ttflsWttsttstt THE DAILY r A GOOD WATCH IS CHEAP You pay from $25.00 to $75.00 for an overcoat that may wear threo seasons. Why hesitate about paying as much for a watch which will wear a life time? Your Inspection solicited. TUCKER-SHEAN Manufacturing Jewelers and -Opticians Eleven Twenty-Three O Street BOXING AND WRESTLING LESSONS 20 for $3.00 City Y. M. C. A. Copies of OLD PHOTOS FREDERICK MACDONALD 1309 O Street, Room 4 Phone L4022 "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Qulok Service Open at All Times Orpheum Cafe Speolal Attention to University Students SPECIAL PHOTOS FOR XMAS BLAZEK PHOTO STUDIO 1306 O St. Upstairs Terminal Drug Co. FREE AUTO DELIVERY Phone B4366 IT WILL PAY YOU to consult us about your eyes. My advice i s unnreludiced and costs you nothing. W. H. MARTIN, O. D. Optometrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 1234 O St Opposite Miller A Paine's A GOOD CHANCE TO TRY OUR SERVICE When you want a garment thor oughly cleaned and pressed in a hurry, that is when you want to test our superior service. We will call for i-ud deliver 1o suit you any place in the city any time you desire. We do all kinds of altering and repairing. We clean and block hats. We pay postage one way. LINCOLN CLEANING & DYE WORKS 326 S. 11th Lincoln, Neb. LEO SOUKUP, Mgr. n WHAT ABOUT A NEW PAIR OF Shoes They are advancing daily but our prices remain Die samp. See our English Shoes at 4.00 v -w d v h am iii- . f YACHTING BOOMING IN CUBA Amateurs Have Outgrown Smaller Craft and Place Orders for Sev. eral La ger Yachts. With the growing prosperity of Cuba, yachting has developed Into one of the loading sports of wealthy Cubans, and the Ilavima Yacht club races nre now n feature of the sea son. Many of the nninteur yachtsmen feel that they hne outgrown the Bon der type of racing craft, and orders have been placed In this country for several of the larger racing yachts. When these are launched it Is hoped that some of the American yacht own ers may I e Induced to visit Cuba and participate In a series of international races. If the outcome of these races warrants, several of the wealthy Cu ban enthusiasts may combine and challenge for the America's cup with in the nest few years. DEPENDS ON "PULLED DRIVE" Success of Ichiya Kumagee, Japanese Tennis Champion, Uses One of Rarest Strokes. Tennis experts who have been study ing the style of Ichiya Kumagee since the recent victories of the Japanese champion showed him to be a formid able contender for the national title, say that Kumagee's success Is due largely to his use of the "pulled drive," one of the rarest strokes in the game. The stroke, they say, corresponds to the pull In golf. Its effect Is to make the ball spin upon an axis tilt ed away from the player at an angle Ichiya Kumagee. f about 33 degrees. The ball is heav ily cut sideways, upward and outward, and the effect is a wide curve in flight end a very puzzling bound r break after it strikes the ground. It is said that this stroke was suc cessfully used by the late Anthony F. Wilding, the British and Australian champion but it Is virtually unknown in the United States, POSTS ARRANGED FOR COURT Desirable to Have Them Removed When Lawn Is Being Cut or in Winter Good Plan Shown. It Is sometimes desirable to have tennis-court posts arranged to be eas ily removed from the lawn or the court when the grass is being mowed, or dur ing the winter. The method of firing the posts In the ground, as shown In the sketch, makes it convenient to re move the posts and still gives the nec essary stability, writes Edward B. Smith of Waila Walla, Wash, In Pop ular Mecbatics Magazine. A squnrs wooden box, tarred to resist mol:re. is placed in the ground, and ttt post is fitted in'r, it. The upper ed of the Removable Posts. box Is level with the surface, and when the post Is removed a wooden block Is fitted Into the opening. He rn oval of the posts iermits the mow ing of the grass close to them and leaves the place free from obstruc tions when the court Is not In use k r i A- 1 W SLMkL mm AMERICAN ATHLETES 0Ztar joz zooms l our BRILLIANT PERFORMERS American athletes have again shown that they retain their place at the head of track and field si torts by the brilliant performances of the chosen few who crossed to the Scandinavian countries at the Invitation of Sweden. With only five men on the team, four of them selected officially and the other. Ward of Chicago, going locause his fellow citizens thought he de served the trip, the representatives of the United States have won' nearly every event in which they have com peted. In the two days at Oiristiania the Americans were victorious in every event but one, and In that Ted Mere dith was beaten only by a yard by J. Bolin, the Swedish champion, at 8(H) meters. The performances of the men at Stockholm were remarkable when It is taken into consideration that ihey had disembarked from the steamship only a day or two before their first meeting with the Scandinavian cham pions. In the stay of a week before the Stockholm and Christlania meet ings the Americans had a chance Jo train, and the result was apparent, particularly In the cases of Meredith, Loomis and Ward. Lnomis recovered his spring