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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1917)
Daily Nebraskan VOL. XVH, NO. 26. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE CALLED FOR OCTOBER 22 School Representatives to Dis cuss Vacation Question REGENTS TO RECOMMEND Each School to Have One Vote In Deciding Best Way to Help In Husking Emergency In pursuance of the decision reached at the last meeting of the University board of regents to determine the course to be taken by the University in the present "cornhusking" emer: gency, the state superintendent of public instruction and Chancellor Avery have issued a circular to all educational institutions about the state asking them to send at least one representative to the educational conference to be held at the Temple Monday, October 22 at 8 o'clock. The purpose of the conference is to determine in what way each "higher institution of learning" can contribute most to the state in har vesting this year's corn crop. Al though each institution is allowed but one vote at the meeting it Is desired that as many representatives as pos sible will be present since the con ference is not only to decide what plan the University and the other state organizations of instruction adopt in regard to the present emer gency but also to gather as nearly as possible the general opinion of the various educational centers In regard to such movements to help the farm ers along in case a necessity should arises for such during the course -of the following school year. Those institutions which expect to have representatives present at this conference are requested to send a notice and the name of their delegate to the state superintendent in ad vance. Prof. F. A. Wirt, In charge of rarm machinery at Kansas State Agricul turaT colleger "who graduated ft dm the University of Nebraska in 1913, has resigned his position there to take up commercial work with the John Deere Plow company of Kansas City, Missouri. Professor Wirt is very anxious to find a man to take his work, in so much as he must leave there November 1. School of Agriculture at Work. Registration in the school of agricul ture this year is estimated to be about 20 per cent less than last year. Classes began Tuesday. Classes are being organized and election of officers in the freshman and sopho more class will be held at 5 o'clock. COMPLETE ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL FOUR-MINUTE HEN Many Alumni . On Executive Committee Speakers Begin Work Thursday Evening The Lincoln organization of Four Minute Men was completed yester day noon at the Commercial club. Nearly forty members of the execu tive committee and speakers who have been drafted attended. Professor Fogg explained the work and Prof. H. H. Wilson, local chair man, made an address. The follow ing executive committee was ap pointed: H. H. Wilson, '78, chairman: Leonard A. Flansburg, '04, Law '06, secretary; Regent E. P. Brown, '$2, Ex-Mayor C. W. Bryan. Ex-Regent George Coupland, vice-chairman of the state council of defense; Frank D. Eager, Prof. M. M. Fogg, Frank Hall. Regent P. L. Hall. W. E. Hardy, It. M. Joyce, chairman of the state council of defense; Regent J. E. Mil ler, mayor; C. H. Rudge of the ex emption board; J. L. Teeters, of the exemption board, former regent. The following speakers on theatre committee were appointed: Leonard A. Flansburg, Frank D. Eager, Prof. M. M. Fogg, Fred W. Foster and C. L. Rein, '13, Law '15. The speaking In the nine theatres wl tegln Thursday night. Chorus to Have Hallowe'en Party for Saturday Night The University chorus will hold a Hallow'een party In Memorial hall Saturday evening, October 20 at 8 o'clock. There are nearly 150 mem bers at present and they are plan ning to have one of the biggest and best departmental parties of the year. Committees have been appointed to take care of the program and en tertainment and have been working tor some time. Nothing definite, how ever, can' yet be had from them con cerning the results. They ask that every member of the chorus bring 25 cents tq the next rehearsal to help pay the expense. The next meeting of the women Is Wednesday at 5 o'clock and of the men Thurs day at 7. o'clock. Laying of Cornerstone. The corner stone of the new agricultural build ing took place last week without any formalities. It was thought better to do away with the usual formali ties because of the conditions caused by the war. Instead of being a steel structure the building will be of rein forced concrete, this Is because of the high price of steel and will be just as substantial. The plans are all complete and the construction will be pushed ahead with as much speed as possible. The building Is to be com pleted and ready for use next fall. UPPER CLASSES ELECT MINOR SEMESTER OFFICERS Junior3 and Seniors Make Cut In Parties and Expense Juniors to Give Play Elsie Hoberg was elected vice-pres-" ident of the senior class, at a meet ing held yesterday morning; Marion Reeder, treasurer: Milrae Judkins, secretary.