THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tiic Dally Nebraskan Troperty of TUB UNIVEHSITY OP NEBRASKA Lincoln J. C. BEARD EUltor-ln-Chlef v.niurlnr Editor OrvllU Chatt flnt Associate Editor .Vo r Biaier Becond AMoclate Editor.... Ethel Arnold REPOIITOIUAL STAFF . tt rx Toffrv Charte. Frey MargueiluKauKman Camilla Lyda ucl Byron Rohrbam Ruth Sheldon Charles HtlMr A. J:(Co.vneirt C. 8. Hobuon Elfle M. Noll Phil Warner SPECIAL FEATURES Boclety Editor anSam Athletic Editor Ivan O. Beeda Business Manager Russell F. Clark Asst. Business Manager.... U. S. liarkson Subscription price J2.00 per year, payable in advance. Single copies, 6 cents each. Entered at The postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congrew of March 8, 1879. ' - THE TENNIS PETITION The criticism is often made that the students at Nebraska are never united that their efforts are seldom concen trated. In a large degree this crit icism is just. The result is that there is no unanimous student opinion that can be called a power in our college community. But we believe that fully eighty or ninety per cent of the men and women attending the University are anxious that we have more tennis courts, whether they play tennis or not The only way that we can get an expression of that desire in such a form that it will be of any effect is by putting our names down In black and white. The petition to the Board of Regents is being circulated today. By signing your name to it you can exert more influence than if you talked a year in favor of more courts. This is a place where actions and not words count. If you believe we need more courts, act immediately and put your name on the petition before the day is over. Subscribers The unpaid Nebraskan subscription accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector if not settled by Thurs day of this week. Over. $100.00 is be ing carelessly or maliciously withheld by student and faculty readers who lave signed cards promising to . pay and received the Nebraskan all year on the strength of these promises. Prompt attention to this matter will SPA Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. A., Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Ties! Ties! all kinds Every color-just oodles of them SPUlAfc PRTCTP MTTff SWEAT K 45c The regular 75c quality. save both time and money of the Ne braskan management. Payment can be made at Nebraskan office or Alumni office. GERMAN PLAY MAKE8 RECORD AT HASTINGS Production, "Der Neffe als Onkel," Is Presented by German Dramatic Club of University The fame of the German Dramatic Club is spreading abroad. Last Tues day the principal, characters of the cast of "Der Neffe als Onkel." to gether with the coach, Prof. Amanda Heppner, went to Hastings and pre sented the play there in the evening. The play was the same which was given at the Temple Theatre, April 30. The following extract from the Hastings Daily Republican: shows its success: "The German play, "Der Neffe als Onkel,' presented at the Kerr Opera House Tuesday night by the Univer sity of Nebraska German Club, with two Hastings young people prominent in the title roles, proved an entertain ment of rare significance and interest to Hastings people. The opera house was almost filled with an audience that frequently manifested its genuine interest and appreciation of the many excellent feature of the program. "Miss Selma Kauf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kauf of this city, in the leading role interpreted her lines and part with a grace and brilliancy that won high merit and' praise. "Theodore Frank, son of Rev. Mr. Frank, former pastor of the German Lutheran church here, carried a lead ing part with a dash, spirit and ability that did him much credit. The stage settings were very pretty and thor oughly appropriate and the occasion of favorable comment." The "Schausnieler" were so well entertained at German h&nes in the city that they found it difficult to part from Hastings in time to get back for the Ivy Day celebration. Komensky Picnic The annual picnic of the Komensky Club was held Saturday at Crete. About thirty members, chaperoned by Miss Hrbek, had a very enjoyable time playing picnic games, boating and dancing. Printing and engraving at Boyd's, 125 No. 12th. At the Magnet The Magnet program for this week is one of the most elaborate ever shown at a local picture theatre. Be ginning Monday and Tuesday with Laura Sawyer in "A Daughter of the People," originally produced on Broad way. The basis of this stirring and dramatic play is the, eternal struggle between mass and class, and the self redemption of a man whose God is money. Wednesday and Thursday, "Rule' G," the greatest railroad picture ever pro duced, with the co-operation and as sistance of one of our greatest rail roads, who gave men leave of ab sence and loaned engines and cars LOST Conklin fountain pen between the Library and Rector's drug store. Finder please leavfc at Daily Nebras kan office. 