Dai BRA KAN VOL. XVII, NO. 24. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. MONDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS irannMTY GIRLS TO work Includes G. R. Chatburn. Com' BUILDING PROGRAM IS "At l restaurant todev I saw a waiter dump a half pitcher of cream and part of a square of butter in a cup full of coffee. In Europe he would be shot f r that The toys at the front will do their part if you folks at home wMl do yours and if you could see what I have tseeu you would feel like shooting anyone who wastes food now." HUSKERS HUMBLE HAWKEYES, 47-0 mandant H. L. Roberts, Dr. R. G. Clapp. F. W. Upson, Prof. L. B. Pfeiffer and D. R. Leland. All stu dents, alumni, and faculty members are urged to co-operate in every way possible with the committee, and to help to make their work of cheering and helping the men who have gone, effective. The lyne HAYE RED CROSS CLUB Plan to Have Membership of Five Hundred WILL AID CITY BRANCH HEARING COMPLETION Three New Structures on City Campus, One at Farm Ready in Short Time Nebraska Team Shows Offen sive Power in Second Game To Make Surflical Drst.lr.fl and "Kits" for Soldier in Nebraska Hall 202 -Five hundred girls for Red Cross," is the slogan of the girls' club in rte registration campaign .today. Membership in this University Worn, en's Red Cross club does not mean that there are dues to be paid in money, but that every member go to room 202 Nebraska hall for at least one hour per week and sew under the direction of the city Red Cross association. Sewing will be done on Tuesday, Thursday and Fri day afternoons at first, but if the de mand is great enough, every after noon and even forenoon will be used. These arrangements have been made through the girls' club because many University women have found it was impossible to give much help to the city Red Cross because of its distance from the campus. Girls trill be able to sew between classes now. French surgical dressings, "kits" and any other work needed by the city association, will be made. A sewing machine has been secured. Tables and chairs are being arranged for by the University. First Meeting Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon the first meet ing will be held. Miss Ida Robbins of Lincoln will personally be present and will explain to the girls what is needed of them the most. Girls who have not learned to knit are urged to bring yarn and needles. There will be instructors of knitting to help them. Girls who want to sew or cut out things will find plenty of work awaiting them. The women of the faculty are in cluded in this registration, of course. Sorority chaoerones are registering to help. Mrs. Samuel Waugh, Alpha J Phi chaperone, has helped the girls' I club with its arrangements. j Every girl is asked to bring, if possible, her own scissors and needles for tomorrow, anyhow. Later it is expected that arrangements will be made by which these will be fur nished in the rooms. The girls have been advised to wear aprons. Professor Chase Makes Tests Pro fessor L. W. Chase of the agricul tutal engineering department is test ing out some of the various com pounds as are used by automobile enthusiasts who try to reduce the: price of gasoline. The first com pound the Professor used in his Franklin he had a good deal of suc cess with but in his second experi ment he was not quite so successful. He is doing this at the request of the department of agricultural en-giii-ring. UNIVERSITY TO HELP CHEER LIFE OF SOLDIERS Soldier Committee of Patriotic League Plans Systematic Communication With Men The committee on University sol-i-r of the Patriotic league of the faculty, arranged at its meeting last Friday, to have the faculty members correspond regularly with the soldier boys whom they knew personally, while in school, and requested that all student organizations keep in, close touch with the men who are in the camps, or at the front As oon as possible, they will publish an honor roll of all student soldiers, sailors, and others enlisted for war service. Any one knowing any such nen, is requested to hand their names to any member of the com mittee, or to The Nebraskan, the registrar or to the secretary of the alumni association.. Friends of University soldiers are specially urged ''to see that Christ mas boxes are sent them. Such re membrances will come at a time 'ben they will be more than wel come to men who must spend their Cbristmases away from home, and In a training camp. These boxes should be mailed not later than November 15. Instructions for maHIng may be obtained of postmasters. The committee in charge of thla Sjogren in Engineering Department C. A. Sjogren, ex-'19, has taken charge' of the shop works in the Mechanical engineering department. Sjogren had been employed in the Burlington shops at Havelock before coming here. He succeeds Warren Ichler, who has gone into railway aluation work with the government, and is now located at Kansas City. R. B. Saxon, '18, has taken charge of the tool room in the Mechanical Engineering department. Mrs. J. H. Mackprang visited her daughter, Alfreda, at the Achoth house Wednesday and Thursday of last week. SEVEN NEW STUDENTS IN TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL War Department to Establish Similar Courses in Other Schools of the State Seven more students have been enrolled in the telegraphers' school. Two students will be ready for en listment in the signal corps in about two months. After that, recruits will be turned out of the school steadily. The central war department of Chicago, which has been watching the school here has decided that re sults justify the establishing of sev eral other schools in the smaller col leges and normal schools of the state. These will be run in co-operation with the state council of de fense. Doane already has fourteen students enrolled, and Hastings has ten. Schools will be started immedi ately at Wesleyan and Peru. The method of instruction followed will be the same as that used here. To Work as Draughtsman Orlo A. Powell, '11, M. E., will soon take up his work as draughtsman in the Cush