T HE DAILY NEBRASKAN BIQ CROWD ATTENDS 1 ' (Continued from page 1) - of everyone connected with the Uul verslty in this undertaking. ' The Chancellor read several letters from those who had seen the enter talnments and then introduced a nuni ber of the trouu Tn the order men tioned. Instructor Cornell of the University Band said that the sentiment of the people they met on the trip could best be shown by telling of a certain old gentleman's opinion after he had seen the show. This old gentleman had intended to send his two daughters to a denominational school, but told the instructor that he had decided to send them to Nebraska since seeing the en tertainments and entertaining two of the Band boys over Sunday. The undertaking, .said the speaker, has proved a very valuable advertising venture for the University. Miss Howell then responded for the Dramatic Club. She told how the club had been Invited to join in the work and how she felt well repaid for the trouble. She then introduced three of the club's members who had much to do with the success of the club's part of the work. The readings by Mr. Stewart, Miss Ella Williams and Mr. Snyder were all well received by the audience. Doctor Clapp and Guy Reed then spoke on behalf of the athletic meet to be held here next Friday and Sat urday. This meet is under the direc tion of the physical instruction teach- - ers in the seven universities of Min nesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, Indiana, Purdue, Iowa, and. Nebraska, and each of the speakers was emphatic in say ing that it would be the biggest event of its kind ever held in the west This is the second meet that has been held at Nebraska and it will be at least six years before Nebraska se cures another such meet Over 110 athletes are entered from the differ ent schools to take part in the wrest ling, gymnastics and fencing. Mr. Hewitt tnen spoke and thanked r the students for the help they had rendered to the Innocent Society In making the past week a success. Mr Hewitt also stated that the Black Masques were entitled to a large share of the praise for they had helped materially in the work. Mr. Jackson, for the Glee Club, said that he could' not present the entire club, but in lieu thereof Introduced Mr. Morris, the club's accompanist, who rendered a piano solo -which was received by the listeners with appre ciation. Mr. Ralph Ncrthrup, for the road show, safd that he had recived many compliments for the entertainment but that he had heard so much praise for one of the numbers that he thought the students themselves were entitled to hear it. He then gave way to Miss Rhode, who gave a whistling solo The Flower Song." Miss Rhode has gained marked praise for her talent along this line and finds appreciative audiences wherever she goes. CEM1TEC3S IF 8JMDV0 7V-s r ; ; : - TlOV J I . 5? I W i i r s L-X n -i in' uf - r i i The incoln .Hotel Garden Room with its perfect decorations and ventilation has proven a great success, as shown by the demand for it. If you have not seen it, drop in any time and we will be glad to show it to you. " P. J. RICHARDS, Manager. Creal s Cigar Store CIGARS AND TOBACCO NEWS and PERIODICALS COME ON IN AND BRING YOUR PIPE 121 No. 12th Street. Trade comes where it's in vited and stays where it's well cared for. "That's my reason" Walt Ludwig TAILOR 1028 0 to CALENDAR Formal Rose- Meet and , Friday, Apri 9 Delta Delta Delta wilde. Delta Upsilon Lincoln. Interfraternity Athletic Dance Armory. Bushnell Guild Banquet Lincoln Tegner Banquet Lincoln. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Lindell. ine wan from Home" Temple, Saturday, April 10 Pi Beta Phi Formal Lincoln western Intercollegiate Gymnastic Meet Armory. Kappa Sigma Dance. Achoth Music Hall. Glee Club Temple, 2:3a. Printing and 125 No. 12th. engraving at Boyd's New Up-to-Date Billiard Hall in connection with Burlington Gigar Store 16TH AND 0 Under new management. Courteous treatment to everybody. LOUIS E. SCHWARTZMAN The n o .(I II fJElV YORK CHOP HOUSE FINE STEAKS AND CROPS SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS 1340 O STREET CENTER OF THINGS ACTIVE Where your business is appreciated. R.V.Johnston Owner and Manager. i Co Si r 0 NEW IDEAS .in. j.icst-nc uenera tion, exclusive in design, ar tistic cifr a - hvicu ui. every kind. Books in fine editi ons. Party decorations and favors. Drop in and Browse Around QUALITY BOOK AND ART SHOP 1245 N Street S 5 H 1 1 1 - - 1 1 O f- III ' 1 i PICTURE BALL Lincoln Book Store I j v - ItVaLongWay To Tipperary It's a long way to go "When you want good soda water t WILSON'S Is the place to go. Formerly RIGGS, 1321 O St. Phone B-1183 PLAY Automatic Baseball The World's Greatest Game NOW'S THE TIME FOR SPRING TRAINING Prizes for High Score. Nine Innings for 5 Cents. A. S. HANNES, Agt. CORNER 12TH AND P. I in Latest Spring Styles Oxfords and Bumps. BECKMAN, B'BOS. College Shoe Store hot o