The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1916, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Property of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
R. V. Koupal Edltor ln-Chlet
C. R. Taul ..Managing Editor
Doris Slater Associate Editor
A. J. Covert Associate Ldltor
Reportorlal Staff
Jean Burroughs Clara Schulte Dorothy Ellsworth
J A Ceinar Guy Moates Geneva Chesley
Miller John Kyle Alleen Eberman
Marguerite Kauffman C. L. Jonea Ivan Beede
Frank Darnott John Wenstrand Cloy Hobson
Joe C. Flaherty
U. S. Harkson Business Manager
B. B. Scott -A881- Business Manager
Entered at the poetofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second
class mail matter, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
In the president's hands not later
than G o'clock tomorrow evening.
ComDanv C picture will be taken,
Thursday at 11 o'clock, on the west
steps of Administration Building. AH
men in Company C are requested to
be procnt in full uniform with belts
and rifles.
Unions aro to meot at Townsond's
22G South Eleventh street, Saturday,
at 2 o'clock, for the Cornhuskor picture.
All Pallaians are asked to meet at
Townsend's 22G South Eleventh streot,
Saturday, January 15, at 1 o'clock, for
the Coruhusker picture.
Palladian will have an open meet
ing, January 14, in Palladian hall.
"Man is an imitative creature, and whoever is foremost leads
the herd.
"Trecepts are useful, but practice and imitation go far beyond
them. Hence the importance of watching early habits that they
may be free from -what is objectionable.
"It is by imitation, far more than by precept, that we learn
everything; and what we learn thus, we acquire not only more
effectually, but more pleasantly. This forms our manners, our
opinions, our lives.
"Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can pre
sent every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's culti
vation; but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an ex
temporaneous half-possession. That which each can do best none
but his Maker can teach him."
The Tegner society will hold its reg
ular meeting in the Y. W. C. A. rooms
at the Temple, Saturday evening, Jan
uary 15. All the members are espe
cially urged to bo present, as the elec
tion of officers for the next semester
will be held. A miscellaneous pro
gram has been arranged. Visitors are
Tryouts for Freshman debating team
will be held in U 102, Friday night,
at 7:15 o'clock.
Quite a number of Juniors have al
ready registered for the Junior play
tryouts, January 20. All others who
wish to do so, are urged to see to it
at once and register between 11 and
12 o'clock today In U 106.
Even though the present weather does not permit of building
operations, something should be done in the not far distant future
to provide class rooms other than those used in old University Hall.
Students who had classes in the upper rooms of University nail
yesterday can and will make the statement that the building could
be felt shaking while the strong gale was blowing. Of course it
may be argued that nothing serious has happened in all these
years, but who can say whether or not the authorities will have
reason to regret that something was not done sooner?
George Grimes announces that he
is a candidate for associate editor of
the Daily Nebraskan.
Speaking of political party organizations in the University, may
it not be said that not a small percentage of the students are voters
and that they can do good through organization? Party organi
zations in the University would not only prepare students for in
telligent voting while here but they would engender a desire in the
young people to cast an intelligent "ballot whenever they had an
opportunity to vote. Trot out your leaders, the followers are no
doubt ready and willing to fall in line.
"Each one of us is bound to make the little circle in which he
lives, better and happier. Bound to see that out of that small circle
the widest good may flow. Each may have fixed in his mind the
thought that out of a single household may flow influences that shall
stimulate the whole commonwealth and the whole civilized world."
Are we still winners in class de
bates? Owing to the ineligibility of
some of the veterans, new material is.
needed. We still have champions if
they will Just get out. Be a sport.
Boost yourself and your class. Regis
tration cIobcs at 6 o'clock. Thursday,
January 13. Tryouts come Saturday.
Register Immediately with one of the
Anyone desiring to fire a furnace for
their room, call L-7990. 154-68-70
A XI Delta meeting will be held at
the Kappa Alpha Theta house, Thurs
day evening, at 7:15 o'clock.
All students who have condition in
Chemistry 2 will have an opportunity
to remove the same at 2 o'clock Satur
day, January 15.
Tickets for the military ball, Jan
uary 21, may be had from Williard
Folsom, R. V. Koupal and A. J. Cov
ert and Paul Temple.
The tyrouts for the Junior play will
be held Thursday, January 20. Regis
tration in U 106, between 11 and 12
o'clock, January 11 and 13.
All Seniors wishing to try out for
the Senior class debating team, -will
please hand their names to either
August Krebs, Guy Chambers, or
Steele Holcomb, before January 15,
Dean Charles Fordyce gave an il
lustrated lecture at Martell, Nebr., last
night on the "Phenomena of Develop
ment in Boy Life."
Dr. G. E. Condra, accompanied by
Jack Lyons, '18, has gone to Grand
Island to give an illustrated lecture
on "Conservation."
The fourth edition of the "Physical
Geography Manual" by Prof. N. A.
Bengtson is just off the press. The
manual is for use in high schools.
Prof. Fling will give a lecture on
pictures now on exhibition in the Art
gallery Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Prof. Dann will give a similar ad
dress on Saturday evening at 8
o'clock In Art hall.
A new class in free hand drawing
will be organized during the second
semester. The clais will be for stu
ents of botany and zoology especially.
The aim of the course is to help stu
dents to draw accurately in their ex
perimental work.
The Agricultural v Engineering so
ciety met in the Mechanics' Art build
ing Tuesday evening. Prof. L. W.
Chase gave a report of the annual
meeting of the American Association
of Agricultural Engineers, held at
Chicago, and Prof. L. E. Seaton gave
a talk on automobiles. Owing to the
weather only about fifteen were pres
ent. . '
The German Dramatic Club will
hold its annual banquet, Saturday.
January 15, at the Lincoln Hotel. 3t
All chess tournament games should
be played off before tomorrow night.
The report on games played should be
Gets on Washington Herald
Sidney Adams, '09, who has been
employed for several years on the
Hastings Dally Republican, now has
a position as reporter on the staff
of the Washington Daily Herald, at
Washington, D. C.
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