man Motor works of Lincoln. PLAN RALLY FOR FRIDAY EVENING' "Pep" Meeting Will Be Fol- j lowed by Torchlight Parade A big rally in the Armory at dusk net Friday evening, followed by a torchlight parade through the streets of Lincoln, is the plan announced Saturday to put Nebraskans in the proper mood for the defeat of Notre Dame. Evening rallies, when tried, have always been monster affairs at Ne braska, and it is expected that this one will set a record. Members of the -team, the coach, and at least one famous Cornhusker of old will "talk; the band will be on band to lead in "U-U U-N-L" The parade will form east of the Armory and will be headed by the bapd. It will march east and south to O street and will swing down the main thoroughfare with torches blaz ing. It Is planned to. serenade the Note Dame team at its headquar ters, and the Catholic captain may be called upon for a speech. Plenty of illumination will be pro vided by the torches, most of which have already been secured. University girls will form a spe cial feature of the parade. The or ganizing and costuming of the co eds for the occasion is in the hands of the Back Masque. the senior woman's honorary society. Silver Serpents to Have Hike and Wiener Roast Silver Serpent, Junior -girls soci ety, extends an invitation to all Junior girls to attend a hike next Thursday, from 5:30 to 8:00. The girls will meet at the -Y. W. C. A. rooms at the Temple, and hike from there, to the Farm grove, for a wiener roast. The committee is very anxious that all the girls come, who possibly can, as the hike is planned to help the JunJor girls become bet ter acquainted. The former mem bers of Silver Serpent are invited. Kathryn Howey is in charge of the committee. The building program of the Uni versity of Nebraska for 1917-18 is now well under way. The new Bssey building is practically fin ished, the excavation on the Teach ers' college is nearly completed, the work of excavation has commenced on the new Social and Political Science building, and the founda tion is laid on the Agricultural Engi neering building at the farm campus. The contract on the new observatory will probably be let during the month. The present plans of construction are by far the most strenuous the board has yet undertaken. The total cost of the work will greatly sur pass that of any other program car ried out in the past. The new So cial Science building alone will cost nearly one-third of a million dollars. Mr. S. A. Cornell, cleark to the superintendent of instruction, esti mates that within the coming year all buildings now under construction will be completed. The contract on the Social Science building, let to the Assenmacher Co. states that the building will be ready for occupa tion by January 1, 1919. This build ing when completed will be the finest and largest building on the campus. It will front on the west and will be nearly a block long on Twelfth street, running from R to S street. The frontage on R street will cover about one-third of a block. When viewed from above the new building will have the shape of a letter L. When the building is com pleted the departments of phiosophy; social and political science, history and economics will occupy it. Teachers' College Building The new Teachers' college build ing will be located at Fourteenth and S streets. Excavation is nearly fin ished on this building and - the foundation will be in by cold weather, thus facilitating further work during the winter. At the state farm campus the new agricultural engineering building is now well under wqy. The founda tion is already completed and the work is being done on the first floor. This structure will add much to the beauty of the farm campus when it is completed sometime next year. The beautiful new Bessey building is no,w completed, and the work of grading the lawn is nearly done. New cement sidewalks have been laid and the building is being used this year by the departments . of botany and zoology. The new observatory will be located between the present observa tory and the mechanical engineering building. As yet the contract has not been let, but the plans will be quickly carried out once the letting of the contract is settled. IN THE NAME OF LIBERTY SAVE FOOD SAYS AMBULANCE DRIVER BACK FROM VERDUN Washington, Oct. 13 "In the name of Liberty save food." is the mes sage given to the people of this coun try through the National Emergency Food Garden Commission today by Raymond James Whitney, an ambu lance driver from the Verdun front, who went to an Atlantic port to sail for France today. Whitney, whose home is in Bed ford, Indiana, has jutt completed a flying visit home and be stopped in Washington long enough to call upon the National Emergency Food Gar den Commission to ask that the peo ple be again urged to conserve every ounce of food. Whitney is in the American Field Service and U taking back 20 pounds of sugar to Mrs. Van derbilt, so scarce is the lump article over there. He won the War Cross for work at the front. "The declaration of war by Presi dent Wilson." said Whitney, "saved the world from the Kaiser in my opinion, for from my observation of a year and a half in the war's fiercest fighting that was nothing that could possibly have put the 'pep' into the battle front as that did. Men and women kissed us Americans and wept whenever they met us. "Food is the thing and the conser vation department of the American Forestry Association Is doing a great work in its campaign for war gar dens. Keep it up for you will need It next year, too. The Forest Regi ment will do a great work over there for the cleaning up that has to be done in that wrecked country will be a big Job. Test Splice Strength The Material Testing laboratories of the depart ment of applied mechanics conducted a series of tests the past week to determine the relative breaking point of the wire splicing done by the av erage electrician as compared with that of a clamp now on the market, intended to take the place of the old style hand splicing. Teacher at Baylor University O. C. Bradbury, graduate of the zoology department and