THE nMLY NEBRASKA N 1 G, A. TUCKER JEWELER S, S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O STREET WARTHON'S Shoe Repair Factory and 5c SHINING PARLOR Students' Headquarters 1140 O Street BOEDER'S ORCHESTRA MARIMBAPHONE AND ELECTRIC BELLS Phone B-2029 8:00 to 6:00 Work brought to our office any morning by 9 a. m. will be ready at 6 p.m. if wanted GLOBE SOFT WATER LAUNDRY Office 340 S. 11th Plant 1116 to 1130 L St. .... SEND FLOWERS We Receive New Shipments Daily From the Growers Enslow Floral Co. Phone B3695 135 So, 12th St., LINCOLN, NEB. It's time to get one of our new Balmacaans or a Double Breasted, Velvet Collar Coat AT KLINE'S PRICES $10, $12.50, $15 I I V elieue lie Xanipe" is COMPLETE SEEDLING MILE. Buffalo County Has a New Paved Roadway. Kearney. The Lincoln highway Boedling mile, constructed of concrete, was completed last week on schedule time. The roadway is sixteen feel in width and of excellent construction, running past the Blate tuberculosis hospital and adjoining the state indus trial school. It is laid in the most at tractive part of the country on a beau tiful thoroughfare. It is planned to erect electroliers at the ends of the mile and also to build a concrete bridge across the waste weir from the electric power house, which will be lighted at nilit by electricity. Democrats to Gather at Lincoln. Lincoln, Neb. A monster demo cratic banquet, where candidates for senator, for representative and foi state offices may present their views of democratic party policy to the pub lic, is the plan of the Nebraska Demo cratic Editorial association, whose of fleers met in Lincoln Wednesday to make arrangements for the coming meeting. The date of the banquet was definitely set for January 11. On that date, the business meeting of the dem ocratic editorial association will be held at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, Big Increase in Land Value. Hastings. E. U. Ward, who came all the way from Chicago to attend a "warming" of his new dairy barn on his 640-acre farm near Juniata, one of the largest and most complete In Nebraska, says he has received $75, 000 cash from one-third of the crops raised on this place which cost him $4,000 forty years ago. The form is now valued at SS0.000. Matt Heuertez, present tenant, has cultivated the sec tion continuously for twenty-eight years. First Auto Evangelistic Trip . Hastings. The first automobile booster evangelistic excursion evei conducted in Adams county was made when a sixty-eight-mile whirlwind tour of Adams and Webster counties was made by fifteen auto loads of Hastings church workers. Street meetings -were held in Juniata, Kenesaw, Holstein, Roseland, Bluehill, Rosemont and Pau Mne. Killed by en Explosion. Humphrey. Michael Parocki, was Instantly killed while repairing a gas oline can in front of his shop. He was soldering the can and fumes were ignited. lie was killed when an ex plosion followed. Ainsworth. Potato sh?pmenta to date from this point are Hearing the 200 car mark. The quality is good. The yield has been from CO to 150 bushels per acre. FROM ALL OVER NEBRASKA Murray is agitating the question of electric lights. Beatrice young ladies have organ ized a Y. W. C. A. Stewart is preparing to erect a $16,000 high school building. Precautions have been taken la the Omaha schools against danger from fire or panic. Twenty-nine marriage licenses were Issued in Gage county during the month of October. Horse thieves are busy in Pawnee county, a number of fine animals hav ing been stolen recently. Between 12,000 and 13.000 con versions was the result of Billy Sun day's campaign at Omaha. Lincoln's population was increased by the birth of ninety-seven babies during the month of October. Eight of the ten carloads of gran ite received for paving at Fremont have been reacted by the city engi neers. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lehman cele brated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary at their home near Beemcr last week. Ray Kingsley of Omaha scored 145 out of a possible 150 at the shooting tournament of the Fremont gun club last week. A state-wide "Older Boys" confer ence under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. will be held at Lincoln, Novem ber 26 to 28. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nischinik of Beatrice narrowly escaped death, when she drank a solu tion of fly poison. Prompt action of a physician ?aved its life. MECHANICS OF DAILY NEBRASKAN (Continued from rage 1.) aside for the expression of student opinion:. Here any student or faculty member may make known his Ideas on any subject, provided his signature is given. The signature is withhold from publication, if desired. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Junior Football The Junior football team will maet at the east end of the Armory for practice Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock and Tuesdays ana Thursdays at 11 o'clock. The first game will be played the Tuesday be fore Thanksgiving. RALPH A. LAIIR. Private Instruction in mathematics. Call B-477S. W. F. Weiland. Lecture on Surveying "Surveying Instruments from a Man ufacturer's Standpoint,' is the title of the lecture by Mr. A. W. Keuffel, of Keuffel & Esser company, Monday, No vember 15, at 1 o'clock, in M. E. 206. The lecture will occupy about half an hour, and will interest all engi neering students. An instrument will be dissected and the construction and manufacture of the same explained. Cadets! Get new and altered uni forms at the quartermaster's office, in the Armory basement, today from 4 to 5 o'clock. Sophomore Football Try-outs for the Sophomore football team, Tuesday at 11 o'clock. All Sophomores out. CHAIRMAN. Sophomore Athletic Committee Everett Angle, president of the Sophomore class, announces the fol lowing athletic commltee: Paul Ottenstine, chairman. Wm. Mills. Griffith Owen. Mass meeting of girls of Junior class, Thursday at 11 o'clock, in Law 107. VICE PRESIDENT. PERSONAL Delta Gamma held an informal par ty at the chapter house Saturday eve ning. Lucy Jeffords and Valentine Min ford went to Kansas in an automo bile to see the game Saturday. Carl Gantz, Benjamin H. Beck, Au gust Luebs, John Elwell and Joseph Elwell attended the football game at Lawrence Saturday. Mrs. Laurence Fossler, who has been in the Lincoln sanitarium since a week ago Wednesday, when she underwent an operation for appendi citis, is getting along nicely end will be able to leave the hospital in about two weeks. Announcement has been received of the birth of a ten-pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Candy, of Pitts burgh, Pa. Mr. Candy is the son of Professor and Mrs. A. L. Candy of this city and a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska of the class of 1909. D. Charles Bristol of Homer, Nebr., has agreed to leave his collection of i Indian relics in the care of the State 1 Historical society until after the meet ing of the next legislature. An effort will be made at that time to secure J an appropriation with which to pur chase them. The collection Is of con siderable value. Mr. Bristol has left the curios In the care of the society 1 for some years. Then he proposed 50 cents. No, Philburt, I am not a -arguing with you. Pm just a-telling you when you want a real smoke, get behind a pipeful of Tuxedo and watch all the big and little Worries that have been a-besieging you, evacuate their trenches and make a rushin' advance to the ; rear. I hose fragrant whiffs of "Tux" make them feel too joyful no self respecting Worry can stand for that. VP The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette The combination of the best smoking-tobacco leaf in the world and the best method ever discovered for rchning and mellowing tobacco puts Tuxedo in a class by itself. Kentucky'sripest,mildest burley leaf, when treated by the original "Tuxedo Process" loses every trace of bite develops a wonderfully pleasing fragrance and flavor that are not found in any other tobacco. No other manufacturer knows the "Tuxedo Process"; that's why no imitator ever equals Tuxedo 1 YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Convenient, glassine wrapped, moisture-proof pouch . . . 5c Famous green tin with gold lettering, curved to fit pocket In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c In Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY to take them on an exhibition tour through the east. He has now agreed to give the society an opportunity to buy the collection. State Superintendent Thomas re turned early Saturday morning from Hebron and Lawrence. At the latter place he attended the dedication of the new high school building, which has UNIVERSITY STUDENTS MEMBERSHIP at the CITY Y. M. C. A. Balance of the school year for Only $6.00 Swimming, Billiards, Bowling, Gymnasium. Downtown Headquarters. W. H. Martin, D. O. S. Professional Optometrist 15 Years' Experience Late special college and clinic training. Glasses I furnish are the best, most becoming and most satis factory that the highest optical skill can provide. Endorsed by hundreds of happy patrons. Charges entirely reasonable. Tests and advice free. You are not obligated In the least if you come here. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., and evenings by appointment. Phone L915C. 1339 O Street Over Weinberg's XENSTITE An error occurred in last week's ad 10c just been completed at a cost of $20,000. The structure is modern in every particular and has an assembly room which is provided with a fine stage, so that entertainment of all kinds can be put on. The Thayer county institute at Hebron was one of the most successful that Dr. Thom as has ever attended, and every teach er in the county was present. For Quick Service New York Chop Hon?: 1340 O St. Always Open GEORGE DROS. PRINTING 1313 N Street WHITMAN, S CLASSY CANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13th and O STREETS EE A SPORT Get your Safety Razor blades sharpened. See J. W. Trenchard at University or call at 1321 O street, Wilson Drua Store. Quick Service Open at All Times. Orphoum Cafe Special Attention to University Students