THE DAILY NEBRASKAN That Oregon Trip ! H sure you got (ho host result from each exposure lv having us lo yrtir tinishixg. Individual attention to every roll of film HiriDUARSH 130 So. O St. 114 No. 13th St. HUDSON SUPER-SIX Have yo ,r eyei ex. y W. H. v- wtuf'Tinit DIFFICULT CASTS SOLICITED 1234 O St'-nt, Suit S. Phone L777J Oppos.te Minor A p line's fi ."fc ivifj in. V. MARTI N, Quick Service Open at All Time Orpheum Cafe Special Attention to University Student BOXING AND WRESTLING LESSONS 20 for $3.00 City Y. M. C A. Uiam's Orchestra JULIAN R. WILLIAMS Director and Manager B1654 Hours 12-2, 6-8 FRED SHEPHERD For District Judge ENDORSED BY THE BAR A GOOD WATCH IS CHEAP You pay from $25.00 to $75.00 for an overcoat that may wear three seasons. Why hesi'ate about ravins much for a watch which will wear a life time? Your inspection solicited. TUCKER-SHEAN Manufacturing Jewelers and Opticians Eleven Twenty-Three O Street MEET YOUR FRIENDS at the TERMINAL DRUG STORE THE "NIFTY PLACE"' 10th and O St. NEW . SWELL CAPS Jofct the kind that appeal to Uni versity men. All the new plaids arid checks 95c and $1.50 PRINTING pVtek.7owk Calling Cards, IiiTitatior.s, Busi ness Cards, Announcements, Tickets Programs WM. L. WOLFE Automatic Press College Book Store LORD AUTO COMPANY A State University Professor GIVES SOME NEW REASONS FOR FAVORING AND SUPPORTING THE MOVEMENT FOR PAVED .ROADS I export to vote for the highway bonds. This is done not because I will thereby bave monev put in niv ioeket, not' been use the value of my property will be enhanced, not because a saving to the producers of farm products will eventually be a saving to me, not for any mercenary motive whatsoever. I expect to vote for the bonds because I believe Lancaster County can afford better roads than she now has. When a man can afford better things he usually buvs them. We do not live in log and sod houses, as our pioneer fathers did, we do not walk on bare floors as thev did, nor do we put up with a fireplace in the end of a shantv. We could deprive ourselves of hundreds of conveniences and put our selves back to the same plane that necessity required of them. And, while we might not save as much, it certainly would be cheaicr than building brick or frame houses, cheaper than buving carpets and rugs, cheaper than furnace heat, electric lights; telephones, dailv papers and automobiles. But we have no desire to return to those conditions, to the ox team method of travel, to the wearing of moccasins, or to the borrowing of fire from one's neighbor. We prefer the comfort and pleas ure of living according to modem standards. So with mads. Lancaster Comity can afford as good roads as any county in Ohio, in Indiana, in California or in any other state. Then why not have them? Our pleasure, our comfort, our happiness, our health and the welfare of our chil dren are just of as much inlportanee to us as theirs is to them. ju I expect to vote for the highwav bonds. Vcrv truly yours. J GEO. R. CHATBURX. ADVERTISEMENT SchomliQeds Orchestral and CabareiScrvtee Banjoes Too POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS x THE BIG NEBRASKA-OREGON CAME BROUGHT TO"yOU With all the expense and worry of a 4.000 mile trip eliminated and replaced by the comfort and convenience of a modern theatre, Nebraska University students are to be given the oppor tunity of seeing in all its realistic de tails, the greatest football struggle of 1S16. The Acme Amusement Co, at enor mous expense have photographed every detail of the famous Nebraska Oregon trip. The pictnre starts with the departure of the team Irotn Lincoln and shows every detail of in terest, such as the various workouts at Julesburg, Colo.; Laramie, Wyo, and Pocatello, Idaho. The arrival at Port land is shown with the enormous parade. Then comes the game and probably never before was a fctball game shown in more detail or by clearer pictures. The return trip Is pictured, fully showing' all the stops, the little human interest details, and in fact there Is not a reai interesting point overlooked. Through the entire length of this picture familiar faces are intermingled with interesting scenes, and every stu dent with true Nebraska spirit surg ing through his veins should see hese C&3AP1M BEOS. 127 So. 13th Sl ...jf lOWCrS ALL THE TIME V 7 THE Eva Telephone B2311 ZZi North 12th SL Cleaners, Pressors, Dyars For the "Work aad Service that Pleases- Call B2311. The Beat quIpped-Dry Ceanltg Plant la tha West. One day service tf needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. pictures of the greatest football trip in history. The pictures will be shown at the Orpheum starting Monday and contin uing until Thursday. These w ill be in addition to the regular big five-act Orpheum program. Prices, matinee 2:30, 15c; evening 7:15 and 9, 25c It is advisable to attend the first evening performance in order to obtain seats. ARE YOU MAKING YOUR OWN EXPENSES AT COLLEGE? Many students are either making their way through college or are pay ing a part of their expenses by outside work. The writer was successful in paying his own expenses in a mid-west state university and believes that he has an excellent plan to suggest to stu dents who find it necessary to work a few hours each day in order to de fray a part or all of their expenses. This plan will pay an energetic person at least one. dollar for every hour one can afford to give to the work daily and the work will appeal to young women students as weU as to the men. Drop a card to the firm mentioned below. The plan will be submitted to yon by return mail. At least investigate the proposition If yon are working your way through school. Address Herald Company, FreinonL Nebraska. Adv. The Yale football management, ex pecting a record breaking attendance at the coming Yale-Harvard game, has decided to erect 8,004 more seats. The Bowl, whose capacity Is now 60,617, is the largest in the world. Harvard has already asked for 25,000 seats for the coming game. Exchange. ' 9 A, i lVm.T. Stevens Non-Partisan Nominee For County Judge Thirty years experience in law and judicial work in this county. Not a member of any law firm for the last twelve years. In a position, if elected, to adminis ter the office without partiality, fear or favor. PLEASE INVESTIGATE A. H. HUTTON State Representative REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FR RE-ELECTION Yours for a Business Session and a Square Deal for the Tax Payer Attention Students I The Prohibitory Amendment will appear at the top of the ballot substantially as follows: Shall the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended by adding thereto the following? On and after May first, 1917, the manufacture, the tale, the keeping for sale or barter, the sale or barter under any pretext, of matt, spirituous, vinous, or any other intoxicant liquors, are for ever prohibited in this state, except for medicinal, scientific, mechanical, or sacramental purposes. YES 300 fx NO 301 Q Shall the above and foregoing Amend ment to the Constitution be adopted? REMEMBER, a "yes", vote is a vote for the Amendment, a "no" vote is a vote against it To vote for the Amendment mark the ballot as above indicated by making a cross in the square under the word "yes." No other vote will be counted fo? it Voto early and mark your ballot as above shown. COUNTY DRY FEDERATION ADVERTISEMENT