NEBRASKAN THEATRES SOCIETY COLUMN Leslie Lewis has left school and gone to Denison, Iowa, where he has a contract for installing an electric light system. THE DAILY ORPHEUS ALL THIS WEEK - Salisbury' WILD ANIMAL LIFE IN AMERICA Seven Wonderful Reels Three Shows Dally at 2, 7 and 9 Matinee AH Seats, 10c Night, 25c Auger & Company In "Jack the Giant Killer" Knight & Moore "No Other Way" N "The Confession" Hearst-Sellg News "Almost a Hero" OTIUX'S OLASSY cakdy MCI CIl DRUG CO. IStSi end O STREETS NORTH WE8TERN TEACH- ERS AGENCY The leading Agency for the entire WEST and ALASKA. Now Is the best time to enroll for 1915-16 vacancieB. Write imme diately for free circular. BOISE, IDAHO REAL SATISFACTION AT OUR FOUNTAIN iILLERS Prescription h a r m a c y Cor. 16th & O St. Phone B4423 GEORGE BROS printing 1313 N STREET "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A., Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Jack Bowen left Wednesday night for Billings, Mont., where he will re sume work in the government forestry service. Miss Dorcas Christensen and Miss Barbara Churchill went to Omaha last Saturday to be formally pledged to the Nu Sigma Phi, the medical so rority. Robert Reasoner left Wednesday for Columbia, Mo., to attend the section convention of Phi Gamma Delta fra ternity. Mr. Reasoner is delegate from the Nebraska chapter. Lucy M. Sprague has announced the engagement of her daughter, Annie Maxon, to George C. McQuarrie of Blair, Nebr. The wedding will take place June 30. Miss Sprague gradu ated from the University in 1911 with Phi Beta Kappa honors. The thirteen University Juniors re cently elected to the Innocents held their first meeting at the Lincoln Hotel Wednesday evening. Plans were laid for the work to be done next year. Guy C. Chambers is president of the society. The active chapter of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity entertained the Seniors at a dinner at the Lincoln Hotel Wednesday evening. Five mem bers will graduate from school this year: John McGurk, George Aldrich, Archie Kantz, Harold Prince, and C. Porter Sloan. Miss Lucile Eaves will leave Satur-j day for Boston, Mass., to visit her sister and to consider an offer made her to take charge of the research work for the Woman's Educational j and Industrial union, n sue aw she will also give class lectures in Simmons College for Women. WARTHON'S Shoe Repair Factory and Shining Parlor 1140 O Street Headquarters for Students Cut Rowers We extend you a cordial in vitation to caJL Unique floral arrangement for all social occasions. Corsage Boquets a Specialty Griswold jSeed Co. Floral Dept. 1042 O 6L LOST Gold lavalier with small dia mond In enamel setting. Reward for return to Daily Nebraskan office. 85-154-156 Alpha Zeta. agricultural fraternity at the University of Nebraska, elected the following officers at a meeting in room 102 University Hall, Wednesday evening: Chancellor, R. E. Holland; censor, II. A. Jones; ecrlh. t. A. Townsend; treasurer, J. P. Fairbanks; .hrnnlrler. E. M. Partridge. Refresh ments were served after the election of officers had taken place. . The annual banquet of the Cadet nfflxcrs' Association of the State Uni versity was held at the Lincoln Hotel Wednesday evening. C. J. Frankfor ter presided as toastmaster and the frtiinwinc nroeram was given: "Our Responsibility," Cadet Major R. H. Harley, '15. "Nebraska and the Army," Lieut. Robert Guthrie, 08, U. S. A. "Impressions." Capt. R. L. Hamilton, U. S. A., retired. "College Men and Patriotism," t -ht n stnll TI. S. A. of the commissioned officers present were also called upon for short talks. At a . business bem preceding. Dean O. V. P. Stout was re itfl.i nrPBldent of the organization; n.r n w Tavlor was made -vice- .,nt nri Carl Lord, Professor Frankforter, and Lieutenant Tarker were elected to the boara oi mo tors. "Every time I see grandfather's . I sword I want to go io war. "Well?" , "But every time I see grandfather s t onr down." Kansas j wooaen ics. ww. State Collegian. - Seniors! Seniors! Seniors! Monday at one o'clock p. m. re served seats for the production of -The Sunken Bell" may be exchanged for your assessment tickets at the Oliver Theatre. A schedule appears The Next Step -in Clothes Don't change from-a regular to a tropical suit, until you see the ACQUATONIA ONE-BUTTON SOCIETY BRAND MODEL Full Skeleton Coat and Vest It's a Bear "It's Different" Like the Pooler Budd, Chicago, Mflbanke and Lonsdale models, it has everything yet de signed in high grade, stylish suits, out-classed. It's neat, dressy, comfortable. It's a suit of dignity and . dash. Designed for all men who would look young and manly. Another shipment of these Suits by express today. Come and see them. New patterns "TUquatonia," $25, $28.50 and $30. Other Society Brand models $20 to $40. "SCHLOSS BEAUTIFUL" CLOTHES Five models at $25. Wonderful values. STYLE PLUS CLOTHES $17. Pelham and Five Other Makes in Suits at from $10, 12.50 and $15. Palm Beach Suits Galore Guaranteed to wash and wear $4.75, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and up By far the best values in town P. S. The weather reminds us that we've Raincoats to please every purse $3.95 to $25. Ahead I1',, KiV ? - .i-',v.i' - , . f cevaNT a. s. c. M OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT WITH US r' AYER BROS. CO. ELI SHIRE, President . below which will enable you to plan a trip to the theatre for your reserved seats. During the first half hour after one o'clock the first twenty senior assessment tickets should -presented at the box office. During the next half hour those numbered 26 to 50 wilt have an opportunity to secure their reserved seats. Remember, that it is necessary to be at the theatre prompt ly at the appointed hour. Also re member that enough seats have been reserved by the business management for the use of the Seniors, but those who fail to get their tickets Monday afternoon at the proper hour should present their tickets the following day as early as possible. The schedule for the Seniors follows: Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 1 to 26 to 51 to 76 to 101 to 126 to 151 to .176 to 201 to 226 to 25, 1: 50, 1: 75, 2: 100, 2: 125. 3: 150, 3: 175, 4: 200, 4: 225, 5 250, 5: 00 to 30 to 00 to 30 to 00 to 30 to 00 to 30 to 00 to 30 to 1:30. 2:00. 2:30. 3:00. 3:30. 4:00. 4:30. 5:00. 5:30. 6:00. SUMMER CLOTHES READY They'll meet your demands for comfort" and good looks. Palm Beach Suits Straw Hats, Silk Shirts B. V. D. Underwear Sport Shirts for Tennis and Outdoor Sports of All Kinds $1.00 'FAKQUHARS- --