After Before For EYE and pocket book SAFETY consult W. H. MARTIN, D. O. S. Professional Optometrist Standard Specialized Eye exam iner and Maker of Quality Glasses. Courteous treatment. Modern equipment. Dependable service. Testa and advise gratis. 1339 O Street Lincoln GOTHIC THE NEW A&D8DW 2 for 25C COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT CLUCTT. PCAStODY A CO.. Inc. 10c We develop ANY roll film for 10c ANY pack, 15c Pictures ready followlne day. Amco Speedex Films fit all cameras. THE CAMERA EXCHANGE 1522 O St. Divorce Yourself From Soiled ami Wrinkled Garments Thro the court of .HflGGBY Cleaning & Dyeing 10 Years of Leadership Lincoln Candy Kitchen The Unl. Home of Light Lunches Soft Drinks Fresh Home Made Candies You get service, quality and quantity. Come and see us Cor. 14 & O Home of The Home Style Malted Milk TELLER'S UJrescription Ltharmacy Cor. 16th & O 8ts. Phone B4423 Merna, and Walter Georite J. Lyon. '99. who studied civil engineering at Nebraska Univer sity and later took a degree at Colum bla, la the author of a paper on "Equip ment for Current Meter Gaging Sta tions," published as water supply paper No. 371 by the United States geological survey. In addition to his work as a practicing engineer, Profes sor Lyon is assistant professor of civil engineering at Union university, Before that he was professor of civil engineering at Colorado college. AT THE ORPHEUM At- -v. 1 . Ak t,..-:.'.:: . X A, ml MRS. LESLIE CARTER In a Tabloid of Her Most Famous Success -ZAZA" SLAVONIC DEPARTMENT Walter Byron Sedilek, '15, is prac ticing law in Schuyler. Thomas Dredlar, '15, is in the law of fice of C. Petrus Peterson in this city. Ed H. Vrana, '15, now an architect in Omaha, attended the Notre Dame game. A. V. Sinrha, '14, Miiligan, was In Lincoln Saturday for the Notre Dame game and to visit a friend. Miss Bess Han key, who was instruc tor in physical education last year, is now head of the Physical Educa tion department for girls and women at Home, N. Y. Emil Brodecky, '09, Howell. Valen tine Kuska, '08. Denver, Colo., and Clara Janouch, '14, of Vermillion, S. D., spoke at the reunion of the Komen gky Klub last Saturday aighL Valentine Kuska, '08, of Denver; Emil E. Brodecky, '09, of Howells; Ruth JeMnek, '15, of MilHgan; John A. Stibal, '11, of Alcoa, Tenn.; Miss Clara Janouch, '14, of Vermillion, 8. D., attended the Notre Dame game and the reunion of the Komensky i Klub. Libbie Breuer has dramatided the Bohemian story by Elisfa Krasnobor ska, entitled "Grandmother's Photo- , graph." The dramatization Is good and j the play will be presented in the near future by the Komensky Klub. Miss Breuer is a graduate student taking work in the departments of Slavonic j and English literature. Dale Houlette, Miner, Norfolk. Junior Girls' Party The committee of the Junior Girls' party is planning for a large crowd Saturday afternoon In Music hall. In vitations have been sent to all whose addresses were accessible. If there are any who have been overlooked, they are urged to come anyway, for it is for all Junior girls. Music Louis P. Hagensick, F2042. To Attend Omaha Meeting Many students of the Teachers' col lege will attend the State Teachers' association meetings in Omaha the latter part of this week. Printing that's better, at Boyd's, 125 North 12th. KOSMET KLUB CAST CHOSEN (Continued from page 1.) Helen Dill. Katherine Newbranch. Janet Chase. Wanda Klmmell. Emily Cox. Helen Loftman. Marie Pettit Irene De Maranvllle. Marguerite Stevens. Helen Young. Ruth Morgan. Gertrude Squires. Nell Youngers. Helene Edgecombe. Irene Johnson. Eva Miller. Marguerite Bunting. Men Jack Elliott Earl Jackson. Harvey F. Nelson. S. A. Hoadley. Dan R. Proudfit. For the Student And the Lover 0 The man who knows most about values studies what to buy. The man who makes the best appearance studies what is being worn. As a suggestion as to what to buy and as evidence of what is being worn, we presseut Stylephts Clothes, $17, The Same Price the World Over, Overcoats and Suits both. All the popular fabrics, including Diamond Weaves, Imperial Stripes and the new "Duraxe" effects. By specializing on one suit, the maker can give all wool fabrics, good workmanship and splendid linings and trim mings for a medium price. Come in and slip on a epat for just one minute. There will be enough to make you a STYLEPLUS customer. All styles, including some especially lively for young College men. O A Mayer 0 DOC Athletio Girls. Announce the arrival of Official Swedish Gym Shoes No lace no heel elastic gore perfect fit. $1.75 Exclusive Ladies' Shoe Section T-N. t . -r WS? uayngnr TOR! THINK A TVUINUTE! Increase your earning power by taking a course in Shorthand, Type writing or other commercial subject in this big, busy, elegantly equipped and thoroughly manned commercial school. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES We will arrange suitable hours University Folks Feel at Home Here rNebraska School of Business T. A. BLAKESLEE, Business Manager Corner O and 14th Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska Harold N. Aldrich. Ray L. Doyle. Ellsworth Moser. N. R. Reasoner. Andrew Nesbit. Rex Truman. R. B. Wiltse. . William Aldrich. of Values of Style 3G 3CZZDO ELI SHIRE, Pres. Bro DOC DOC LiWSflll Oil eicsorang Store Hugo Flynn. William Maxwell. Leslie Putt Paul Raver. Dewitt Maassen. Howard Grandin. Blaine Kuhn. Lawrence W. Rice. -zi I I " iriiiiiT; Pmk. U r l - J 3 lb f o Coo u o