THE DAILY NEBRASKA i . ! - The Daily Nebraskan THE BEST UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD EDITORIAL STAFF Eva Miller Editor-in-Chiet George Grimes Managing Editor VIvienna Holland Associate Editor Ivan Beede ...Associate Editor Dwight P. Thomas Sporting Editor Agnes Bartlett Society Editor BUSINESS STAFF Walter Clunk Business Manager Homer Carson Assistant Business Manager REPORTORIAL STAFF Jean Burroughs Dorothy English Lcnore Noble Luclle Becker C. II. Cribble Gertrude Squires Roy Bedford Fern Noble Ralph Thorpe John C. Wright Carolyn Reed Richard E. Cook Offices: News, Basement, University Hall; Business, Basement Administration Building. Telephones: News, L-4S41; Business, B-2597. Published every day during the college year. Subscription, per semester, Jl. Entered at the postoffice at Lincotn, Nebraska, as second class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1ST9. Many plans are being made for homecoming day. Saturday. November IS. It is on that day that Nebraska alumni will return to Lincoln, to watch the annual battle between the Cornhuskers and the Jay hawks. And it will be with the old friendly fighting spirit that has always been between the rivals of the valley. It matters not, Saturday if the office boy smokes all the cigars or if the maid burns the bread, old Nebraskans will be young Ne braskans again, and will expect to find as "perfect" a school as when they left it. It is "up to us' to show them that Nebraska is a wonderful school, that it is growing rapidly, that its spirit is better than ever, and that the typical Nebraskan is, and always will be the same. They are "coming back" and re must do everything in our power iu increasing their pride if possible in their alma mater. THE DAYS GONE BY Seven Years Ago Today Eight girls represented tho Univer sity at the state convention of the T. W. C. A. at Hastings. Lincoln high school defeated Oma ha high school by a score of 6 to 6. Five .Years Ago Today Forty members of the band were planning to accompany the rooters and team in the special train to Kan sas. Samuel Carrier, 13, was elected I temporary president of the newly or ganized Omaha club. is Bruce Benedict, '01, had been ap pointed director of shop laboratories in the department of mechanical en gineering at the University of Illinois. Two Years Ago Today Four JayhawkB came all the way from Kansas in a Ford to view the game of which the final score was 35 to 0 in Nebraska's favor. One hundred and twenty-five girls attended the annual homecoming ALUMNI NEWS This column is absolutely void of any personal animosity or ill feeling and if at any time, the "philosophizing" which appears herein seems to apply to some individual, it is only because that individual's conscience makes it seem so. and not because the thought might have a direct connection with him. Is it school spirit when girls prefer the usual north side of the football field,, with its protection from the wind, and its pep-less rooting, to the south side of the field and organized rooting? Ne braska needs organized cheering at its football games, and needs it badly. Organization is in unity, and unity is not distribution. Should material comfort stand in the way of the spirit which wins or loses a game as much as a good or a poor play? It would be quite a splendid thing if the band would play the Jayhawk song out on the field nest Saturday. A spirit of good will is more valuable than all the honor and glory in Christendom. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Y. M. C A. Don't forget the University men's meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m.. Music hall, the Temple. Merril Reed will lead the discussion. A good meeting is assured. Brine a friend and come. Pick and Hammer Club The Pick and -Hammer club will tr.eet Thursday evening at 7: SO in Museum SOI. Prof. E. 3i. Barbour will lerture en "Tollil Marnraals of Nebrat-ka." A very interes;iug pet of slides which have liken Professor Barbour several years to collect, will be fchown. The meeting is open to the public &Dd everyone is cordially ir.rited. The club will have a short buiiieEK meeting after the lecture. Newt Writing Assignment Report of Address Write a report k!xmt &&0 words) f the convocation address Tuesday by Rev. Ir. Charles W. Cilkey of Chicago. Follow the in structions given October SI regarding accuracy, fairness, structure, and style- "Copy" will be due at the meet ing of the class Tuesday evening, but extension, will be granted members, if they apply for it, whose Tuesday afternoon class schedules are crowded. M. M. FOGG. Junior Play Committee Members of tie Junior play commit tee will meet this morning in TMG2, at 11 o'clock. Sophomore Hop One hundred and one tickets inclu sive of all cosplimentaries, have bee Isroed for the. sophomore bope which is to be teld at Rovewflde party bouse, Tuetu evening. November JS, 1816. No more tickets will be vali dated for this dance. The complimen tary list is as follows: Carl Ford. Carl Harnsberger. John C. Wright. El ting Bennett, B. F. Pittman, Grove Porter, Carl Olson, Paul Flothow. Jos eph Riley. Russel Best. Carl Amirk, Mary Steele, Catherine Howey, Helen Loftman. Helen Curtice. Daily Nebraskan. Mrs. Z. Clark Dickinson (Jean Sul livan. 