i NEBKAfiKAIT A Most Attractive Figure uCrl A corset is so personal so much a part of one's very self that it should be most thought fully selected and fitted by a skillful fitter. Redfern Models enhance figure beauty and correct figure defects. You will appreciate the value of a Redfern Corset, and you will like the beauty of form and exquisite dain tiness of the latest models. $3 up For Sale by MILLER & PAINE Inc. 0 & 13th Streets Keep Carbon Copies of lectures, theses, etc. This can only be done by buying or renting a typewriter. Special rates to students. Phone or call at L C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. LINCOLN, NZBE. RLATTSBURG MADE VTTH THE OVAL BUTTOf-HOLE AND NEW REMFORCEO EOOE. Com 'ion ionars 15 0 EACH 6FOAO0 TED WBT a COU-Afl OO, TROT. M. T So'.d Exclusively by Just now, however, each co-ed should see to it that she is doing everything In her power to make successful the plans already made. Every co-ed should be enrolled in some form of service. Several fields have been thrown open A Red Cross unit has been organized; plots of ground have been given to groups of co-eds for cultivation; inde pendent organizations are preparing materials and supplies for the soldiers in camp and on the battlefield; in these and other ways the girls and VACATION PROFITS Make money this summer selling O-So-Exy Cedar Oil Polish for Automobiles, floors and furniture. Renews luster of paint and var nish, and makes old cars look like new. Easy opening always assured. Demonstration simple. Your profits 66 per cent. O-So-Ery recommended by 18 big auto inobile manufacturers to buyers of theircara. No deposit Deeded. Wri te for our selling plan for College men. O-SO-EZY PRODUCTS CO. Z64-8 Jaffarson At. Datroit, Mich. 11111? ii.ij.j . . . .i u For- rummer CerVoJ.e mrm Im r a-saWs waU b re)' vr P9 3W m famataM saa ssteit. mtk I4 -eke Employment :J; W, OM'tvwr1 ;ttM-r oa.Wt Flip Saarr rat ' "Hi aVO OCWt tWv SXWstfwU arfcs4 tor - 9CSe enice MS Uncus tw. In !i 1 I J i.r . -a v m f Dring m Your List Ui bchool Supplies have all the things you need for school text books, drawing materials, HI tablets and other sup ff fl plies, including the CONKLEM Self -Filler tl J i S r students use. Students ererywhere say this efficient fountain pen means better work and better grades. i7 11 IWxJ Self-Filling Fountain Pen HON-CEAXABl fnsianiaiinnnniafiiui'.inOTiiiaiBiiiiBi I "Here is the Answrfin I i VebsterS i NEV ItdERllAIIOIiAL I Tk Keksuui Worm Eferr Asr la roar talk and readinc. at boose, on the trert ear, in toe oOoe. shop ndaeboot fob likelf question tbe km inr of toot mtm word. A friend asks: What bake mortar harden?" Yom aee the locaUoa o f ads afatriaror tbe preana ciattoa of Jmjmttm. What l start na7 Tbis J.'ew Creatine inwtii ail kinds of qneatMos is Laafiiax.Hitory.Biorrapbr. Fk-Uoo. rmn Words, Trades. Arts aad actrocea. aatta aaat atasrtfi. 40000 War. On vtxoQf hnofc paptr . Ik t ! l.a. itMUSlMl Stacanb II tZ si s f iT . . i r I 2 a. v& misl i tratlaaa. ,JV4 1 an. cnar- 7; i s 1 d ti -1 ' I 54 V'l Cat40000. 2700 Pacaa. k The calf dirticearriritli 'j.f'O" acteriaed aa Geaios. kaaa P a raTlsa: On tbia. opaque, airone. ; India paper. Wbat a aaiav faction toosm tAeJfa Webates- la form ao Ucbt aad eo eoneoieat to ase I Oa ksJf tha Ibk-kaeai aad S wesgiKOT agsar Milton. 1 etc. Koaui 1 women can help bring the war to a successful conclusion. The Pitt Weekly. Ambulances Students of the New York univer sity and Bfllevue Medical college have organized a committee to start a fund for purchasing ten ambulauces to be sent with American troops for foreign service. The amount required will be $15.000. Ex. J Iowa said: "The average soldier in the trenches expect the war to last at least 18 months more. The action of Russia will have a great effect on the duration of the war. The men in the trenches, however, have no doubt as to the outcome. The soldiers are very anxious for Teddy to come over. The average European views Theodore Roosevelt as the birsest man in Amer ica. His presence in the trenches would have a great moral effect on the soldiers. Ex. Wanted Cooks and Ford mechanics are wanted to enlist in the Illinois unit of the American Ambulance service. For those are the only positions left as the men have more than filled the units. Ex. War to Last Sergeant Empey, American and vet eran of the English army in speaking to the students at the University of Vanderbilt The great question in the drill prac tice at Vanderbilt is how the present cuting of drill now that the system has grown old. the tendency has beeu to cut at all times, and of course this demoralizes the companies. We would advise the Vanderbilt authorities to study the Texas system a little while and see if they could not get better results. Ex. Student Council Constitution Of The University Of Nebraska Article I. The name of this organization shall be the Student Council of the University of Nebraska Article II. The purpose of this organization shall be the the relating of all extra-curricula activities to one another and to the University as a whole; the creation of such other expressions of student life as shall supplement those already established; the direction of such other matters of student interest as shall be initiated by or referred to the Student Council. The council shall also act as a student court to in vestigate and make recommendations