THE DAILY WEBBASKAN tnornin at 11 o'clock, where definite j arrangement will be made for regn- Scott's Orchestra. Call, b4S2. lar practice in uus wort. TENNIS FINALS SOON WRITUAl.S CLASSY wwt MEIER DRUG CO. Third Round Being Played Ellis and Geeson in Semi-Finals Winner to go Into Final! 13th and O STREETS TRY tor GOOD OYSTER STeWS Roberts Dairy Lunch 12S8 O GEORGE BROS. PRINTING 1313 N Street Quick Service Open at AU Ties. Orphcum Cafe Special Attention to University Student WANTED ' Young men who want to work and make tig money can do so by calling at the American Alm inca Ware Company. 1"23 O St. Students who have from 2 to 6 hrs a day extra time preferred. GET READY- The goofi eld Angel Food Taffy, w e'll soon be here. While you wait eat -Real Butter Scotch" or many other flod candies. THE SUGAR BOWL 1552 0 Street. Florists, -f BZ77S 1042 O ST. GOTKICTHEfcfcW AKRW 2 (or 25c cqllaf IT FITS THE CRAVAT cevrrr. ptaaocr a co.. ic. The Man of Today is a fellow of classy appearance. His garments are cared for tf H1GBY Cleaning and Dyeing SERVICE 10 Years of Leadership B6633 The third round of the University Tennis Tournament Is w being played. Today C. Geeson defeated W. Young for a p'.ace in the semi-finals. The rounds so far are: , Preliminary: J. A. Cejnar bre. C. W. France defeated H. Sine. Phil Watkins defeated Leland 'Chaupe. M. Taylor defeated . tnan H. Long defeated Charles Gardiner !hv default- U Hide defeated W. B. Jeffery. W. I. Aitkin defeated L. W. Jeffery tv default. B. Kenner defeated B. Knudson by default. ': M. Young defeated D. B. Dow. idt defeated J. E. Ray- ! inond. B. C. Hopewell defeated E, Christen don hy default. C. Geeson defeated J. T. Nelson. B. Taylor defeated B. Babson. H. Ellis bye. O. Chatt bye. The second round: C. W. France defeated J. A. Cejnar. H. Long defeated V. B. Jeffery. M. Young defeated A. C. Schmidt. C. Geeson defeated B. C. Hopewell by default. H. E'.lis defeated B. Taylor. O. Chatt bye. The third round: H. Ellis defeated O. Chatt. I E Geeson defeated W. Young. ! Today at 2 p. m. Harry Ellis will' 'play Ed Geeson in the semi-final; 'round, the winner to go into the finals. J . At the same time the winner of the .Watkins-Franee match will play the; winner or tne jenrey-tveuner maicu the winner to go into the finals. Hart Schaffner &.Marx III, .Will Special Showing of Suits and Overcoats with this label $17.50 ARMSTRONGS There is also a provision that there shall be no loitering on the porch or returning from engagements. LOST In Library Thursday, Octo ber 7, Waterman fountain pen, goia trimmed. Finder return to Registrar's 117-19-21 ice. Freshrr.a nGirls' Party The Girls' Club have requested the following girls to meet in the Y. Y. C. A. room in the Temple, Thursday at 5 o'clock, to discuss plans for the Annual Freshman Girls' Party: Miriam Little. Marie Studts. Helen Kendall. Heila Eilgenbroadt. Louise Carlysle. Florence Birch. Hazel Snethen. Dorothy Pierce. Martha Xoble. Helen Loftman. Hazel Westover. Ruth Berry. Hazel Ward. Elinor Bennett Ottila Schurnian, Catherine Newbranch, Georgian Adams. Mary Steele. Margaret McDougaL Mildred Morse. Pan-Hellenic Rules The Pan-Hellenic council, which gov erns the University sororities, last week adopted the strictest rules for house management that have ever been imposed upon the local Greek societies. Freshman girls are limited j to one school eight date. The date must not last later than 10:20 p. m.. WOMAN'S SWIMMING CLASS Sixty Must Register to Insure the Class Tickets at Miss Gitting's Office The women's athletic authorities at the University have made arrange ments for a swimmine class for Uni- nor can they attend late performances glUy girlg wJU hav? at the vaudeville or moving picture UC'JSeb. VliJCl UUU1S lUUBt vvvi tu .Jjg -Jijcli titer O OliUCK taiu BUWt lHfc" after 10:30 o'clock on week-end nights. to register for the work to insure the Home of The Home Style Malted Milk TOLLER'S 1rescription HARMACY Cor. 16th & O SL Phone B4423 will be held at the City Y. M. C. A. pool, from 11 to 1 o'clock on Tuesdays. Tickets for the first semester will cost two dollars, and must be purchased before October 21, at Miss Gittings office. Come on and Belong Fall in line with Tuxedo, and you and "Tux" will never fall out. Join the army of Smokers of the Sunny Smile, who have found the world's top-notch tobacco and are spreading the good news in puffs of pure pleasure. The Perfect Tobacco forJipe and Cigarette ! A Freshman Committee ' The Freshmen Olympic committee has been given out by President , Xolan as follows: Kline, chairman, j Parka. Hello. I Herman J Horsberger. ! Anderson. The original" Tuxedo Process" turns out thc.i finished product in the smoke-world. Tobacco without one particle of harshness or bite in it so soothing and mild and pleasant you never want to stop smoking it, and never have to. It's all-day-long enjoyment with Tuxedo, from the first bracing smoke in the morning to the last restful pipe 2t night. You try it for a week in pipe or "cigarette early and often. Stack it up against the best you ever smoked and you'll find something heller in Tuxedo. YOU CAN DUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE 5c 10c Conrenient. plJne wrapped, moisture-proof pouch . . . Famous preen tin with r"ld lettering, curved to fit pocket in Tin flumiJtri, 40c end FCc In Gltut UumUert, 52c end 90c ii Aw7;f -if a I Ii2cc!a Cacdj Kitcbea The Unl. Home of Light Lunches Soft Drinkt Fresh Home Made Candies You get service, quality and quantity. Come and see us Cor. 14 A O See man. Schubert. i. t i ' i THE IHEllCtK TOBACCO COUrtKT In response to invitations from sev eral Central American countries, Frank Harrison, globe trotter, writer and lec turer, of Lincoln, has worked out a plan for a trade and educational ex-1 enrsion to those countries that ought I to arouse much local newspaper in terest, as well as advertise the re-l sources of. Nebraska in the Spanish American states. Lincoln and Omaha Commercial clubs, the university and the state educational department all endorse the idea, and plan to send a representative with pictures and exhibits. TP The University School ofEIusi RELIABLE INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES OF I'usic DraiuElic Art Assibtla Dl::!:j ASK FOR INFORMATION WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Opposite Campus - 1 1 ih c R St.