The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1917, Image 1
The Daily Nebra kan UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN, MONDAY,' SEPTEMBER 17, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XVH, NO. 4. SORORITIES FINISH INTENSE RUSHING SEASON WITH A total of 81 pledges were made by sororities this year according to re ports which were obtained Saturday night. Nearly all of the reports are incomplete because of the number of credits which are being held for in vestigation. When tnese are passed the list will probably reach or even exceed the 98 pledges for last year. Alpha Fhi and Tl Beta Fhi are tied for Hist rank in tho number of pledges, each having eleven Chi Omega ranks next with nine pledges and Achoth and Delta Gamma are. tied for the next place with seven each. The average number pledged by each sorority is about six. The freshmen seemed to have everything their' own way in the pledge lists this year. Sixty-five of the eighty-one reported are members of the first year class. Nearly .all are from Nebraska, only four or five reg istering from outside the state. Following is the complete list as received after 6 o'clock Saturday: Achoth Opal Nuss, '20; Maude Robertson, '20, Wymore; Helen New mever, '21, Lyons; Eva Rhoda, '21, Lyons; Ruth Begly. '21, Springfield; Alffeda Macktrange, 20, Cedar Bluffs; CHANCELLOR ASKED TO RECOMMEND MEN FOR CLERKSHIPS AT DEMING Chancellor Avery received a tele gram from the division adjutant at Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico, last week asking him to recommend two or more men for army clerkships at a salary of $1,000 per annum for duty in the statistical section at the 34th division headquarters. A knowl edge of typewriting and stenography is the only requirement which was specified in the telegram. One man has been recommended and others interested are asked to re port at once to Prof. J. E. LeRossig nol, of the school of commerce, or to Prof. V. R- Martin of the same de partment. DEAN ANNOUNCES i CALENDAR Charter Day Scheduled But Will Not be Observed as Holiday HOMECOMING NOVEMBER 10 The calendar of events for 1917-18 .which has just been prepared by Mrs. Mary Graham Hiltner, dean of women, shows the program for the year to be an interesting one. Dean Hiltner asks that all social functions be sched uled as soon as they are decided upon in order that unnecessary con flicts will not arise. The first all-University Mixer this year will be held on September 29, ac cording to the calendar. The first football clash scheduled is that with Wesleyan to be played on the Nebraska field October 6. Oc tober 13, Iowa University meets the Huskers on the local field and the Notre Dame game is scheduled for October 20. The Cornhuskers meet Michigan university at Ann Arbor, October 27. The Missouri game' this year, No vember 10, will be the sixth annual homecoming and on the evening fol , lowing will be the second all-University mixer of the year. The game with Kansas is scheduled for Novem ber 17. Syracuse visits the Husker camp on Thanksgiving day, Novem ber 29. Charter day, February 15, this year will not be a holiday. Ivy day is May 9. Following is a complete calender as scheduled : September 21 Church receptions Closed to all University parties. September 222:30 p.m. Girls' Club party in honor of freshmen girls. September 29 All-University mix er. October 6 Afternoon. Football Nebraska Wesleyan at Lincoln. October 13 Afternoon. Iowa uni versity at Lincoln. October 20 Notre Dame university at Lincoln. October 20 Noon. Girls Football luncheon. , October 27 Michigan university at Ann Arbor. November 10 Missouri university at Lincoln. Sixth Annual home-coming. November 11 Evening. All-University mixer. November 17 Kansas university at Lincoln. (Continued on page five) EIGHTY-ONE PLEDGES Marion Mote, '21, Alliance. Alpha Chi Omega Nellie Schwab, '21, McCook; Helen Holtz. '20, Burly, Id.; Margretta Rouse, '20, Lincoln; Marie Boehmer, '21; Ruth Ryons, '21; Doris Uuckendorf, '21, Norfolk. In complete. Alpha Delta Pi No report. Alpha Omicorn Pi Doris Vallery, 21, Plattsmouth; Doris Hostetter, '21, Douglas; Fayc Curry, '21, David City; Lucile Cropenhoft, '21, Earlington; Lucile Mauck, Lincoln. Incomplete. Alpha Fhi Frances Anderson, '21, Wahoo; Blanche McKee, '21, Auroia; Marjorie Barstow, '21, Lincoln; Myrna Ilenninger, '21; Dorothy Doyle, '21; Rita Sullivan, '21; Ada