The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1916, Image 1

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    iee Daily Neoraskae
VOL. XVI. NO. 19.
Stonewall Line and Brilliant Offense
Displayed Against Weak
When Drake's neavy team, clad in
their bright blue jerseys, trotted onto
the field last Saturday there was uot
a person among the 1,500 spectators
who thought that Nebraska would
have an easy time winning from them.
But when these same people saw the
wonderful machine, which Stewart has
developed, working like a great, well
oiled piece of mechanism, they were
not surprised that the final score was
63 to 0 with Nebraska on the big end.
The showing of the Cornhuskers was
brilliant from the time that Riddell
ran around Drake's interference and
tackled the runner for a big loss to
the end when Dobson spoiled a beau-
tiful forward pass for the visitors. No
one man can be picked out for the
star for the simple reason that every
one was a star. The back field natural
ly produced more thrills than the line,
but anyone observing closely could see
how that line was holding on every
play like a brick wall, and how on
defense they were breaking through
and spoiling plays before they were
fairly started.
Cook Made a Hit
Cook probably made the best im
pression of all. The little squirmer
made two brilliant runs of 43 and 52
yards and several smaller gains of
from 5 to 20 yards. The most notice
able thing about his work was that his
runs were in no way flukes, they were
all made from regular formations.
Gardiner showed the greatest tendency
to be consistent, for whenever a few
yards were needed be was given the
ball and would make them.
Discrimination between the more or
less brilliant ones of the rest of the
back field is almost impossible. Rhodes
and Dobson, the two new men, who
were both playing their first game for
the Scarlet 'and Cream, both did excel
Committee Appointments Expected in
a Few Days Interest Centers
on Proms
The flrBt class meetings for the elec
tion of minor officers will be held
Tuesday morning, when the Junior
class, on call of the newly elected
president, Lloyd Tully, will meet In
Law 101, at 11 o'clock.
Presidents of the other three classes
are expected to calftneetings before
the week is over. Each of the classes
will elect a vice-presiden .. secretary,
treasurer and sergeant-at-arms for the
first semester. With the class organi
zation completed, the different divis
ions will be ready for the work of the
Committees 8oon
Appointment of committees for the
first semester will be announced soon.
The presidents, with their campaign
manrgers and deserving supporters,
have bewi combing the different classes
for committee material, and the re
wards will be distributed In very
short time.
The- slate for the senior and Junior
class committees is said to be prac
tically complete right now. Interest in
lent work. "Dusty," who played al
most all the game was a sure gainer
through the line and once got away
for a fine long run. Dobson wasn't
given very many chances to Bhow what
he could do but he did a lot on his
own hook in spoiling passes and stop
ping runnerr. In addition he made a
twenty yard run for a touchdown on
one of the most clever trick plays of
the day.
Riddell and Otoupalik
Riddell and Otoupalik, end-half
backs, played brilliantly in both post
tions and fulfilled the predictions of
many fans that they would be two of
the most valuable men on the team
this year. Doyle at fullback displayed
a surprising amount of nerve in div
ing head first over the line, time after
time, reminding the spectators of the
style of game put up by Julian the
great Michigan Aggie fullback Proc
tor and Caley showed the same brand
of stellar work as the others, during
the short time they were in.
In the line the work of Corey and
Moser stood out most prominently,
although Dale, Kositzky, Wilder, NOr-
ris and Cameron played well.
Those spectators who expected to
see a weak offense were doomed to
a disappointment. For either Drake
has a much weaker team or Nebraska
has a much stronger team than last
year. It is probable that the latter is
the case as Drake was touted as be
ing much stronger than, last year.
While anyone who looks closely can
see that with all the veterans which
she has and with new men who are
showing up better all the time, Ne
braska must of necessity have a strong
At any rate the victory was achieved
easily and without exposing many of
the coach's pet plays to the eager
eyes of the scouts in the stands. There
were plenty of said scouts occupying
seats on the field.- There were four,
very conspicuously seated in the press
box, all from the Kansas Aggies.
Among them was "Germany" Schultz,
assistant coach of the Aggies.- But
they missed their guess if they thought
that they learned a whole lot,' for
(Continued on page 2)
these two will be centered largely on
the chairmen of the prom committees
as only the upper classes can give for
mal parties. Masters 01 ceremonies
for the two dances will also be chosen.
Committee places usually carry with
them a complimentary ticket to the
dance, if much work Is done, so many
places are considered good.
Hod committees will be appointed in
all classes. These informal parties are
alwavs popular, and a good deal of
rivalry usually exists among the com
mittee chairmen to produce tne cest
Interest In Olympics
In the freshmen and sophomore
classes, the principal interest will cen
ter on the personnel of the Olympics
committees. The annual battle De
tween the two classes will be staged
at the state farm on the morning of
November IS, the day of the Kansas
game, the annual home-coming game
this year.
Hundreds of alumni are expected
from out of town for the day and it is
anticipated that most of them will go
to the farm to see the Olympics. The
freshmen will face a class that won the
battle last year, ending the affray by
throwing most of the sophomores intD
the -Salt creek.
