The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1915, Image 4

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Social anb flbersonal
For the best of service. No
voting vrhen you call us.
Ensign Omnibus &
Transfer Co.
Cut Flowers
We extend you a cordial in
vitation to calL
Unique floral arrangements
for all social occasions.
Corsage Boquets a Specialty
Griswold Seed Co.
Floral Dept, 1042 O St.
Shoe Repair Factory
and Shining Parlor
110 O Street
Headquarters for Students
University Jeweler and
1123 O St. Yllw Front
Your rtrong Solicited
The University of Chicago
Three-sear course leading to degree
of Doctor of Law i 3. IM, which, by the
Quarter system, may be completed in
two and one-fourtn. calendar years.
College "education required for regu
lar admission, one year of law being
counted toward college degree. Law
library of 40,000 volumes.
The Summer Quarter offers special
opportunities to students, teachers,
and practitioners.
First term 1915. June 21-July 23
Second term July 29-Sept. 3
Courses 'Ojen in all Departments of
the University -during the Summer
For announcement address
The University of Chicago
Sarka Hrbkova, head of the depart
ment of Slavonic languages, has been
asked to speak at Silver Creek, Xen
on May 7. She will lalk on "The Slavs
and Their Attitude Towards the War."
before the parent and teachers association.
C. K. Morse, who graduated from the
teachers' college last spring, has been
elected superintendent of schools at
Nelson, Xeb. His new work commences
next fall. During the past year Mr.
Morse has been principal of the Uni
versity Place high school.
Mr. Henry Vincent McGurren. ra
tional president of Delta Chi frater
nity, came to Lincoln Saturday to in
spect the chapter here and to spend a
few days in the city. Mr. McGurren
is superintendent of the Bureau of
Compensation in Chicago. He left
Lincoln Sunday.
men connected with the history of the
guild. O. J. King and George A. Love
land, were the special guests of honor.
W. S. Cook presided over the toast-list
Responses were made by H. H. Paus
tian. A. C. Krebs. E. F. Reed. E. A.
Stevenson. V. C. George. G. A. Love
land and Will Owen Jones The ad
dress by Mr. Paustlan covered the his
torv of the orsanitation since it was
founded in 1S10. under the leadership
of Rev. T. M. Shepherd, at that time
pastor of the First Congregational
church. It was shown that the Guild
Is now in vigorous condition and ap
parently has a bright future.
The twenty-first annual formal party
of the Kappa Chapter of the Delia
Delta Delta sorority was held at the
Rosewilde Hall Friday evening. Seventy-five
couples attended. The grand
march was led by Alice Miller and Vic
tor Grosshurg of Champaign. Ill- and
Marie Robertson and Raymond West
over of Omaha.
The guests were: Jean Wallace.
Omaha: Dorothy Dunn. Weeping
Water; Jessie Robertson, Platts-
mouth; Margaret McPougal. Tecum
that are in a class
by themselves. All
the new season's
blacks and colors
About one hundred volumes of the
latest Bohemian reference works have
been added to the department of Sla
vonic languages durirg the past week.
r nw.. s cn-t f tUeh. and Marjorie Bell of Tecamseh.
disordered condition of that country's The following out of town members
industries. The books are intended pri- were is attenoance: r-unrr
marilT for use in the summer school of Holdrege. Xancy Hare of Holdrege,
work of the department. Gertrude Sturm of Xebawka.
I froiessor ana jura, imiwui,
The second annual banquet of the j Mary Graham and Mr. Arthur Hiltner,
, -i .j iww I !r and Mrs. C A. Lord, and Mrs. D.
Bushnell Guild of the state oniversity
was held last night at the Lincoln
hotel. Nearly all of the twenty-four
members were present, together with
many of the directors. Two of the
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Lord, and Mrs. D.
