufkln, '18, has ac cepted a position in the public schools of Hull, Iowa, for the second semester. C. V. Williams, A.M. '10, superin tendent of the Nebraska School of Agriculture at Curtis was on the cam pus Friday. "THOSE WHO PAY" THE GREAT BESSIE BARRISCALE SENSATION ORPHEUM MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Bessie Barriscale, a favorite with Lincoln motion picture lovers, has never done better acting in a difficult role than in "Those Who Pay," a Thomas H. Ince special production booked for the Orpheum, Monday mat inee to Wednesday matinee. And, for that matter, the same is true of How ard Hickman, and the remainder of her capable support. The chief defect of most motion pic tures is overacting. If pain or sorrow is to be registered, the wierd grimaces and facial contortions amount to lit tle better than a burlesque, and fail to produce the intended effect. The same may be said of registering other emotions. Only the exceptional actor and tho exceptional director can give that deft touch which makes the mo tion picture a substitute for reality. In "Those Who Pay," Raymond B. West as director, and Charles Stumar as photographer, cooperating with the cast, have succeeded in recording on the film a succession of events in the life of a man and two women the ubiquitous and) eternal triangle In such a beautiful manner as to please the most hypercritical. "Those Who Pay" treats of a phase of modern life not at all unknown to the medieval and ancients where ono woman loves not wisely but too well a married man who yielded to temp tation in a moment of weakness, and where the wronged wife with kind heartedness and tact smoothes out tho difficulties, breaks the triangle, and yet does not precipitate a grewsome tragedy to end it all. Not one of them escapes payment in "Those Who Pay" neither the man who led a double life, nor the wronged wife, nor the girl who without original intent to do wrong caused much sor row to all concerned; but the succes sive steps in this drama-tragedy are taken so naturally, and acted so ex quisitely, as to be without offence to the most sensitive. in "Those Who Pay" there is no at tempt made to condone or gloss over sin, even though the participants are gentlefolk and the action refined. Sin brings its own punishment immuta ble, certain, commensurate but those who pay the penalty frequently in clude some who are only in a remote ivnv in lilnme. The wronced wife suf fers; but her wise handling of the cHitntlnn Ic crowned with lOV. Bessie Barriscale, as the girl more sinned against than sinning, depicts none of the "harpy" or "vampire" ita in n mnment of weakness. where the very elements conspired against them, she and the man (How ard Hickman) fell. She was not blameless but she loved much and tiiprpfnrfi much can be forgiven her. And the wronged wife solved the prob lem through love that genuine love which is divine, which embraces all mankind. r Onnlnpr Sullivan, author of "Those Who Pay," is known to pie lnvprss ns thp. author also Of "CiV' ilization" and "The Zeppelin's Last Raid," both of which were shown at the Orpheum recently. Appropriate Tnnctr. -iciii hp. rendered by the or nTiPiim Pnnpprt Orchestra, under the direction of ProL Arthur J. Babich, and patrons may be sure of as great a treat as they had last week witness Inr "TTip PrJrP nf a Good Time." The t-rrn ntpttirps tpsph snmBwhat different m m V3iSt fas achieybment Twenty five years "ago the General Electric Company was founded. Since then, electricity has sent its thrill through the whole structure of life. Eager to turn wheels, to lift and carry, to banish dark, to gather heat, to hurl voices and thoughts across space, to give the world new tools for its work electricity has bent to man's wilL Throughout this period the General Electric Company has held the great responsibilities, and high ideals of leadership. It has set free thc'spirit ofrcsearch. It has given tangible form to inven tion, in apparatus of infinite precision and gigantic power. . And it has gone forth, co-operating with every industry, to command this unseen . force and fetch it far to serve all people. Dy the achievements which this com pany has already recorded may best be judged the greater ends its future shall attain, the deeper mysteries it yet shall solve in electrifying more and more of the world's work. 710. ! JT i li i-l i f I 'Will III ll.lll IM.11,1 1 1 I II V iiijMjjllliIMin Efap '-JUHSiSHS I mF mm Jmwmm Sft Jmwr IBBBBBIiBBBBBBBBBBi Sold by Exclusively lessons, and end differently; but both made for the social uplift. aqt.