TfeBaM- vN sk VOL. XIV. , NO. 122. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915. PRICE 5 CENTS. TRACK IN CHOSEN MEN CHOSEN TO ' REPRESENT NEBRASKA RELAY TEAM TO MEET DRAKE Zumvrinkle, Scott, Deerlng and Bates Compose TeamBig Track Meeting Will be Held Today i Zutnwinkle, Scott, Deerlng, and fiates will represnt Nebraska In the half mile relay race at the Drake games next Saturday as a result of the try-outs last Saturday afternoon. The try-outs for the mile relay will be beld today. On account of the slight training they have had since regular spring work began the team, will not be at Its best in the Des Moines meet. The track situation as a whole is improv ing, however, and as the season ad vances a winning team will be de veloped. Coach Guy Reed said today that Nebraska has probably the best group of sprinters in her history v In this class are included Bates, Cham berlain, Clark, Deerlng, Henry, Irwin, Scott, Sloan, and Zumwinkle. In the half mile the most likely candidates are Theo. Kubik and Claar. In the mile, Anderson, Spohn, Tad Kubik, and Gribble are 6howIng up well. In the two mile, McMasters, Jtaacke, Milek, and RIcker are work ing hard. Goetze who ran the mile last year is working on the high, hurdles while Scott, Roberts, "Wood and Israel are running low hurdles. ' The loss of Reese and Meyers will cripple the team in the weight events. With, the addition of Otoupalik, Bayse, Rutherford, and Shields, this depart ment will be well filled. The Fresh men Class has strong men in Shaw and Riddel that will not be available until next year. Pearney is the only broad Jumper that has appeared, so unless Hummel, who is being held up by a question as to whether he has technically received his degree, is declared eligible, no high jumper is available. Tad Reavls has no competition In the pole vaulting as Llnstrum who figured on the team last year has served his three years. Those interested in track athletics will meet in Law 101, Tuesday, at 11 13 ?!; FlUNKERS HOPE'S . i uy y -1 o'clock. Coach Reed says that there Is material at Nebraska to fill out the team in all events but that the fel lows wont get out. It Is hoped that this meeting will arouse more interest in track and Induce some of those who have been holding back to come out. Girl's Club Council - The Girl's Club Council will hold an important meeting Tuesday evening at 7:15 in the Y. W. C A. rooms. The subject for discussion at the meet ing will be, "Girl's Activities in Other Colleges." All members are urged to attend. Thief Got Ten Dollars Friday night an unknown thief entered the room of E. H. Lehman, at 1220 S street, and quietly departed with a ten dollar bill, a small amount of change and a pair of glasses. He was seen leaving the house by another students, but made his escape unde tected. The police are investigating the case. GLEE CLUB GAVE CONCERT SATURDAY Presented Program That They Gave on the University Week Trip Second Event The University Glee Club gave an entertainment in the Temple Theatre Saturday afternoon before a very rep resentative and appreciative audience of students and residents of the city, This was the sixth performance of the Club this year. The program was up to the usual standard of the Club which under the direction of Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond has come to be recognized as the best Gleo Club in the state. The voice and brass quartets were the features of Saturday's program. The tenor solo by Mr. Bagley and the violin solo by Mr. Learner were well received. Maurice Clark and Louise Dobbs made a hit in their little sketch entitled "The Snipe Hunter." This Bketch was written by Mr. Clark and is a life sized imitation of the practical joke that even University students sometime bite on. Sororities Choose Athletes Nine sororities at Ohio State Uni versity have picked relay teams of four each and a manager to represent them in an Intramural track meet. The odds at present are five boxes of fudge against a powder puff that the Trl Delta aggregation will bring home the bacon. DRAMATIC CLUB TO GIVE ANNUAL PLAY PRESENTED BY A STAR CAST Leon Snyder and Ella Williams to Appear In Leading Roles Both Are. Prominent in Univer sity Dramatics The annual Dramatic Club play will be presented in the Temple Theatre, Friday evening, April 16, at 8:15. The play chosen for this year is "Monsieur Beaucalre," one of the most elaborate and difficult plays ever presented by the club. Mr. Leon Snyder will appear in the title role and Misa Ella Wil lalms will play the part of Lady Mary. The cast this year is exceptionally strong being composed largely of upper classmen, all who have taken considerable dramatic work and many have appeared in University plays several times before. Miss Howell has been coaching the cast for several weeks and" the finishing touches are be ing added for the final performance Friday