YHJ5 DAILY NEBRASKA! C. ROY MILLER, Chiropodist 410 Gunter Bldg. Phone B-3781 ASEPTIC FOOT TREATMENT Adjustments, Removal of Cornt Relief of Bunions. Comfort Shoes "The Overcoat Store" Coins word UNI STUDENTS Oliver Theater ARE THE ELECT a new (Continued from Page One) t J TODAY 2:00; 3:30; 7:30 & 9:00 A Moving Picture Revelation Dealing Plainly With the Ques tion of Birth Control WHERE ARE -MY CHILDREN? Smashing!! Daring!! Dean It. Leland, University pastor. A large number of visitors to tho class heard his address, which !ie was forced to condense because of limited time. MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY Western Vaudeville Circuit 2:30 Three Shows Daily 7:15-9 p. m CLARY AND McCULLOUGH Much Ado About Nothing BURKE AND BURKE "18 Minutes in the Laugh Factory" ZEITLER AND ZEITLER Comedy 8inging and Talking CHAS. AND ANNA GLOCKER Sensational and Comedy Water Jugglers ROSS BROTHERS "A Day in a Gymnasium" HEARST NEWS THE MYSTERIES OF MYRA The Sensation Serial Success No. 1 Also a Cartoon Comedy MATINEE 15c NIGHTS 25c LINCOLN'S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY LAWRENCE CRANS AND COMPANY The Irish Wizard Presenting His Orig inal Conception of Magic "THE DEN OF MYSTERY" THE SHIELDING SHADOW Episode No. 5 "THE HIDDEN HOUSE" PATHE NEWS (Pictorial) HIS OWN NEMISIS Comedy LEIGHTON AND KENNEDY Singing and Eccentric Dancing -TIME 2, 7, 9 MATINEE 10c NIGHTS 15c IY3AGESTIC MONDAY AND TUESDAY "THE HOUSE OF TEARS" With the Gifted Emotional Actress EMILY STEVENS Supported by the Eminent Dramatic Actor HENRI BERGMAN Six Compelling Acts of Intensely Human Drama That Stirs the Heart and Soul Also a Good Comedy WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NORMA TALMADGE In "Fifty-Fifty" Critics Have Declared This Picture to be the Best in Which Miss Talmadge Has Appeared. Also a Two-Pa rt Key stone Comedy and Hans and Fritz, Cartoon Comedy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EMMY WEHLEN In "The Pretenders" A Beautiful Story in Five Parts MAX FIGMAN in "Papa by Proxy" and MUTT and JEFF Cartoon TIME 1:30, 3M5, 6, 7:15. 9 p. m. ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c ONE EVENING TWO VERSIONS - --- i iM l - - V ' -- l Keep Carbon Copies of lectures, theses, etc. This can only be done by buying or renting a typewriter. Special rates to students. Phone or call at L C. Smith & Bro. Typeviriler Co. LINCOLN, KZBE. You sing a little song or two, And have a little chat; You make a little chocolate fudge, And then you take your hat; You hold her hand and say Good night, as best you can Now ain't that a hell of an evening For a great big healthy man? Co-ed's Reply You play for his rsedy tenor, You spill fudge on your second-best frock; You stifle your yawns behind your hand. And try not to look at the clock; You listen to baseball "dope" and slang. 'Till yourh ead's in a perfect whirl Now ain't that a hell of an evening For a nice, intelligent girl? Utah Chronicle. GIRLS' RIDING CLASS Instead of bucking western steers. the girls who have enrolled in the rid ing class at Minnesota will have gen tle Kentucky horses to ride. The class is new and very popular among the girls. Exchange. When he was a young fool, flighty end vain. With ideals of his own invention. He bumped against dry. hard facts as they (came. To his asinine, foolish attention. And these facts wrenched apart his own self-esteem. As only the proven facts can. And he saw in a new light this being supreme,. The eternal four-flusher man. (I I C6 Sly-quoi-vai-sat Taken from the words, Style, Quality, Value and 1 Satisfaction. DEFINED : The Authentic Style. The Acme of Quality. The Greatest Possible Value. The Certainty of Satisfaction. We've built "The Overcoat Store" to fit this word, and every day there is more and more substantial proof that the public appreciate our efforts. In Selecting an Overcoat Patterns, Colors and Price are strictly matters of personal opinion. But "The Overcoat Store" is a place where "Big Assortment" and "Square Values" enables every man to make ample allowance for personal ideas of what-he-likes and what-he-prefers-to-pay. See that it comes from Armstrong's You'll find our ideas of what-ynu-should-have will conform exactly to your ideas of what-you-shonld-expeet. "The Big Assortment" $10, $12.50, $15, $17.50, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $35, $40 99 Armsttrom 5 GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS There was so blamed much of the sordid and grim. In the petty conceit be would find. That when the dirty truth showed where the varnish was thin. It made him ashamed of bis kind. j Sow the moral of this tale is not to imply. That each man in school is a crook. But it does mean that if you have dirt in your eye. You'll see dirt wherever you look. Ex. