The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1917, Image 1
Daily NetorasKae I iJKS VOL. XVI. NO. 129. MAMMOTH PARADE IS RALLY FEATURE COMMITTEE OUTLINES PLAN TO HANDLE STUDENT THRONG Student Committee on Tuesday Demonstration Will Meet in U 207 This Morning One of the moBt memorable tilings that students of the' present under graduate body will ever have a chance to takje part in is what the patriotic rally to be held next Tues day morning promises to be as the plans of the committees in charge gradually take shape. The executive committee met yes terday and discussed arrangements and the student committee will meet in in U 207 this morning to suggest new features and to consider those already made. The names of those who have been appointed to serve on the student committee will be found below. All of the members are asked to be present at the meet ing. Dans for handling the throng of students who will take part in the parade, which is conservatively esti mated at well over fifteen hundred, was the most important thing dis cussed by the executive committee yesterday. It was planned by the committee to have the two cadet bands and the cadet regiment in uni form at the head, with the members of the Women's Naval Reserve league and the Red Cross dressed in cos tume, following. Next in order will come the faculty, the alumni, the law college, and the four classes in separate bodies. Alumni to Take Part A rail has been issued by Prof. P. M. Buck, head of the executive (Continued to Page Two) PERSUINGS WIN ANNUAL COMPET RECEIVE 1,269 POINTS TO 1,146 FOR WORKIZERS Drill Held on Farm Athletic Field Skirmish Work Real Teat The Pershing rifles won the an nual competitive drill with the Worker rifles yesterday afternoon. The PershingB - took 1.269 points; the Worklzere 1,146. Being blessed with a bountiful car pet of grass, the State Farm athletic field was chosen for the contest Iq perference to the city athletic arena. After some steadying drill downtown the Pershings pointed their noses to ward the farm campus and arrived there to find the Workizers lined up and ready for business. Inspection, manual of arms, squad, platopn and company movements were fed to the companies which were carefully graded by the judges. Captain Samuel M. Parker, Ser geants Allen. Wirth and Sullivan. The skirmishing proved the real test. The men were rushed and bit the dust by platoons, squads and in full company. The company rush ended the ordeal. Company Rosters Pershings Captain. A. L. Burn- (Continued on naen i - R m$ hmmT aAm Pfi Pfimihlirebr a. LiM yiliiils U UlMy Your MM WUMWlmm 3 FOOTBALL MEN WOULD BE SOLDIERS Ex-Captain Corey, Ex-Captain Halll gan, and Fullback Doyle Apply for Artillery Commissions Three of the big men in Nebraska football in recent years, ex-Captain Halligan of the victorious Cornhusker eleven of 1914, exrCaptain Corey of last year's teifm, and Ray L. Doyle, fullback under both Captain Halli gan and Captain Corey, have applied for commissions in the artillery division of the regular army for service during the prestnt war. If ' commissions are granted the three men, and this seems likely, they will be the first Nebraskans to enter the artillery service of the regular army. Only a few students have attempted to get into the army proper; most of them have applied for commissions in the officers re serve corps. Halligan, Corey and Doyle have all been accorded places in Ne braska's hall of athletic fame. Halli gan was an All-American man in the opinion of many critics and Corey received All-Western honors. Doyle has a valley reputation for strong defensive play, and is In addition an indomitable fighter. WOMEN TO DRIVE AUTOS DURING WAR? College Reserve League Offers Course In Motor Driving to Prepare Members Efficient motor driving is one of the things to be learned by members of the College Women's Reserve league, formed to serve the country in the war. A course, not for be ginners, but those who already know how to run a car, will be offered, with classes meeting at 10 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days at the State Farm. The mechanism of the automobile, Its wbims, and its intricacies, all to furnish those who take the course with a better working knowledge of the machine they drive, is what the course will teach. Those inter ested are asked to get into communi cation with Lula Shade, who will give additional information, and with' whom registration may be made. Bandage Circle Thursday The bandage circle of the league will meet from 2 to 6 o'clock Thurs day afternoon In the basement of the First Congregational church to continue the work started last week. PROF. FLING TO LECTURE ON ART Prof. F. M. Fling, of the depart ment of European history, will give a lecture meant primarily for stu dents in the art gallery this evening on the study and appreciation of art. Professor - Fling will tell students how to appreciate art, how to under stand It, and the requisites of good taste in art. He gives these lectures annually in connection with the exhibit UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, President Wilson's the United "My Fellow Countrymen: "The entrance of our beloved coun try into the grim and terrible war for democracy and human rights which has shaken the world, creates so many problems of national life and action which calls for immediate considera tion