- The junior class chose for its officers, Helen Loftman, vice-president; D. V. Stevens, secretary; Wil son Bryans, treasurer, and Harold An derson, sergeant-at-arms. The seniors decided not to have any Prom or formal party this semester, in accordance with the general spirit for minimizing expenses of social af fairs, and they will have but one in formal party the senior hop. The juniors decided to have their Prom as usual and no Informal parties. They intend to economize by dispensing with the dinner and decorations at the Prom. The juniors decided to have their class play this year, as usual, and fol lowing the advice of Dean C. C. Eng berg, who made a short talk before the meeting, resolved to put more class spirit behind the play in order to make it a success financially, as well as so cially, through the efforts of the indi vidual members of the class. Will Attend Synod. Prof. P. K. Slaymaker and Dr. D. E. Leland will be- at Omaha the rest of this week, attending the Presbyterian Synod be ing held there from October 17 to 22. Mrs. R. S. Slaymaker of Kittanning, Penn., came Tuesday- to spend the winter with her son, Prof. P. K. Slaymaker. Special Session for Farm Boys Roys who stay at home to help harvest Nebraska's mammoth corn crop this fall are to be given an op portunity to take a special term of study at the University of Nebraska School of Agriculture, according to an announcement Just made by the principal. The term will begin De cember 3 and will continue without intermission until April 26. the date regular students in the school finish their work. Remilar classes in the school began October 12, three days vacation being allowed at Thanksgiving time, and two weeks at Christmas. The special classes for cornhuskers will proceed without interruption, except for the single holiday .Christmas day. Enough special classes will be opened to per mit the carrying of a full schedule, and students will receive the usual full year credit granted to regular students of the school. Persons who wish to register In this course are requested to write the principal, Uni versity Farm, Lincoln, not later than November 1. if possible. ADA GIBSON, "05, SPEAKS AT VESPERS Miss Ada Gibson, "05, spoke at ves pers Tuesday evening In the Y. W. C A. rooms In the Temple. Hazel Snethen. '19. led the meeting. Mildred Gillilan, '20, and Gertrude Jones gave solos. "The boys are doing their rrt and we should do ours here," said Miss yibson. We should help others in as many ways as possible. Miss Gibson gave the Assyrian in terpretation of. "The Twenty-third Psalm" and "The Lord's Prayer." STUDENT PATRIOTIC LEAGUE TO BE ORGANIZED TONIGHT Every Student Urged To Be Present at Memorial Hall Tonight. Tonight University students will meet at 7:00 o'clock, in Memorial hall, for the purpose of organizing a stu dents' patriotic league to co-operate with the Patriotic league of the fac ulty, in volunteering every possible aid in helping to win the war. Stu dents of every department or college, both alumni and undergraduate, are urged to attend, as the meeting will afford an opportunity for each person to lend whatever assistance he is able, and for all University students to boost the loyalty of the school. The purpose of the organization is to point out a way in which men and women can render actual service, both to the nation and to the University. Prof. F. A. Stuff, chairman of the Patriotic league of the faculty, in con nection with representatives from the various school organizations, is put ing forth every effort to make the stu dents' league democratic. The University Commercial club is taking an active part in organizing and furthering the league, which Is to be formed tonight, and it is-Jioped that individuals, as well as organizations, will turn out with real Nebraska spirit. PERSHING RIFLES ORGANIZE AT MEETING TUESDAY Membership This Year Is By Election - and Only Best Men Are Admitted At a meeting held during the drill hour, Tuesday, the Pershing Rifles or ganized for the coming year. The company is formed . from the best drillers in the regiment, of the city campus, and annually holds competi tive drilling with the Workizer Rifles, a similar organization of the farm campus. For the past two years membership has been open to everyone, but be ginning this year it is again elective, and only those who are drillers of first cass ability are taken in. The election