NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AT THE LIBRARY Books Dealing With a Wldo Range of Subjects Have Been Added to the Lista r i . The following books have been re ceived at the library: Allen, C. D. American Bookplates. Allen, P. S. The Age of Erasmus. Bradshaw, Henry. Collected Papers of Henry Bradshaw. Braun, M. G. C. C. A Handbook of Practical Parasitology. Carpenter. J .E. Life and Work of Mary Carpenter. Carr, C. Art of Photoplay Writing. Chapman. G. Alphonsus. Emperor of Germany. Cheesman. G. L. Auxilla of the Roman Imperial Army. Chekhor. A. P. Stories of Russian Life. Deinhardt, K. Reinforced Concrete in Sub and Superstructure. Dunlap. K. Outline of Psychobiol- ogy. An English Garner; Elizabethan Sonnets. An English Garner; Some Longer Elizabethan Poems. An English Garner; Stuart Tracts, 1603-1639. An English Garner; Voyages and Travels Mainly During the 16th and 17th Centuries. Fergusson, J. Rude Stone Monu ments in All Countries; Their Age and Uses. Hamilton, W. French Bookplates. Hornell. J. The Sacred Chants of India. Johnson, S. A Dictionary of the English Language. Ketchum, M. S. Structural En gineer's Handbook. Leiningen-Westerburg, K. E. P. W. V. German Bookplates. Loria, Gino. Le Scienze Esatte Nell 'Antica Grecia. Mayer, B. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Mosso, A. The Dawn of Mediter ranean Civilization. Paulus Dioconus. History of the Langabards. Prendergast, W. A. Credit and Its Uses. Raymond. W. G. Plane Surveying. Strains, R. Carriages and Coaches. Swift, Jonathan. Correspondence. Tollemache, Hon.-L. A. Benjamin Gowett. Verroll. A. W. Collecte Literary Essays. Verrall, A. W. Collected Studies in Greek and Latin Scholarship. Verworn, M. Irritability. Viollet-Le-Duc, E. E. Dictionnaire Raisonne de l'Architecture Francaise du XI au XVI Siecle. Wolff, H. W. Co-operative Banking. Wood, A. Physical Basis of Music. Wright, Thomas. A History of Cari cature and Grotesque in Literature and Art. Wright, Thomas. A History of Do mestic Manners and Sentiments in England During the Middle Ages. The President of the University of California has approved and acted upon the following recommendations of the Undergraduate Committee on Student Affairs: 1. That the President's office In form the managers of the various stu dent publications that liquor adver tisements are not to be run in their papers. 2. That this recommendation be made a matter of record In the Presi dent's office nad a statement to that effect be sent out each term to the managers of the respective publica tions. Students at Texas University be came so exhuberant over a recent snowfall that windows were broken in nearly every building on the campus They are now engaged In raising money by subscription to pay for the restoration of the five hundred square Creals Cigar Store CIGARS AND TOBACCO NEWS and PERIODICALS COME ON IN AND BRING YOUR PIPE 121 No. 12th Street. New Up-to-Date Billiard Hall in connection with Burlington Cigar Store 16TH AND O Under new management. Courteous treatment to everybody. LOUIS E. SCHWARTZMAN C1E17 YORK CHOP HOUSE FINE STEAKS AND CROPS SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS 1340 0 STREET Garden Room with its perfect decorations and ventilation has proven a great success, as shown by the demand for it. If you have not seen it, drop in any time and we will be glad to show it to you. F. J. RICHARDS, Manager. Trade comes where it's in vited and stays where it's well cared for. "That's my reason" Walt Ludwig TAILOR 1028 0 0 CENTER OF THINGS ACTIVE Where your business is appreciated. R.W.Johnston Owner and Manager. to to a-1. i 3 Go 8 PLAY BALL Automatic Baseball The World's Greatest Game NOW'S THE TIME FOR SPRING TRAINING Prizes for High Score. Nine Innings for 5 Cents. A. S. HANNES, Agt. CORNER 12TH AND P. Latest Spring Styles in Oxfords and Pumps. BECKMAN BROS. College Shoe Store hot o NEW IDEAS For the Present Genera tion, exclusive in design, ar tistic gift articles of every kind. Books in fine editions. Party decorations and favors. Drop in and Browse Around QUALITY BOOK AND ART SHOP 1245 N Street Its a Long Way To Tipperary It's a long way to go When you want good soda water WILSON'S Is the place to go. Formerly RIGGS, 1321 0 St. Phone B-1183 PICTURE FRAMI PIG THE Lincoln Book Store feet of glass. n