in such cases of minor discipline as shall be referred to it by the executive dean and the dean of women. Article III. The council shall be composed of the fol lowing representatives: 1. Eleven members apportioned aa follows: a. Six junior men, one each from the colleges of ag riculture, arts and sciences, engineering, law, and pharmacy and one from the school of com merce. b. Four junior women, one each from the colleges of agriculture and arts and sciences, one from the school of fine arts, and one from the teachers college. c. . One man or woman from the graduate college. These eleven representatives shall be nomi nated from the floor at a mass meeting of their own college or school held at a time set by the Student Council, and shall be voted upon by the members of their own college or school at the regular Student Council election, the time of which shall be set by the Student Council. 2. Four seniors two men and two women nominated from the floor at a mass meeting of the senior class class and elected by tbe student body at the regular Student Council election. At the first election for members of the Student Council this number shall be increased to eight seniors four men and four women the additional four members to take the place of those provided for in article 3 following. 3. Four seniors two men and two women nominated and elected by the Student Council from the junior members of that body, to serve during the follow ing year. 4. Tbe sophomores who shall be non-voting members. Tbe highest man and highest woman officer of the freshman class chosen at the second semester class election shall serve in this capacity. Article IV. The regular Student Council election shall be held not earlier than April 1st and not later than May 15th of the year preceding that in which members are to serve. Within these limits the date for election shall be set by the Student Council. Voting shall be by preferential bal lot. Mass meetings for nominations shall be held at least one week before the election. Article V. Candidates to be eligible for election shall be be members of the st-cific school or college and class as de termined by the regular University rulings in such case, and shall have a scholastic average of at least 75 per cent for the preceding semester. Article VI. A meeting of the newly elected Student Council shall be tailed by the outgoing chairman within one meek after the election day. At the establishment of the Student Council tbe Cirst meeting shall be called by the senior receiving the highest number of votes. At this meeting the necessary officers shall tx elected and the organization of the council perfected. A chairman and vicehairman one of whom shall be a man and the other a woman shall be chosen in order to provide a chairman for separate men's and women's section at such times as shall seem expedient. Article MI. Mass meetings of students shall be called by the chairman of the Student Council at the discretion of the council, or cpon the written request of fifty students of the University. Article Mil. Amendments to this constitution or revi sions of it may be presented to student, in mass meeting as sembled. and"upon a majority vote of those present, shall be submitted for adoption to the student body at an election called for that purpose. C. ROY MILLER, For Foot Cohort 0 "Business As Usual" Ej We are making every effort to keep It so. To this end we have l installed the latest labor-saving and efficiency devices. 1 Prospective students and employers are invited to investigate. IJ Several students placed in good positions the past week. P SUMMER SESSION BEGINS JUNE 4 1 Nebraska School of Bnslness fl CApproved by the State Department o Public Instruction.) p T. A. BLAKE9LEE. President. H. F. CARSON, Secretary. si r.AMr n anri 14th fita.. Lincoln. Nebr. tuctent KcfisUr for yur music wrk M THE UNIVESITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Tweasty-Third Tmt Jut oxamniolBf HiMj teacher in all branoliM of mnii to ehoote from. Drtaatls) Art Asstkttlo Dandnf Ask for information WILLAJtD ETT.TBAT.TS Dlroctor Uth and K Cta. Oypoalt tho Campus TP H lie as mm -smi t NOW ON AT n a non?? a I k i W Student Activities Office Y yrrrtrjTmnrimrni.'ii WHtmut aiflpmiTin nmriimmni mi iTJiiii .i It J. J' M'LU. i ""r-Tflilftmrtmn II '!'' ihwH i mr IN OLUS .;; i III !! W!? Um ovUid ahirt aod oodtrdrawera i liWtiht&m otva nrasoct. This meant that the shut r ill'Vdr can't work out of the trousers, that there are no shirt taila to bunch in teat, that the drawers "stay put," to uy nothing ol the comfort and economy of taring a earment. OLU S is coat cut open all the way down closed crotch, closed back. See illustration. For polf, tennis and field wear, we recommend the special attached collar OLUS with rrtnjlar or short sleeves. Extra srres for very tall or stout men. All shirt fabrics, in smart designs, including silks 150 to $10.00. OLUS eaa pUcm PAJAMAS for lounging, resting and comfortable sleep. Made on the same principle as OLlS Shirts coat rut, closed bark. closed crotcb. no striae to tifbtaa ar coos looaa. 91.50 to 0O. Aak raw staalar far OLUS. Iil.tsarns.it Ufai laa.i Ciaaaay, aUaaa. DmLM 119 BraaVs7lX.T. i !!!! mm. I! : 4 if 410 Ganter Building Adjustment of Fallen Arches, re- moral of Corns and tn growing Kalis Phone and the relief of B anions. COMFOUT SHOES B3781 ilii lifts