of drill officers for the coming year resulted as follows: Captain, V. C. Graham. First lieutenant, B. F. Rohrbaugh. Second lieutenant, H. IT. Kirsch. First sergeant, P. G. Jones. PROFESSOR MICKEY TELLS OF CONDITIONS AT FUNST0N Says Nebraska Has One of Best Com panies in Camp Men Well Fed and Equipped After hearing a number of rumors of unfavorable conditions at Camp Kunston, Prof. C. E. Mickey, of the applied mechanics department. with a party of six, motored there Saturday and Sunday and investigated condi tions among the Nebraska troops. Professor Mickey made a special point of asking men from different companies and of different ranks about conditions. He found that in every instance the reports were either entirely untrue or at least greatly ex aggerated. There are now enough rifles at the camp for the guard mounts, and the men are drilling with regulation wooden suns. Enough rifles for the entire company will be in soon. All clothes are furnished by the gov ernment. About thirty per cent of the men now have complete uniforms. The rest wear either the "union over alls" or blue overalls and the regula tion shirt. All the men have regular army shoes. The uniforms will be thre soon. The quarters of the men, contrary to reports, are al that could be desired. The buildings are abso lutely -sanitary and comfortable. Boil ers are now installed and steim heat will be in the mains in a week or ten days. The bedding issued the men is sanitary, warm and comfortable. Men Well Fed The party had heard many tales of lack of wholesome food, so they took dinner with the boys Sunday. They say they never ate a dinner that was better cooked or more wholesome, and that there was more than enough to eat. The men themselves say that the repors of favoritism In promotions are unfounded, but that they are promoted according to merit only. Every man talked to was entirely satisfied with the treatment he was receiving, and they were all full of pep. The only complaint was the inconvenience caused by the constant clouds of dust. and sprinklers have been ordered to remedy this. Nebraska Company Best The party found that men from this University form the greater part of the headquarters company, 355th In fantry, N. A. This company is claimed to be the best company in the camp. The company has subscribed for $13,250 worth of Liberty Bonds. They have organized a football team that has won every game played. A large percentage of the men from this com pany will probably receive commis sions within a few days. Extension Department Is Busy. At the present time the extension force has fifty-eight men and women be sides the help that is necessary to keep the machinery moving at head quarters. In the offices of the Exten sion department there are twelve peo ple. They publish several bulletins and have in their equipment what might be classed as a small printery. Prof. H. C. Filley, head of the de partment of Farm management and marketing and Miss Florence Tluma, Home demonstration agent, are con ducting farmers institutes at Davis Creek church today and at Dannebrog tomorrow. SAYS SUCCESS OF WAR HINGES ON LIBERTY LOAN Prof. F. M. Fling Addresses Students and Faculty at Convocation Yesterday "We're here today in connection with the effort to supply the govern ment with money to carry on the war in which we are participants, partici pants to such an extent that the out come of the war depends upon our activity," Dr. Fred Morrow Fling, head of the department of European history, said in his address on "The Significance of the War and Its Re lation to .Liberty Bonds," at convoca tion yesterday. The Patriotic league of the faculty and the University Commercial club had charge of the program. Prof. J. E .Le Rossignol, head of the depart ment of economics and commerce, and Earl - Jeffrey, ..'18, gave -short talks. Prof. P. H. Grummann, direc tor of the school of fine arts, modern German literature, presided. "It is perfectly clear that if the war is not to be a failure it must be forced to a successful issue," Dr. Fling continued. "How is peace pos sible now when that great extent of territory in central Europe is under the control of the Prussian empire? To stop the war now would be to abandon Europe to this egoistic Prus sian conception of the organization of the world society. Premature peace would erect an obstacle to world organization on the basis of justice." Dr. Fling pointed out that since the beginning of the war one great obstacle to world organization has disappeared, the imperialism of Rus sia. Must Have Complete Victory "The only way to make peace pes sible is to whip the German govern ment until it is willing to give up, until it will withdraw from the ter ritory it has