Stidworthy, '21, Homer; Jeanette Doyle, '21, Gree ley; Leone Mallory, '20, Alliance; Helen Wahl, '21, Omaha; Charlotte Hannah, '21, Wood Lake. Incomplete Alpha Xi Delta Helen Larsen, '21, St. Paul; Marguerite Ehlers, '21, Scribner; Irma Quesner, '21, Howells. Incomplete. Chi Omega Grace McGerr, '21, Falls City; Wilda Arterburn, '21, Lin coln; Mary Ellen O'Donnell, '21, Lin coln; Edith Cash, '21, Lincoln; Mildred (Continued on page five) SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY CAN HANDLE 200 STUDENTS Thirteen Are Now Training for Government Service Work is progressing rapidly in the Government Telegrapher's school re cently established by the University to meet the need of trained operators in the army service. Walter M. Her bert, '17, who has charge of the in struction, says that they have room and tables to accommodate 200 stu dents, and more if necessary. All of the equipment has not yet arrived, however, so that the men will be obliged to use borrowed instruments for a short time. There are now 13 students enrolled and more are expected daily. The students who began at the first of the course are now able to send or receive 5 words per minute. One of the men can send and receive 10 words per minute. Men who enter the govern ment service must be able to send and receive 20 words and when the men in the school have reached this de gree of proficiency they will be sent to Fort Leavenworth, where they will be given advanced training for a per iod of three months, after which they will be sent to the front. The;ignal corps is a mounted serv ice and operators are entered in the company as first class sergeants with a salary of $51 per month. H. F. Peachman, formerly wire chief of the Lincoln telephone and telegraph company, has been added to the staff of assistant instructors. MILITARY TRAINING TO BEGIN AT ONCE Old Men to Meet in Armory at 5 O'clock Nire Companies Will be Formed DEAN STOUT ACTING HEAD The University military season opens tonight at 5 o'clock when all men who have had previous military drill will report in the .Armory. Of ficers will be assigned to their com panies at this time. Nine companies will at present make up the University battalion. The cadets will not be assigned until tomorrow nigh, when' all first year men will report. The list of officers for this year is not available at this time from the commandant's office. It is known however that nearly all of the old men that are Lack will be sure of sub stantial promotions, especially those who drilled during the summer session this year. The military department is at pres ent under the direction of Dean O. V. P. Stout, head of the engineering col lege and major in the engineer's sec tion of the officers reserve corps of the regular army. Cadet Captain E. C. Jefferies, '18, is his assistant. It .Is not known when the new command ant, Capt E. L. Grissel, will arrive, but the Chancellor has received def inite notice of his assignment here and he is expected taany time. Military Meeting All men who have had previous military training are requested by the acting command ant to report in the Armory at 5 o'clock this evening. Assignments to companies will be made at that time. Y. M. C. A. CABINET GIVES DINNER FOR GENERAL SECRETARY BIGGLESTONE The cabinet of the University Y. M. C. A. gave a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Bigglestone, who leave this morning for Fort Omaha, where Mr. Bigglestone has taken a position as relfgious director of the camp Y. M. C. A. Mr. Bigglestone was given a year's leave of absence by the board of di rectors of the Y. M. C. A. at its last meeting. He will be in Omaha for a short time and from there he expects to go to France, where he will engage in Y. M. C. A. war work in the camps at the front. Mr. Bigglestone has had a number of year's experience in Y. M. C. A. work of "all kinds and is go ing to Fort Omaha for experience with conditions in the 'home camps before Isoing abroad. The toast list at the banquet fol lows: Toastmaster, Vaughn Russom, U. U. U. & I. Ray Cowen, Yarns Walter Judd, Money Geo. Driver, Cerensky Will Urbach, Au Revoir II. C. Bigglestone. HUSKERS TAKE FIELD FOR INITIAL WORKOUT Riddell in Uniform Wilder and Kositzky May not be Back This Season BACKFIELD PROSPECT GOOD By Dwight P. Thomas Old man hot weather stepped in Saturday and knocked out all plans for a hard football practice, in the first round, which started