the DAILY NEBRAtfKAW m ' ' 1 1 I nPMMMHMHMimW ii . r A Most Attractive Figure A corset is so personal so much a part of one's very self that it should be most thought fully selected and fitted by a skillful fitter. Pvedfern Models enhance figure beauty and correct figure defects. You will appreciate the value of a Redfern Corset, and you will like the beauty of form and exquisite dain tiness of the latest models. $3 up For Sale by MILLER & PAINE Inc. 0 & 13th Streets Keep Carbon Copies of lectures, theses, etc. This can only be done by buying or renting a typewriter. Special rates to students. Phone or call at L. C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. LINCOLN, NEBR. k A If r-j PLATTSBURG MADE WITH THE OVAL BUTTON-HOLE AND NEW REINFORCED EDQE. Von Collars THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Three-year course leading to degree of Doctor of Law (J.D.), which, by the Quarter system, may be com pleted in two and one-fourth calendar years. College education required for regular admission, one-year of law being counted toward college degree. Law library of over 42,000 volumes. The Summer Quarter offers special opportunities to students, teachers, and practitioners. 191f 1st term 'June 18-July 25 2d term July 26-Aug. 31 RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE Offers courses In the medical branches leading to the degree of M.D. Detailed announcement will be sent upon applicatiou to the DEAN OF THE LAW SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 160 EACH 6FOR9O0 HUT ED SHOTT A COLL AM CO.. TMOY. M. T. Sold Exclusively by llK ILWJwUi HOT AND COLD DRINKS rjt?I L L E E S Prescription Ii harmacy printing that pleases AT 125 North 12th Street Cornell University Medical College In the city of New York Admits graduates of University of Nebraska presenting the re quired Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Instruction by laboratory meth ods throughout the course. Small sections facilitate per sonal contact of student and instructor. Graduate Courses leading to A. M. and Ph. D., also offered under direction of the Gradu ate School of Cornell Univer sity. Applications for admission are preferably made not later than June. Next session opens Sep tember 26, 1917. For information and catalogue, address THE DEAN. CORNELL UNI VERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE, Box 447 First Ave & 28th St. New York City Venus lO PENCIL No matter what course you're taking, you need this famous 4 J oencil ' ApECAUSE of the D superlative qual ity of material and workmanship. VENUS is admittedly the nnest pencil It is possible to make. If you like a thick soft lead that marks so that you can read the writing half way across the room, choose the soft de grees 6B 5B 4B. For short-hand notes or easy writing 3B 2B B (medium soft) are popular. For sketching, gen eral writing purposes, etc., HB F H 2H (medium) will prove desirable. For drafting, a me dium hard pencil gives the best results and you'll like 3H 4H 5H 61L For very thin, narrow lines for extremely accurate graphical charts, maps, details, etc., 7H 811 911 are available. Look for the distinctive water mark finish on each of the 17 black degrees and bard and medium copying. Your professors will confirm these statements as to the merits of VENUS pencils. For sate at THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE This box of VENUS sam ples free. State the course 7011 are taking si FREE AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 21S Fifth Ave. Dept H H, Nw York WOMAN'S PAGE "WAR BREAD" IS LATEST CONTRIBUTION ECONOMICS DEPT. OFFERS SUB STITUTE FOR COSTLY WHITE Soon to Issue Emergency Bulletin With Recipes Some Good Combinations The Home Economics department will soon issue an emergency bulletin which contains the result of research work done by members of the faculty and worked out in the student labora tories In regard to substitutes for flour in making broead. They have been experimenting with about ten different varieties of bread and the result as a whole have been quite satisfactory. It has already been named "war bread." Some of the substitutes used are: rye and wheat, which is not any more economical but is used because it is so well liked; rye, cornnieal and wheat, a combination found to be very sat- sfoctory; corn flour in combination with wheat; cornmeal in several pro portions; mashed potatoes half and half with wheat flour; rice and flour; graham flour, whole wlvpat and bran combined in several proportions. Test Cost and Food Value ! The actual cost and the caloric value are being carefully estimated and will be compiled in the emergency bulletin. The department is responsible for the idea of the substitution and is prob ably one of the first to apply the well known principles of bread making in a new way. The combination of flour and cornmeal as well as the idea of substituting corn flour is said to be an innovation. The experiments have thus far been tried with compressed yeast, using the "short" method of making bread which is used in the cooking laboratories. By this process, only about two hours are required for making bread but since the majority of women use meth ods which require five or ten hours, the departmen will adapt these recipes to the longer methods. In this way they will be made more practical for the average housekeeper. It is expected that the bulletin will be ready for distribution within ten days. CO-EDS TO DISCUSS - KINDS OF SERVICE MASS MEETING CALLED FOR THURSDAY EVtNING "How can I best serve my country?" the question now foremost in the mind of every truly patriotic American girl, will be answered by Irs. Emma Reed Davison of the University extension service at a meeting for all University girls Thursday evening at the Temple. This movement has been started be cause of a general feeling that advice is needed as to the most efficient and logical way for women to become pro ducers and conservers. Miss Davison recently attended a conference in New Orleans at which experts gave reports concerning the country's supplies along all lines. The whole world realizes that the long stand Germany has taken is due to her internal preparation and great ef ficiency. It remains to be seen whether a democracy can bring about the same result. This, it is believed, depends largely upon those who stay