The Daily Nebraskan Tropeity of THE UXlVEftSITT OP Lincoln NEURASKA J. C. BEAHD KdMor-ln-Chlef M.naginB E.U.or. OrvllU Chtt Flnit Awoclale Editor ;,P?r " ITh Secona JVintuowte EdHor....Eihtl Arnold REPOKTORIAL. STAFt V Paul Earl O. Jeffrey rh fries Frey xUrKuerlt Kuuffman B?Sn1iffih Ruth Sheldon OUarlw llelier A. J. Co ert C. Mubson EtHe M. Noll I'hll Wurner SPECIAL, FEATURES c...,v K.ntor Porothy Ellsworth Editor L i l" T Hed Kdltor ;.lvan O. lieeue Athletic Business Manager f' T Asst. Business Manager.... U. S. Harkion Subscription price 12.00 per year. pavaM In advance. Single cople. 5 cents each. rn,.rhi t the postoffice at Lincoln. NEbnriVk m secotf-claM rnail 1 matter, under the Act of Congreua of March 3. UTS. THURSDAY. APRIL 29. 1915 A NEW EVENT The Juniors are showing the right spirit in inviting the Seniors to an outdoor breakrasL Saturday's event promises to be something out of the ordinary and very likely if it is a suc cess the class of '16 will in later years be credited with starting a custom which will be dear to the hearts of Nebraska grads. It is a worthy am bition for a class to establish an event that is important enough to warrant its becoming a custom. The mem bers of the Junior class who evolved this idea have performed a distinct service for the class. Every Junior should lend his aid in mating tuis erent a success. Engineers encounter repeated- lv the disconcerting circumstance that sympathetic understanding is accorded to their work by rela- tively few. We believe that this is largely due to a lack of knowl- edge of what goes to make up the training and work of the engineer and of the extent to which the training is adaptable. Judge Tibbets, of Lincoln, in a recent address before the Engineering Society, took cognizance of this fact, and urged the engineers to make themselves and their work "known and understood." It seems to me that a legitimate primary object of and justifica- tion for Engineers' Week and the time and effort devoted to it is to make the engineers "known and - understood" by the University public. Of the events on the pro- gram as at present formulated. the following may be taken as conducing to that end: The en- gineering issue of The Daily Ne- braskan, the Engineering Convo- cation, and Engineers Night. I have been disappointed that c-er- tain changes of dates in the pro- gram have prevented this para- graph from appearing in time to take the form of a cordial invita- tion to the faculties and students - of the other colleges of the Uni- versity to favor us wltn their in- terest and attendance on the events on Engineers' Week. O. V. P. STOUT Athletic Board Election The election for the Athletic Board will be held May 10. All who wish to be candidates must file at Dr. Clapp's office before May 3. and announce themselves as candidates. Further ttnouncements will be made later. Roy O. Warde, State Bank Bldg. 1501 "O" St., Neb. ENGINEER FETE DAY (Continued from page op-). the 'Golden Shoe" for the livii en gineers. To the winner of the free-for-all dash across the Athletic Field, the Col lege Book Store will give one dollar in trade, while the Co-op Book Store has hung up a suitable trophy to the Engineer winning the tennis singles. Coach Stiehni, for the satisfaction of later seeing numerous arms in slings, will cive a baseball to the Engineer throwing it the longest distance. These Individual events are only a smal. . nnrt nf what will haDiwn when twenty men reuresenting each college will be turned loose in a football game. The events arranged by the commit- - . . . . V. ...111 In .h.roa nf inp HEfl UBV .VIII ! take place according to the follov i r. g j , , irj i. vuu.n v - - 8:30 a. m. E. vs. M. E. Baseball Semi-Finals. 9:::a a. m.-E. E. vs. A. E.. Semi-Finals. 10.30 a. m. C. E. vs. M. E Semi-Finals. irt-4S a m E. E. VS. A. E, Baseball Soccer Soccer Seini-Finals. Tennis Semi-Finals, S-ll a. m. 1:30 p.-in. Baseball Finals. 2:00 p. m. Pitching of Horseshoes by rrofessors. 00 p. m. Free for All Dash Length of Athletic Field. :10 p.m. Baseball Throw for tance. is n. m. Quarter Mile, Four Men Relay Race. :30 p. m. Soccer Finals. :00 p. m Tennis Finals. :00 p. m. Presentation of Trophies E. HAWKINS. Chairman. Printing and engraving at Boyd's. ! 