THE DAILY HE EE ASK AN . . i Tts Daily fiebraskaa Property of the University of Nebraska Lincoln R. V. Konpl Editor-in-Chief C. E. Panl ..Managing Editor Percy Spencer Contributing Editor Dorie Slater Aisociate Editor A. J. Covert Associate Editor T. a Harkson Business Manager E. B. Scott Asst. Business Manager Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. under the act of Congress of Marcn 3. 187. The abolition of the out-of-state tui tion fee meets with the popular ap proval amonr the student body, as all can now decorate their registra tion naners with the name of their "home town." (It is expected that the number of entries from Lincoln and Omaha will now take a decided drop. Hare you seen the new dance steps? The question seems to be whether the step is backward or forward. From the sidelines come looks of disgust and pity but from the floor come smiles and glances of satisfaction and joy. The innocent bystander who really has no opinion at all wonders which set of looks and glances tells tie truth. NEBRASKA TO BE ClVEN ONE YEAR FREE AS RECOGNI TION OF LOYALTY TO THE PAPER. TO ANY STUDENT WHO SUB SCRIBES TO THE DAILY NE BRASKAN FOR SIX CONSECU TIVE SEMESTERS AT $1.00 PER SEMESTER, THE PAPER WILL BE GIVEN FREE FOR THE NEXT TWO SEMESTERS. EIGHT SEM ESTERS FOR THE PRICE OF SIX. NOT PAID IN ADVANCE, BUT EACH SEMESTER. FRESHMEN MUST SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEBRASKAN THIS SEMESTER IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE. HITS BY BILLY SUNDAY What Says the Librarian? "When the purpose for which a great institution is founded has passed away and the institution has devel oped another and a greater purpose, it is well to disregard entirely the original intention of its founders and to take every possible step to further the interests of the new scheme of things. Thus it is with the library. Until a short time ago it was almost universally believed that the library was a place in which to study; but such antiquated delusions have pass ed; the scales have fallen from our eyes and we see that that building is now our greatest social center. The merest glance into the great reception hall on the second floor will convince the stranger of this fact be yond the shadow of a doubt As we enter the door a pleasing murmur of feminine voices strikes our ear and we see row upon row of fair women and brave men conversing at the comfortable tables or easily reclining in the chairs. Before most of the con versationalists lie open books, it is true but this may be easily nnder rtod as respect for an outworn tradi tion. There at the end of the table sits Tlllie , looking archly about for more hearts to conquer, and by her side, dazzling Lhe sight with his bevy of honor pins, is Tommy Brown, one of the most prominent Seniors who ever trod the campus. During the lulls in conversation. Tommy refers list lessly to his Oriental text book, and Mary dabbles daintiy with her Domes tic Housing. Now rings the curfew, and TUlie and Tommy wander home wards via the Varsity to continue their delightful visit Ex. Reporters Wanted There are a few positions to be filed on the Daily Nebraskan reportial staff. Those desiring such work may Apply at the Nebraskan oGce in the haeement of University Ha.IL Printing that's better, at Eoyd't, 125 North 12th. HALLETT UN JEWELER Fraternity Jewelry and Class Pins A "BIG BEN- will get you to school on time. Estab. 1E71 1143 O A lot of you folks ought to be glad that you are not pounding on the lin ing of a padded cell and that God sl ews you to keep your reason. Ton ought to thank God that your sons and fathers and husbands and brothers and brethren are not ma rooned in trenches with guns being fired over their heads and their lives in monietary periL Did you evr tiani God for the blessings of taste God might have made our food taste like quinine or farbage, but He dids t Did you e-cr thank God that we d.n t have tc hold our noses when we sit down at the table? Did you ever wake up in the morning and thank God for a good night of rest? If you haven't God ought to keep you awake for a week. Don't stand up and say: "III go where Jesus bids me to go" and then go to bed. I am tired of a church of 500 or TOO members without power enough to bring one soul to Christ If you don't let go of some of the things you hold on to so tightly they wOl drag you down to helL If God Almighty only had posses sion of your mouths. He'd stop your lying, your knocking, your backbiting and your swearing. God doesn't run any excursions to heaven. Ton must pay full fare If you get religion and then lie down and go to sleep your joints will get stiff as Rip Van Winkle's did and youH never win the religious mara thon. If a man gives his wife a ten cent pin cushion at Christmas to show how much he loves her he's a geezer the devil's stuck on. God doesn't want you to look and act as if religion affected you like the toothache or a corn. If it does It isn't God's kind. Donf look as if you were wearing a No. 22 corset when you ought to have a 28 on. One trouble with a great many com munities ia that the wrong gang got there first and started the godless, ir religious, sneerLig caste, and they never amount to anything until a lot of these old lobsters die off. I have known boys to make a suc cess in life who had an old material istic Ireligious reprobate for a father. but I never knew of one to succeed who had a godless, card Slavic mother. Ton are going crazy over the cul ture, clubs, libraries and morals are going down. Ton are getting back to the heathen days. Wealth and cul ture didn't save Greece and It will never save America. Do you suppose that God wants to work with hands that are lifting ber glass one moment a deck of cards or a novel the next? Do you suppose that God wants to use feet that can walk I Into a booze joint or a house of El ifame one debt and Into chnrrh nn Sunday? It is not the will of God that any church member should be a booze fighter or a gambler. Where did you lose the joy that was once yours? PJght back there where yon sidestepped virtue and winked at another woman. Ie got Just as good a right to pat nj aims around a woman and waits over a dancing floor as you have, but if I did you wouldn't think muck of me. What motive prompted yon to join the church? Was it because yon thought It would ret yon vote or trade, or was it to afford yon an op portunity to walk down the aisles late to show what fine dads yon have? If God thinks I can advance His cause any abetter is the coffin, I am ready. One of the biggest farces of the church today Is the prayer meeting. There are scores of church members who say they cant go. Ton lie. Ton can come here night after night bat cant go to prayer meetings. I want the preachers to take a good look at yon. They'll not see some of yon again until the next revival unless yon are at a wedding or a funeral. Any church that does not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ heaven or hell, isn't authorized by God, and if a church isn't authorized by God it degenerates Into a third-rate amuse ment bureau. The last thing people give to Christ is their tongues.' "Each of you should be a fisher of men." "The preachers are chasing fads in stead of souls." "Thousands of college graduates are going as fast as they can straight to helL It's cot intellect but religion that will save men. The best education is knowledge of the Bible." "Some churches think the preacher is a sort of ecclesiastical locomotive. who will snort and puff and pull the whole bunch through to glory." "The only reason we know it's a prayer meeting is because it comes on Wednesday night" "If the Lord calls and yon don't hear and have good hearing, it's your fault" "I want to tell you that ministers ought to get out and mix up with people instead of being staid and stiff and limiting their personal work to spouting in the pulpit" "You say I hurt your feelings. Then don't spread your feelings all over or it will be my business to tramp on them. Keep them buttoned up under your dress." "If you are a Christian, you are wise. If yon are trying to do right you are wise. If you believe there is a God, you are wise. If yon don't you are a fooL" "The people of the church are like squirrels in a cage. Lots of activity. but accomplishing nothing." Playing cards doesn't hurt me, yon say. It sends thousands of souls to hell, and for decency's sake can't yon give it np." "Ton can't live half the time with one man and the other half with an other man, and trot square with both of them." Tno'd just as well be millionaires in grace as to be hoboes counting the ties over God's division." "The dance is a quagmire of wreck age." "Tou can be a member cf the church and a burglar, too." "There are men whose religion and honor hang like meat in a butcher shop; for sale at so much a pound." "Away with the hellish doctrine of a double standard of living in the twentieth centry. It makes no differ ence whether a sinner wears a plug hat or a petticoat" "Man has cut for his own ue a pathway below that marked by God. but be insists that his wife keep to the old and higher one.". There is many a fellow looking in my face who. if his wife did what he does, would be whining around the courts for a divorce." "If you live wrong, yon cant die right" "We will win the world for God just as soonias we have men and women f w gr? M w to A New Fall Style It's ths smart est style ever in a felt hat. You'll like it when you see it's swagger air. Comes with pencil earl brim and high crown in all the rich autumn shades. Here only at II j s.. s2 &fe L mkdzgI u). 3-' University Y. M. C. A. CAFETERIA QUALITY we have en deavored to secure the very best that money can buy. SERVICE we have in troduced the best ser vice that circumstanc es would permit. ECONOMY we have re duced the cost, but not the quality. A Cafeteria for the Stelenls and Faculty Ths University School of Mosic RELIABLE INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES OF Music Crc:IIs W JL3Slt2t2a D::!:z ASK FOR INFORMATION WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Opposite Campus llth&RSU. CHAPIfJ BUGS. 127 So. 13th FLOWERS ALL THE TIME (