.HI Mill 111 II rti,-A tt.r .r.--., T B DAILY NSB & AS 2. A V itod February 3, 1917. T. A. Williams, agent student activities. C. ROY MILLER, For Foot Comfort i , Adjustment of Fallen Arches, re- 4 1 Q Ganter movol of Corns and Ingrowing Nails rhone and th relief of Bunions. Building COMFORT SHOES B3781 Deutsche Gesellige Vertln The Dcutescho C.esellige Veroln will meet at the home of Miss Dorothy Pettle, 1919 Prospect street, Thurs day evening, February 8. Oliver Theater t-ri Sat. & Sat. Mat., Feb. 9-10 A Real University Favorite Play DADDY LONG LEGS" ' prlcct, 1.50 to 50c Monday Tuetday Wednesday THREE SHOWS DAILY 2:30 7:15 9:00 5 Acta Western Vaudeville 3 Shows E. MERIAN S CANINE ACTORS In the Funny Play, The Territorials Quartered" BARBER and JACKSON A Man, a Maid and a Piano THE WOODWARDS Juvenile Entertainers FRANK WARD That Somewhat Different Comedian HOWARD & FIELDS With Their Dining Car Minstrels "THE MYSTERIES OF MYRA" Travel Weekly Orpheum Orchestra Matinees 15c Nights 25c Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10 RASKIN'S RUSSIANS 10 Royal Balaika Band "PEARL OF THE ARMY" Episode No. 2 "Found Guilty" Vitagraph Comedy News Weekly and Cartoons CROSS A DORIS "In the Rain" Time 2:00, 7:00 and 9:00 Matinees 10c Nights 15c MAJESTIC Starting Monday, February 5 Three Shows Daily 2 7 9 Program Changes Monday & Thursday Fox Reilly's Famous "GLOBE TROTTERS" 16 Clever People in Special-Staged Musical Tabloid Form Comedies Featuring The Empire Quartette, Har old Pate, Ernest Linwood, Joe Wil liams and a Handsomely Gowned "Whirly-Giriy" Chorus First Half of Week "Oh, You Daddy" Last Half "The Fortune Hunters" With Three Reels of Pictures Thursday Friday Saturday MRS. VERNON CASTLE in "Patria" All Balcony 10c Lower Floor Matinee 15c, Night 25c TL. it: ? f n? Whitebreast Coal & Lumber Co. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 107 N. 11 INNOCENTS FOR STUDENT COUNCIL (Continued from Page One) a representative student body work ing for the good of the University solely, be It "Resolved, that the Innocents society favors and supports a student coun cil; and be It further "Resolved, that a careful study of such Institutions elsewhere and of Ne braska's needs be made, looking to ward the establishment of such an in stitution at Nebraska. (signed) "THE INNOCENTS." UNIVERSITY NOTICES Tegner Picture The Tegner picture for the Corn husker will be taken at Townsend's Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock sharp. Catholic Students Dance One hundred tickets inclusive of all complimentaries have been validated for the Catholic Students club dance to be held in the Lindell hotel Febru ary lfi. 1917. No more tickets will be validated for this dance. Complimen tary list will be published with the financial statement. B. G. llauinan, hairman. T. A. Williams, asent stu dent activities. HOME STUDY a ckJition to reK$e&t K Vork. oflrre mlmo ulrue- tafm liv rnrt riarinifciis in Few cu;Ud in- IMTta C.fC.(In. JJ.Cbam.SL BMt Senior Informal Dance The financial statement of the sen ior informal dance which was given at the Armory Saturday evening. Feb ruary 3, 1917. is as follows: Total receipts, $60.75. Tital expenditures Music, $:'.0; doorkeepers. $11; advertising. $3; total. $"'". Profit, $J4.7o. To le turned over to class. The complimentary lift is as follows: Harold Neff. Audited. fVbruary 1917. T. A. Williams. ,;.cnt Mudent activities. "SPA" Gt your Lunches at ths City Y. M. C A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Qui ok rvlM Opr at All Tims Orpheum Cafe tpeelal Attention te University Students TUCKER-SHEAN Elf-wen TMwty.Tfce O St. Manufacturers of Jewelry of all tin dm. UnlTersUy. Fraternity and Sorority, Rings. Pins and Ata ctic Trophies of all kinds. Orlg nal designs in colors and esti nates fnmiabed free. Expert Watch, Clock, Jewelry And Optical Repairing Local ETE trou bles are In 98 per cent of all cases, caused by eye defect which may bo with my proper made lena. DR. MARTIN Standard Scien- trfic rye examiner. Courtesy always. 1234 0 8t. Opposits Miller Palne's corrected to order Cornhusker Staff The Cornhusker staff is requested to report at the office more regularly. ('. M. Frey. editor. Mathematical Club The monthly meeting of the Math ematical club will be postponed to the third Thursday, falling on February 15, Instead of February 8. All are re quested to reserve that evening as ar rangements have been made for an especially good program. Chorus Registration Registration for chorus is still open. Special attention is called to the pro vision made for students who are tak ing drill, who may practice from 7 until 8 on Monday evenings and from 5 until 6 on Friday afternoons, en titling thein to one hour's credit. Junior Football All junior football men report at j Townsend's Thursday at 11:15 ffor j Cornhusker picture. Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi will meet tonight at the Acacia house at 7:30. Estes Park Conference j AM men who have attended the Y. M. C. A. conference at Estes park I are invited to come to room 9 of the city Y. M. C. A. building at 6:15 Thursday for an informal luncheon and discussion. C. Ivan Winslow. World Polity Club The World Polity club will hold an open meeting and dinner Thursday evening, February S, in the Windsor hotel dining room. C. A. Sorenson, of the legislative reference bureau, will lead a discussion . on "When should a nation go to war?" Those who intend coming should leave their ; name at the desk in the Temple by ! noon Thursday. The dinner will cost 40 cents, adies as well as men are invited. Senior Play Committee Important meeting of senior play committee in Miss Howell's office at o'clock Thursday. Every member rlea?e be present. .1. B. Stoddard, chairman. Baseball and Track Men All baseball and track men who have not had a physical examination during this present ccllepe year should repcrt today for same at Dr. Clapp's olfice. Hr. E. J. Stewart. Subscription Dance Financial statement for the sub.-crip-lion dance, which was held at the I.indell hotel. Fritiay evening. Febru ary 2. 1917. is as follows: Total receipts. $110. Total expenditures Music. $3S; printing. $7.50; rental hall. $15: door keeper. $1.50; total. $C2. Profit. $4S. To be turned over to E. C. Killen. chairman. The complimentary list is as follows: Ed Shaw. II. Andrews. Walt Ludwig. H. Hasty. D. Proudfit. B. Topsey. John Stoddart, Frank Owen. P. Johnson. Harry Gayer. Holly Bowers. Herbert Fountain. Burkes Harley, I. F. Smith. E. C. Killen. Aud- Omicron Nu All Omicron Nu girls are urged to Mee?. at Townsend's studio promptly at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Feb ruary 10. to have their picture taken lor the Cornhusker. University Field Artillery It is proposed to organize immedi ately a retimed of field artillery United States Volunteers, composed of Cniversity of Nebraska alumni, "ac ulty, and students. Enrollment of men will begin at the commandant's office at 9 a. rn. February 7. Keep Carbon Copies of lectures, theses, etc. This can only be done 'jy buying or renting a typewriter. Special rates to students. Phone or call at L C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. LINCOLN. NZBE. ALUMNI NEWS George Galloway. B. Sc.. '11. was on the campus Monday. Galloway is a manufacturer of road graders at Hold rege. Neb. Miss Annis Chaikin. "08. alumni sec retary, states that more alumni have responded to the January' Journal than ever before. Robert M. Lehew. jr.. '14, is college pastor of the Methodist church at Man hattan. Kas. "" DwIght"p!Griswoid. 11, aseibiant cashier of the First National bank at Gordon, has just returned from the Mexican border. He is a member of the Nebraska national guard Victor Petersen. '04, has accepted a position as manager of the Union Warehouse and Supply Co. at Gran Se ville, Idaho. Vincent C. HaskalL 12. attorney and counsellor at law. has opened bis of fices with Amos Thomas. '09, in the Omaha National bank building In Omaha. Study this Picture! Think of the vast number of men who are now engaged in war. Think of a corresnondiog number of men say every able bodied man in the U. S. A. think of them having to be clothed in fresh outfits every few weeks to endure the kind of weather we have been having of late in Nebraska. Think of the demand for warm clothing for woolen clothing. It 's so great that it has caused an alarming shortage of woolen fabric and greatly in creased prices on the available supply. Future prices most certainly will be much higher than now and right now you have the opportunity to get "good clothes" at prices that should strip our clothing cabinets to the last garment. Think it over carefully and you can't help but know that our mid-winter clean-up sale is a mighty important event. And Study This List They're included in our sale regard less of what the future prices will be Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes, Su perior Union Suits, Munsing Union Suits, Yorke Shirts, Everwear Hosiery, Universal Night Garments, Progress Sweaters, Gordon Fur Caps. Wt VI tin a u u a u u y u uu ffiVK- w 1 GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Or UK0LEL THE languorous charm of the Hawaiian native instruments o moving in appeal, so observ ably in vogue is strikingly characteristic of the Ukulele. Its tone possesses thit curiously beautiful timbre, that exotic charm of tonal quality which has made these instruments so sensation ally popular. The Ukulele has a pleasing grace of form. The finer rrrbdels arc made of genuine Hawaiian Koa wood. It is much in request today among the smarter college and other musical organizations. It it easy to learn. It price inc'niirf an Instruction Book. Hawaiian Steel Guitar Err ry chcrd struck upon tlii typically rep resentative Hawaiian inrtrummt ii markrd by a weird, plaintive harmony and strangely beautiful qualities of tone. It brings to any muitc, qualities full of vivid color and va ried charm. Price M 00 mi qmk, inrlwlmf Ir4 lUklW Tkm Tkmbta far tcayiac txd IkUiom IvaA. Catalog! afpluati. M 3 RJ 7 M re V Heab "Washburn" Uiueet, $15.00; Letnardt Kunts genuine Hawaiian make, $7.50; Maun a Laa brand, $4. May be had if 12,000 IuuHr,z music dealers. I Trite for name (f die nearest dealer. 51-67 JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO 'ii ! t