The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1916, Image 1

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    Thie Daily
VOL. XVI. NO. 47.
Committee to Organize for Campaign
Daily Nebraskan Office
Takes Subscriptions
Nebraska University lias pledged
l(i.unn to help relieve tlie 5.5"U"'i
men heM in the prison camps of
The pledge was made by a commit
tee of fifty representative students,
after they heard Y. H. Tinker, inter
national Y. M. C. A. secretary for
state universities, tell about the con
dition of some of these ruen.
Tinker told the truth about the pri
on camps. Six million men. upon
whom tne future of Europe and in
a large measure 01 me cmiiea oriu
will rest after the war. crowded into
quarters where they are allowed just
the scientific amount of space in
which life can be sustained, given
just the scientific amount of food to
keep alive with spirit while the flesh
iihnost gives way; clothed with just
enough clothes to keep the body
from freezing.
Tinker spoke at a special con voca
tion at 5 o'clock in the Armory, which
everv cadet, and several hundred
other students and co-eds attended.
Some of the facts that he brought
out were these:
A Few Facts
Three million, five hundred thou-iniJ -every faculty member of the
sand ni n have been killed in Ku- J I niversity.
roje; are under arms to-J 11 is the biggest thing that Nebras
day; c.O"0.OiMi have been seriously j ka ever undertaken,
wounded or in hosniti-ls: 5.500."'"' are General Committee
rn prison camps.
Three battalions of McGill college
men. starting out to the war togeth
er, have been absolutely annihilated
every one of them is gone. The
fraternity houses in Montreal, instead
of being us-d for piano and card play
ing, are hospitals for the wounded
from the fields there is not r-xmi
enough for them in Europe.
The average life of the engineer on
the army front is said to be twenty
three days.
The college men of Kngland. France.
Germany. Austria, Italy and Russia
were almost the first to enlist, and
from the very' start have borne their
share and more of the fighting.
Fund of $150,000,000
It is proposed to raise a fund of
it least $130,000,000 for the help of
the men in 100 prison camps of Si
beria, Russia, Germany. Austria. Eng
land. France and Italy. Of this amount
$150,000 is to come this year from
the American universities.
Nebraska University, tb center of !
the wealthiest state in the union, is j
to contribute $10,000 of this sura, i
Every cent of the money contrib-j
uted will go to Europe, to supply
food, clothing, diversion for the men j
whose lives are being crushed by
the hopelessness of their position. I
The committee organized last night!
for the campaign by electing A. J. i
'overt, lieutenant colonel of the cadet
regimes, general chairman. Louise
C-o-. president of the Cirls flub, was
elected secretary, and Walter Blunk.
Coach Olcott Said to Be Figurirg on
Carrying Away the Victory by
The varkitr and freshmen nnieJi,arY? a touchdown, that won a
in u r.r.. trt ,in Vvhr-BsVs f el 1
werday afternoon.
The work of the varsity was not
W to standard last nirbt. They couU!
braskan. was elected treasurer.
Pay at Rag Office
Sludrtits nit y pay any sums they
(want to t;ive. at the editorial office
of The Daily Nebraskan. in the base
ment of University hall, south side,
west entrance. There will also be
student solicitors.
The University is undertaking to
raise this amount from both the stu
dents and the faculty. Those who
heard Tinker and those who have
learned of the movement in other uni
versities feel thot less than $10,000
will be doing; an injustice to the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
Little Wesleyan university back east,
has already .dually given $5,000. Min
nesota to the north has raised $3,800;
Iowa to the east. fl.SOO; Indiana.
M". These amounts small and
are merely preliminary to what these
, UIJ;versi;i inXeni ,0 do
can assert its pre-eminence by con-
tributiiiir the $10,000.
Twenty-nine subscriptions for $133
're given by the committee last
night. This is not quite $5 apiece. ;
and yet it is not all that the twenty- I
nine intend to give. The average. !
maintained for the entire student
body will result, however, in the rais- j
ing of the $ In. into.
