THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES Oliver Theatre SAT. MAT. AND NIGHT MAY 1 M AUDE ADAMS Tn "QUALITY STREET" J$2; Bal., $1-50, $1? Gal., 50c " May 3 All Summer BARROW-HOWARD William Morris & Co. Charlotte Greenwood and Sidney Grant Melville A. Higgins "Edge of the World" The Cromwell Wright & Dietrich Moore A Jenkins THE THREE GUYS "Minstrelsy a la Carte" LES DIODATTIS Magnificent Exhibition "Pawns of Mars" "Boobtey's Baby" "Hearet-Selig News" KITUAI'S GUSSY CANDY njcziBn DRUG CO. 13th and O STREETS NORTHWESTERN TEACH ERS AGENCY The leading Agency for the entire WEST and ALASKA. Now la the best time to enroll for 1915-16 vacancies. W-ite imme diately for free circular. BOISE, IDAHO GARDEN GLO PERFUME FILLERS RliSCRIPTION H A R M A C Y Cor. 16th A O St. Phone B4423 GEORGE BROS. Iprintino 1313 IS STREET LCSmith&Bro. Typewriter Co. BALL BEARING . LONG WEARING New, Rebuilt and Rentals 125 No. 13th St. B2080 ENGINEERS MAKE TRIPS ON CAR LINES Electrical Engineers Take Notes on Traffic Will Make Report to the Lincoln Traction Company SPECIAL PHARMACY ANNUAL THIS YEAR Elaborate Edition to be Three Times the Size of the Book Published Last Year The electrical engineers listened on A much larger and more elaborate Wednesday morning to a special lee .annual than in former years is being ture given by Mr. E. C. Higgins of ! prepared by the Pharmacy Department the Western Electric Company. The 'to be readv about Mav 30. The book subject discussed was "Side Lights on goes to all the. high tchools of a tne Telephone Industry." i medium standard in the 6tate, contains The beginnings of telephony, the j besides material relating to the De- growth of fbe system, and the per-1 part men t of Pharmacy, a section de fection of its apparatus were all voted to student activities in the Un touched upon. The organization and I versity.. ntuiu iut iiif; j its til tt 11(1 y 7 foniB t I aiiu ij 'iiai muvj v. via -j the Western Electric Company were 1 its kind in the United States. One of described. the unique features of the edition is Illustrations were used which era-1 its value as an advertisement. phasized the magnitude and impor- The department has received letters tance of the telephone industry. , from various Pharmacy schools in the Curves were shown nf thp riirronf .' United States and several from other waves corresponding to spoken words. ! states asking for a copy of this an- The electrical engineers made trips ! nuai. l ne. colors oi me department, I - . la ray, assistant editor; E. W, Schaufle berger, business manager; S. B. Aren son. assistant business manager. The Claflin Print in? Co.. at Univer sity Place, has the contract for print ing the book. Handmade "I believe in the klss-and-make-up theory?" announced the agitator of peace. "And I find things that way." replied the boastful boy. "Whenever I kiss I notice the make-up." Judge. last Tuesday on the College View cars of the Lincoln Traction Company. Be ginning at 5:30 a. m., one student was on each car for all runs of both the "high" line and the "low" line through out the day.Tbe last car reached the barn at 12:40 a. m., Wednesday. The occasion for these continuous rounds was a traffic count upon the lines mentioned. The class in Elec trical Railways, assisted by volunteers i from the Junior class, recorded tne entrance and exit of all passengers, noting the stop at which such change occurred. They are now prepared to plot curves showing the traffic char acteristics and will make a report to the Trac4ion Company. which are purple and gold, will be embossed on the cover of the book. As a whole the edition will be a very attractive one and cannot help but reflect great credit on the depart ment. The date for appearance of the annual is about May 30. The staff is as follows; K. V. Bixby, editor: H. U McMur- Bostonian RUBBER SOLED OXFORDS $4 AND $5 PAIR Can be had in Tan or Black Calfskin. A very stylish, comfortable, cool and flexible shoe. LONG-WEARING RUBBER SOLES If its Shots Shop at mh &"0" Byrnes 1307 "" ENGINEERS STUDY TRAFFIC CURVES College View Lines of Lincoln Trac tion Company Plotted by Engineers For the purpose of plotting curves showing traffic characteristics of the College View lines of the Lincoln Tratinn Cn a Tinnihpr of Electrical Engineering students spent last Tues- day on the cars of the company on both the "High ' anl low lines, mere was on student on each car each trip starting with the first car in the morn ing at 5:30 and ending with the last car at night at 1 2 : 4 . The reason for these continuous rounds was to get a traffic count. The entrance and exit of all passengers and the number of stops required was recorded and as soon as the plot can be computed the students will make a report to the Traction Co. : II ! Cmnrmr?M in- II t im ir ; 4 iicau SENIORS INVITED TO BREAKFAST AT FARM Breakfast to be Served at 7:30 Games, Races and Weight Contests Arranged The Junior class will entertain the Senior at the Farm Saturday morn ing. v At 7 20 a breakfast will be served. cafeteria style, under the direction of tbe Home Economics Department. Everything served will be prepared at the Farm. The Committee on Entertainment haa planned a full program of games, races, and weight events. The feature of the day will be the baseball game between the Junior and Senior girls. The former issued the challenge, so it is expected that the Junior girls will turn out full force to cheer their sis ters on to victory. Vltes Eva Fiske will umpire the game and all races. She has appoint ed an able bodyguard to assist her in all cases of hair pulling. This picnic Js new and original in th way of inter-class entertainments. On the success of this event, will de pend the continuance of this sort of entertainment as an annual event. The cwwd will leave for the State Farm by a special 7:30 o'clock car. Motor In twelve seasons of successful use the Buick valve-in-head motor has demonstrated its superiority beyond all shadow of doubt. First of all. it is correct in principle. It is standard in practically all ropean cars. " Ih rap idly being adopted by American manufacturers. No stronger proof could be offered that IT lb RIGHT. PIONEER .BUILDERS The Buick Company is the pioneer user of tnis type or mou.r. r. ... " : - built Buick enginee?TSve been developing this motor, not in principle., but in refinement of detail. To dijr the Sncvanead motor is not only the best type of motor; it also is the bet motor of its type. POWERFUL, EFFICIENT, DEPENDABLE AND ECONOMICAL in all the qualities that go to make a motor best, the tl' and practicethat the worlds Dest automoone eusuirvja - - - UUi OMAHA LINCOLN FOURS AND SIXES $900 TO $1,650 F. O. B. FACTORY SIOUX CITY $1,235 F. O. B. FLINT, MICH. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM.