m Daily.. Nebra KAN VOL. XVII, NO. 34. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS .1 olb STDDEHTS STRIKE CLOSE . TO GOAL IN BOND SALE Total Amount Purchased Up to Saturday Night $21,700 GREEKS SUBSCRIBE $12,050 Phi Gamma Delta Leads Fraternities With $2,450 Alpha Phi Leads Sororities as Organizations Although the goal of $25,000, set as the students quota in the second lib erty loan, was missed by $3,300, those in charge are well pleased with the . inn hv ntudAntH in the cam- support . palgn. The reports mrneu m uj n. University Commercial club, on the campus campaign, show as nearly as it Is possible to determine, mm mo total amount subscribed up to the close of the campaign Saturday night was $21,700. nf the total amount reported tra- ternitles and sororities took well over half The final figures ior in-; irv ternities totaled $10,300; thoso of the anrnrttles as organizations, i,iov. Mnre of the sororities bought as or ganizations than did the fraternities but not so many of their members bought individually. The total amount of individual subscriptions, exclusive of fraternitty members was ?6,bOO Phi Gamma Gamma Delta with $2,450 leads in the fraternity subscrip tions. Delta Chi is second with $1,350. Of the sororities Alpha Phi stands first with $500 and Delta Gamma second with $350. Komensky Klub One of the most active departmental societies on the campus in the solicit ing of liberty bond sales has been the Komensky club. Students and alumni of this organization have purchased bonds as follows: Previously reported $ 400 Student Members Blanche Swoboda 100 E. V. Swoboda 400 Antoine Stara 50 Clara Slade 50 Edna Jeppson 50 Alumni Members Chas. H. Breuer 1,300 August Molzer 200 Leo Soukup ; 100 Anton Gruntorad 100 Sarka B. Hrbkova 200 Wm. Pulfrey '. . 50 Anna A. Jeby 50 Total $3,050 Following is the ranking of the (Continued on page four) FOUR-MINUTE MEN HELP IN SECOND LIBERTY LOAN Speak Every Night of Cam paign in 200 Theatres New Chairmen Appointed Prof. M. M. Fogg, Nebraska head of the government's division of four- minute men, was at Seward Saturday evening. He spoke in the theatre on the war and at a meeting of the local branch of Four-Minute Men of which Kegent H. D. Landis, law '01, is chair man. Professor Fogg and Prof. Lawrence dossier were among the U. S. govern ment's Four-Minute Men at the Lin coln theatres Friday evening, the last light of the liberty loan. Professor Fgg spoke at the Orpheum and Pro misor Fossler at the Magnet and the Strand. Ex-Governor Aldrich was at me Hlalto. u.Au the Assembly of the Lincoln High school Friday morning, Profes- w ogg was the speaker. ihe one hundredth Nebraska local chairman of the Nebraska branch of w iour-Minute Men" Division of the a. Committee on Public Informa uon was appointed yesterday by the int b.ector' Prof- M- M Fogg bring- --h, umciai messages to (he people now numbers about 850. J"ri"6 the second liberty loan cam 5?. 8Pke-ejy niht In the Bi CiUe8ln er 175 theatres, last w cha,raen w" appointed Univl!?. AmonS them are several diversity alumni: leri AT' Sator Earl D. Mai Ienr, ex-law 'n. Auburn, Judge Fred G. Hawxby.' '99, SS Cro88ng. C.W. Doty. S2SJ'- W. Llnkhart. HmSS0""' J- w- Vine., "avelock, w. C. Israel. Ion, Harvey w. He88 14 I Herman, Earl C. Burdic. Holdrege, Clarence A. Davis, '12, Harvard, law '15. Minatare, It. O. Chambers. Minden, Charles A. Chappell. Tawnee City, Senator Churles A. Chappell. Plainview, J. W. Blezek, law '05. Ravenna, R. M. Thomson, '98, law '98. Trenton, C. A. Dalzell. Professor Condra Speaks For Food Conservation Dr. E. G., Condra of the geography and conservation department ad dressed a meeting at Omaha Thursday evening in the interest of food con servation. Dr. Condra has been asked by Hon. Gurdon W. Wattles, state food administrator, to address a num ber of such meetings that will be held shortly over the state. The principal object of the meet ing Thursday was to make plans for a registration of the food consumers of the state. An effort will be made to get every consumer in Nebraska to register for a movement to follow out the suggestions of the national food dictator, and especially to adopt a wheatless day and a meatless day, and to prevent waste. Reports were read at the meeting which showed what had already been done along this line by the counties of the state. By means of the registration, Mr. Wattles hopes to make this support universal. UNIVERSITY WOMEN ARE NEGLECTING RED CROSS