DAILY NEBRASKAN THE The Dally Nebraskan Froperty of THE UNIVERSITY OF Uneolu NEBRASKA J. C. BEARD Edltor-ln-ChJef Managing Ediior . . OrvlUe Cha" First Associate Editor iPI" fA sioond Associate Editor.... Ethel Arnold REPORTORIAL. STAFF F Paul Clara R. voaa Everett J. Althouse Camilla Leyd Bvron Rohrbaugh Charles Helxer O. S. Hobson Phil Warner Marguerite Kaunman Liucue Lyui Ruth Sheldon A. J. Covert Effie M. Noll rnivill. FEATURES ... t-ji.A, Dorothy Ellsworth ?T;V ;;-..Ivan G. Beede Aimeiiu i""" Business Manager Russell F. Clark Asst. Business Manager.... U. S. Harkson Subscription price 12.00 per year, payable In advance. Single copies, 5 cents each. Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter, under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1ST9. TUESDAY. APRIL. 13, 1515 The attendance at the Gymnastic Meet was an unpleasant reflection upon our school. We muster a nine thousand crowd at a football game where only twenty-two men take part and when when we have a big meet o which the large universities of the West send from ten to fifteen men to participate we turn out a crowd that wouldn't do justice to a good dog fight. There is something vitally wrong with the sporting spirit at Ne braska. Just what the difficulty is, it is hard to determine. But it would seem that there is a tendency to sup port football to the exclusion of other f ports. Football is rightly the lead ing sport and probably always will be. It deserves the support and attention it now receives. But the men who attain proficiency on other lines are as deserving of attention, advertise ment and support as are the men in football. Football should be supported, but because it is the big sport and is the best from the commercial standpoint is no reason that everybody should lay down on the job as soon as that season is over. We need a spirit at Nebraska that recognizes mental, moral, and physical development wherever it is found and encourages such development by its support. Scott's Orchestra. B-4521. Can B-1482 or UNI. NOTICES Notice Pharmacists All members of the Staff of the Pharmacy Annual will meet at 5 o'clock today in X. 7. Important. REX V. BIX BY, Editor. Mystic Fish will hold a special meet ing at the Kappa Alpha TheU house at 5 o'clock Tuesday, April 12. There will be a special meeting of all interested in tennis in Law 101 Thursday morning at 11:30 o'clock. Printing and engraving at Boyd's, 125 No. 12th. TjOST One Colllnburg Chemistry book. Left in Room 204 U. Hal! be fore spring vacation. Please return to Nebraskan office 22-123-84 MILE MEN PICKED ( Continued rom page 1) the interest of building up the squad and filling up some of the places which are as yet rather sparsely popu lated, a big meeting for everyone in terested in track first year men as well as varsity ellgibles will be held at eleven o'clock this morning in Law 101. The program includes, among other things, a short talk by Coach Reed, explaining the situation and the remedy; and the making ot plans for the organization of freshman track. Hot Off the Bat One of the interesting events hap pening on the trip of the Road Show was a game of basket ball between the Osceola High School "and members of the troupe. The line-up was as fol lows: Phil Warner, "stationary for ward; Phil Southwick. "stationary forward also; Jimmy Allison, "station ary ' center; Ralph Nonhrup. "station ary' guard; Dick Rutherford, "run ning" guard. When four of the Osceola men were keeping "Dick" down, the other four troupers would try to keep the ball away from the rest of the Osceola team. Phil Warner retired early in the first half with a scratched Bhoulder but returned to his "station ary guard later m me game, rouis were constantly called upon Mr. Nonh rup because be would insist upon throwing his arms around his oppon ent's and crying. "Give her to me. give her to me." The exact score, because of Inefficiency of office equip ment of the high school, is not ex actly known. ! Prof. Scott, speaking to manager Nonhrup of Road Show: "Did you j find out about those acoustic proper-, ties?" XoithruD. trying to act just as if. he had: "Sure, the manager said that j some cheap actors took them with i them a couple years ago." , Bryson and Harkson corporation have purchased a machine the make of which is a Ford, th body of which will be stripped and two bucket seats will bei nserted. The owners promise to have the car in running order be fore the spring fussing season is under way. Faculty Men With Guilty Consciences Please Step Forward In a recent issue of the Tribune, under the caption of "Little Aids for Cupid," appeared the following letter and answer. It is just a little too good for the college public to miss iltogether. The letter follows as it vas published: Dear Miss Fairfax: "I am a freshman University stu dent and have become quite friendly itb one of my younger unmarried in structors. I am a member of a good sorority and said to be popular. He is quite handsome and of good family. During the winter he has called on me rather often. Is it proper to receive his attentions? Do you think I ought to consult my parents before I be come more