The JDaily Nebraskan THE BEST UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD Eva Miller Editor-in-Chief George Grimes Managing Editor Vlvienne Holland Associate Editor M. L. Toteet Business Manager llonier Carson Assistant Business Manager Larue Gillern .'. Assistant Business Manager Offices: News, Basement. University Hall; Business, Basement. Administration Building. Telephones: News. L-4S41; Business, B-2597. Published every day during the college year. Subscription, per semester, $1. - Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter under the Act of Cougress of March 3, 1379. A Womans' building with offices and a reception room would have been an ideal place for the Girls' club party Saturday afternoon. The four hundred girls who were crowded Into Music hall and Faculty hall would certainly have been more comfortable in a larger place. Nevertheless the party was a great success considering the handicap under which the hostesses worked. Everybody has one privilege in this life that no one can take from them that is. expressing their own views on a subject. If a person approves or disapproves of something, it generally is a service to others to let them know about it. So. The Daily Nebraskan will have a "Forum" column in which letters from both students and out siders will be gladly printed. The freshmen showed the varsity up in the game Saturday after noon, the freshmen making one touchdown and the varsity only two. This little paragraph isn't written to "take all the joy out of life," but merely to remind the over-confident onlooker that though the team hasn't been beaten In five years, its time is coming, and it behooves all of us to tread lightly. One eminent physician claims that the health of more people is mined during their four years in college than at any other time in their life, and this is because when students are made independent of all supervision for the first time, they do not use their best judg ment. Nine people out of ten act like silly children, and do not know how to distinguish work from play, and play from work, but succeed only in making a combination salad of everything they have to do, much to their sorrow, later. Nebraska alumni are showing unusual interest in The Daily Nebraskan this semester, and we have received letters from Nebras kans far away, asking that the paper "with all back numbers," be sent to them. Illinois claims to have the best college band in the country. How can they? One almost new military suit coat, 33. See Wilson, Temple desk. Tioeb's Orchestra, B-37n8 B-1392. We carry a full line of FRATERNITY AND SORORITY CRESTS MONOGRAMS AND LETTERS Just the thing for applying to Silverware or Jewelry. Exclusive Gifts that are not Expensive. IAILITT UNL JEWELER Established 1871 1143 O St Sciiembeok's ORCHESTRAL AND CABARET SERVICE EVERYWHERE ! UNIVERSITY NOTICES Carl W. Harnsberger announces that he is a candidate for sophomore president. Palladium Meeting. Important Palladium business meet ing in Palladium hall, Monday noon. All Palladiums urged to come. ALUMNI NEWS SCRUBS, BEATEN, OUTPLAY VARSITY IN FIRST GAME Zella Sougey, '16, is assistant prin cipal at Dwight, Neb. Gladys Wild, 16. is teaching in the high school at Milligan. Trof. and Mrs. Grover E. Barber enjoyed an eastern trip during the summer vacation. Mary Kittinger, '15, is at Holton, Kas., in charge of the mathematics de partment of Campbell college. Vesta Foxwonhy, ex-'18, has been appointed principal of Bchools at New port She will return to school next year. Dr. Fred M. Voss, S5. formerly med ical officer at Pueblo, Mex., is cow a surgeon in the German army at Bracht, Niederrhein, Germany. The fix tetters in the Ohiowa, Nebr., school were all at the univer sity last year. They were John E. Lanz. superintendent; Mrs. John E. Lanz. Jennie Morse, high school; Stella Sougey. grammar teacher; Blanch Randall, intermediate; and Esther Beck, primary. Classified Advertising WANTED A room-mate by voting man in the University. Phone B43G4. 1S10 M. 25-27 FOR SALE A good band suit com plete. Call Y. M. C. A. No. 302. (25) S REWARD for the retura of & Moore's unleakable fountain pen to Station A- (227) (Continued from page 1) the offensive. His one best perform ance was shouting, at a critical mo ment, "Come on, guys, let's get that old married man." That was just when Rutherford entered the game. Doyle's bucks oft tackle were the sur est ways the varsity had of gaining, although end runs by Cook were quite effective. Otoupalik did some good line buck ing, as did Rhoades and Proctor. The defensive work of Corey was quite noticeable, as he nailed the scrub man behind the line on various occasions. Moser, playing the position of "roving" center on the the defense, also at tracted quite a bit of attention. Crowd Disappointed Altogether the crowd was quite dis appointed in the showing of the var sity. The men didn't seem to wake up until the third quarter was well under way. When