Local Organization Unable to Satisfy Urgent Demands for Bandages and Kits Although over 400 University girls registered for the Red Cross work which is being done in Nebraska hall Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after noons, under the direction of Mrs. Samuel Waugh of the city Red Cross, only some 200 girls are reporting regu larly for work. There is a lot of work that should be done at once and more girls are needed badly. Last week muslin slings and com press bandages were made. These will be shipped direct to France be fore the holidays. Mrs. A. H. Arm strong of Lincoln, an expert packer, will help with the packing. The boxes will .be lined with waterproof paper and bound with steel binding. They will be shipped to Major G. M. P. Murphy, head of the American Red Cross clearing house at Paris. Another sewing machine has been secured to make the comfort kita which will be sent wherever the Girls' club wishes to send .hem, probably to Fort Snelling. "Isn't the work fascinating?" a girl said as she worked Friday afternoon. "I didn't intend to stay this long, but here I am. I think it is heaps of fun." As the girls work women of the city organization, working with the yirls, tell interesting phases of the war. Mrs. Armstrong told of a trench paper which had been sent to her from Paris by Mrs. Austin, Major Murphy's assistant. The paper is written in French. It was printed in the trenches. Mrs. Armstrong received . a note from Mrs. Austin, congratulating the Lincoln association on the work it has done. It is only rarely that a city association is allowed to ship di rectly to France, but after inspecting the work the Lincoln association did for two years, the national Red Cross surgical department gave them per mission. Mrs. Waugh and Mrs. Armstrong are confident that when University girls realize how important this work is that they will turn out in larger numbers. If every University girl would spend only one hour a week, an immense amount could be accom plished. Mrs. Armstrong said Friday, The University girls should make from 3,000 to 4,000 compress bandages each week." Palladian Society Entertained at Roca Palladian Literary society held a closed meeting Saturday night with Estella Warner, '20, at Roca. Nearly fifty members made the trip, leaving the Temple at 6 o'clock. A Hallowe'en party with Holiowe en refreshments and games furnished en tertainment until time for the return trip. The following toasts were given. Roasts A. C. Krebs. Obituaries Florence Slater. Caricatures Harold Stockman. Anticipations Evelyn Caldwell. STUDENTS AND FACULTY ' TO SUBSCRIBE $15,000 Part of Big Program of Chris tian Association War Work "Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. War Work" was the subject of the talk given by Mr. Tinker, national Y. M. C. A. secretary, to a group of repre sentative University men and women Saturday at 1 o'clock. Me said that $39,000,000 was to be raised by Novem ber 20; fiO per cent to go to prison relief, 20 per cent to national Y. M. C. A. war work, 20 per cent to na tional Y. W. C. A. war work and 10 per cent to the World's Student Chris tian federation. Mr. Tinker stated that among other dangerous tenden cies which we, as a foresighted nation, must avoid are hate, inmorality and coarseness. He then told a story of an 6fllcer who reported that "a mine had exploded and had buried a lot of men. Some were killed, others we dug up and used over again." He told Lof starving prisoners who left the table without eating because they simply could not eat the same dread ful food which was offered to them day after day. "I gave my life to my country but it only took my feet," once a wounded American said. In speaking of the sum of money which was to be ralsedMr. Triker said, "When I talk about heroes I don't ask for pennies." At the meeting which was held Im mediately afterward, $15,000 was 'the share voted that the faculty and the students of the University should take of the $25,000 Nebraska is to raise. Ralph Sturm was elected chairman and Eleanore Fogg, vice-president. The executive committee is as fol lows: Wayne Townsend, Dwight Town send, Ray Cowen, Katharine Hel zer, Valentine Minford, George Driver, Fannie Drake, Katharine Kohl and John Riddell. CQNVOCATION Rev. S. Mills Hayes, pastor of the Lincoln Episcopal church, will dis cuss "The Holy Roman Empire in the Twentieth Century," at 11 o'clock con vocation tomorrow morning in Mem orial hall. Reverend