148-49-50 WANTED Six good men (students) for summer work which will take them through Nebraska, Kansas, Mis souri, and Iowa. The work is attrac tive and pays well for those who have the ability to hustle. Address Earl J. Robinson, care Daily Nebraskan. 95-146-147-148 for the express purpose of playing In this film. A picture approved by prominent railroad men and officials, none of whom receive less than $20,000 per year, and who actually posed for this picture. Friday and Saturday, .Elsie Janis, the queen of comediennes, In pic tures. The n stole of Elsie Janis is a lure in Itself, but to add that this is her first appearance In moving pic tures and that her comedy, "The Ca prices of Kitty," is written by herself, and that she is supported by an all star cast, including Courtenay Foote, Herbert Standing, Myrtle Stedman, Vera Lewis and Martha Mattox, doubles the attraction. It is better than the first night of a successful Broadway production, be' cause it embodies all the attractions of the stage in one brilliant idea. As many as possible are strongly urged to take advantage of the matinees and early evening performances and avoid the crowds. NOTICES Notice A meeting of the University Dinner Club will be held in the Faculty Room, Temple, Thursday, May 20th, at 6:30 p. m., sharp. The cost will be 75 cents per plate. Members are re quested to indicate to the University Finance Office by Thursday noon their intention to be present. The meeting will be in honor of Professor Kolpin Ravn, of the Univer sity of Copenhagen. All faculty men are urged to be present. F. W. SANFORD. E. M. WILCOX. P. M. BUCK. Notice - The Deutscher Geselliges Vereln picnic will be held at Epworth Park. Thursday evening, May 20th. Cars leave Tenth and O streets at 5 p. m., sharp. Bring cup, fork and 25 cents. Election of officers. Notice Members of the Deutscher Gesel- liger Vereln desiring pins are request ed to notify W. H. Wilson as soon as possible. W. H. WILSON, Treasurer. Notice Cornhusker cuts. of fraternity, so rority, military and organization pic tures may be had if called for at the office of Student Activities before the end of the school year. No cuts will be held for next year. Notice Entries for the .doubles handball tournament will close on Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock. Names may be handed in to Doctor Clapp. That GraduatioibGift NOTHING couldj be more appro priate, or give more lasting pleasure, than an ANSCO CAM ERA from $2 to 125 or an IDEAL KODAK ALBUM (iOc to $2.50 in Whale Grain Leather, Seal Grain Leather, Walrus Grain Leather or Antnmn Leaves. See them at The Sugar Bowl 1552 O STREET "NORMAN" . The NEWEST ARR-QW COLLAR dovtt, Sod y fk Co.. Mar XwIIT . faL AWGWAN TO HAVE BEAUTY SECTION Commencement Number to Be the . Feature Issue of the YearwNo Duplication of Cornhusker Beauties A special feature of the Commence ment number of Awgwan will be a futl page devoted to the cream of Ne braska's' most beautiful girls.- It will be somewhat of a consolation feature in Jthat Awgwan will not make its choice of the Cornhusker's belles, but will render Judgment without regard to previous choopings. This will be a big thing and will undoubtedly attract a great deal of attention in that no University Y.M.C. A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FO UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Usal Hoars. 7:008:89 11:00-1:30 6.S0-7.C0. lifts for Will be easily decided when you see our stock Trade in your, books. COLLEGE FACING THE CAMPUS. CO-OP BOOK STORE A,' H. PEpEN L-4610 318 No. 11th WE DESIRE Your Business, Your Good Will, Your Confidence, Your Hearty Co-operation. WE PLEDGE YOtJ Satisfaction, Convenience, Courtesy and Attention at Your Service. THE tevemty Moolof Itisis CUablUhed 1C34 Opposite thoj University Campus Eleventh ai Q La traction given la til branches of trade, C indent tzxy caroll at any time, Beginners accepted. Prices rs&soai&l V WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Your calling card must be Heat and distinctive. Good taste demands it. Graves Printory girl chosen will be notified of the fact until she sees her features reproduced In the Commencement number. In addition, reasons will be published under each picture explanatory of Awgwan's Ideals. Awgwan will stand as an impersonal judge, but behind his name are a capable and competent staff of worshipers at the shrine of beauty who possess no personal affilia tion with any of the honored co-eds. Greenbaum I got a turrible bad coldt. Greenburg Vhy dondt you take Bomedings for idt? ' Greenbaum Veil, how much till you gif me? Spokane Exponent. Graduation iS STORE Specializing in Univeisity "Piinting m B-2057 244 N l 1th