An executive committee of seven
will be appointed todav by the offi-
; t.ers ek-ct'-d last night. This will be
jtne general managing committee, be-
j hind it will be the larger committee,
'and behind that will be everv student
The general committee consist of
these jeople: Lula Shade
Harriet Anderson Geneva Seegar
Rose Anderson
Elizabeth Brown
Jean Burroughs
Elinore Bennet
Louise Coe
Edla Collins
Helen Schwab
Ioris Scroggiu
Edith Youngblut
May Youngblut
Florence Wirt
L. A. Adams
Itertha Driltmeier Ralph Anderson
Ura Llli.-ou Everett Angle
Eleanor FniiLpton Albert Bryson
Marjorie (;re-n Ira Beynon
Vivienne Holland
Kiiih Hutton
Mary Hailer
L'laLcLe Higgins
Helen Humpe
Kate Helzer
Mary Hedrick
Marion Hall
Lucy Jeffords
Helen Kendall
Virion Kastle
Karl Brown
Ray Carpenter
John Cook
Tim Corey
H. Christensen
A. J. Covert
Clyde Dempster
Paul Dobson
Joe Flaherty
Paul Floihjw
M. M. Garrett
George Grimes
Steele Holcombe
Harold Holtz
Olive Lehnier
Constance Lyford Virgil Haggart
Anna Luckey
Eva Millar
Winifred Wilier
Ruth Merrick
Fern Noble
Ora Neff
Esther Ord
Edna Ogdeu
Edna Pegler
Carl Harnsberger
C. A. Hinds
Track Hixenbaugh
Dai Lantz .
Darrell Lane
Edward Morebead
Clarence Mick el
Carl Olson
Alfred Reese
Anton fitrandberg
Raymond Saunders
A. W. Tell
Robert Waring
D-rothy Pettis
Marion Reader
Carolyn Reed
Anne Russell
squeeze over only one touchdown and
although the freshmen failed to score,
they persistently gained on end runs
and forward passes.
Owen Frank, one of the two great
est halfbacks Nebraska ever bad, was
on the field last night and showed j
some of the varsity backs bow to carry .
the ball and back up the line. j
Owen's little brother "Ernie,- bo
- ,.n i.,lio tr to
L-Mctts wa nut th two
previous night..
(Continued to Page Two)
,;s manager of The Daily
A Challenge to the Co-Eds
A girls' rooting section has been reserved on the south side of the
field, next m the men's rooting section, but separate from it.
This is to insure the organized rooting which is absolutely neces
sary to the team. The change in the girls' section from the north side
of the field to the south side is an experiment. It is a challenge to the
girls. Will (hey respond, and show what Nebraska spirit they have?
Half of the responsibility is theirs.
Arrangements Now Complete Enthu.
siasm Reaches High Pitch No
Charge to Witness Battle
Antelope Laseball park at Twenty
second and M streets will be the
scene of the annual Olympics be
tween the freshmen and sophomore
classes, beginning at ! o'clock Satur
day morning, according to an an
nouncement made by Ralph Thiesen
yesterday. The park was engaged
.... . . . 1. .. .
alter a moioiign seaicii .- jnjmiv
places by the committee. Since the
abandonment of the Athletic field, the
Salt creek bottom has been tried and
jthe State Farm suggested, but neith
er of them looked entirely satis
factory. I The M street park, as :t is called.
1 will afford a splendid place for the
'annual clash. The wrest line and bor
iing events, the tug-of-war and the
pushball, will be staged right in front
lot the grandstand, so that the specta
tors will le given good seating facil
iities. When the big event of the
morning, the pole fight or fre-for-all. J
begins, the crowd will be allowed j
lout on the field to et i- closer new
Jof the battle, which will be fought
;ir; one corner of tne nei-J. , Tlie gupjrters of the affirmative ;sjstf.,j 0j; Julia, a Roman matron.
; No admission is charged to witness :,ajd tJra,lliaKjs on the alleged violation ' riiJh l jne iodge. "18; Si'lpicia. a Ro
jthe annual fight for sujremacy waeed or--,hf ruk.B of international law espe-,iilin ..,..iripI1 olive Lehmer. 17: Mar-
jby the first and second year men. mid .
j nthusiastic sup)orters of both c!is.-s j
;f!otk to the field and I nd their vocal ,
;as well as moral support to the cot, ;
i Program ComF'eted
Am nzements fr the OJvmpics are
' ,.,..,.i..ed Th eiant
! pushball Is expected to arrive from J there can be no non-combatant on war
! Amelia., its permanent resting place, j ships. Th. y cited recent authority, s
:son.e time todav. The heavy t ua- j holding the submarines only to "a fair
of-war rope has been dragged out of
the Etnnasiiim and tested on a squad
of wxikers on the Chemistry building
(.Continued o Page Three)
Rooters St Near, But
With, Men for Kansas
After a number of years of io!a-j
lion on the north side of the
sheltered from most oi tt.e k-ijoui i
spirit the University kuJs root in k ,
Kirls rootint
section, for the Kansas tame, will be ;
on the south bide of Nebraska f.i. ,
e,..: i..., r-dip m i ii s?!in a with.:
aujoimu. u. - -
the men s sections.