M. Butler, acted as chaperones.
The sorority entertained their guests
at an Orpheum party Saturday after-
Sigma Nu Wins Annual Corrtest
Mixer Held After
the music and on a comfortably filled
floor a very enjoyable evening was
The Sigma Xus captured first place
in the annual Pan Hel meet held Fri
day night in the Armory. A good
crowd attended and displayed a live
interest in the contest. Xine good
events were staged following fast and
furious in each other's wake which
kept those ntered in a number of the
events working fast and the audience
well interested.
Alpha Theta Chi won second place.
Phi Delta Theta third and Sigma Phi
Epsilon fourth. The first event was
a twentv-five vard dash. The winners
of the final heat were EL B. Scott,
first; Sloan and Zumwinkle. tied for
second, and Purney took third. The
second event, the shot put, was easily
won by Shaw at a distance of fforty
fojr feet and one inch. Graff took
second place. Scott third, and Zum-
viutle loTirtlL In itke pole vault LLn-
tFLj u 1 'J mu aTi iuixtw uv -wv.
at ten feet six inthes and Israel and
Hummel tied for third place. In the
high jump Hummel cleared the bar for
first place at five feet one Inch. Purney
took second and Buck and Wood tied
for third place. In the fifth event,
tie rope climb, Roberts won by
tapping the bell in seven and three
fifths seconds, Koupal took second.
Towle thirl, and LiinFtrnm fooruL.
Hummel took first place In the fence
vault at six feet four laches, LSnstram
and Reavis tied for second, and
Roberts and Pnraey tied for fourth.
First place to tie nigh kick was tied
for by Israel and Hummel ax a height
nf fet four inches. Lonstrona
won third place and Quick took fourth.
The finals to the tug cf war was won
by the Sigma Xus. the prelimiraries
being held the night before- The final
event was a relay rare and was taken
by the Alpha Theta Chis la ore minute
twenty-one and two-fifths seconds.
- After the meet refreshments were
served to the chapel and at about 1
o'clock ar-'rg was held over the en
tire floor. Scott's orchestra fnmishd
Thief Picked Lock While Reporter
Was in the Room Over Fifteen
Dollars Taken
The Awgwan office safe was opened
during vacation and robbed of Its con
tents amounting to over f!S. The
thief was seen at. work but escaped.
The management, however, have a
complete description of the man. and
the preparing to secure Ms arrest if
the money 5s mot promptly returned.
The lobbery was discovered last
week by one of the members of the
business management who noticed as
be entered the room that the door of
the small box was ajar. An investiga
tion showed that an iron bar had been
inserted in the crack between the door
and the body of the safe and the door
pried pen.
A member f the editorial staff,
when Inf ormed of the robbery, recalled
seeing a man at work on the box cur
ing vacation. He had stepped into the
room suddenly while the thief was
picking at the lock. The latter was
surprit-ed but made no comment, and
when be saw that his actions were tot
questioned be calmly returned to the
picking. Thinking the man was con
nected with the bttfint-es department,
the Awgwan scribe offered no objec
tion and a few minutes later left the
office. Shortly after, the thief forced
off the lid cf the box and escaped
with the money.
The financial agents of the Awgwan
say that although the matter Las cot
yet been placed to the fiandi of the
police, 5t win be seen If the money
is not retumed at once. They add that
they hare sufficient clues to assure
almost fTnTnftty arrest, and that If
they are not repaid, they wl push the
'r to prosecution and ccnTkrtion.
The editors, la view of the number of
such happenings about the campus,
feel that drastic action is needed and
are to favor of making tils robbery aa
example by Imprisoning the thief.
Tv ft -
J L-. f
2vrVCL O LcVi3 I 1
Llftff '
V (
j a - j
Won Bj
Ttiey Lave won two fetraigbt falls; already, bat referee say
they raust get the third also. o Ihejr have a dandy stock to
rciakea hit wilh the sludenls when tbejr go there to buy
their graduation presents.
How Can You
Hake ytrar dance prograiE differ
ent? See Graves, he will do it f or jcm.
Specializing in Unhezsiiy'Piiniing
B-2957 244 H 11th