The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1916, Image 2

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    The Daily Nebraskan
ii Miller MlttCWer
George Grimes Mf n J
Vtvlenne Holland Assodatc Edltor
M.L.Toteet Busine88 Manager
Homer Carson Assistant Business Manager
Larue Gillern Assistant Business Manager
Offices: News, Basement, University Hall; Business. Basement,
Administration Building. 1
Telephones: News, L-IS41; Business, B15S7.
Published every day during the college year. Subscription, per
semester, $1.
Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second class
mail matter under the Act of Congress of March , 1579.
J Frank Hanly, prohibition presidential candidate, has accepted
the invitation ct the University to speak to the students at the Temple
theater, Tuesaay afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, and it la the duty of every Mudtnt to make an effort to attend the lecture.
A candidate for president of the United States is an important
person and well worth hearing. 7
In different places on the campus there are bulletin boards that
hold all sorts of information, and there are only a few people on the
campus who take the time to read the notices on the boards. There
is generally a reason for all things, especially a bulletin hoard.
On a bright autumn, morning, the campus of a state University
was filled with students hurrying to their classes. A group of young
men stopped on the walk to have a little "talk," and before long It
had developed into a -conversallon,n which we can know nothing about.
But along came two girls, and because the -conversation" was so
engrossing they walked out around the group of animated talkers, and
went on.
Soon a gray-haired woman professor came up to the group and
stepped oft the walk and around ou the grass, too. Before long a path
was worn around the talkative friends who still remained on the walk.
If you will look at the ground around the sidewalks you will see
that there is no grass and the reason Is because of lengthy "conver
sations" on the sidewalk.
Let the grass grow.
Student athletic tickets have not been bought as rapidly as was
expected, and it is the opinion of some that the general student body
does not realize the opportunity offered by the sale of the student
athletic tickets.
They are small books which cost four dollars each, and which con
tain tickets to all of the athletic events on the field and in the gym
nasium during the year.
For the football season, there is admission to the six football
games scheduled for the home field, three of which are probably the
biggest games ever played here.
The student union committee which had its beginning last spring
and which expects to get busy soon, has no girls on it. It would
seem the girls are just as vitally affected by a student union as the
(Continued from page 1)
Contemporary Art Class
The modern contemporary art class
will meet at 4 o'clock on Tuesday and
Thursday, instead of 5 o'clock. Regis
tration is still open. This is distinctly
a .cultural course and will be a study
of modern French, English and Ger
man schools.
Political Science 41
Those registered or interested in
the bill drafting course. Political Sci
ence 41, one hour a week, will meet at
3 o'clock Monday in the seminar room,
Law 104.
They call it the Drake Bulldog, but
we think mi be the Drake "goat
after next Saturday.
Wilder is a funny name for a stonewall.
Henry Lord and "Bean" Olcott, the
Kansas coach, turn out machines some
what similar. They both are addicted
to running into stonewalls.
Palladian Committee Meeting
All members of the program com
mittee are asked to meet in Palladian
hall Monday evening at 7:30. Very
important. Chairman.
Uni Week Association
There will be a meeting of the Uni
versity Extension Week association.
Tuesday. October 3, at 11 o'clock, in
the student activities office. Import
ant. V. J. Haggart, President
The puy that takes care of the foot
balls and calls the roll at practice,
gets a good word from Doc. once in a
while, and then he just "Huggs" him
self for joy.
Oregon ought to have a good stone
wall with Portland cement so handy.
If it rains so that water is standing
on the field next Saturday the Drakes
will hare it on the Cornhuskers.
Madeline Stivers. '14, who has been
assisting in the English literature de
partment here, left Saturday to accept
a position as teacher in the high school
at Pocatello, Ida.
Have your eyes tested by our
Registered Optometrist. If
you don't need glasses he'll
gladly tell you so.
Repairs promptly made.
One of the football warriors got
kicked on the calf of the leg the other
day. He said his injury didn't hurt
much as it was just bologne (below
Established 1871 1143 O St.