125 No. 12th. DEPARTMENTAL BASEBALL LEAGUE iAcademics Defeat the Laws by the , Close Score of j 6 to 5 ; Standing of the Teams j Won Lost Academics 3 Engineers 1 Laws 1 Freshmen 1 Aggies 0 in th rlosest came of the series, so; far, the Academics defeated the Laws by a score of 6 to 5 yesterday after - noon on the athletic field. Baseball of profesional caliber flashed on both sides, showing decided improvement after the first week's practice. Bryan umpired a good game. The next game will be played Friday on the athletic field, when the Aggies meet the Engineers. Score by innings: Academics 2 1 0 1 0 1 16 Laws 0 0 2 1 2 0 05 Batteries Academics, Chamberlain j and Hugg; Laws, Krikac and Shaw. Lineup: j Academics Hugg Chamberlain . R. Theisen Schwab Laws - c Shaw p Krikac ; lb Harney i 2b .... Angel 3b Weidman ss Collins If Hutherford cf Oberfelder Purney, McMillan rf Pressly Base Hits Academics. Collins 2. Chamberlain 2; Laws, riM.rf.iri.r 2, Schwab, Krikac 2. Two-base Hits Angel Harney, Haliigan. Three-base Hits Weidman, Hugg. Base on Balls Off Chamberlain 3 off Krikac 1. Struck Out-By Chamberlain 7. byjf"1 information that his father had got KnKac 4. Hits Off Chamberlain Krikac 9. Umpire Cy Bryan. Scott's B-4S21. Orchestra. Call B-H82 or NOTICES Unions The weekly meeting of the Union Society will be held Saturday, May I in nlaoe of Friday. April 30. All mem bers are urged to be present as a verv important business meeting will k hi after ft nodal time. Visitors welcome. Mystic Fish Mvstic Fish dance postponed to May S to be held at the Alpha Xi Delta i house. Engineer's Base Ball ' All L E.'s who wish to play with the Mech. Engrs. Thursday, report on Athletic Field Wednesday at 3:00 p l ro., to V. C. George. Civil Engineers Civil Engineers will play Mechanical 'Engineers Thursday morning at 8:30 on the Athletic Field. All C. E.'s who jean play base ball please show up. i I XI Delta I xi Delta meeting. Thursday at 5 'o'clock. At the Alpha Chi Omega , house. ! Rifle Club ! Members of Rifle Club report to ; Commandant's office to vote on follow- ing before end of the week 1. On retaining 2-ineh sighting bull '. for the 1916 matches. 2. On having all 6hooting done ; prone in 1916 matches. K. C FOUTS, Secretary. Notice All candidates for the College of Agriculture base ball team will meet Thursday at 11 at the Farm campus 'diamond Every man who has ever j ' played any base ball 6hould" come out and his support will be very greatly J appreciated. Don't forget. 11, Thurs day at Farm. GARDNER AND HARLEY, Managers. ! Girls' Club P. C. J Girls' Club elects officers for next 1000 year today at 11:30 o'clock m Me .500 j mortal Hall. It is a general mass .333 meeting for all members. Come and .333 vote and discuss amendment. . 000 Senior Girls Attention! j All Senior Girls are requested to : meet in Music Hall tonight at 7:15, to practice songs for Ivy Day. Come if ; you possibly can and show your class ! spirit by boosting to make this Ivy Dav the best one we have ever had at Nebraska. j j D. G. V. ! The D. G. V. will meet Thursday evening, April 2S ,at 191.9 E street, ,:00 sharp. : Interf raternity Council There will be a meeting of the In terfraternity Council Thursday, April 29. 1913. U. 207, 8 p. m. Election of officers. Tegner Spatz ! The girls program announced for Haliigan May 1 has been postponed until May McMullen'jS. The regular meeting that should Oberfelder, have been held May 15 will be on May McGurk ! ntead. Everyone is urged to come. . . McGurk. The meeting will be held in Art Hall. Notice, Seniors Order your caps and gowns at the Co-op this week. No deposit required. ; $1.25 for cap and gown and $1.00 for gown alone. COMMITTEE. Jackr had been imDartna to a i school-fellow the important and cheer- a new set of false teeth "What will they do with the old set?" "Oh. I suppose." answered Jacky. "they'll cut 'em down and malie me wear 'em. Exchange, University School cf Music OppottU th Uftlrcrsity Campus Eleventh tut ft fcutruotUn rive 1b all branches of nmslo. Stndtnta mgj emroll at any time. Beffinneri accepted. Prices rtftsonislt WILLARD KIMBALL, Director -KENT Mechanical Engineers Hand Book Next to the last edition. Just as good as the latest edition for practical work. We have 10 new copies, $2.50 while they last De Pontibus Hand Book $1.50. COLLEGE BOOK STORE FACING To Supply Your Need Is Our Aim The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-3684 30 No. 11th LINCOLN THERE ARE TWENTY FOUR HOURS IN A DAV 9 If we can't get your job out in the first twelve hours, we can in. the next twelve. Graves Printery THE Telephone B2311 S33 North 12th St Era TDE THE CAMPUS. Specializing in Univetsity Stinting 0-2957 244 N 11th Gleaners, Pressors, Dyers .For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning Plant In the West One day service If needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made.