THE DAILY NEBRASKA .,mri TALIAFERRO A Five Act Metro Play Vaudeville DAE & NEVILLE m a Comedy Epitode Entitled ' "ANY COUPLE THREE LYRES Singing and Talking Newt Weekly Time 2:007:00 9:00 n.tinee-10c Night-15c General Pershing A Born Fighter Class Distinction JESS WILLIAMS' ORCHESTRA L-9783 L7779 par at AM Tlma Orphcum Cafo Ataaatia to UyIXj "SPA" at your Lunehaa at tha City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan HTM AND P SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE PEASE DRUG CO. 1321 0 St. THE ORANGE FRONT Have Your Eyea Examined and Glasses Fitted by DR. MARTIN, Optometrist, Specialist In Eye sight Care. 1234 O Street Opposite Miller A Palna PRINTING THAT PLEASES AT 125 North 12th Street THE UIICOUI GAUDY KITCHEN FOB TEl BEST Uatto, Hon Maxl Caasrfy attflo CrM Cr. 14th awel O Sta. .CLEANING SERVICE You need not have an ex tensive Wardrobe with our prompt service at hand. Phone ua any day if you want garments cleaned and pressed by evening. "We can do it and do it right LINCOLN CLEANING & DYE worms S26 S. 11th Lincoln Neb. LEO SOUKUP, Mgr. The eyea of America are turned to day upon Maj. Gen. John J. Pershing, chosen by President Wilson to com mand the first division of American troops to he sent to France. In the nation's capital old military men are recalling his rapid promotion to his present place as division commander. University faculty members recall General Pershing as a lieutenant sent here by the war department to build up the system of military training. They saw in him, in his work as com mandant of cadets, the same qualities of a true leader of men which caused President Roosevelt to pick him, when only a captain of cavalry, for confir mation as a brigadier general. Easterners are hailing General Per shing as the type of soldier known in American history as the Indian fighter the rugged, vigorous man of the west. There are many stories known to Xebraskans concerning General Per shing's service here. Before he cam a, drill was in many respects of an ele mentary nature, more of a mormality than a system. General Pershing or ganized the cadet companies and paved the way for the introduction of the cadet regiment. He injected into the organization an enthusiasm which has made service in the military depart ment one of the most respected of student activities. Students were not slow in learning to admire this com mandant, and showed their esteem in many ways. The Pershing rifles named in his honor, still remain as a tribute to his leadership. General Pershing's rise has been swift since he was called back into active service. As first lieutenant at taohed to the Tenth cavalry, the crack negro regiment, he earned the name "Black Jack." which has stuck ever t-ince. Following the Spanish-American war. President McKinley gave Captain Pershing a place as head of STUDENT COUNCIL BALLOT FOR ELECTION TOMORROW STUDENT COUNCIL CONSTITUTION If this Constitution meets with your approval, vote for it as a whole. Do not vote either "For as a whole" or "Against as a whole" if you wish to vote against any of the separate articles. Vote (X) For as a whole Against as a whole If it does not meet with your approval, vote tor the sections which Act and apftinst the sections of which vou do not annrove. Ankle I. The name of this organization shall be the Student Council of the University of Nebraska Article II. The purpose of this organization shall be the the relating of all Txtra-curricula activities to one another and to the University as a whole; the creation of such other expressions of ttudent life as shall supplement those already established; the direction of such other matters of student interest as shall be initiated by or referred to the Student Council. The council shall also act as a student court to in vestigate and make recommendations in such cases of minor discipline as shall be referred to it by the executive dean and the dean of women. Article III. The council shall be composed of the fol lowing representatives: 1. Eleven members apportioned as follows: a. Six junior men, one each from the colleges of ag riculture, arts and sciences, engineering, law, and pharmacy and one from the school of com merce, b. Four junior women, one each from the colleges of agriculture and arts and sciences, one from the school of fine arts, and one from the teachers college. c. One man or woman from the graduate college. These eleven representatives shall be nomi nal from the floor at a mass meeting of their own college or school held at a time set by the Student Council, and shall be voted upon by the members of their own college or school at the regular Student Council election, the time of which shall be set by the Student Council. 2. Four seniors two men and two women nominated ' from the floor at a mass meeting of the senior class class and elected by the student body at the regular Student Council election. , At the first election for members of the Student Council this number shall be increased to eight seniors four men and four women the additional four members to take the place of those provided for in article 3 following. 