Today is the last day ii-w-'"
can be made. Girls will be able to
reserve their seats at Cur ice music
ttore down town, and should ask for
places in the sj-cial ? iris' section
i.u the outh side of the field.
T) change was nude in order to j
t th(t p;rig ,;,or. iLorouzhly In'o !
. . wj-raka spirit, tnd to h' ip the j
rooting for the ram, in view of the ,
fa, imt the theerma Kansans '1
outyell I
known for their ability
Tl.eir rt,tjonentS.
j And then, the south H-i of the
;fi ter from the spectators'
point oi vie.
Keenly Contested Preliminary Nine
Men on Affirmative, Five on
Leonard W. Kline, '19, Blue Springs.
Charles W. Schofield, '17, Lincoln.
James Young, '18, Lincoln.
.Fourth Member to be selected.
E. Everett Carr, '17, Beaver City.
Robert B. Waring, '17, Geneva.
C. Ivan Winslow, '18, Beaver City.
Fourth member to be selected.
Fourteen men tried out for the de-!
hating team, to meet Kansas, Decem
ber 14, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock '
in Law 101. on the question: "Re-
solved that submarine warfare on com- j
raerce as now c onducted is incompati- i
ble with the rights of neutrals and i
laws of nations regarding tion-cora-!
I batant enemies." Five men supported
,)ie negative and nine the affirmative. 1
frofessor Fogg presided and Iean ;
Hastings. Dr. Maxey
am! Professor
Koster were judges
(.iaUy in r(an to the safety of the
J;a(iStnR(.rs alJ,j on w hat con Ft it utes
-reasonable safety."
Neative Arfloment "
The negatives declared
armed merchantman must
lie lull.
Mdered as vessels of
,nl tliut
chance of safety.
A noteworthy point in the prelim-
. "'y aK "'" '
,tisticg that, whiie an important par;
I c,f the debate, so often prove weari-
! some.
Waring, the first speaker, was
tiven a seven-minute speech and i
(two-minute rebuttal; the other men .
' ii,. .-ith '
n0 rebuttal.
, ' . .
1 1
i llCO UliiI All A I
HjirImb(W.r of Ashian(j. p.j.
of the Kopholnore class, was stolen
awar sometime
vesterdav afternoon.
,. . .,,1(.rK )f lhe fr,JHh- !
( t.iaBB. The first year men there-
Olvmpi' g
. . . .
.competition altbougti no points v cue r.uue.B. I
; awarded for capturing the opi-.sing nounced the pledging of the follow - j
tiasg president.
jhH 1)8 of the aptu-e, and the;
J V.A(.H cr con,-f.ament of the captive
!rri;jn shrouded in mystery. Freshmen
j wll(J rnjj,jjt expected to know are
1 keenine a close silence. Sophomores
were scouring the city late last t,ight
in search of their man, but be had not
been found at an early hour this morn-
This is the first theft of a class head
uiice the fall of 1S14, when the pres -
ei t Jur.ior class captured Roy Harney,
. then president of the sophomores, and
j kept bim tucked away un'il atfr the
;lag, tu
Nebraska Rooting Needs Perking Up
Rally for Olympics Battle,
The announcement of yesterday that
John Cook and Ted Riddell would
speak at the football rally today has
had to be withdrawn. Cook and Rid
dell were willing, but Coach Stewart
thought it would be better if their
minds were employed on the strategy
of the game than on preparing a
speech, so he suggested that their talks
be not given.
In spite of this withdrawal, the rally
will go on just the same, and it will
be a real rally. Any old Nebraskan
who likes to seize every possible oc
casion for lung exercise, and his name
is legion, will come out to practice that
old yell for Kansas.
' Raw k Chaw k-Jay-Hawk" has thun
dered across Nebraska field so many
times with such tremendous power
either in victory" or defeat, that Corn
husker rooters know they will have
Members Give Play, the "Una '
Scena Romae" !