Hayes, upon whom the University conferred the degree of doctor of literature at the commence ment exercises last June, is a man of very high literary attainments. He is a profound student of Greek drama and has written several manuscripts on the subject. Modify Elocution Course The work in Elocution 57, which has formerly been made up entirely of plays, has been modified this semester. The first part of the two hours, before the class separates into groups for re hearsing different plays, is spent eith er in reading "Romeo and Juliet" or in listening to reports made by members of the class. Some very interesting ones have been given already on "The Theatre Prospect in Lincoln," "New York Player," "The Little Theatre Movement" and "Movies in Lincoln this Witer." Constructing Gas Engine Students inlhe machine shops of the department of mechanical engineering have nearly completed building a gas engine that was started by the class last year. When completed, it will be a modern four-horsepower engine of the high-speed type. FACULTY WOMEN WILL ORGANIZE RED CROSS Will Be Given Preliminary Course of Instruction by Helena Redford A Red Cross class for faculty women will be organized this evening. The meeting will be held in Nebraska hall, 202 at 7:10 o'clock. Miss Helena Red ford of the geology department, until recently a Red Cross nurse, will di rect. The object to provide trained helpers for the University Red Cross work which has Just begun. The course will consist of eight les sons at the end of which the women will be competent to captain the tables where the University girls work. Cap tains are badly needed on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. A Bimilar course will be organized for the girls later. Eight girls have al ready registered for such a course. Miss Redford requests tnat an the faculty women be present at this meet- ing if possible and also that they bring pen and paper. She will give some preliminary demonstrations and Instructions. The general organiza tion of the class will be completed. It is advisable that all prospective members attend this meeting but it is imperative that they be present at the second meeting the date of which will be announced later. Further in formation may be obtained from Miss Helena Redford at the Museum, or from Dr. Hyde at the library, room 111. Nellie McKeson Made President of Latin Club Nellie McKeson, .'17, was elected president of the Latin club at a recent meeting. Mary Alice Davey, '17, was elected vice-president; Ruth Sniveley, '17, secretary and treasurer. The following new members were elected: Elizabeth M. Fudge, Alice L. Allen, Caroline Nielson, Irene Brazel ton, Katherlne Gardner, Helen Haber sleben, Ruth Sinclair, Marjorie Bod well, Marjorie Graham, Jean Landale, Esteher Park, Marie Elliott, Genevieve Freeman, Helen Lewis, Anna M. Skow. New Fuel Calorimeter The department of mechanical engi neering has just received a new fuel calorimeter of the latest type. The instrument is used in experiment work in determining the heating values of various coals. FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORE COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED Best and Scott Pick Thirty eight Students Saunders and Collier Head Olympics Committees for the first semester have been announced by the presi dents of the two under classes. Presi dent Russel Best of the sophomore class has appointed eighteen students to act on the three committees, and President Henry Albrecht of the fresh men has selected twenty for the four freshman committees. Kenneth Saunders is chairman of sophomore Olympics, Hiram Studley, chairman of the dance, with Irving Chapin. master of ceremonies, Law rence Shaw, chairman of the athletic committee. The sophomore debating committee will be announced later. For the freshman Olympics, James Collier is chairman; Dudley Scott is chairman of the Hop, with Rich ard Hadley, master of ceremonies; Charles Gillian is chairman of ath letics and Donald Bodwell of debating. The complete list of the committees of both classes follow: SOPHOMORE COMMITTEES Dance Hiram Studley, chairman; Irving Chapin, M. C; Arthur Yort, Byron Stromer, Emma Nielson, Genevieve Loeb, Margaret Dodge. Olympics Kenneth Saunders, chairman; Geo. H. Harvey, Harold Gehart, Charles T. Stretton. Orville Ellebrock, Mike Dally, Haze Main, Carl Peterson. Athletics Lawrence Shaw, chairman; Farley Young, Harold McMahon. FRESHMAN COMMITTEES