THE n AIL Y NEBRASKA N The Daily Nebraskan Property of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln R. V. Ko0pal Edltor-ln-Cnlet C, g. Paul Mllor Associate Editor Dorl Slater Associate Editor A. J. Covert Jinan Burroughs J. A. Cejnar Ev Miller Mumerite Kauffma Frank Barnett ReportorUI Staff Clara Schulte Guy Moatet John Kyle C, L. Jonea John Wenstrand Joe C. Flaherty Dorothy Elliworth Genera Cbesley Alleea Eberman Iran Beede Cloy Hobson U. 8. Hark son. El B. Scott..... Business Manager .AmU Business Manager Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln. Nebraska aa second, claaa mall matter, under the act of Congress of March 2. 178. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1916 Coach Stiehm is now the representative of a neighboring school and we wish him well. Even though he had difficulties previous to his resignation, we must all remember that football was placed m the limelight at Nebraska greatly through the efforts of the man who is now connected with another school. Mr. Stewart is a new man and will have new men to work with but from his past record we can indeed feel that he will keep Nebraska on the football map or even make her a brighter star in the football heavens. Due to the fact that Mr. Stewart has played has been a captain, and has coached in a successful manner, promi nent teams, we may feel that he is a man competent to step into the position vacated by his predecessor, School of Music Applicants bo pres ent at that time. 156-70-7X Mrs. Edhoim. a well known club woman of Omaha. will talk to the Home Economics Club, Wednesday, January 11. at 7: SO o'clock. In Faculty HalL the tyrouts for the Junior play will be held Thursday, January 20. Regis tration In U 106, between 11 and 12 o'clock, January 11 and IS. CHAIRMAN. A XI Delta meeting will be held at the Kappa Alpha Theta house, Thurs day evening, at 7:15 o'clock. Regular Engineers' meeting Tuesday night, at 7:30 o'clock. In M. A. 206. January 11, 1916. Mr. Ivan Wood, government extension man, will give an Interesting talk on Drainage. This will be well worth hearing and you should be present Lincoln lodge, No. 19, A. F. A A. M.f meets at 7 p. m., Tuesday. Entered apprentice degree. All students invited. Home Economic Girls, Noticel Do not forget the meeting of the Home Economics club Wednesday eve ning. A very interesting talk has been prepared for you. REPORTER GETS NEWS EARLY (Continued from page 1) ! Application for election to the offices of Editor-in-Chief, Manag- ! Ing Editor, two Associate Editors, I and Business Manager, and As- .n- if tuj :n Tk -;? Kohl-ask an all vear man! sistant Business Manager of the , ftUUimu u r ;f l;. I:," " hv Indiana TXOj Nebraskan for the second and the students are pleased because of his release by Indiana. He knows the methods used so successfully during the past few years . be recelved at the offlce' and these methods together with those to be proposed by Mr. Stewart of the Secretary of the Student should make an eleven of winners next year. Publication Board, basement of the Administration Building, until Given an opportunity, such as is offered the students of the 1 J o'clock noon. Tuesday. Jam,- University of Nebraska for seeing works of art, few cultured people to vuAe on a m would miss it. Will you t U form which will be furnished by ; Applicant for election to the position of Managing Editor must have served creditably at least one year on the Dally Ne- braskan, or shall have bad an ! equivalent of said services else- j where. The Editor-in-Chief. Managing Editor, ana tne two Associate w t Editors will be elected by popular f vote of all students having a paid up subscription to the Daily Ne- braskan. Election will be held Thursday, January 13. T. A. WILLIAMS. Secretary. detailed news of the trip, human in terest stories, speeches, details, what they call "mail stuff.' Here were some of the biggest journalists in America detailed to get it and waiting to get to Christiana to mall it, know ing they would all start on the same boat. And here was a fellow leaving for New York in an hour on a fast boat with all this news and the pic tures to prove it. Four movie men and forty-two journalists were sold oat and their stuff practiaclly worth lees. For the ship their stuff sails on will be held at Kirkwall and when It gets to New York Bierman will have been there at least ten days. Were the newspaper men mad? Say, they buzzed around. It tickled us to death because the newspaper men, partly because they had no delegates on the ship of sufficient importance to over awe them, had adopted a high and Looking Neat it a matter of care. For real scientific care of garments call Cleaning & Dyeing 10 Ycara of Leadership B6633 0 mighty critical attitude and it tickled us to see them get left. A Big Scoop "They admitted it was the biggest scoop in newspaper history save alone that occasion when the New York World met Roosevelt in Egypt and chartering a liner beat all other New York papers three days with his Afri can trip. But they are a keen bunch and a ray of hope came to them when by some accident the Stockholm was delayed an hour, the 'gate' closed and they were tied up nntil dawn. They raced around trying to get out of the difficulty. They soon found out how he had turned the trick, but the lieu tenant had left us permanently and the captain was ashore. They fumed and paced the deck and waited till the captain returned. When be did, it was with the order from the harbor master that no craft could move at night. This not only prevented him, but also from getting their stuff on the same boat, so their last hope was gone, and they cussed like fiends. while the rest of us laughed." UNIVERSITY NOTICES Anyone desiring to fire a furnace for their room, call L-7990. 15448-70 All students who have condition In Chemistry 2 will have an opportunity to remove the same at 2 o'clock Satur day, January 15, 4-4 GEORGE BORROWMAN. Tickets for the military ball, Jan uary 21, may be bad from Willlard Folsom, R. V. Koupal and A. J. Cov ert and Paul Temple. The Greig Male Choir 6th year will hold their examination for first and second teriors, Tuesday, January The Junior Hop held at the Lincoln Saturday evening, was attended by over 100 couples. The chaperones were Prof, and Mrs. Hood and Prof, and Mrs. Barbour. Harold Neff was chairman of the committee. Scott's Orchestra. Call. B-14S2. The Mogul Barber Shop, S. L. Chap lin, proprietor, 127 North Twelfth. Meal tickets, $5.60 for $4.60, 137 North Twelfth. Newbert Cafe. German Lunch Scbelder, manager. and Cafe, R. C. 1121 P street. Nice front double room for ladies. 1439 S street.. 200-69-71 Girl wants roommate. Has nice room. Call L-E448. 200-69-71 LOST Just before vacation, history notebook containing several subjects. Please leave at Nebraskan office. 148-69-71 FOUND A LCC07. Nebraska seal ring. SENIOR HOP Only 80 Tickets to be sold. May be secured from Alamni Office Janet Wheeler Percy Spencer Caroline Funkt Phone F2429 Phone B26&3 Phone B40 5 James Pierce LINCOLN HOTcL JANUARY 14 TICKETS $1.25 GRAVES PRINTING CO. SPECIALISTS-UNIVERSITY PRINTING -M0MENT8 ARE USELESS WHEN TRIFLED AWAY" Does your Uni work keep you busy? If not, why not take a short Commercial Course In the "Quality School r Hours ar ranged to suit Join the happy, busy crowd at the . Nebraska School of Business T. A. BLAKESLEE, Business Manager Corner O and 14th Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska Paid for your Second Hand Text Books. College Book Store Facing1 Campus The University School ofiusic RELIABLE INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES OF Music Dramatic Art Aesttietia Danslae ASK FOR INFORMATION WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Opposite Campus 1 1th & R Sts. UNIVERSITY STATIONERY Red and Gold Seal 60c box Plain Gold Seal 50c box Plain Red , 40c box Tablets Special Die Stamped. .-. 25c CO-OP HOOEI STORE A. H. Peden 318 No. 11th. Phone L 4810 THE Era s S33 North 12th 81 Telephones B2311 and B335I Cleaners, Pressers, Dyers Tor the "Work and Servtoa that Pleases." Call B2J1L The Beat Equipped Dry Cleaning Plant In the West One day service If needed Reasonable prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to man's garments carefully made. 11, at 8 o'clock. Room C, University