at ten o'clock in the morning. All the men who turned out lost more weight than was good for them and some of them actually got thin. The practice in the afternoon was a tame affair of for ward passing and punting. Ted Riddell, stellar right end for the past two years and "side kick" of Captain Shaw, gladdened the heart of Coach Stewart by appearing in uni form at the-morning practice. Ted has been doing the "heavies" through the summer months and is in fine form to start the season. He will be used throughout the season at his old position on the end of the line, this year. News that John Cook, a veteran quarterbacg of two years experience; Sam Kellogg and Ernie Hubka, mem bers of last year's freshman team, would be at the Monday workout was received Saturday. With the return of these three men, all the expected candidates will be in camp and the coach will be able to line up his war riors' in something like battle forma tion. There is still a strong possi bility that Wilder and Kositzky, vet eran guards, will return and take up their old positions. This chance is getting slimmer, however, as the days pass and no word comes from either of the men (Continued on page five) HUSKER CAPTAIN HAS EXCELLENT RECORD Edson Shaw, captain of the Nebras ka football team for the coming sea son, has compiled an athletic record since coming to Nebraska that any one might well be proud of. He has played two seasons of excellent foot ball, his final game of the 1916 season, against Notre Dame, surpassing any thing that has ever been done by a tackle on a Nebraska team. Shaw was slow in getting started his first year and was not counted as having the stuff to make a first string man until after the first game of the 1915 season. From that time on their was no doubt as to who was to play right tackle as long as he cared to occupy the place. In addition to being a football player Shaw holds the Nebraska shot put record at 40 ft. 1 in. J, ..- v v i CHANCELLOR AVERY ADDRESS AT CONVOCATION TOMORROW "The University and the War," will be the subject of the an nual address by Chancellor Sam uel Avery at the first convoca tion of the year in Memorial hall tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. The Daily Nebraskan will con tain the complete text of the ddress and will be .ready for distribution at Station "A" im mediately after convocation. The Chancellor will speak of the effects of the war upon the University and the duty of University students and professors in war time. This an nual address brings one of the larg est audiences that ever gathers at convocation. Preceding the Chancellor Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond, director of music, will play an organ prelude. A number of very interesting and instructive convocations are being planned for the future. Thursday morning will be the first musical con vocation of the year, in charge of Mrs. Raymond. These musical convo cations will be continued throughout EIGHT QUALIFY AT BAND TRYOUTS Dr. Cornell Will Judge Candidates Again at 5 O'clock Today Eight men were picked by Dr. Cor bell, at the band tryouts last Friday, as having the calibre of musical abil ity that would make them good band men. Sixteen men .tried out, all freshmen except one. The eight men chosen and the instruments they play are as follows: Joe Reavis, Paul Martin and Charles Gillilan, clari nets; Ford Harper and Hays Main, cornets; Everette Lanphere, trom bone; Delbert Metzinger and Luther Andrews, French horn. These men were all taken into the band to fill out the sections they rep resent. Practically all of them were admitted on the condition that they would take lessons from a musician in the city. The total membership of the band for the coming year is not known as yet. A large number of men from last year's band have appeared upon the campus in the days of registra tion, and declared their intention of playing this year. Dr. Cornell will accommodate all men who wish to try out that did not try out Friday, at the Temple tonight at five o'clock. The first regular prac tice will be tomorrow night at five in the Temple theater. CHANCELLOR GIVES ANNUAUECEPTION New Students Meet Members of the Faculty in Art Hall Saturday Exening FRESHMEN WELL PLEASED . The freshman class turned out fair ly well to their first party, the recep tion given them by the Chancellor in Art hall Saturday evening. Although the attendance was not so