The first year men are not dismayed,
however, and think that with good
leadership their numbers are bound to
carry the day.
The Union Society entertained Fri
day night at the Temple with a novel
program which was in charge of Josefa
Seely and Marie Gale. A magazine,
with Its cover, stories and advertise
ments was represented.
The idea was carried out as follows:
Frontispiece, "Indian Summer"
Anna Lucky
Story Alfred Hinze
Story Grant Watkins
Original Poem Guy Thatcher
Who's Who and Why.Dorothy Adamson
The Construction of a Ford
Joseph Ihm
The party was the fortieth anniver
sary of the signing of the constitution,
October 6, 1876. Seventy-two members
were present and refreshments were
served at the conclusion of the pro
Captain Overman Wants 100 Men in
Daily Workouts Chance For
Captain Overman of the track team,
and Guy Reed, coach, have issued an
other call for track men, declaring that
the number now in training is entirely
too small for a university with the
large enrollment of Nebraska.
Track work at Nebraska has not
been up to standard in the past few
years simply because of lack of ma
terial. There is a wealth of splendid
material in school, the coaches say, but
the men do not turn out because they
think their chances of landing are not
very good. Experience and coaching
would make many of them stars on the
cinder path and in the field events.
Need 100 Men
One hundred men ought to turn out
In daily workouts but a very small
part of this number has been out this
fall. An appeal is being made for the
freshmen to turn out as the teams of
the future will come from the freshmen
sauad of this year. The freshmen wlil
have a chance to participate in four
meets this year, two University meets,
and one each with Doane and Wes
leyan. Numerals will be given to
freshmen who make eight points dur
ing the year and medals to the point
makers in the two University meets.
All upper classmen who have been in
school one year or more are eligible
for the team. More upper classmen
are needed now for they are the ma
terial from which the team will have
to be built this year.
:ngineerino Tests Made Saturday
Show No Sags In Building
nf University hall
XiUgmcci ia vv- -
made Saturday by Dean Stout, Profes
sor Bridgeman and a number of stu-
if fhn engineering: college,
ucino . v
showed that there had been no sag or
.... t i
bulging in the building since me m.
readings made two weeks ago.
While the University aumonueu uu
anticipate any collapse or uuy
on fakine no chances while
BUR, -"W " .
waiting for the. stays to be put in, and
ir o opHah of tests at frequent
intervals to determine whether or not
the building Is sinking and m a aauBr
ous condition.
Saturday's tests revealed that no
change had taken place, and would
tend to bear out the statement iu.
the building as It stands would under
ordinary usa;e be good for fifty more
years. However, the stays will be
nossible to Insure
the safety of the stuaenw m i u..u ,
ing and on the campus.
Chancellor Clark A. Fulmer of Ne
braska Wesleyan university will speak
to the students at convocation tomor
row morning on "The Choice of a
Vocation." His address was originally
scheduled for two weeks ago, but was
Dr. Fullmer, who is one of the big
educational men of the state, has
devoted considerable time to studying
this problem which confronts every
student, and his lectures on vocational
choice are well known. As head of a
co-educational institution he has had
an excellent opportunity to look at the
question from different angles.
Paul Temple, '16, who is in Lincoln
visiting his sister, is a guest at the
Phi Kappa Psl house.
German Societies and Faculty in Line
To Give Playlet
The Deutscher Gesellige Verein and
the Deutscher Schauspiel Verein will
give a Joint play and reception in
Faculty hall to all students of the
German department Wednesday night
from 8 to 10 o'clock in the Temple.
Professors of the German department
and their wives, and officers of the
club will be in the receiving line.
At 8 o'clock in the theatre preceding
the reception the German playlet,
"Im Reiche Der Mutter," will be pre
sented. The cast of characters is as
Prof. Fritz Winter Robert Nesblt
Herr von Lanken Walter Blunk
Llddy Hellbach Clara Shulte
Frau Suttner Clara McMahon
Frau Hellbach Geneva Seegar
Wrau Hosmlnl Martha Winter
Mr. Nesbit, Miss Shulte and Miss
Winter, who have the heavy parts In
the play, are experienced in previous
University dramatic productions and
German plays.
The faculty members who will assist
in the reception are Professors Grum
mann, Fossler, Schrag, Heppner,
Alexis and Chamberlain, Miss Craft,
Mr. Fritzler and Mr. Thiel.
The first game of chess played by
Frinceton and Ohio State by mail re
sulted in a tie. The game continued
all summer and is the first five games
scheduled. Exchange.
Addresses 100 P.e-Medics at First
Smoker of Season
Dr. J. F. Stevens spoke to 100 Pre
Medics at their first smoker of the
season at the Alpha Tau Omega house
last Thursday evening on the subject
of "The Etiquette of Medicine."
That a man, to be a successful prac
titioner of medicine must know human
ity, was the keynote of the speech. To
reach the full measure of a doctor's
heritage to minster healing balms to
the suffering and comfort to those
distressed, the true physician must
practice humanity, not commercialism.
The etiquette of a doctor, he said, was
the etiquette of a gentleman whose
field of usefulness was widened by
his power to relieve suffering. Dr.