The agricultural engineering depart
ment has found it Impossible to do jus
tice to the agricultural and engineer
ing students in the farm drainage and
rural architectural courses and, this
year for the first time they have ar
ranged for new classes in each of
these courses. From now on, special
courses In rural architecture and farm
drainage will be given to the engineer
ing students, while a different course
on the same subject will be given stu
dents who are not engineering. It is
especially adopted to agricultural students.
constructive editor-
all the campus news
daily features
The political dopester can do little
in summing up the merits of the men,
as none of them have been tried as
yet. High school reputations are rare
ly the gage of ability In the Univer
sity, and fraternity pull one way or
the other has little effect upon the
thoughtful voter. Probably the man
among the four who will win will be
the one who is able to line up more
men in scattered classes and concen
trate a vote upon himself by that
Offer Explanation
Various explanations have been of
fered for the lack of interest evi
denced by the failure of more than one
candidate to file In the sophomore and
senior classes. Several men who
might have offered themselves for the
nlaces have suggested that the class
presidency has ceased to be a distin
guished honor, that the most desirable
thing In many ways is the chairman
ship of a good committee, and that
this is easier to buy by staying out of
the race, than the presidency is to win
by going into it.
However this may be, the lack of a
fight will be regretted by most folks
who dislike to see anything go by de
fault, and who will miss the fun of
keeping the anxious politicians on the
fence as to their own views on the
In the second semester of this school
year a new course known as "Graph
ics" will be offered in the agricultural
engineering .department This course
will train men in elementary drafting,
but the body of the course will be a
study in representing data graphically.
Agricultural data will be used mostly.
C. E. Breiey, secretary of the Char
ity organisation society, will speak
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, before
the political science and sociology
seminar in the Law building. His sub
ject will be The Operation of the Ne
braska Mothers' Pension Law." This
is the first of a series of lectures
which will be given each Monday.
An impromptu program was given
at Palladian meeting last Friday even
ing. These programs are always In
teresting, especially to the partici
pants, and several more will be given
during the year. Following the pro
gram time was given over to a social
hour in order that the large number
of visitors might become a little bet
ter acquainted with the social side of
the society. At the close of the regu
lar meeting a business meeting was
held in order to discuss plans for a
joint Palladian-Union meeting which
will probably be held In the near fu
the best Varsity
society news
Esther EHwanger has been appoint
ed assistant reserve desk librarian, ow
ing to the increased number of stu
The state library committee, of
which M. G. Wyer, University head
librarian, is president, will meet at
the state library from October 11 to 13
Over a hundred colleges are now of
fering curriculum courses in the study
of the liquor problem, according to
a recent investigation of the Intercol
legiate Prohibition association. It is
certain that the number will be great
ly increased during the year just be
ginning, because of the unusual public
interest in the question this year.
Classified Advertising
FOR SALE Hawaiian steel guitar
and case. 421 Y. M. C. A. 3t
LOST Blue chinchilla Balmaccan
overcoat in U ball Friday morning.
Finder please return to student ac
tivities office and avoid any trou
ble. 3t
LOST Gold, open-faced watch with
"Marian" on back. Finder please
return to student activities office.
Reward. 6t
LOST Athletic ticket One Hundred
Fifteen! Please return to student
activities office. 3t
FOUND-Bunch of keys m student ac
tivities office, marked W eastern
forty-one Seminary. Owner, paying
2 1
war a
v li
TH' thoughtless talker is like a
blank cartridge. He makes a loud
noise but never hits th target.
When you stop to think. It's
little wonder that VELVET to
so good. Every bit of It has
been naturally agvd for two years.
do it for you. '
Find you employment hire your help for you find that lost article
put you in touch with a trade on that motor cycle. Old Book, etc.
See T. A. Williams, basement Adm. Bldg.
12 words 10c 'Je for each additional word. 3 insertions 25c
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CHAPIN BROS. 127 Sa. 13lh St
w3nk MIDI
We Use Pure Soft Water
It Saves Your Linen
Visit Our New Sanitary Plant
Register for your music work at
Twenty-Third Year just commencing
Many teacher in all branches of music to choose from.
Dramatic Art Aesthetic Dancing
Ask for information
11th and E Sts. Opposite the Campus
Do Yon Like It?
Then send home a view-book containing
16-A1 Pictures of the Universify buildings and campus
Some time you will be glad you bought one for yourself to
recall student days.
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for this ad, can have same. 3t