SUMMER SCHOOL NE BB ASK AN PURITAN Punches. Fruit Ices, Ice Cream H. C. HATHAWAY ICE CREAM COMPANY 2030 O st. B-6152 The Hauck Studio PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY 1216 O Street Lincoln, Nebr. Let Jack press that Suit Y. M. C A. Tailor Shop N. E. Cor. 13th & P Street BASEMENT CITY V. M. "Over Ten Years of Leadership" CLEANING HIGBY and SERVICE DYEING 1322 N B 6333 "Lei George Print II" PROGRAMS, MENUS AND j FANCY STATIONERY I 1313 N St. i Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A, Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Telephone B 3355 THE EVANS LAUNDRY The Mcst Complete in Equipment The Most Perfect In Service Telephone B 2311 The Evans Cleaners, Presters, Dyers Distinct, Separate Dry Cleaning Plant Work ani Service as Near Per fection as Brains and Energy Can Produce. Patrons of oar Laundry and Dry Cleaning Plants will 2nd many of the little refinements of Work and Serrice which mean satisfaction to the cus tomer as well as satisfaction to ns. (JUS MJMf,0 1;' " PERSINGER ENTERTAINS AND INSTRUCTS AT CONVOCATION LECTURE THIS TIME WAS ON PERU AND THE MONTANAS Many of the Peculiarities of This South American Land Are Emphasized in Tuesday's Address At convocation Professor Persinger gave an interesting and instructing lecture on his travels throughPeru. I He Illustrated his lectures with slides showing scenes in Lima and villages of . the Andean mountains through 1 which he passed. His views show inj a striking moment the mingling of modern progress as emphasized by American engineering skill in the building of railroads in the mountains, with old Indian culture. The movies are fast taking the place of Spanish bull fights. Newspapers are as pro gressive as ours. They, perhaps, pay more attention to obituaries. Lotteries aie still allowed in that country and one may still take a chance. One thing of especial interest was the agricultural development of small valleys in the higher altitude or the Andeas. Professor Persinger also visited one of the elementary schools cf Peru. He found that it had about the same low standards as our "destrick" school of forty years ago. The University of Lima, one o f the oldest institutions of its kind in South America is really a credit to the country. Piofessor Persinger will conclude his series of illustrated lectures with a discussion of his travels at the head quarters of the Amazon. His lectures daring the summer have been well (one p 4 i f Hawaiian Made UKULELES of fine old Native Kao Wood The Ukulele is the most popular in strument of the day. Played by College Men everywhere. No dance or promenade can be up-to-date without its characteristic music. Glee Clubs never fail to win tremen dous encores with the Ukulele. Prices with instruction book $5.00 to $25.00 Have you seen the new 1915 Model Washburn Guitar? Write for Catalog M y 27-31 East Adams itreet, Chicago ' attended. They are of especial inter est to the average person, who is not well-informed as to South American history. Students of German in the sity of Washington summer will give a play in German. Unlver session For Nice Work go to the OLIVER THEATRE BARBER SHOP F. B. Rayner, Prop. 131 No. 13th St. (f This Is the FINAL WEEKJn Which To Benefit By the Important GENERAL SA VINGS Offered by GOLD'S I July Clearance Sale! Greate EVERYTHING in piece goods, ready-to-wear apparel and furnishings for women and misses as well as FURNISHING GOODS for men and young men, all offered during this spe cial semi-annual sale at remarkably low prices which mean DECIDED SAVINGS to you in every case. Remember practically everything in this entire store reduced nothing reserved. Sale positively ends at 9 P. M. Saturday. OLD & GO. 112-122 Ns. I0tb St., Opposite Got. Genuine . i J ' 2r&&i til ' TKE EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR AH) (Continued from page i) they often will not touch it unless it is moved a few feet or placed in tn other spot. The poisoned sweet h carried into the nest and a large pro. portion of the colony will die of slow poisoning. The sodium arsenite. it must b remembered, is poisonous and proper care should be taken to keep it away from children and the food supply. In addition to this remedy, proper measures should be taken to remove so far as possible all food upon which the ants" are foraging. Bulletin braska College of Agriculture. "Tie Store tint Sells the Best for jost i Little Less" Square L LINCOLN s 1 - . - . - - - '. ':? - (EI? ... X-'-hh a Jv