large as last year, it was relatively so, in com parison with the registration for the two years. The first purpose of the reception, to get the freshmen together on com mon meeting ground and promote the making of acquaintances, was admir ably accomplished in the opinion of faculty members present. New stu dents gathered in groups and chatted about their first impressions of Uni versity life with each other and with members of the faculty. An enthusi astic spirit prevailed. Miss Amanda Heppner, the newly appointed dean of women, received the guests and introduced them to Chan cellor and Mrs. Avery. The deans of the colleges and professors in the various departments completed the re ceiving line. GIRLS' CLUB AND Y. W. C. A. HOLD INFORMAL TEA FRIDAY AFTERNOON The University Girls' club and Y. W. C. A. were hostesses at an informal tea Friday afternoon in the Y. W. C. A. rooms at the Temple. 'Dean Amanda Heppner and Miss Fannie Drake received. Valentine Minford. 'IS, and Ruth Welsh. '19, served. TO GIVE ANNUAL the year and students will be given an opportunity to hear a number of the compositions of the masters. Some of these will be rendered by organ, Borne by string trios and some by string quartettes. Chancellor Avery said Saturday that he intended to cooperate with the convocation committee in bring ing to Nebraska some of the best informed men ot the country who w'll be able to elucidate war causes and problems from the standpoint of our government. One of these men. in particular, Prof. Shimek of Iowa, ten tatively promised the Chancellor dur ing the summer to fill a convocation date at Nebraska. Prof. Shimek was exchange teacher at Prague university in Bohemia at the time the war broke out. He spoke the tongue of the people there and is familiar with the common gossip and opinions of all classes at that time. Another interesting series of con vocations will deal with Nebraska his tory. These lectures will be given by prominent men, some of them Uni versity professors and some from over the state. Y. W. C. A. HOLDS FIRST VESPERS YESTERDAY AFTERNOON AT TEMPLE The first of the series of Y. W. C. A. vespers was held in the Y. W. C. A. rooms in the Temple yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock. A large number of freshman girls were present. Miss Fannie Drake, secretary of the association, spoke to the girls on, "What the Year may be to Us." Val entine Minford, '18, presided at the meeting and Florence Lyford, '20, presided. The vespers are held throughout the year and are open to all University girls. " " TOTAL REGISTRATION SHOWS BIG SLUMP Figures at Present Total Less Than Half Those of Last Year FRESHMEN 42'i OF TOTAL A drop of over one-half from the registration figures of last year is shown by the summary prepared by the Registrar. up to the close of the regular period Saturday evening. The total number registered this year for the four days was 1.89S, exclusive of those registered in the college of medicine. The total number regis tered last year in all colleges ex clusive of the college of medicine was 3,950. Only 2S6 students registered Wed nesday this year, 513 completed Thurs day. 514 Friday and 585 Saturday. There will be a number register late but it is not thought that this wi'.l raise the number materially. One of the most interesting facts of the registration is that the num ber of freshmen registered is within short distance of the upperclassmen. Careful estimates are that about SuO freshmen have registered. This is over 42 per cent of the number of juniors, seniors and sophomores com bined. There are an unusually largo num ber of men and women registered in the scientific courses especially in en gineering and agricultural courses. The number of women enrolled in the commercial courses is larger than ever before. Palladian Literary Society Pallad ian Literary society will hold a busi ness meeting in Palladian hall at 12:30 p.m. Important that all mem bers be present. NEBRASKAN FREE TO UNIVERSITY SOLDIERS Believing that Nebraska men actively engaged in the war are just as anxious for news from the campus as their former classmates are for word from them, the man agement of The Nebraskan will send the paper free of charge to every Conihusker soldier whose address is known. You can help by sending lisjs of addresses to The Nebraskan, either mailing them to Station A or telephoning-, them to the business office, B-2597.