they once got to going they went down the field, almost at will, for their two touchdowns. Both touchdowns came as the result of the same kind of play, a back off tackle. One was made Dy Coyie and the other by Otoupalik. Both were well over to the side of the field and made a kickout necessary before a try at goal could be made. Both kick outs were successful, but Corey missed one of his tries at goal. Dr. Maxey probably expressed the opinion of a great many of the specta tors when he said, "Either the scrub team is exceptionally strong or the varsity is not as far along as we ex pected." But it must be remembered that the season is yet young and that the varsity had to learn an entirely new system of play this year. 500 at the Game The crowd was quite large, about 500 students and townspeople view ing the game. As was promised, the band made its initial appearance and although the marching was rather ragged the music was excellent. The same two teams will go at it in another real tussle next Saturday and on the following Saturday the team will play Drake university. The lineups were as follows: Varsity Scrubs Otoupalik le Hoadley Corey It Hubka Wilder lg W. Kositzky Moser c... Halbersleben Dale - rg E. Kositzky Shaw rt Janda Riddell re.. Ralston Cook q Porter Doyle lh Selzer Rhoades fb Schellenberg Gardiner rh. Kellogg Substitutes: Varsity Caley for Gar diner; Maloney for Otoupalik; Otou palik for Caley; Proctor for Doyle; Caley for Proctor. Scrubs Andrews for Hoadley: Haller for Janda: Ruth erford for Selzer; McMahon for Kel logg. Touchdowns Doyle, Otoupalik. Kel logg. Goals from touchdownJ-C,orey. WILLIAMS' ORCHESTRA Saxophones,Banjoes and Leading Drummer of the West. B4313 2476 Vine TflrJ3E TO THINK about shedding1 j-our B. V. D.'s fello s. Put on a nice light weight ribbed union suit that we are selling at 95c IJ White or Ecru pOPglAR PRICED WE?ry VHKAT HHP An Entirely New Type of Clothes You young fellows must have your own particular class of clottas. They must have a lot of dash jmd go. They must fit you nicely ind serve you perfectly. i The High Spots in Style As long as our young friends (in sist upon demanding style whpi "hit the high spots" in patten and poise, we are going to make a specialty of this particular type. If you delight in styles that fit tie moment and want them at a price that tits your purse take a look at some or the new wnnkles. Collegian and Harvard Clothes That look good are good and that you'll like. $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 and Rarely $28 1I SOfHOMORS CLOTHES I 400 VARSITY GIRLS AT PARTY SATURDAY (Continued from Page One) pent and Doris Scroggin the Black Masque representative. Gertrude Squires was Good Times, Mildred Gil leran, with her tennis racquet, Ath letics. A clever little dance was given by eight little girls, who impersonat ed eight little joys. After the program there was danc ing and refreshments upstairs. Miss Graham in a short talk appealed to the girls to dance gracefully, which she said resulted when both danced inde pendently and did not "cling" to each other. NEBRASKA ALUMNA FIRST WOMAN COACH OF FOOTBALL TEAM Mrs. Earl Brannon, formerly promi nent in athletics at the University of Nebraska, is the first woman to coach a football team. When the Jonesboro College of Arkansas advertised for a football coach for ita second team, Mrs. Brannon applied and was ac cepted. Her husband Is drilling the first team. Mrs. Brannon is making a success and the Jonesboro Aggies are going to make a good showing on the Arkansas gridiron this season. Mrs. Brannon was formerly Miss McManigall of Lincoln. She was a member of the Chi Omega sorority and prominent in girls' athletics. Her hus band, "Cut" Brannon, as he was more familiarly known to his friends, was a prominent athlete at the university, at tended the Springfield training school and served for two years as sporting editor for the Lincoln Daily Star. He hag made a success in college athletics as a coach. REGISTER FOR COMMERCIAL WORK Arrange your schedule so you will have time to take some com mercial work. We can form classes to suit your hours and there is a special rate for part tinp work. Come up and see us. L.B. C. Building, 1st corner east of City Y. M. C. A. LINCOLN BUMNESS COLLEGE Lincoln's Acredited Commerc'al School. 14th and P St. ' B-6774 Lincoln, Nebr. tudents Register fr your music work at THE UNIVESITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC Twenty-Thirc Year just commencing Many teachers in all branches of music to choose from. Dramatic Art Aesthetic Dancing .Ask Jor information WILLAED KIMBALL, Director 11th and B Sts. Opposite the Campus CHAPIN BUOS. 127 So. 13th St ...3f lOWerS Hall the time Students Sunday Supper at The Lindell Coffee Shop, 35c per plate. Choice of hot or cold menus. Augusta Kilpatridc, 1S, spent the I week end in Beatrice. ' THE GLOBE & LAUD We Use Pare Soft Water It Saves Your Linen RY Visit Our New Sanitary Plant