conquered by the war," Dr. Fling asserted and the audience applauded. "This sounds as if I were a fighting man," Dr. Fling contin ued." But no one was any more dis appointed than I was when this war broke out." "But I believe that there are some things in this world worth fighting for and worth dying tor. I believe that righteousness needs to be armed. You can talk with people who will meet you in good faith but you can't talk to people who resort to trickery and intrigue. You can never be sure with these sort bf people that they will keep their part of the agree ment even is if an agreement is reached." "We can have peace," Dr. Fling emphasized, "only when Germany has been made to realize that the world is strong enough to keep 'her from getting What she wants. She must be willing to allow a settlement in conference of the difficulties that caused the war. She must be made to recognize the rights of small na tions. Germany must be converted to democracy, to international feder ation, law, the rights of the indi vidual. If we make peace before these are accomplished, the war might just as well have never been fought." Dr. Fling said he believed the greatest crisis of the war would be when Germany would offer to with draw her troops from the territory in the west and yet retain the terrl- (Continued to Page Four) OWEN FRANK LEAVES NEBRASKA AT DRAFT CALL Big Loss to Team in Notre Dame Preparation NEARLY ALL SEATS TAKEN South Omaha Contingent Here With Band for Whole Day Orders 150 Seats Nebraska suffered its second great loss of the season yesterday when Owen Frank, asisstant coach left for his home to prepare to answer the draft call. Frank has been doing great work in scouting this season and was one of the main cogs in the machinery that has been set in mo tion to defeat Notre Dame. He is the only man in the Cornhusker camp who knows how the Catholics work their plays and the only one who could give the Freshmen the proper coaching in working the same plays. Frank's work during the first two days of the week was much In evi dence at last night's practice when the Freshman walked through the varsity using Notre Dame plays for a sixty-yard gain, without a halt. The machinery of the first-year men then got tangled a little and they were held for downs but they came right back on the next few plays and started right back on the next few plays and kept gaining ground. When the varsity took the ball and started back up the field they were met with stiff opposition and had hard time covering the same ground the first-year men went over. The first-year men would be able to give the varsity genuine competi tion if they had more experience. In weight the yearlings have it on the varsity quite a bit. In the Fresh man line are Ross, 266 pounds; Ly man, 204 pounds; White, 194 pounds; Munn, 170 and a guard and center that will weigh between 160 and 170. In the backfield the scrubs have Dale, weighing 205 pounds, and three other men weighing in the neighborhood of 160 pounds. TherMg men on the line and in the backfield are excep tionally active for men of their weight. South Omaha Orders Seats The athletic department are hav ing a hard time providing enough seats for the- Saturday's game. One order was received today for 150 box seats to be held for the exclusive use of a South Omaha contingent. The stock yards will be in Lincoln for the whole day, bringing a band and a crowd of rooters. They will visit the State Farm in the morning and root for Nebraska in the afternoon. CHANCELLOR AVERY AT DEDICATION EXERCISES New Hospital for College of Medicine at Omaha To. Be Formally Opened Today Chancellor Avery will deliver an address at the dedication of the new hospital of the college of medicine at Omaha which will be held otday. The medical college has been grow ing very rapidly during the recent years and is now one of the depart ments of which the University Justly feels proud. The appropriation for this and other new buildings was made by the state legislature at the recommendation of the board of regents. The hospital will furnish treatment for all cases recommended to it by the county board. Other speakers at the dedication will be a member of the board of regents, Fred Hoffmeistey represent- (Continued on page four) NEBRASKAN FREE TO UNIVERSITY SOLDIERS Believing that Nebraska men actively engaged in the war are just as anxious for news from the campus as their former classmates are for word from them, the man agement of The Nebraskan will send the paper free of charge to every Cornhusker soldier whose address is known. You can help by sending lists of addresses to The Nebraskan, either mailing them to Station A or telephoning them to the business office, B-2597.