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS EAT AT PUTCH - CAFE 234 No. 11th Street Start Right- Let us take care of your gar ments when they need a thor ough cleaning or pressing. Our service is A-l must be we operate the largest clean ing plant in Lincoln. We clean and block hats. LINCOLN CLEANING & DYE WORKS 326 S. 11th Lincoln, Neb. LEO SOUKUP.Mgr. The loan desk at the library bas just received the following new books: Ainsworth Rand Spofford-Meniorial meeting at the Library f Congress. Alps. The; Lunn. Armageddon. Phillips. Ban of the Bori. The; Tremearne. Books Condemned to Be Burnt. Farrar. Climate and Weather. Dickson. Comparative Religion. Its Adjuncts and Allies, Jordan. Crime and Insanity. Mercier. Dr. Johnson and His Circle. Bailey. Essays in Romance and Studies from Life, Skelton. History of England. A; Cbeyney. Histoire Guerres De- Lt Revolution, six volumes: JominL L'Houime el L'Argcnt. Souvestrp. Literary Blunders. Wheatley. Making of the Earth, The; Gregory. Master Manners. Spears. Missions. Creighton. Modern Method of Illustrating I Books. Wood. Newspaper Reporting. Pendleton, j Opening Up of Africa, Johnston, j Public Education in Maryland. Recitation. The: BetU. Russian Revolutionary Movement. Zilliacu. Studies in Jocular Literature. Hazlitt. Theatre of Today. The; Moderwell. Tulipe Noire. Dumas. Unemployment. Pigoce. University of Nebraska Report by Regents, Coupland. Haller. Wars between England and Amer ica, Smith. - Years of Childhood. Aksakoff. Zacation as a Paper Making Ma terial U. S- Department of Agri culture. W. H. MARTIN, Professional upiomeinst Specialist in examination of the EYE. Latest exact methods. No drugs used. Saves time, annopance and expense. Consultation costs you nothing. 1234 O Street, Up-stairs Opposite Miller & Paine's THAT DARE TO BE DIFFERENT ORCHESTRA SCHEM BECK'S Plunk! BANJOESl Plunk! FARQUHAR'S THE LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN FOR THE BEST Lunches, Home Mad Candy and Ice Cream Cor. 14th and O Sts. CORNELL PHOTO SUPPLY CO. DEVELOPING, FINISHING AND ENLARGING We color enlargements in Non-Fading Oil Colors at reasonable prices. Films for all Cameras. 248 No. 11th St. LUNCHEONETTES 7?ILLERS' (Prescription u harmacy ! ! ! ! Cadet Courtmartialed To illustrate the freedom from red tape in the military courts, and the fact that justice seldom miscarries as often occurs in the civil courts, the military department at Madison held a mock court martiaL A soph omore cadet acted as defendant, and twelve cadets constituted the court martiaL Ex. PRINTING; That's Satisfactory Doyd Printing Go. 125 North 12th til SPA 19 Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P TERMINAL DRUG STORE (1917 Model) Now open. Give as a eall. Free delivery 10th and O St. mi; i ! llliPBSiiii : CLOSED- IN OLUS the outside shirt and andrafrawers are one garment, l mi means thai the ihirf can't work out of the trouwrt, that there are no sh-rt tails SjT io puncn in sen. mat tne arawers itav oat." to m nothing of the comfort and economy of savmg a garment. OLUS is coat cut opens all the way down closed crotch, closed back. See illustration. For polf. tennis and field wear. We recommend the rrx-rial ittxrhrA collar OLUS with regular or short tleeres. Extra sizes for very tall or stout men. All shirt fabrics, in smart designs, including silks $1.50 to $10.00. OLUS one-piece PAJAMAS for loimeiW. rertW and romfnrtaMr Wtv Made on the same principle as OLUS Shirts coat cut, closed back, -vku uviuii w Hnifi so ufaiea or come loose. to faJoQ. A Tomr d.W fW OLUS. Booklet mm r. ij...t- fnri Omrmr. tfat . IkK 1199 tWaWlLT. (!- li :iL(yj inliii! I':