in the high jump and de- COAKLEY IN NEW CONTRACT Veteran Pitcher Signed by Columbia University Has New Duties and Increased Salary. Andy Coakley, veteran pitcher, who has been baseball coach of Columbia university for three years, has sigDed S new long-term contract, with more Coach Andy Coakley. Important duties assigned Lim and more pay attached. De has had great HH-eets with the Columbia baseball teams. Football Called Off. The proposed association football gajnes between Cunadiau and United States elevens, scheduled for Provi dence, B. L, and New York city this aeason, have been postponed udUI next aprl&g : - ' vf - i It ?: J 3 A (& ' VI ' -. .i WIN HONORS ABROAD IN SWEDEN. feated Kullerstr:ml. the Swede, who had beaten him in the iirst meeting. Ward ired his first victory of the tour when he won the 2iH) meters on the opening day at Christiania and Meredith got clos enougli to Boliu at SOO meters to make matters uncom fortable for the man who had easily conquered him a week previous. Bob Simpson, Hie University of Mis souri hurdler, has been invincible in all the competitions over hurdles, and already has placed on the !ooks a new world's mark for 110 meters. Be sides showing his superiority in hurdling, Simpson has acquitted him self well on the flat, and the same may le said of Murray, who has beaten the Scandinavians with great regularity in both hurdle races and at sprinting distances. Lnomis has been victorious In all the short-distance races, and, now that lie has evened up with KullerMrand in the high jump, has es tablished his fipreuiaoy in that de partment of sjtort. The Scandinavians were delighted with the work and sportsmanship of the Americans and promise to send a representative lot of athletes to the United States next year to compete In various tournaments. 10TE5 5P0RTD0M Tale has won the intercollegiate trap shooting championship eight times iq as many years. All of the clubs in the Western Jeogue are said to have made money this year, except seven. According to latest reports, the Dodgers haven't cracked under the strain of having ho much money. Gloomy Gus nays: The man who invented basketball was in uU other reKTects a respectable and decent clU ren. Minneajoa bMlng promoter would give bonust to fighters scoring knock outs. He automatically bars Freddie Welsh. The McGnw who plays tackle for Princeton in not John McOraw of Giant fame. If he were he would be a great k'eker. Miller Huggins Las been given per mission to trade any player on his team. Ue might be tble to ret s few broken bats In exchange. . n the good old days of boring a champion often fought on a "winner take all" basis. Nowadays all a cham pion wants, whether he wins or loses Is everything. Branch Rickey was recently ad mitted to the bar in the state of Mls sosrl because he wishes to establish himself In his life work and get sway from baseball. A fuurlty candidate recently placed la Toramy Murphy's stable at Pough keepsle Is a yearling filly by Main street 2:05. out of Lady Jay ?'13, by Jay McGregor. 2XT7 H Sion pvmttno BI2I7 UTSCH BROS, tfgrs. 117-19 So. I2tk Orpheum Shoe Repair Co. Students' Headquarters for all kinds of Shoe Repairing. WORK CALLED FOR Telephone B-1316 CORNELL PHOTO SUPPLY CO. DEVELOPING, FINISHING AND ENLARGING We color enlargements in Non-Fading Oil Colors at reasonable prices. Films for all Cameras. CHAPIN BROS. mjoJiihSL ...If lOWerS ALL THE TIME Register for your muslo work at THE UN1VESITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Twenty-Third Year just commencing Many teachers in all branches of mnsic to choose from. Dramatic Art Aesthetic Dancing Ask for information WILLAED KIMBALL, Director 11th and B Sts. Opposite the Campus LET A NEBRASKAN WANT D do it for you. Find you employment hire your help for you find that lost article P"t yon In touch with a trade on that motor cycle. Old Book, eta See T. A. Williams, basement A dm. Bide 12 words 10c zC for each additional word. S Insertions 25c I I II mm MM. W M mm 1 If Smoking interferes with your business don't give up either it simply means that you're not smoking the right tobacco. Now, Tuxedo is heavily charged with just the spunk, sparkle and pep you need to fit you to walk right up to your business cares and dispose of 'em like a curly wolf disposes of a lamb. 7h Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Tuxedo is the right brand for the man who wants the full flavor and rich relish of Burlcy leaf and that brisk, quick-step animation you puff through a pipe stem when "Tux" is in the bowL And it's the right brand for the man who wants to smoke oftener than once in a while. Go at far as you like with "Tux" wnoke it all day the original "Tuxedo Process," used only in Tuxedo, takes all the bite and parch out of the leaf and leaves it mild, smooth and pleasant. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glaMine wrapped, " atuiature-proof poucb ... OC Famous greea tin with gold lettering, curved to fit packet Tim HumiJrri, iCe and BOe la GLmai Humiderg, $0e and 90f TS SMttlCSB TOSACCO COMrSST offtlflb vabc AND DELIVERED 211 North 12th Street 248 No. 11th St. Wtamhsai Maracry, tli odefPsias, based mi 9 1 10c tin wry : . ii ii ii j g fjrsnw j mi i