the DAILY nEBSAB& The Daily Nebraskan THE BEST UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD EDITORIAL STAFF Eva Miller Editor-in-Chief George Grimes - : Managing Editor Vivienne Holland Associate Editor Ivan Beede Associate Editor Duight P. Thomas .Sporting Editor Agnes Bartlett Society Editor BUSINESS STAFF Walter Blunk...! Business Manager Homer Carson Assistant Business Manager REPORTORIAL STAFF Jean Burroughs Dorothy English Lenore Noble Ludle Becker C. H. Gribble Gertrude Squires- Roy Bedford Fern Noble Ralph Thorpe John c. Wright Carolyn Reed Richard E. Cook Offices: News, Basement,. University Hall; Business, Basement. Administration Building. Telephones: News, L-4S41; Business. B-2597. Published every day during the college year. Subscription, per semester $1. Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The football gome will start at the Armory, tomorrow afternoon at 2:15. The team and band did not have much encouragement from the students yesterday afternoon. The rally was pitiful, but that was be cause of the 6ign "no rally" posted on the bulletin board, just outside the west entrance of Memorial hall. Convocation yesterday was postponed for a rally, and because no speakers could be secured for 11 o'clock the rally was postponed until 3:40. Then, instead of having the sign read "no convocation" as it should have done, it was "no rally," which gave the impression that there would not be one at all. There is no wonder that only twenty women and sixty men were in the east end of the gymnasium to wish the team luck. It is plainly evident that the person responsible for the signs on the bulletin board misunderstood the facts. But all that is past. The thing to do now is to make that team feel, from this minute on. that we are with them, wanting them to win, that we believe in them, that we are backing them, whatever the results of the game are. They are In good form. They are going to meet a good team on their home field, on the Iowa homecoming day. And the fact that it is Iowa homecoming, with all of the alumni there pulling for their team, backing them and cheering for them, that fact alone can, as we all know, do wonders in winning the game for Iowa, But Nebraskans can do as much for their team. And whether the team comes home victorious or beaten we will be proud of it and know that it did its best. "The convocation program Tuesday will be a Thanksgiving pro gram. The chorus will sing a Thanksgiving anthem, 'Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.' " This was the notice sent in last night Now, a musical Thanksgiving program may be all right at certain times, but on the last day of school before the biggest game of the year, the one with Notre Dame on Thursday, a big football rally would be far more helpful in winning the game. We need pep. Everyone admits it. We have a quantity now, but that quantity has possibilities of being increased by ten. There is only one hour, the convocation hour, Tuesday, when there are no classes. That is at 11 o'clock. FORUM BRIEF BITS OF NLWS Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 22. 1916. Editor Nebraskan: Mr. I). J. Haykin. in commenting on Slav suffixes, makes this state ment in yesterday's Nebraskan: "The RuKfian equivalent of Paul is Pavl, not Pavel." Why, then, do Rus sian encyclopedias and dictionaries make no mention whatever of "Pavl," hut instead give several columns of "Pavels," among thfm several czars of RusHia as well as universally known characters from the apostle Paul down to the present time? Russian grammarians and language scholars are the beat and most reli able authorities on such deminine suf fixes as "ova," "ovna," "evna." "ithna," t-tc.. as exemplified in common names hke "Pavlova." "Ivanovna." "Andrey-t-vna," etc. Mr. Hakin can find use ful and enlightening information along this line on page 58, article 43, of P. Pmirnovsky's Etymological Grammar of the Russian Language, also on page 12. note 9 and UB. 2'0-261 of Boyer and Speranskiy Grammar (Notes on Patronymics) : and like wise on page 79 of Motti's Grammar. JOSEF PEKAR. Sue McDougal, a Junior here this year, has been elected to teach the third grade in the Coiad public schools. Dean Charles Fordyee will spend this afternoon in the Fremont public schools studying the methods and at ' the close' of the afternoon will address ' the teachers on "The Methods of Measuring Teaching Efficiency." Dr. Nicol. in charge of the educa tional work of the Presbyterian church in Syria, will address the medical students this morning at 11 o'clock in N. 3 on "The Medical Prob lems in Syria." At 5 o'clock. In N. 2, he will talk to the pharmacy students on their problems. JOIN OUR SAVINGS CLUB You'll bave your Xmas gifts all paid for In time. 10 per cent paid on deposits. MWLfc UNI JEWELER Established 1871 1143 O St According to reports received by the department of animal pathology there has already been considerable loss of cattle in cornstalk fields, which would indicate a larger loss from this trouble this season than usual. There is no system of feeding while cattle are in the stalks that will pro tect