at home and it is up to the girls to start im mediate preparation for their share of the burden. The program Thursday in cludes not only the problem of food conservation, but, all questions con cerning efficiency, production and service. Ethelyne Druse. '19, of Cambridge, has accepted a position at teacher of the sixth grade in the Grand Island public schools. May Youngson, '17, will teach home economics at Edgar next year. Melba Quigley. '17, represented the University of Nebraska at a meeting of the field committee of the Y. W. C. A. at Minneapolis the latter part of last week. Various student questions were discussed at the meeting. Miss Quigley responded to a toast given at a banquet in connection with the meeting. GO-EDS WILL WORK FOR BETTER SPIRIT QUESTION AIRES ANSWERED BY 50 WOMEN COMPLAIN OF LACK OF DEMOCRACY As a result of the investigations of the social and religious life of the University women, the Y. V. C. A. will appoint a freshman commission to work out plans that will help first year women next fall. The answers to the questionaires given by the association to fifty representative University women brought some inter esting attitudes to light. Nebraska college spirit was criticized as undemocratic, even snobbish at times. This criticism was made par ticularly by girls who live in their homes in Lincoln. Out-of-town girls living at rooming or in sorority houses were not so severely critical. Unl sity mixers were commended as one of the most successful means of pro moting democracy. Co-Eds Religious A very large proportion of the girls who answered the questions were members and regular attendants of some church. Without exception those who lived at home reported the same or greater church activity since enter ing the University. A number of stu dents from non Lincoln homes attend another church than the one to which they belong. The reason usually given for this change was that they had friends who made them feel at home in the. church they attend. The majority stated they did not attend Sunday school. In most cases one or two reasons were given, either that they did not wish to attend two services on Sunday morning or that it interfered with their dinner hour. Mose of the girls who answered be longed to the Y. W. C. A. because they felt it worth while. About half of the girls said they gave some time (generally not much) to daily Bible study. About two-thirds were wholly or partly self supporting. "These questionaires were un signed," Miss Fannie Drake, Y. W. C. A. secretary said, "and on the whole they represent frank and sincere stu dent opinions. In addition to definite recommendations the girls have made, much worth-while thinking has been done on the questions by University girls" And Miss Drake told of a girl who she declared voiced the general opinion when she said. "If a ques tionaire would make everyone think you ask all the girls in the University as much as it has me, I'd suggest that to fill one ont." ALUMNAE AND CO-ED NOTES HIKES TO COUNTRY TO COUNT W. A. A. POINTS THE LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN FOB TBI BEST Utaahas, Kama Mad Candy and lea Craam Car. 14th and O St. 18 CmMmCsK Miartara With 50-Cent Purchase So long as they last we will present one of these boxes to every customer buying one SO-cent package of Palmolive Shampoo, Cold Cream or Vanishing Cream, Powder or Rouge, or two 25-cent packages of Palmolive Talcum, Sbaving Stick or Lip-Rouge. Call early or you may be disappointed tbe number of cases is limited. Vou want a full line o( the best toilet articles made, packed la this convenient case. Toilet Goods Section Main Floor. GOLD & C "The Store that Sells the Best for Juajt a Little Less" Alice Purlnton, '08, is head of the de partment 'for patenting toys in the patent office at Washington, D. C. M. Elsie Brugger, '10, is supervisor of the kindergarten training school at Oberlin college. Florence Altem, '11, is teaching in the high school at San Antonio, Tex. Emma Outhouse, '11, Is assistant cataloger In tbe public library at Evansvllle, Ind, Prof. Sarka Hrbkova, head of the department of Slavonic languages, will speak on "Nationalizing the Immi grant" at an open meeting of the Civic league at David City Friday evening. Pearl Anderson, '19, will teach the fourth grade at Ansley next year. University girls are planning to take a number of hikes this spring. The constitution of the W, A. A. provides that twenty-five points credit towards the "N" sweater be given for forty miles hiking each semester. To get credit on the hiking trips the party roust notify Helen Hewitt, hiking sport leader, whowill appoint a leader In the party who is to report to her the distance covered. At least five miles must be traveled for credit The opportunity to get points that will count for eligibility into the W. A. A. as well as on the sweater, is given to every University woman. Thomas Neighbors, '15, of Bridge port visited at the Alpha Tau Omega house Sunday, on his way to Fort Snelllng. F. C. Winshlp. who assisted in the department of economics the first semester, and who since then has been professor of English at Bellevue college, left for the Fort Snelllng camp Saturday. ORPHEUM DRUG STORE OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT A Good Place for Soda Fountain Refreshments after the Theatre and after the Rosewilde dance A 41 Mxi, ii a.: v v..;- . v . , js Ft a j i a .'V 1 ' : 1 . -v I a. I ( ft . t St . K Gordon The college man's shirt. Well made of fine white Oxford. Cut in patterns that assure perfectly comfortable fit It is an ARROW SHIRT CI.UETT. PEA BODY & CO.. Inc., Nakmr. TROY. N. Y. 1 11 hmf? mmffim hj 111 a n i'i 1 an 1 1 1 ! I N OLUS tha outaide shirt and nnHn-rirawm mrm one ffarmcuw Thi. mean, that the fhirt can't work out ot the trouterj, in. are no shirt tailt to bunch in teat, that the d'aweri rtay P"tt to lay nothing of the comfort and economy ji iaving a garment, niiis ;. nrt. odciu all the way uora cloed crotcn. cloied back. See illuttration. For golf, tennit and field wear, we recommend the pecu attached collar OLUS with regular or ihort leeve. Extra ie for very tall or tout men. Ail ahirt fabrics in imart detignt, including ilk-$l.SO t $10.00. k. ...... . . , j - - 1 111 lrthlc tlaf p. OL.US ptt riwiw -"- """ , h rHiorrs-JONrs coarxia. dln um inUnr, T b 1 r t: n 1 1