3. Four seniors two men and two women nominated and elected by the Student Council from the Junior members of that body, to serve during the follow ing year. 4. The sophomores who shall be non-voting members. The highest man and highest woman officer of the freshman class chosen at the second semester class election shall serve in this capacity. Article IV. The regular Student Council election shall be held not earlier than April 1st and not later than May 15th of the year preceding that in which members are to serve. Within these limits the date for election shall be set bv the Student Council. Voting shall be by preferential bal lot. Mass meetings for nominations shall be held at least one wf k before the election. Article V. Candidates to be eligible for election shall be be members of the specific school or college and class as de termined bv the regular University rulings in such case, and shall have a scholastic average of at least 75 per cent for the preceding semester. Artich? VI. A meeting of the newly elected Student Council shall be called by the outgoing chairman within one week after the election day. At the establishment of the Student Council the fiirst meeting shall be called by the senior receiving the highest number of votes. At this meeting the necessary officers shall be elected and the organization of the council perfected. A chairman and vice-chairman one of whom shall bo a man and the other a woman shall be chosen In order to provide a chairman for separate men's and women's section at such times as shall seem expedient. Article VII. Mass meetings of students shall be called by the chairman of the Student Council at the discretion of the council, or upon the written request of fifty students of the University. Article VIII. Amendments to this constitution or revi .i ho FrApntl to students in mass meeting as sembled, and upon a majority vote of those present, shall be submitted for adoption to the student body at an election called for that purpose. For Against For Against For Against For Against For Against For Against For Against For the customs and insular in the war department. Captain Pershing chaffed under the monotony of routine work and upon his request was sent back to the Philippines where, after ac quainting himself with the Philippino problem, he took active command of the expedition to subjugate the Moros, a feat which he accomplished In his characteristic, thorough and efficient manner. He was made military gov ernor of Mindanao and the Moros so respected the executive ability of the former Nebraska commandant that they made Mm a datto, or ruler. It is recorded that in his subjugation to this fierce and bloodthirsty tribe only two American lives were lost. He was later recalled to America for cavalry service in the south and west. Whvn serving under Genercl Funston, patrolling the border during the unsettled times of the recent Mex ican trouble, he was put in command of the historic "flying column" sent in pursuit of the bandit Villa. It was while on this expedition that a Brit ish attache after inspecting General Pershing's command called it "the finest body of soldiers of its size in the world." Upon General Funston's death last winter, General Pershing succeeded to the sommand of the southern division. General Pershing is fifty three years old. He was born in Laclede, Linn, county. Mo., and was appointed to West Point in 1SS2, four years later he was graduated as senior cadet cap tain, the highest honors which come to any under-graduate of the military academy. At the Front! tJood style ami pood taste are such import tnt elements in a follow s clothes that ho is prick to recognize thorn. This recognition from thousands of eollojro follows all over the coun try has put . KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES M the very front rank in a nation-wide demand. Especially is this so now when uncertainty be wilders, when values fluctuate, while Kuppon hoimor Clothes retain their same hijrh stand ards in quality and value. As usual $20 $21.50 $23 $35 mm PHARMIC FACULTIES OFFER HELP OF SCHOOLS (Continued from Page 1) The war department has recognized the value of the services that this con ference will be able to render, and in reply to the above letter, expressed the opinion that at least certain parts of the proffered services will be ac cepted. Writing May 16 from the war department, Lieutenant-Colonel H. Fisher of the medical corps says: "The surgeon general directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your let ter of the 1st instant, addressed to the president, tendering the good offices of your conference to the United States, and so far as the army is con cerned to express the appreciation of the department for the same. "The medical department will not hesitate to avail itself of your patriotic offer as occasion therefor arises and expects at an early date to take ad vantage of so much of it as relates to the microscopical and chemical ex amination of drugs purchased." ORPHEUM DRUG STORE OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT A Good Plaoe for Soda Fountain Refreshments after the Theatre and after the Roscwilde dance Stucforits Rofiitcr for your smalt work at THE UNIVESITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Twenty-Third Tmt jtut commencing XXaay taachara in all branches of mnaic to chooea from. Draxaaiie Art Aaathetio Dancing Ak for information WTLLAXD KIMBALL, Director 11th and & Sta, Opposite tha Campus TOE oral THE languorous charm of the Hawaiian native instruments so moving in appeal, so observably in vogue is strikingly characteristic of the Ukulele. Its tone possesses that curiously beautiful timbre, that exotic charm of tonal quality which has made these instruments so sensation ally popular. The Ukulele has a pleasing grace of form. The finer models are made of genuine Hawaiian Koa wood. It is much in request today among the smarter college and other musical organizations. It is easy to leim. Instruction Book. Its price includes an Lycn fcf Htah "Washburn" Ukuleles, $15.00t Lemardi Kunes genuine Hawaiian male, S7.5C; Mauna Loa brand, $4. May It had if 12,000 hading music dealers. Write for name tf the nearest dealer. Hawaiian Steel Guitar Every chord struck upon this typically rep resentative Hawaiian instrument is marked by a weird, plaintive harmony and strangely beautiful qualities of tone. It brings, to any music, qualities full of vivid color and va ried charm. Frier 0b ai4 amrdt, hiriod.iif Strrl ni in d Tan Ttaiablo Sot (tarns, ud Iwtnioio Book. Cat&logi en eff icaiion. 51-67 JACKSON BOULEVARD t CHICAGO " -J l