friendly? My friend did not give me very high marks on the recent examination, but that may have been simply because he did not care to show partiality and he has not ben less Intimate and cordial hiuce. "BRIGHT EYES." The following is the answer: "So far as I know it is all right for you to accept his attentions. How ever. I hardlv think I would go with him to the exclusion of all others until he bad declared himself. He is wise to keep the personal element out of school relations. As to taking your parents into your confidence, that is always a wise plan." Minnesota Daily. Jobs R. I would like to tux a chicken. Butcher Do you wtnt a pullet? Jesa R. No, Til carry it. Kearney Antelope. SPRING ATHLETICS OFF AT FULL SWING. Five Baseball Team Are Being ganlzed In Various Colleges Track and Football Progress Now that the spring weather baa opened up spring activities are getting into full swing. Our track team Is fast geting into shape, spring football prac tice is well under way and the base ball teams are being organized. - A meeting was held in the Law Col lege this morning organizing their team. Vic Halligan has charge of the law team and is fast getting their ma terial together to get them out for practice. The Arts and Science College will form two teams, one team for Fresh men only and one for the upper class men. Those wishing to join one of these teams are expecting a meeting in the near future and look forward to organizations that will be winners. Those in the Engineering College are singling out their good material and will form their team in the near future. The engineers seem to have some good men. One imagines an en gineer as figuring out some clever work it might be well for the other teams to watch them closely. The Agricultural College is forming a team and if they have any of the material left from last year's team it will be a good one. There will be but five teams organ ized this year assuring plenty of good material for each team and some cor respondingly good and interesting games. Each team will play every other team two games making eight games in all. The first game will be scheduled soon in order that the last matches will be played off in four or five weeks time. Spring is here and all the "pep" that goes with it. Interest is being taken in baseball in general, the boys are getting a line-up on the big league teams and are themselves getting into form. What can you do for your col lege team? Athletic News From Other Colleges The University of Illinois track squad, 20 strong, departed last week for Berkeley, California, where they will meet the tSate University team April 3. This is the first time in the history of the Western Conference that one of the members of that organ ization has sent a team to the Pacific coast. Virgil Rector, '16, of Omaha, Neb., has been elcted captain of the Dart mouth basketball team for next year. He played- center the last two years and is an all-around track athlete. The Michigan football schedule for 1915, as announced recently, contains but six games. The list is as follows: Oct 9 Case School of Applied Sci ence at Ann Arbor. Oct. 16 Mount Union at Ann Ar bor. Oct. 23 Michigan Agricultural Col lege at Ann Arbor. Oct. 30 Syracuse at Ann Arbor. Nov. 6 Cornell at Ann Arbor. Nov. 13 Penn at Philadelphia. Every Intercollegite record holder will compete In the annual Pennsyl vania U relay games to be held In Philadelphia, April 23. It will be one of the greatest gatherings of athletes since the Olympic games. Among those entered are, Howard Drew, the negro sprinter from Cali fornia, Baranlck, the Chicago II flier; Ted Meredith, Hoffmire, Spelden, Kel ley, Beatty the shot champion, Braun, the hurdler, Oler. the Jumper and Nor- dell, the broad Jumper. Mr. Young at Veprs Mrs. L. D. Young will speak at vespers Tuesday at 4 o'clock on the "University Girl." Mrs. Young is the wife of Dr. Young, pastor of the Pres byterian church. CO-OP BOOK STORE A. H. L-4610 WE DESIRE Your Business, Your Good Hearty Co-operation. WE PLEDGE YOU Satisfaction, Convenience, Your Service. University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Ileal Hour. 7:00-8:80 11:00-1:30 B.80 7.C0. WRESTLING Won COLLEGE BOOK STORE FACING THE CAMPUS. They have won two straight falls already, but referee says they must get the third also. So they have a dandy stock to make a hit with the students when they go there to buy their graduation presents. University School offiusic Opposite the University Campus Eleventh and B laitraction fives In all branches of music. Student my earoll at any time. Beginners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director To Supply Your Need Is Our Aim The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-3684 3i0 No. 11th UNCOLN THF Telephone B2311 $33 North 12th 8t PEDEN 318 No. 11th Will, Your Confidence, Your Courtesy and Attention at By THE Gleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Serrloe that Please.- Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning Plant In the West One daj eerrice If needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt terrice. Repair to men'i garment carefully made.