them against this disease. The only sure method of prevention is to keep the cattle out of such fields. C. C. Tippets, ex. '18, is now ma chinist repair man with the Dodge Bros. Motor company of Detroit, Mich. Meal tickets $5.50 for 14-50. Newbert Cafe, 137 No. 12th St. Classified Advertising Lost On or near Uni Campus $20 In bills. A. W. Walker, 1229 N street Reward. ' 621 Let's Show Them That WE CAN Do It By a Real Live THE DAYS GONE BY Eight Years Ago Today The Cornhuskers defeated the Has kell Indians 10 to 0 under very ad verse circumstances, since the field was almost covered by water and the team was in poor condition. Governor Sheldon entertained the University Republican club at the governor's mansion. Five Years Ago Today A monster Cornhusker rally was held in the Armory to work up en thusiasm for the Michigan game. All classes were dismissed and both teams were present to be praised and compared by their respective coaches. 15) IfU : The Colburn players gave the con I vocation program, telling the history of their troupe. The chorus sang "The Song of the Vikings." (ft A AT RTft) fol Reserve eat Your S At Once ! South Bleacher IB) o) The cross-country team left for Iowa City to represent Nebraska among thirteen other states. Many students started home. A Year Ago Today The seniors beat the juniors 13 to 6 in a hard fought game of football. The junior team, with Ralph Lahr as captain, excelled in forward passes and trick plays. Governor Morehead read the Thanksgiving proclamation at convo cation. The chorus gave' a program of special Thanksgiving songs. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Lutheran Students The University Lutheran Students' club meets Saturday evening at 8 o'clock sharp in Faculty hall. Bring a visitor. Attention Coyotes All South Dakota students are re quested to meet in the Y. W. C. A. room at the Temple, Saturday, No vember 25, at 7:30 p. m., to organize a South Dakota club. Freshman Football The freshmen class team will prac tice at 4 o'clock today. Meet at Jim Best's office. Everybody out. Chorus Rehearsal The' chorus rehearsal will be held today in the Armory instead of Art ball. The chorus will be accompanied by the organ. Are You a Twin? All twins are asked to meet in room 102 of University hall today at 3:45, to organize a "Twin's club." Student Volunteers There will be a Volunteer meeting Sunday, November 26, from 5 to 6 p. m., in Faculty hall. Oliver Men's Meeting A. A. Hyde, the Mentholatum king, of Wichita, Kas., will speak on "The Christian Business Men's Obligation," and Dr. J. A. Marquis, president of Coe college, on "The Church and the Young Man Today," at the Oliver men's meeting Sunday afternoon, No vember 26. The doors w ill open at 3:15 p. ro. Union Society A Thanksgiving program will be given by the Union Literary society, Friday evening. Visitors are welcome. German Dramatic Club The pins of the German Dramatic club have arrived. F. Rabe will be in the German office, U. 108, between 12 and 1 today to meet the members who bave ordered pins. Those members that find it incon venient to be there at this time are asked to make arrangements with Mr. Rabe, phone F1862. President STUDENT'S PHOTOS AT BLAZEK'8 From 75c to $20 per dozen, 1306 O St IT WILL PAY YOU to consult os about your eyes. My advice I s unprejudiced and costs you nothing. W. H. MARTIN, O. D. Optometrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 1234 O St Opposite Miller A Paint's FOOTBALL NEBRASKA vs. IOWA At IOWA CITY NOVEMBER 25th .SPECIAL TRAIN On the ROCK ISLAND Leaves Lincoln 11:30 p. ra., November 24. Go and help Ne braska win this game. ' Sleeper reservations now being made. First come gets choice of accommodations. Reservations not claimed and paid for by 2 p. m. Friday will be sold. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1141 0 St. Phone B4304 How About Those College Men in Europe ? If you are interested in giving them a lift, and make things a little easier for them, cut out this form, fill in the blanks and leave it at the Student Activities Office or the "Rag" office: Fund for the Students and their Comrades in the Prison Camps of Warring Europe In consideration of the gifts of other American stu dents for the relief of students and their comrades in the Prison Camps of "Warring Europe, I promise to pay the sum of. Dollars by December 8tb. NAME ADDRESS Papable to W. C. BLUNK, Student Activities Office, University of Nebraska. Don't let Nebraska be a back number in lending a hand to those who need it most. "A boost by EVERYONE makes a big job look small." CORNELL PHOTO SUPPLY CO. DEVELOPING, FINISHING AND ENLARGING We color enlargements in Non-Fading Oil Colors at reasonable prices. Films for all Cameras. 248 No. 11th St. Jllpl H Sign of Tbiob (Brabe (printing BI2I7 UTSCH BROS, Mgrs. 117-19 So. 12(1 tuctomt Register for your musie work at THE UNIVESITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Twenty-Third Year Just commencing Many teachers in all branches of music to choose from. Dramatic Art Aesthetic Dancing Ask for information WDLLARD KTWBAT.L, Director 11th and REts. . Opposite the Campus