s.. .Jlii. fc '-fit- - - .m ....(.iW.fc.-tk W.w ...i 'i U -w'.v''. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN SOCIETY I: : : The Strand TUE., WED., THUR., FRI., SAT. APRIL 18, 18, 20, 21, T" Daniel Frohman Preser'- le Superb Photo-Spec: . "THE ETERNAL CITY" By Hall Calne With Pauline Frederick prces Nights, All Eeats 15c Sat. Matinee 10c Foster and Lovett In "Who's Who" Rambler Sisters and Lena Plnaud, "Haunted, Hounded" "Selig-Tribune" "Romance and Riot" Oliuor Thoatro SAT. MAT. & NIGHT, APR. 22 The Warmest Saby of Them All THE PASSING SHOW OF 1915 125 People Special Train Direct from Winter Garden, New York Mat. $1.50 to 50c, Night $2 to 75c tit SPA Get your Lunchea at the CKy Y. M. C. An Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P GEORGE BROS'. 1313 N Street WHITMAN, S CLASSY CANDY PEIER DRUG CO. 13th &nd O STREETS For Quick Service New York Chop House 1840 O St Always Open 111; JlBjlM$Yi r F. E. ROEDER'S ORCHESTRA Phone L-48J3 mmamm 72 LCSmith&Bro. Typewriter Co. BALL BEARING LONG WEARING Hew, Rebuilt and Eentali 123 Ho. 1842i Bt. E20CO myrsmun JT j SOCIAL CALENDAR April 21: Engineers' Night. Senior Hop Lindcll hotel. Christian Science Society, party Faculty hall. Sigma Phi Epsilon, dance Lincoln hotel. Silver Lynx House dance. April 22: Delta Zeta, formal Lincoln hotel. Engineers' vanquet Lincoln hotel. Comus Club, dance Music hall. Delta Chi House dance. Alpha Omicron Pi House dance. April 28: Phi Gamma Delta, formal Lincoln hotel. Farm House, dance Music hall. Freshman Hop-Rosewilde. April 29: Gamma Phi Beta, formal Lincoln hotel. Alpha Omicron Pi, banquet Lin coln, hotel. Phi Gamma Delta, banquet Lincoln hotel. Farm House, banquet Lincoln ho tel. Union Society, picnic. Mrs. Minnie T. England, instructor in political economy, entertained the university Business Woman's club Wednesday evening at dinner. Fif teen girls were present. Mrs. Eng land read several selections from James Whitcomb Riley, and her 7- year-old son, Donald, played the violin for the visitors. Members of Sigma Delta Chi were entertained at th8 home of Prof. M. I M. Fogg Thursday evening. Carl H j Getz, vice president of the fraternity, was guest of honor. George B. Bush, traveling secretary of Delta Chi fraternity, is a guest at the fraternity house. Mr. Bush is an attorney in Riverside, Cal. Dr. H. B. Alexander is in St. Louis, where he will read a paper before the Western Philosophic association. THE ENGINEER AND PREPAREDNESS "Fat men who do not believe in pre paredness will continue to overeat. Pneumonia like war always avoids those who are not prepared." Kansas City Star. If a large number of recitations at the University of Nebraska may be taken as a guide, the belief in the necessity of preparedness has only a small following in the student body. The confidence in the efficacy of the bluff being so well established, I shall not attempt to convince either the student or the public at large of the necessity of preparedness, but merely pont out to those who will have to bear the burden In that day when the bluff Is called, some of the things that the engineer will be called upon lo do. It Is again a question if a student body whose main desire is the side stepping of hard work will appreciate to any extent service with the en gineering corps of an active army. Casper Whitney says: "Men go to war to flKht. To fight means to work all day, to march all night, to sleep on the d&mp ground, to go hungry, and those who do not have a stomach for that sort of thing had better stay at home." This prescription, with a triple al lowance of work, all comes to the en gineers. For Instance, if you can picture to yourself a small group of men cutting, and lashing bamboo poles into a half finished floating bridge with ; troops and the lighter ??hlcles already ; passing over it, and when It is fairly substantial see these men still soaked to the skin, under a blazing eun, fight ing their way through the dust past columns of men on the march, ambu lances, supply wagons and what not, Economy k'tfk''? IltflH on may have said can-flere. A R m S TT R O N Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes to be at the head of the' line ready to bridge the next stream, you will have a pretty fair idea of some of the work of the engineering corps in the early days of the campaign in the Philip pines. In this connection the standard United States army pontoon bridges are wonderfully efficient, yet in the earlier Philippine campaigns when the crossing of streams was almost a daily occurrence, there were whole regi ments which never saw a pontoon. As an example of what was done, how ever, the troops crossed the Marilao river at dusk one evening on a partly dismantled railroad bridge and at 9:30 o'clock the next morning supply trains were crossing on a bridge of boats and bamboo gathered along the banks. To bring home the importance of rapid bridge work and to show that one can not rely entirely on make shifts, allow me to quote Major P. S. ; Bond in the Engineering Record of March 18, 1916. j "On Jan. 26, 1814, Napoleon writes V 'If I had had ten pontoons, I should have captured 10,000 wagons, beaten Prince Schartsenburg in detail, annlhi- j lated his army and closed the war; I but for want of proper means I could not cross the Seine.' Now's a good time to buy Spring Clothes 1325 O Street Quality j; cant ie Uted- for ut you "Writing to the adjutant general under date of May 18, 184G, General Zachary Taylor says: 'My very limited means for crossing rivers prevented a complete prosecution of the victory of the 9th (Palo Alto). A pontoon train, the necessity of which I exhibited to the department last year, would have enabled the army to cross on the even ing of the battle, taken this city, with all the artillery and stores of the enemy, and a great number of prison ersin short to destroy entirely the Mexican army.'" In addition to the things already mentioned the duties of the military engineer are limited only by his abil ity, both mental and physical. In general, however, with an active army THE Telephones B2311 and B3355 333 North 12th St Emu Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Everything. FARQUHAR'S is a good place to buy them. Try Us Your Easter Outfit in the field, they may be summarized as the collection of information and the construction of highways, railways and of protective works. The information particularly desiredt C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHE AN OPTICIAN 1123 O STREET Gleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Beat Equipped Dry Cleaning Plant la Ue West. One day service if neoded. Reasonable prices, good work, promt service. Repairs to men's foments carefully made. 4 It ill ' i l -. ?- ; ill it 35! r l . .1