THE DAILY NEBBASKAH The Daily Nebraskan Property of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln R, V, Koupal Editor-in-Chief C. E. Paul Managing Editor Contributing Editor Ser?y 4Ker AESati Edr gj? gvS:::::::::::::::::""'' ::: Associate Editor ReportorUI Staff Jean Burroughs Clara Schulte S0yrth J A Ceinar Guy Moates Geneva cnesiey CharlesPerson John Kyle f JensT" Eva Miller C. L. Jones A. H. Jensen Marguerite Kauffmaa Jhn Wenstrand J geede Frank Barnett Joe C. Flaherty Cloy Hobson Edward Weaver . 0 ..,.. Business Manager gS:::::::::::::::::::":'Asst Business Manager. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second clasa mail matter, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1915 He who knows it all, knows nothing. He who knows how little he knows, knows much. WAR OR PEACE As long as the people of this country are "on the fence" in regard to the questions of "Preparedness" end "Peace" it is in order to suggest that one can arrange to hear any number of argu ments on either side. Perhaps the debaters will settle the question for us on the 10th of December. If you haven't made plans to get to Kansas, now is not a bad time to get started. THEY ARE BUSY There can be no question in your mind in regard to what the Kansas students are doing to work up enthusiasm for the purpose of defeating the Cornhuskers. It is safe to say that they have lost no time in arranging meetings for working up "pep" and a sentiment which means much to their team. The whole proposition is this, are we going to stop because our players have been so successful or are we going to stay by them and be on the athletic field tonight to show them that we are with them to a finish? Show that you have red corpuscles in your blood and be on the field tonight at 5:00 o'clock. Don't be a piker. Girls' Club Party The Girls' club will give a party Saturday, November 13th, in Music hall. The party will be opened promptly at 2:30 o'clock by a business meeting, after which games will be played. All University girls are urged to come. Quality Is Our Oly Motto PUNCH FRUIT ICES ICE CREAM H. C. HATHAWAY ICE CREAM CO. Phone B-6152 SEND FLOWERS We Receive New Shipments Daily From the Grower Enslow Floral Co. Phone B3695 135 So. 12th St., LINCOLN, NEB. BE A SPORT Get your Safety Razor blades sharpened. See J. W. Trenchard at University or call at 1321 O street, Wilson Drug Store. WEATHERLY OPPOSES PRESIDENT'S POLICY (Continued from page 1) rninr and fired a salute la recognl tlon of the aid this Institution Is giv in towards internationalism. " ua nut the money which we would use in the movement for na tional preparedness, into education or til A XMSt rid reed Rev. Weatherly. "If we develop great educational Institu tions in affirmation of our beuer in democracy, then we will have an in fluence which no man can measure." UNIVERSITY NOTICES Commercial Club Luncheon in the west balcony at the Lincoln Commercial club Thursday noon will take the place of the regular University Commercial club meeting at 4 o'clock. Plates are 50 cents, me following will take the names of those desiring to attend: L. V. Meek. V. W. Russom. P. T. Babson. R. II. Walker. L. W. Reynolds. All girls in the first year gymnas ium classes meet in the chapel m street clothes Thursday, November 11, at 11:30 o'clock. Attendance is re quired at this lecture Instead of regu lar class work that day. INA E. GITTINGS. All cadets desiring to try for the rifle team or the rifle company should report to Lieut. Parker in the chapel at 5 p. m. Thursday, November 11. must be convinced that there is some concrete .danger. Rev. Weatherly said he would offer himself up as a hostage that England' would not at tack us. The only possible danger Is from Germany. A country can at tack us only by a violation of the Monroe doctrine. When Germany was considering with Brazil the annexa tion of a small piece of territory in South America, the German people protested vigorously on the grounds that it would incur the displeasure and hatred of every South American country and would mean an immense loss of trade. If a man were to make an invest ment of (200,000 and was convinced that someone else was going to make a profit, the man would consider a long time before deciding. On the as sumption that Germany will attack us, "Why not wait and see whether the will?" asked the speaker. Our passions are aroused, the people are caught In a wave of feeling. It is better to wait. We would have to raise two generations of children in an atmosphere of hate to bring about the general demand for national pre paredness. That Is the only method. The day of world dominion is lost. Internationalism is appearing. We must meet the countries of Europe after this conflict, Jon .'a basis of friendship, justice and good will. The movement for national preparedness will not bring about internationalism. When some Russian warships, after the beginning of the present war, sailed past Roberts college, Just north of Constantinople, they dipped their Seniors, order Co-op book store vember 11. your caps at the by Thursday, No- A. S. M. E. will meet at Prof. F. W. Chase's residence, 1245 North Thirty-third street, on Wednesday evening, November 10. - Union closed meeting, Friday, No vember 12. Initiation of new members. Will all old members please be at the hall by 8:30 o'clock. A series of informal teas will be given in Art hall for all University women each Thursday afternoon con tinuing until Thanksgiving. All are invited. All cadets desiring to try for the rifle team or the rifle company should report to Lieut. Parker In the chapel at 5 o'clock Thursday, November 11. A. S. A. E. will meet at Prof. L. W. Chase's residence, 1245 North Thirty-third street, on Wednesday eve ning, November 10. The Palladian Literary society will have a musical program with cos tumes and special features Friday eve ning, November. 12, on the third floor of the Temple. Visitors are welcome. WANTED A roommate. Call at 1636 M street, or phone L-4871. George Loewenthal. AIEE. 132-40-42 FOUND A fountain pen in U hall, which may be had at the Nebraskan office. A Thrilling Moving Picture Serial , Begins Today "The Diamond from the Sky," one of the most Interesting, exciting and entertaining moving picture serials, will begin at the Alpine picture theatre, 1330 O street, today, and continue every Wednesday and Thursday thereafter lor twenty weeks. Every student should see this $800,000 photoplay. Admission only 5 cents. A cash prize of $10,000 will be paid to the person who submits the most ac ceptable suggestion for a sequel to "The Diamond from the Sky." Begin at the first chapter today, enjoy the entire series, submit your suggestion and win the prize. The Al pine picture theatre, 1330 O street Only E cents. 11-24. IF a man wants to "stand out in a crowd" he don't have to act peculiar. He can be out of the ordinary, the way VELVET does it by bein' always kind an cheerful an honest 1 1Z 1DL 3LC 11 GRAVES PRINTING CO. SPECIALISTSUNIVERSITY PRINTING CMAPlfJ BROS. 127 So. 13th FLOWERS ALL THE TIME Seniors Notice We Have Been Given The Order by Committee. Please Order As Soon as Possible. CO-OP BOOK STO01E A. H. PEDEN 318 North Eleventh Phone L-4610 The University School of Music RELIABLE INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES OP Music Dramatic Art Aesthetia Dancing ASK FOR INFORMATION . WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Opposite Campus llth&RSts. THE 1MB S33 North 12th 8t Telephones B2311 and B3355 Gleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call D2311. The Best Equipped Dry Cleaning; Plant In the West One day service If needed. Reasonable prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE KANSAS GAME? With each purchase of $1.00 you receive a chance of having your railroad fare paid to and from Lawrence. After each 40 such purchases are made, a drawing will be held. Every $1.00 purchaser has one chance in 40 to go to Kansas. Ask us about it. . College Book Store Facing Campus r