'OS), has written the alumni office of the research work Dr. Lucile Eaves, who was formerly associate professor of sociology here at the University, is doing in Boston. Mrs. Dickinson is assisting with the work. which is a study of the vocational history of 5.000 young workers of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson were mar ried last August. Mr. Dickinson, who graduated in '14, and was a member of the Nebraska debating squad at that time, is now Instructor of Eco nomics at the Harvard university. 4 ' - V ffe 1 t ) s If " ' The Practical Suit and Overcoat for Practical Men At the Store Ahead Annis S. Chaikin, 'OS, alumni secre- tary, attended the alumni luncheon in Omaha Friday. Axel Swenson, ex-'l7, instructor! this year in the Blair high school. and who edited the Summer Daily Nebraskan last summer, attended the teachers' association meeting and also the alumni banquet in Omaha last week. OTHER COAT VALUES IN OVERCOATS At $12.50, $15, $20, $25 $30 fylaplus ClothesziL The same price the nation over." You never see people oi good sense and good taste dressing in extreme faskion. Styleplus Clotlics $17 are up to tne minute yet are so refined and individualized tnat they satisfy tne good taste of Lusiness men. professional men, as well as Mr. Dapper Youtn. Tne fabric quality, tne good worltmansnip. tne substantial linings and trimmings, as well as tne styling, suggest tne octter kind of dotLes, hy don't you come in and try a Styleplus for Fall? Tie only clotnes in America wnose price is known to be tbe same tbis season as last season and guaranteed as usual. Prof. W. F. Dann will give a con tinuation of his descriptive analysis of the Third Beethoven symphony this morning at 11:30 in Art halL Sophomore Men j All Fojihomore men will meet in 1 Law 10 today at 11 o'clock. The meeting is for the purpose of or-j franiz'ng for the Olympics, the annual j hat:le with tie freshmen, which will be held Saturday morning. Elizabeth M. Sbafer. '10. empha sized the importance of the attitude of the students and alumni in their home, to the University. She stated that the University was judged by 1 THE STORE AHEAD Mayer Bros. Co. EU SHIRE, Pres. BRIEF BITS OF NLWS Engineers Notice Three thousand feet of !ia. deve! oped, by the White Motor company of j Cleveland. O., will be shown at the monthly meeting of engineers tomor row night, at 7: SO o'clock, in M. E. 206. The teachers college high school, after a vacation of two das during the state teachers association, re sumed its work this morning. Miss Cora Hill, supervisor of mathematics, gave a detxonsration before the sen iors of the teachers college in math ematics and Prof. Daisy J. Needham. STUDENTS PHOTOS AT BLAZEKS From 75c to 120 per dozen. 1306 O St. Mary Holcomb. I3. has been elect ed teacher of Entlisb in the Fai-bury 1 irn school. She began her work there llnis week. The Mogul Barber Shop. 1T7 N. 12th. Best of attention given student. Meal tickets SJSQ for $4-50. Newbert Cafe, 137 No. 12th St. Classified Advertising For Rent Modem men. 1S1C S. for rentle-44-5-6 Boarding Two meals a day. $3 per week. Virginia, 16th and B. Apart ment 2SS. 4S-6-7-6 Frederick MacdonaU Commercial Photographer 1309 O Street, Room 4 Phone L4C22 T, ! , I'll i-iT- supervisor of European history, gave a demonstration in European history. Quick Service Open at All Times Orpheum Cafe Special Attention t University Students Orpheum Shoe Repair Co. Students Headquarter for all kind mf Shoe Repairing. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Telephone B-1316 211 North 12th Street IS .. tor CULf TT f f OPT SrCO t C-IWT-rt ; The first meetiss ol the stae regis trars was held Friday tftemoon at C'm&ba in connet t'on with th ttaU teachers' association. The reglstrats arc preparing for organ iza'. ion a4 the sK-ocd meeting will be held the r t week in January. from the following colleges attended this conference: Bellevue college. Dana college. Chadron state normal, Doane college. Fremont college. Hastings college. Kearney state normal. Wayne state normal, Tork college. Creighton uni versity, Omaha university. Peru state normal. The Fine Arts faculty met at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning in L-31 for the purpose of appointing commit tees. A committee consisting of Prof. Grove Barber, Prof. Singer. Mrs. Car rie Raymond, Prof. William F. Dana. Prof Alice Howell and Prof C Grant was appointed to submit nominations to the faculty. Mrs. Elizabeth Tattle HoUman vis ited the art gallery on Saturday. Mrs. Holsmaa completed her freshmaa year in this university and later attended the Chicago Art Institute. Two of her paintings were bung in tha last an nul! exhibition. She Is now a resi dent of Chicago. Button Tramp the Bootery's toe-easer for college boys to drill in, wide shape, it never cramps nor crowds, for natural toe room it allows The Bootery 1230 6 Street THE Ems Cleaners, Pressors, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases.- Call B231L The Bart quipped Dry Cleaning Plant la the West On day service If seeded. Reasonable Prices, good vork. prompt Telephone B2311 ssfrice. Repairs to men's garments 333 North 12th St. artfully cade.