r H E DAILY NEBRASKAN HOT AND COLD DRINKS FILLERS' RESCRIPTION HARMACY f BRIEF BITS OF NLWS PRINTING THAT PLEASES AT r2p YD V 125 North 12th Street THE LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN FOR THE BEST Lunohs, Horn Mad Candy and lc Cream Cor. 14th and O SU. CLEANING SERVICE You need not liave an ex tensive Wardrobe with our prompt service at hand. Phone us any day if you want garments cleaned and pressedby evening. We can do it and do it right. LINCOLN CLEANING & DYE WORKS 326 S. 11th Lincoln, Neb. LEO SOUKUP, Mgr. Keep Carbon Copies of lectures, tlieses, etc. This can only be done by buying or renting a typewriter. Special rates to students. Phone or call at j L C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. LINCOLN, NEBR. I PLATTSBURG MADE WITH THE OVAL BUTTON-HOLE AND NEW REINFORCED EDGE. Collars ClW.il BHANO AIk.A 15 0 EACH 6 FOR 900 UNITED SHIRT A COLLAR CO.. TROY. N. V. Sold Exclusively by IP PRICED MITrTS WEA' mum N U7TTTVTI 1 Would Have Junior Day Anuis S. Ohaikin, '08. alumni secretary, has re reived a letter from the secretary of the University of Iowa association, asking for plans for an annual Junior day celebration. The letter reads: "The Junior classes of all colleges are contemplating the inauguration of a junior day celebration, the purpose of which is to bring the students of the various colleges closer together. If the students of your University are accustomed to giving programs of this nature, I would appreciate receiving a, description of their activities and any printed programs you may happen to have on file." great deal for the treatment of sore throats. COLLEGE MEN OF TODAY LIVE SANER LIVES THAN THEIR PREDECESSORS DID METAMORPHOSIS IN TREE APPEARS Eucalyptus in University Greenhouse Undergoes Phenomenon of Its Life Growth The phenomenon that usually comes in about the fourth year of the life of the eucalyptus tree has just occurred in the one in the University green house, now In its tenth year. The immature plant is worthless for drug purposes until this change comes, when for the first time, the famous oil of eucalyptus is of medicinal value. The leaves lose with the metamor phosis, their bluish lustre, and become a deep green, very different in ap pearance from the broad, thick leaf of the young plant. The oil of eucalyptus has consider able medicinal value, being used a The attractive figure of the well dressed woman 1 is not the result of chance jej . corseting. It is the result ! of a careful selection of a :d corset that is scientifically i correct in design, and made of selected fabrics Jr 2 and "stays." Hr; i Back Lace Front Lace iff i represent the best in cor setry. They are high class in every detail, and there is really no more economical purchase for the girl or woman who is interested in her appear ance and wishes to pre serve her good figure lines for the years to come. P. fitted tn a rVedfern. :r and learn for yourself how admirable they are. H from Three Dollars Up S For Sale by S MILLER & PAINE Corner 0 & 13th The youth of college age is becom ing too much engulfed in the prac tical affairs of the world, in the ob- servation of some authorities keenly interested in present day education. Others have vouchsafed the opinion that the youth of today is a sordid youth, shrinking' from the adventur ousness of the world and willing to avoid fighting and hard knocks, the struggle of competition, at any price. Either accusation, if proved true, is ominous for the future. The source from which eminated a part of this discussion upon the pro pensities of twentieth century youth is the annual report of President Gra ham, of the University of North Car olina, in which he remarks the rapid disappearance of "college local col or," and the passing of "juvenile brig andage," "College life," to quote President Graham, "has become more open and less protected and less priv ileged, and much more like life on the outside. The sort of ethics that permitted good men in college to do what good men outside never did has been practically discarded." In other words, the college man is no longer a man set apart, but a man standing on his own feet. But in passing be yond the days of wanton conduct and a disregard for the future, critics ob serve, has not the youth lost some thing of value in boyish enthusiasm and spontaneity, in independence? Has not an essential characteristic been displaced by the now prevalent spirit of restraint? Some observers bemoan in this