evening. , The scene of the play is laid in France and the plot is hinged upon the adventures of a French nobleman, who appears incognito in high society. Some very elaborate scenes are pre sented and the costumes will be indi cative of the life of the people who are represented. The successful presentation of "The Man From Home," by the Dramatic Club on the University Week tour has reflected much credit upon this depart ment of "University work and the pro duction Friday evening promises to be up to the usual standard. The following cast will present the play: Beaucalre Leon Snyder, '15, Alma. ldy Mary Ella Williams, 15, Lin coln. Lucy Eva McNamaja, '15, Ne braska City. Molyneaux Hugh Agor, '14, Omaha. Winterset DeWItt Foster, '18, Kear ney. Mrs. Mabsley Isabel Coons, '15, Lincoln. Marquis Wilson Delzell, '15, Lin coln. Nash Ford Bates, '15. Springfield. Bickset Louis -Home, . '16, South Omaha. VACATION PAST-TIME film ! Lady Rellerton Camille Leyda, '16, Falls City. Miss Paitelot Emma Reeder, '15, Hot Springs, S. D. Raikell Maurice Clark, '17, Omaha. Bantison J. C. Beard, '15, Lincoln. Miss Presbrey Lucile Leyda, '16, Falls City. Townbrake Burke Taylor, '16, Lin coln. Jolliffe Fred I Babcock, '16, Co lumbus. Francois Lad Kubik, '17, Clarkson. Lady Greenbury Florence Maryott, Lincoln. Honors For Former Students Clark Dickinson, '14, and Charles C. Creekpaum, '12, who have been study ing economics In the graduate school at Harvard have received recognition for excellent work by being awarded fellowships for next year. Ferris F. Laune, '14, who has been studying at the Chicago School of Civics; has been awarded a fellowship in economics at Chicago University next year. FIRST NUMBER OF PROGRAMS AT HOME Clovd Stewart and Ella Williams 4 Appear For Fifth Time In "The Man From Home" The first number of the University Home Week was presented to a well filled house in the Temple Theatre Friday evening. 'Mr. Cloyd Stewart as Daniel Voorhees Pike The Man From Home and Miss Ella Williams as Miss Grainger-Simpson, the young American lady who wished to buy an English Count appeared for the fifth time in "The Man From Home." which was first presented in Lincoln last year as the Junior Class play. The work of the entire cast was commendable, each individual being particularly adapted to his part. The work of Mr. Stewart and Miss Wil liams, Louis Home and Leon Snyder, was deserving of special comment. Mr. Snyder aside from his part in the play was stage manager on the out of town trip and Friday evening, and his un tiring efforts contributed largely to the proper presentment of the play. Much credit Is due Miss Howell for her time and effort in helping make the play a success. Certain. students, dancers and other wise, have circulated a petition among the student body of the University of Illinois, asking the faculty to com mand a return to the old-style waltz and two-step. IB. PLACES HIGH FIRST, SECOND AND FOURTH IN MEET OF W. I. GL A. WISCONSIN COPS GYM MEET Chicago, Illinois, and Nebraska Next- Nebraska First in Wrestling Drewing and Southwlck Second and Third Nebraska celebrated her first ap pearance with a full team in a meet of the Western Intercollegiate Gymnastic Association by taking first place in wrestling, second in fencing, and fourth in gymnastics at the thirteenth annual meet held in the armory Satur day afternoon and evening. Wiscon sin copped the gymnastic meet, with 1,257 points; Chicago was second with 1,246; Illinois third with 1,181, and Nebraska fourth with 1,097. Nebraska placed first the wrestling meet with 15 points, Indiana and Iowa were tied for second with 14. Wisconsin was lrst in fencing, with 10 points, Ne braska second with 4, Chicago third with 3. West of Minnesota was the individual champion, scoring 377. Drewing of Nebraska won second honors, with 354.5, and Southwlck of Nebraska third with 326. The wrestling meet proved to be the biggest attraction, being characterized by close, escltlng struggles in which the ten minutes originally allowed rarely sufficed to witness a fall. The preliminaries and semi-finals were held In the afternoon and th finals In the evening. With the excep tion of the 125 and 158 pound class in which Rutherford of Nebraska won from Cope of Illinois in nine minutes, and Gran of Iowa floored Pascale of Nebraska, pinning his shoulders to the tnat in four minutes, the matches were fell-less and long drawn out. Bauman of Nebraska won from Myers of Indiana by decision at the end of twenty-three minutes. Drolllnger, In diana, was given the decision over Heraminson, Iowa, after thirty-two minutes of almost evn struggling. Landry, Wisconsin, forfeited to Bar ron, Iowa, after some thirty minutes of tug of war. Freeman, Wisconsin, and Pecklnpaugh, Indiana, struggled for forty minutes- and at the end of that time, completely exhausted, with noth- ( Continued on page 2) FINAL LAP W !