now teacher or sciences in the Baylor Univer sity at Waco, Texas, writes Dr. Wol cott that he is enjoying his work very much and is making great strides toward a permanent success. TWENTY-FIVE ADDED TO PARTY COMMITTEE Dean Amanda Heppner Ap points "New Members to Aid in Program Twenty-five names have been- added to the general all-university party committee by Dean Amanda Heppner, making the committee membership seventy-five. A meeting will be held this week, at a time announced to morrow. The new members: Faculty, Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond; students, Wini fred Moran. Emma Nielson, Bessie Sherman. Fern Noble, Robert Wen ger. Paul Dobson, Effie Starbach, Evertt Garrison, Russel Best, H. Al brecht, Jean Nelson, D. V. Stephens, Floyd Pegler, Merrill Vanderpool, Ray Cowan, Harry Reed, Genevieve Freeman, Hermine Hatfield, Hedwig Bonekemper, Helen BJorkman. Dor othy Adamson Gwendolyn JDrayton, Genevieve Bechter. Harriet Ander son, Josephine Zrust, and Pearl West. LIBERTY BONDS DISCUSSED AT CONVOCATION TOMORROW Dr. Fred Morrow Fling to Ex plain Importance in Rela tion to the War Dr. Fred Morrow Fling, head of the department of European history, will speak on "The Significance of the War and Its Relation to Liberty Bonds." at convocation tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock in Memorial hall. "We are trying to get the support of the students in this Liberty bond cam paign," Dr. Fling said yesterday, "and in order to do this we will have to explain their importance." The bonds run as low as $50, Dr. Fling said. They receive 4 per cent Interest. Students can borrow the $50, if ned be, at 6 per cent at a cost of Just $1 above the income of the bond. Dr. Fling suggested. It is planned to make this Convo cation' one of the best of the year, since sentiment behind the move ment is strong at the present time. The Patriotic league of the faculty and the Commercial club are doing all that they can to get the stu dent support of the bond sale and the members of the club at their last meeting appointed a committee to co-operate with Dean O. V. P. Stout in the work. It is probable that the band will be out before the meeting and there is some talk of having the cadets there in uniform. It will be one of the biggest patriotic Convocations of the year. Students Enjoy Impromptu Program at Palladian A large number of students en joyed an impromptu program at the regular weekly meeting of Palladian Literary society Friday evening. Readings, fairy tales, trios, instru mental piecea a vocal selection and a debate on a student life question were included in the entertainment. It . was the most interesting meet ing that the society has held this year. Professor Burr Returns Professor W. W. Burr of the agronomy depart ment returned to his work as head of the department after a four weeks vacation in the east. PASSES ARE SUCCESSFUL McMahon, Speedy Halfback, Did Not Get Into Game Kellogg' Springs Unexpected Speed Combining a general bombardment with a fancy aerial attack the Corn huskers captured the second line of trenches barring their way to a 1918 championship Saturday afternoon, when they took the Hawkeyes into camp 47 to 0. The score, though it appears to favor Nebraska, does not tell the tale of the game fight put up by the Iowans in the sec ond half after they had been com pletely outclassed in the first two periods. The feature of the game was the machine-like work of the entire Ne braska eleven. Interference such as has seldom been seen on Nebraska field was in evidence throughout the game with the possible exception of the third period. Holes big enough to allow the entire back field to plow through were made on nearly every line buck. The backfield wobbled a few times on defense but the line was a stonewall. Kellogg was the brightest luminary of the day in that he' showed stuff that but few persons suspected he had in the way of speed. Schellen berg played a better game than on the previous Saturday and was the actual force for ground gaining when ground was badly needed. John Cook played stellar ball for the en tire time that he was in the game and was only taken out after strong objections on his part. One of the most pleasing discoveries of the day was that Dobson in addition to being a punter of exceptional ability and a good defensive player can also take his turn at carrying the ball and can do as well at it as any man in the backfield. Ends Grab Passes In the line Hubka and Rhodes were the players who stood out most prominently and that was chiefly because of' their ability to drag the passes. As one fan was heard to re mark after the game: "That man Hubka just naturally attracts those forward passes." Munn pulled the two most amusing incidents in the game when he blocked two of Iowa's kickoffs before they had gone more than ten yards. One he knocked down, but the other he caught, and was so surprised at having it that he almost forgot to run. but when he started it took half or the Hawkeye team to stop him. Iowa started the game with a whirlwind attack and completely (Continued on page four) FOUR-MINUTE MEN AT YORK IN SIXTY-TWO STATE TOWNS Prof. M. M. Fogg, Head of the Government Publicity Work Appoints New Chairmen In sixty-two Nebraska cities and towns the Four-Minute-Men division of the United States committee on public Information has been organ ized, according to Prof. M. M. Fogg, the sttae director of the work. Fourteen additional chairmen ap pointed last week, including several alumni of the University. The organization of the Lincoln branch will be effected Monday. For the next two weeks the Ne (Continued to Page Four) NEBRASKAN FEEE TO UNIVERSITY SOLDIERS Believing that Nebraska men actively engaged in the war are just as anxious for news from the campus as their former classmates are for word from them, the man agement of The Nebraekan will send the paper free of charge to every Cornhusker soldier whose address is known. Ton can help by sending lists of addresses to The Nebraskan, either mailing them to Station A or telephoning them to the business office, B-2597.