tendency an attempt to place old heads upon young shoulders. In meeting such skeptical criticism it must be made clear that the col lege youth of today has lost none of the heritage of his fathers. He has merely changed his mode of expres sion. He denies himself none of the sentiments of his forebears. The. truth is that he has developed a wider field for the expression of ennobling emo tions, and his frivolous instincts have not been curbed, but have found a natural vent in channels more consid erate of his fellow beings. Youth has realized the obligation of man that his existence Is not Justifiable In Itself, but is Justified only in the welfare of others. The tendency of modern youth toward a more sane and regular life is not a descent to the commonplace, but a step toward the realization of a higher ideal that the welfare of the world can be ad vanced only through the spirit of the fellowship and inter-dependence of uiiinkind. Cornell Daily Sun. Prof. L. W. Chase of the college of agriculture talkvd on concrete silos before the Midwest cement dealers' association in Omaha yesterday. NEBRASKA By Cyril Thompson The New Football One-step Introduced at University Night O Nebraska we're loyal to you, To our colors we're faithful and true, We'll back you to stand 'Gainst the best in the land. For we know Just what Cornhusker pep can do; So come on there, boys, break that line, And let's gain our ground every time, The Jayhawk and the Gopher, too, Are wild to see what they can do, And we'll never disappoint you, Ne braska You've heard the Princeton tiger roar, In EH'b famous bowl, You've shouted: '"Go, Chicago" with the Badger near the goal, You've raised a cry for I II In 1 with the Wolverine at bay, But a greater zest fills every breast, When 'neath the scarlet and cream, That Cornhusker team wins the game for old Nebraskl. Classified Advertising Private tutoring In Rhetoric or economics. F. C. Winship, Box 1162. Sta. "A." 107-8-9-10-11 For rent Three nicely furnished rooms for students. 320 No. 17b. t. L4040 107-89 Lost A bunch of keys. Reward 11 returned to student activities office. 106-7-8 LANGHAM HIGH SCHOOL CLOTHES For Younger Young Men These Clothes represent such a new idea in clothes they are especially designed for you fellows between 15 and 20 that we want to get every High School boy acquainted with them. For the first time you younger men, who have always wanted truly Young Men's Style, will find clothes to fit you, that have all the new style Ideas, that you bo envy in your older brother's clothes. NEW WRINKLES All around belts, yoke 01 C tj 4 O flJOfl backs, vertical pockets O I l V O JtU Daylight Clothing Store Visiting Teams Free Service on Repairs to all Basketball Equipment, Uniforms, Etc. Step to the Phone and Call B6289 or B6389 ARMSTRONG'S Athletic Department TEACHERS WANTED Boards are electing teachers every day for next year. If you are not yet located register at once. We cover all the Central and Western states. Only 3& commission, J1.00 regis tration fee. Commission payable In fall of year. Write today for blanks. TEACHERS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 228 Cedar Rapids Sav. Bk. Bldg. Cedar Rapids, Iowa QuUk ItrvtM Ops at All Tim Orpheum Cafe tpsstsl Attention to Unlvsral Students TOE ukul Lyon isf Healy "Washburn" Ukuleles, $15.00; Leonards Nunes genuine Hawaiian make, $7.50; A fauna Loa brand, $4. May be had of 12,000 leading music dialers. Write for name of the nearest dealer. THE languorous charm of the Hawaiian native instruments so moving in appeal, so observably in vogue is strikingly characteristic of the Ukulele. Its tone possesses that curiously beautiful timbre, that exotic charm of tonal quality which has made these instruments so sensation ally popular. The Ukulele has a pleasing grace of form. The finer models are made of genuine Hawaiian Koa wood. It is much in request today among the smarter college and other musical organizations. It it easy to learn. It price includes an Instruction Book. Hawaiian Steel Guitar Every chord struck upon this typically rep resentative Hawaiian instrument is marked by a weird, plaintive harmony and strangely beautiful qualities of tone. It brings, to any music, qualities full of vivid color and va ried charm. Price tt.00 and apmrfe, ladodint Steel ami Set of Tbre Tbiablca for playing., and Interaction Book. Catalogs tn application. (Bile) LY 51-67 JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO , ,i I j