and settlement that I hope you will permit me to address you a few words of earnest counsel and appeal with regard to them. "We are rapidly putting our navy upon an effective war tooting and are about to create and equip a great army, but these are the simplest parts of the great task to which we have addressed ourselves. There is not a single selfish element, so far as I can see, in the cause we are fighting for. We are fighting for what we believe and wish to be the rights of mankind and for the future peace and security of the world. To do this great thing worthily and successfully we must de vote ourselves to the service without regard to profit or material advantage and with an energy and intelligence that will rise to "the level of the enter prise itself. We must realize to the full how great the task is and how many things how many kinds and ele ments of capacity and service and self sacrifice it involves. These, then, ara the things we must do and do well, besides fighting the things without mere fighting would be fruitless. "We must supply abundant food for ourselves and for our armies and our seamen not alone but also for a large part of the nations with whom we have now made common cause, in whose support and by whose sides we shall be fighting. "We must supply ships by the hun dreds out of our ship yards, to carry to the other side of the sea, sub marines or no submarines, what will every day be needed there and abun dant material out of our fields and our mines and our factories with which not only to clothe and equip our own forces on land and sea, but also to clothe and support our people for whom the galant fellows under arms can no longer work, to help clothe and equip the armies with which we are co-operating in Europe and to keep ENGINEERS REPORT ON CHICAGO TRIP Description of Plants, With Outline or Organization and Methods, Basis of Work Reports from the fifty-seven senior and Junior engineers who made the annual inspection trip to Chicago are now being submitted to professors of the engineering college. The reports contain descriptions of the different plants visited, in cluding the organization and general methods used in each one. A re port, either of a local trip or of the annual trip is required of each en gineer for graduation. Juniors who made the trip this year will have completed their requirements and will not be compelled to make the trip as seniors next year. According to Prof. J. D. Hoffman of the mechanical engineering depart ment, the reports show that the In spection trip has undoubtedly given the engineers renewed interest and enthusiasm in their work. Address to States On the War the fires going in ships at sea and In the furnaces of hundreds of factories across the sea; steel out of which to make arms and ammunition, both here and there; rails for worn out railways back of the fighting fronts; locomo tives and rolling stock to take the place of those every day going to pieces; mules, horses, cattle for labor and for military service; everything with which the people of England and France and Italy and Russia have usually supplied themselves but can not now afford the men, the materials or the machinery to make. "It is evident to every thinking man that our industries, in farms, in ship yards, in the mines, in the factories, must be made more prolific and more efficient than ever and that they must be more economically managed and better adapted to the particular require ments of our task than they have been; and what I want to say is that the men and the women who devote their thought and their energies to these things will be serving the coun try and conducting the fight for peace and freedom Just as truly and Just as effectually as the men on the battle field or in the trenches. The industrial forces of the country, men and women alike, will be a great national, a great international service army a notable and honored host engaged in the ser vice of the nation and the world, the efficient friends and saviors of free men everywhere. Thousands, nay, hundreds of thousands of men other wise liable to military service will of right and of necessity be excused from that service and assigned to the funda mental, sustaining work of the fields and factories and mines, and they will be as much part of the great patriotic forces of the nation as the men under fire. "I take the liberty therefore of ad dressing this word to the farmers of the country and to all who work on the farms: The supreme need of our own nation and of the nations with which we are co-operating is an abun dance of supplies, and especially of foodstuffs. The importance of an ade- (Continued to Page Three) GALEY SIGNS AS YORK HEAD COACH Will Have Charee of All Athletic. Replaces Earl Hawkins, Ex-Cornhusker Lioren "Joe" Caley, Cornhusker quarterback for the last three sea sons, has signed a contract to coach the York college athletes for next year. He will have charge of all branches of athletics, being head of the department. , Caley will step into the snoes of Earl Hawkins, another Cornhusker. Hawkins made a great record this year, winning the state football cham pionship and turning out a basket ball team second only to Wesleyan among the smaller colleges. With Caley at the head, York should have just as successful a season next fall as she has passed through this year. Caley has been one of the