Latin club initiated thirteen j
w j,, Wednesday evening in i
Lnivers;tv all. room 2'i2. A Latin j
play. "Una Scena Romae. was given ,
Irv the old members. The cast con-,
ljrne Kaufftnan. '17. Doris Weaver, j
: uar(jb
j jc,, tJpeliii. "IT. read a paper on i
'The Roman Festivals of November.";
t-H. rL-r -17 discussed "The De-;
- ... i
.struction of I'ouipcu. Nellie ,
cn. !-. tOJU oi me nuimii t-mc
... ... - - . ri . T -. . ....
ors Horn in ;ovenioer. jmiss mr i
Hunter, assistant professor of Roman j
literature, gave a brief talk on the I
value of the knowledge of Latin in j
the study of sciences and other lan-;
guages. I
-. . , : i unn
Jessie Jiauin. 'IS. as Sybil, the sooth- ,
saver, read fortunes from a mystic
I'"' - - ""'-"!
upon leaves according to me oia tvo-
man custom
The new
members are: Hattie
Brown, "IT; Mary Goodrich. U : Cath-
erine Hainer. lh: Ruth Horrum. '1;
Myrtle Hunter. 1C: Minnie Lawson,
;"17; Hannah Mc"orkindale, 'IT; Mar
garet McCoy. '!7: Geta Nunemaker,
"17; Zora Schaupp. '19; Ruth Stilve-
!v- Sarah We1- '17-a"'1 i'"'Eht
RUrrage, graduate student.
The Kosmet Klub. the University
organization that each year presents
a musical comedy written and pro-
, t .. .. ..,..1
Max A. Miller. 1. Lincoln,
Edson W.Shaw, Tecum s b
Prof. C. IJ. Lee, of the animal hus
bandry department of the state farm.
las accepted a position with Armour
k - Co. of Chicago. He will have
charge of the by-products manufac
firing and sales department tbere
ProfeFsor Le will leave the first of
DecemW for Chicago.
to work together better than they have
been doing in order to make U-U-Uni
intelligible to the players on the field.
The Band Again
The University band will make its
first appearance at a regularly
scheduled rally since the night the
team left for the Oregon game. It has
not forgotten any of the old time
melodies, however, and the chorus of
the Cornhusker will be s feature of
the mass meeting today.
The rally, it must not be forgotten,
will be for the Olympics battle be
tween the two lower classes Saturday
morning, as well as for the football
game, and there will be pep engen
dered for this fray.
The success of the freshmen In
stealing the sophomore president
yesterday necessarily cuts Carl Harns
berger from the list of speakers this
morning. Riley, the freshman presi
dent, will appear on the stage if he
has the nerve to face the wild-eyed
sophomore rooting section.
The rally will commence promptly
at 11 o'clock. It will last just as
short a time as it is necessary to
rouse the students to the proper pitch
of excitement, but it will be pep from
the word go.
Football Men and Band Faculty Re
ception With Favorites to
Greet Old Grads
' Although the sophomore president,
! who was kidnapped by the freshmen
; yesterday, was chairman of the food
'committee for the homecoming mixer
Saturday, the general committee an
nounced positively last night that
there would be refreshments at the
Plans are about ready for the big
student tnd alumni and faculty party,
and the mixer committee will meet
tonight at 5 o'clock to put on the
finishing touches.
Tlie mixer will commence at fc:15
with the faculty reception. Some one
of the faculty, probably one who has
been a student and then assumed the
professorial toga, will deliver a short
Italk. A dance and a program, with
J refreshments, will complete the eve
ning's entertainment.
Football Heroes There
The football heroes will be at the
mixer and the band will play. The
f. b.'s may be battle-acarred and all
that, but they can't resist the chance
to mingle with a great big Nebraska
crowd, yell some good old Nebraska
yells, and sing the dear old Nebraska
songs. They will probably leave be
fore the bulk of the students, and the
teast-old of the alumni are thinking
it is time to wonder what time it is.
The faculty reception will be held
in Memorial hall. More than likely
John Green, the oldegt man in point
of continued service with the Unirer-
? 1 1 - will be in some odd comer tell-
jliB" 'about tb(f pf)0(J oH davg Jo,.n
lused to be the cotifidant and the
! friend of every prankifh yoiinEser
a score of years ago. and be knows
'more about the school, it is said, than
j Henry Ford does about four cylinder
auto engines.
Faculty Folks
Miss Conklin and Miss Reese, the
twii.s of the Romance language de
partment, will le on deck. Prof. N.
A. Bengston and Dr. George E. Con
Ore, of geography department fame,
are wanted. Professors Hoffmsn. Holl
ister and Chatburn of the engineers
(Continued to Page Three)