Stevens advocated reading outside of
the profession, especially poetry and
biography, as one of the bost aids in
gaining and understanding of human
ity. Plans were laid by the Pre-Medics
for their annual dance and trip to Om
aha, and for visits to the Orthopedic
hospital and state hospital for the insane.
Play to be Staged In February Prof.
R. B. Scott Will Help Composers
With Plot
The University Kosmet Klub offers
a prize of $100 for a book and play
which it can use next spring for the
sixth annual musical comedy of the
No plays have been submitted as yet,
and the club is anxious to secure one
soon. Anyone with the germ of an
idea is asked to consult Professor R.
B. Scott, who has been so active In
producing the club's plays in the past,
and who collaborated with students in
writing the first three plays put on by
the club.
In addition to the reward, the stu
dent who writes the play or the music
that is used has attained one of the
highest honors in University life, the
Charles Heider was elected president
of the Kearney club at its first meeting
cf the year in the Y. W. C. A. rooms
of the Temple Saturday night. Ber-
nice Wood of Gibbon was elected vice-
president and Edward Richey secre
tary and treasurer. Retiring officers of
the club are H. P. Magnuson, president,
and D. B. Dow, secretary and treas
urer. Twenty-two members of the club,
whose membership is limited to those
who have at one time been students
at Kearney state normal school, were
in attendance. Plans for the year were
discussed and the rest of the evening
spent at games.
Simplified spelling is making a slow
but steady progress among the univer
sities and colleges. At this time 144
colleges with over 130,000 students
enrolled are using the simplified forms.
Down-town Business Hueses Will Se
Canvassed by Ticket Sellers
for Big Dance.
With a seventy-five piece band play
ing all day, on the camput and down
town, underclass and upperclass girls
tagging the co-eds and University men
selling tickets to Friday's dance down
town, the supreme effort to raise the
money to send the University band to
Portland, Ore., with the football team
will be made tomorrow.
All of the Vikings, Junior men's or
ganization, and all of the football team
are to sell the band tickets, in addi
tion to the men who are named in the
list below.
Th girls will be tagged by the
Black Masques, senior organization;
the Silver Serpents, Juniors; and the
Xi Delta, sophomore girls society. The
girls wfll work on the city and farm
campus all day.
Men Ticket Sellers
The men who are to sell the dance
tickets down town, taklg business
house after business house, Btore after
store, and office building after office
building, will report Tuesday morn
Kosmet play being one of the biggest
student events of the college year.
Play In February
The next production will be staged,
if the plans of the club can be realized,
about the middle of February,' 1917.
Because this date Is not far off, the
club Is anxious to secure the play soon,
and for this reason offers the 100
prize. Professor Scott has offered his
services in helping any student who
has an idea; for a play to develop it
into the finished product, and he will
give advice as to the best methods of
working out the plot and the scenario
for the piece.
The Kosmet Klub is now starting
upon its sixth year at the University.
It was organized for the purpose of
producing each year a play in which
both book and music would be the
original Work of University students.
The five plays that have been staged
have met with the greatest success, a
success that has grown with each
production, until the annual play is one
of the most-looked-forward-to events of
the dramatic year in Lincoln, as well
as for the University.
Select Jeffries and Trester to Debate
Wilson Club Representatives
The University Hughes club voted
to accept the challenge of the Wilson
club to debate the issues of the present
campaign at their meeting Sast Thurs
day night, and selected Earl C. Jeffries,
'18, and Leonard W. Trester, '19, to
represent them. The debate will be
held next Thursday evening in the
Temple theatre. The democrats will
be represented by Robert Waring, '17,
and August C. Krebs, law '18.
Both the Hughes and Wilson advo
cates have been identified with class
and varsity debating, and flushed by
the increasing intensity of the cam
paign, are expected by their supporters
to put up scrappy arguments. The
Judges have not yet been selected.
ing at 8 o'clock sharp at tbe student
activities office, basement of the ad
ministration building.
Their names are:
Willard Folsom Joe Seacrest
DeWitt Foster Max Miller
Ted Metcalfe ' Ralph Doyle
Beachy Musselman Ellsworth Moser
Spencer Flint Joseph Riley
Wilton Andreson Carl Harnsberger
Homer Carson Lloyd Tully
Don Chapin Joe Flaherty
Jesse Clark Cecil Laverty
Lawrence Farrell Robert Wiring
Elmer Rhoden Victor Halligan
O. J. Fee Carl Ganz
Ernest Guenzel Hugo Otoupalik
Phil Watkins John Cook
Wallace Spear Lorln Caley
W. L. Townsend -Ted Riddell
Albert Covert Roy Cameron
S. A. Hoadley Harold Wilder
Jean Nelson C. H. Frey
Jack Emly Lawrence Finney
Marlon Shaw Geo. Newswanger
Carl Brown Arnold North
Fred Buerstetta Max Baehr
James Gardiner Otto Zumwinkle
Edson Shaw Everett Angle
Tim Corey Paul Dobson
The faculty of Dartmouth believes
In military training so firmly that It
has voted to make a student's work
at Plattsburg count toward bis de
gree. Exchange.