most popular Cornhusker athletes of late years. Hindered by lack of weight and valuable experience when he came to Nebraska four years ago he became by means of. his fighting and boosting characteristics one of the mainstays of the team last fall, 1917. HUSKER NINE GOES TO AMESTOMORROW Will Open Valley Season With Cyclones Thursday May Play Crelghton First The baseball team will leave for Ames tomorrow to play the first Valley game of the season Thursday. It is probable that the start will be made early enough to permit a game with Crelghton university in Omaha tomorrow. An attempt has been made to sched ule games with Warrensburg college at Warrensburg, Mo., for Friday and Saturday afternoons. These games are not certain yet and if they can not be played Crelghton will be taken on those days instead of to morrow. Coach Rutherford has not yet de cided what men will make the trip, but it is fairly certain that a large squad will go, for but few of the men are fixtures on the first team. The result of the Ames game will have a direct effect upon the con ference standing of the Cornhuskers and will give a fair chance of com paring them with the other teams of the Valley. McMillan, Harney, Crandall, Shaw, Pressley and Caley begin to look more and more like mainstays in the field, while among the pitchers, Pickett, Riddell, Reynolds and Ber quist are showing the most effec tiveness. MAY HAVE CLASS . IN RED CROSS Physical Education Department Is Communicating With Authorities In Regard to Special Instruction For the benefit of women in the University who wish to familiarize themselves with the essentials of Red Cross work, a special course in first aid work may be arranged soon by the department of physical education if sufficient demand is shown. The course will be necessarily con densed because of lack of time but J will be equivalent to the first semes- ter course in emergencies by Miss Gittings, and for which one hour's credit is given. The work will include first-aid treatment In case of accidents. Bandaging, nurs ing and the care of the wounded are important phases of the work. Dr. Clapp has written the Red Cross authorities to ascertain what credit will be given by them for work in the course. It is probable that those who complete the course will be admitted to Red Cross work without examination. The course which is given by Miss Gittings is required for all normal training students in physical educa tion and for home economics stu dents. Seventy-four students com pleted the course last semester, and since the course has been given reg ularly for several years there are a number of others in the University who are familiar with it. AH women who are Interested in the course should consult Miss Git tings or Dr. Clapp of the depart- ment of physical education at ence. PRICE FIVE CENTS INTERFRAT COUNCIL FAVORS SOCIAL BAN RECOMMENDS DROPPING RE MAINING SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Pan-Hellenic Dance Proceeds to Go to Patriotic Cause Consider Fraternity Company The interfraternlty council at its meeting yesterday afternoon officially recommended to University fraterni ties as something they could do in the war, the discontinuance of social functions for the remainder of the year, especially formals, and tabood subscription dances, urging fraternity men neither to give nor to patronize them. It was decided to ko ahead with plans for the Pan-Hellenic dance, and to turn over the proceeds of the af fair to the patriotic cause which at that time seemed the most deserving. The dance will be held in the audi torium May 5. War monopolized the meeting of the council, and practically all of the time was devoted to plans for aiding the government in all possible ways. The advisability of raising a company of infantry from fraternity men if volunteers are called for was discussed at length and its forma tion forecasted, although there was no official action. The majority of those present, however, seemed to be in fa vor of the plan. Harvard Men In the War The European call to rams has struck Harvard forcibly. The univer sity has furnished 474 men, of whom 186 are in the hospital coropos, 58 in the British army, 17 in the French army, and the remainder in various activities of the war. Ex. LAST CHANGE AT CORNHUSKER TODAY NO EXTRA COPIES, MANAGE MENT ANNOUNCES Those Who do Not Order Now Will Lose Out on Yearbook, Foster Says. The last chance students will have to get a 1917 Cornhusker will be gone after 5 o'clock today, according to an announcement made by the busi ness management The extra sales campaign closes this afternoon, and the dictum has come from the busi ness office that there will be no ex tra copies ef the yearbook printed for sale with the general distribution. The editorial staff has closed up what is in their opinion the "best ,insides" a University annual has had in several years. Charles M. Frey, editcr-in-chief, plans to leave the latter part of the week for Jef ferson City, Mo., to personally su perintend the proofreading and make-up of the book. The last section to go to press was, as always is the case, the stu dent life department. With a more representative view of intimate campus activity as Its slogan, the editorial staff has gathered not only a larger but what is considered by them a "snappier" collection of stu dent philosophy and observation. NO EXTRAS WILL BE Si-