Hop Dudley Scott, chairman; Richard Hadley, M. C; Mildred Whitehead, Mildred Smith. Nellie Schwab, Kath lyn Hartigan, Eylr Sloniger. Olympics James Collier, chairman; Gerald Pratt, Raymond Crandall, Will Van Arman, F. Swanson, Burks Harley. Athletics Charles Gililan, chairman; Claude Peters, Willard Greene, R. M. Bailey. Debating J Donald Bodwell, chairman; Samuel Brownell. Murry Cohen, a Columbian law stu dent, is now Murray C. Bernays. He Married Helen N. Bernays, August 19, and assumed his wife's name. This was done by legal agreement so that the Bernays family name could be kept alive. Sedlak Leaves Physical Department for Army John Sedlak, assistant to Dr. Clapp In the-physical education department, has left for Chicago where he is to assist in organizing a contingent of Bohemians for service In France. Mr. Sedlak is very prominent among the Bohemian Turners of American. He wU probably be one of the officers 'in this contingent of 25,000 men who will sail in about a month. As yet. Dr. Clapp has not obtained a new assistant. 1 CORNHUSKERS FAIL BEFORE ATTACKS OF WOLVERINES On Muddy Field Nebraska Loses Big Game, 20-0' THREE MICHIGAN STARS Weston, Welman and Froemke Pierce Husker Line for Big Gains Two Place Kicks By Ivan G. Beede Ferry Field, Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 27, 1917. The Michigan Wolverines, playing a brilliant offensive and Bturdy defensive game, defeated Nebraska today, 20 to 0. The Cornhusker offense could not get started, and the ball was in Nebraska territory most of the time. Michigan showed strength in all de partments of the game, including sev eral trick plays which battered Ne braska. Weston, Weiman and Froemke starred for Michigan, while Dobson and McMahon played a good game for Nebraska. The Nebraska stone wall weaken by the loss of Riddell and the crippled condition of other men, was pierced frequently for good gains. The breaks In the game were with Michigan throughout. The first touch down came when Dobson fumbled on Michigan's seventeen-yard line. Froemke picked up the ball, and with excellent interference, raced straight down the field for a touchdown. The second score came after Nebras ka had suffered penalties, which placed the ball well within her own territory. Six more points came from place kicks by Weiman in the third and fourth periods. Field Was Muddy Nebraska and Michigan lined up for their first game since 1911 on a sloppy field. It had drizzled steady all day. The slow field furnished an advantage to the heavy Michigan eleven. The crowd filled the stands slowly. All the seating space was exposed to the steady downpour. The Michigan team appeared at 2:25 o'clock. The Nebraska team came on the field at 2:27 o'clock. As the Nebraska team took their places they were handed the following message sent by The Daily Nebras kan: "The Armbry is filled with students and faculty watching every play. Ne braska spirit and confidence will be with you at every turn of the game. Remember that Nebraska fights. Go to it." Dobson practiced punting. The ball (Continued to Page Four) SECOND UNIVERSITY PARTY SATURDAY Good Entertainment, Refresh ments and Dancing Make Up Evening's Attractions The second All-University party, which will be held Saturday night in the Armory, promises to be one of the most enjoyable and novel events of the school year. The program will begin at 7.30 o'clock and there will be something doing every minute of the evening. Just what the program is to be has not been divulged by the committee as yet. They promise some original stunts, however. The decorations are geing kept secret, too, but it is ru mored they will be "Hollowe'eny." Refreshments will be served dur ing the evening. They also are not being announced as yet, but students who ought to know are talking of brown, sugary doughnuts, cider and maybe pumpkin pie. Dancing will begin when the pro gram is over. J. G. Fowler, who has charge of this part of the program, says the music and floor will be "the best ever." NEBRASKAN FREE TO UNIVERSITY SOLDIERS Believing that Nebraska men actively engaged in the war are just as anxious for news from the campus as their former classmates are for word from them, the man agement of The Nebraskan will send the paper free of charge to every Cornhusker soldier whose address is known. You can help by sending lists of addresses to The Nebraskan, either making them to Station A or telephoning them to the business office, B-2597. It 1 4 J