DAILY NEBEA SUN t n i - ' ' ' ' I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Chas. H. Epperson. .. .Editor-in-Chief Ceorge E. Grimes. .. .Managing Editor Eva I. Miller Associat-s Editor John Cejnar Associate Editor U. S. Harkson Business Manager M. L. Poteet. .Asst. Business Manager Offices: News, Basement, University Hall. Business, Basement, Admin istration Building. Telephones : News, L-8862. Business, B-2597. Published daily, except Saturday and Sunday, during the college year. Subscription, per semester $1.00 ! nriior tA tnkfl advantage of this 111 W v vy v price and of a choice of good seats No money will be refunded after the tickets are sold. The Cornhusker picture of the Home Economics club will be taken at Townsend's studio next Saturday after noon at 1:15 o'clock. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, NflhraHka. as second-class mail matter, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THE INNOCENTS IN POLITICS The attack on the Innocents !n the last number of the Awgwan is man! festly unfair. It contains a hint that the society as a body is attempting to influence certain political struggles about the campus, and then it fails to sueepRt the evidence on which the writer bases bis conclusion. The deeds of individual members is often mistaken for the activity of the organization. The Innocents probably have never as a body taken part in any purely political fight. If they have, It should be known. Until then, an attack on the organization is out of place. Some men of the present Innocent society are known for their political activity. There is no disgrace in such a reputation. Furthermore, their be ing chosen to membership in that or ganization is no reason why their ef forts in that line should cease. Only if the society acts as a body, or the individuals use their membership to add weight to their influence, can they be convicted of unfairness. We trust that the Awgwan will explain Its meaning at greater length at the next opportunity. The Y. W. C. A. will hold a sale of home-made candy in the lobby of the Temple from 11 to 1:30 o'clock today. There will be an important meeting of the Civil Engineers' society in Me chanical Arts 206, at 7:30 o'clock to-light. The chairs and tables are mountain scenes, rippling brooks, enchanted grottoes and peaceful hillsides but they don't seem to know it. Because of this indifference to the demands of realistic art, on February 18, the date of the Kosmet production, the chairs and tables will be shouldered from their positions of honor and will be replaced by real scenery, Rehearsals are being held several times a week and while social stunt ing languishes among the membership of the cast, the play is being rapidly whipped into shape. An error was made in the announce ment of the Komensky Klub hop. In stead of February 4 it should be Feb ruary 5. German Lunch Schelder, manager. and Cafe, R. 1121 P street C. The Mogul Barber Shop, S. L. Chap lin, proprietor, 127 North Twelfth. ARE ELEPHANTS DIGNIFIED SENIORS? Cornhusker Management Dire Threat Makes a UNI STUDENTS AND CIVICS One of the local papers will soon begin running a series of articles writ ten by local men and dealing with public questions. This is done !n con nection with work in the Lincoln high school. There are very few students In the University who would not profit by reading the sr.me articles. The Cornhusker management yes terday threw a scare into the seniors and juniors when they announced the reservation of a right to print any pic ture they see fit opposite the name of parties who fail to have their pic tures taken at Townsend's before the final day. The officials when inter viewed refused to give out any defi nite assertions as to what might be expected, but merely hinted that it might be anything from a kangaroo to a landscape or an advertisement for favorite breakfast food. "Other schools' have the same diffi culty with their junior and senior pic tures as we do," said Editor Schwab. J "There seems to be a general aversion among university people to appear be fore the camera man. Several of the Meal tickets, North Twelfth. $5.50 for $4.60, Newbert Cafe. 137 THE NEBRASKAN CAT HAS GONE What has become of the little old maltese cat that made her headquar ters at The Daily Nebraskan office all last semester? The accusing finger points toward Nebraska hall and the medics. Nobody knows where she got her living, as eatables of any kind are rather scarce on the campus, even for a cat. Nevertheless she kept sleek and fat and announced her daily arrival at the office by mewing and rubbing against the window. When admitted, she amused herself by caressing the! members of the staff. In turn they' amused themselves by playing barber and cutting her hair. When last seen she had a ring around her tail and two niches in her back. For some reason the little gray cat comes no more. She has been watched for every day for the past two weeks, but all in vain. Poor kitty has gone the inevitable road mapped out by the medics for all her race, and the cut- larger eastern annuals are using the .. , -. , v.. . . . ting, so innocently begun, has prob- methods we threaten and have found aM . , , , , auij ucii cici laoimgij uillaucu. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Girls' Club party, Saturday after noon, February 5. in Faculty hall, the Temple. All individual Cornhusker pictures must be taken by February 5, if they are to be placed in the junior or sen ior section. Paul Babson, Business Manager. The picture of the junior football team will be taken at Townsend's next Thursday at 12 o'clock. Every man on the squad be there. A meeting of the senior play com mittee will be held next Thursday at 11 o'clock in U 103. them very successful. One book had a special staff artist who did nothing but cartoon the delinquents." All other departments of the Ne braska annual are progressing rapidly and those in charge wish to Impress upon the seniors and juniors the im portance of getting their pictures ready for the book. To have a suc cessful Cornhusker the management must have the co-operation of all. Now that examinations are over it is ex pected that the delinquents will ap pear in rapid succession and that the threat of the Cornhusker management will only have application to a few. G. E. Spear, B. Sc., M. D., Univer sity of Nebraska, '03; physician and surgeon. 1417 O St. B-3021. Printing that's better, at Boyd's, 121 North 12th. AN IMPRESSION OF KOSMET REHEARSAL At an instant's notice, young, stal wart men become aged and infirm, blooming young girls become gossip ing old women, heart free youths and maidens fall violently in love, fairy A meeting of all men interested in ! stories come true and become fairy track will be held in Memorial hill 102 ' stories again, ordinarily sober Individ next Thursday at 11 o'clock. uals become fountains of mirth. These transitions are not the result of mir- All gymnasium lockers not vacated acles but of Kosmet practices which or re-assigned by tonight, will be cut. ! are being held at the Temple several Dr. R. G. Clapp. times each week. The girls and men do not sound as The Palladian society will hold an they look, but their voices betray their open meeting Friday evening, Febru ary 4. The program will be on "War. characters. There are typical English men, infirm old men, self-confident young men, care-laden theatrical men, equally care-laden and more expres sive theatrical ladies, (very audible those), fairies, society women who Tickets for the junior play are now on sale and may be obtained from members of the committee. Each ticket will be sold at $1.50 and will would like to be fairies, and French admit two people to the best seats in maids. Plans and specifications are the house. Only a limited number of being drawn up for disguises, which these tickets have been printed, and will make these people resemble their it will be necessary to get them early words and voices. SOCIETY Vojta Benes, who recently came to the United States from Bohemia, and is now on a lecture tour, will be se cured by the Komensky Klub to de liver an address before that organiza tion. The date has not yet been an nounced, but will be in the near future. E. D. Kiddoo, of the conservation commission, was In Omaha Saturday taking motion pictures of some phases of the dairy Industry. R. P. Wagner, C. E. '15, has return ed to school as candidate for the E. E. degree. He has been employed as city engineer at York, Nebr. J. J. Lyons, '18, of the conservation commission, went to Johnson yester day to show motion pictures of Ne braska resources and industries. John L. Barton, '17, Sundance, Wyo., has returned to take the studies as a junior law. Frederick Spear, '12, of Fremont, was a visitor yesterday at the Alpha Theta Chi house. H. C. Mortlock, of the Geography department, visited In Malcolm the first part of the week. Dr. George E. Condra lectured at Falls City Monday on "Conservation." Scott's Orchestra. Call, B-1481. Board and room for two, at 1309 Q street. L-8986. Two and one-half blocks from university. 205-82-84 FOR SALE Good as new; military suit, size 38. See Wilson, Regent's Book Store. T.W.T. It TJOURS are leaden or golden, accordin' to what you put in 'em. A little VELVET will put a lot o' gold in yo' hours. The University School ol Music RELIABLE INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES OF Music Dramatic Art Aesthetle Dancing ASK FOR INFORMATION WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Opposite Campus llth&RSts. UNIVERSITY STATIONERY Red and Gold Seal 60c box Plain Gold Seal 50c box Plain Red 40c box Tablets Special Die Stamped 25c CO-OP BOOK STOGIE A. H. Peden 318 No. 11th. Phone L 4610 THE Em ? rn S33 North 12th 8t Telephones B2311 and B3S5I Cleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Serrloe that Pleases." Call B231L The Beat Equipped Dry Cleaning- Plant la the West One day aerrlce tf needed. Reasonable prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. GRAVES PRINTING CO. SPECIALISTS-UNIVERSITY PRINTING Cigars Tobacco OPEN MONDAY The New Lounging Room Basement of Coll TTft 1 nt - ege oook 5ore Facing Camptu 8psnd Your Spare Time With Us. Candy Gum CHAPIN BROS. 127 So. 13th FLOWERS ALL THE TIME