THE DAILY NEB EASK AN The University of Chicago HOME 8TUDY In addition to resident work, of fers also Instruction by corres pondence. Fr detailed Information address U. OF C. (DIV. H) Chicago, III. 22nd Year WARTHON'S Shoe Repair Factory and Shining Parlor 1140 O 8treet Headquarters for Students Cut Flowers We extend you a cordial In Yitation to calL UnlQue floral arraapamenU for all social occasions. Corsage Boquets a Specialty Griswold Seed Co. Floral Dept, 1042 O 8t ENSIGN Por the best of service. No waiting when you call us. CABS, TAXIES, BAGGAGE Ensign Omnibus fi Transfer Go. 3 ENROLL NOW For practical usiness training No Vacation School in session all summer Lincoln Business College 14th & P St. Phone B-6774 J. F. THOMPSON, '13 Representative of The New York Life Insurance ' Company 141 South 12th.- Room 14. " Phone B3465 )PULAR PRICED MEN3WEAR ' U urn vrt K Tan English Shoes are the dope. We are showing a Swell New Toe at Why pay others $5 ? M ENGINEERS WEEK COMMITTEE NAMED Annual Event to Publish Work of the College Board of Control Made Appointments The Engineers are busy worklug on plans for Engineers' Week, an annual event to publish the work of their col lege. These Include, bo far, an En glneers' Night, where the building is open to iuspectlon with the labora tnrtoft running convocation, and a smoker. The Board of Control of the society announces the following appoint ments: William Blba Smoker committee, advertlslnf committee of Engineers' Week. A. Lindstrom Engineers' Night committee, to take the place of A. L. Nelson, resigned. Athletic committee Hawkins, Mc- Cullough, Smith, George. Convocation Brown, Buchta, Pierce. WESLEYAN TEAM TO PLAY THE NATIONALS Game to Be Played Tonight In the City Auditorium Game Will Be Closely Contested The Wesleyan basketball team will play the Nationals tonight at the City Auditorium. The Nationals have a reputation extending from coast to coast and defeated the strong Metho dist aggregation two weeks ago by a close score. Since this time, however, the Nebraska champions have gone through some strenuous training and will be In the best of shape when the game is called tonight. The game will attract a large num ber of University students. In spite of the drubbing which the Methodists administered to the University team at their last meeting, they have a host of admirers and supporters among the student body of the University. Coach Kline is a Nebraska University stu dent. ALPHA THETS WIN BASKETBALL GAME Championship of First Division Settled Last Night Game Close and Snappy Throughout Alpha Theta Chi defeated Delta Tau Delta by a score of 13 to 6 for the championship of the first division .In the inter-fraterntty basketball tourna ment at the Arm6ry last night. The game was less rough than the same game last year, the Alpha Thets win ning by superior team work. Phi Delta Theta will play Phi Kappa Psi for the championship of the sec ond division at the Armory tonight The winner of this game will play the Alpha Thets for the championship of the league. The game will probably be played the first week after vaca tion. A Suicide Bureau In Chicago there is a suicide bureau, and, strange as it may seem on the Burface, this bureau is conducted by the Salvation Army. Its purpose, how ever, is to save would-be suicides, and this is the way it works: Every story of a suicide that ap pears in the Chicago Herald is pre ceded by the following statement boldly set out in black type: "The Salvation Army suicide bureau at 673 South State street gives aid and ad vice to would-be suicides." It offers an interesting problem in psychology. Will the statement counteract the story in the mind of the person who contemplates taking his life? In some cases such persons have gone to the bureau and received aid, have been tided over the dark spell and saved. Of course, such a plan cannot reach all, but if one life is saved it is worth while, and It will be Interesting to watch the results of the experiment J By a Prof. I like you, charming first-year maids. I'm much too wise to love I range you in my inner mind From peacock up to dove. I watch with interest intent Your languid, lustrous eyes That Is, whene'er your glittering rings No dazzlings new devise. I view your furs and velvet hats ' With musings you know not That is, whene'er your garments chic Do not suggest It's hot I hear with Joy your lilting tones And dream of murmuring brooks That is. whene'er your knowledge I Do not compare with books. And so, O charming first-year maids Though I lost my monthly fee I'll overlook your "modern minds" And pass you with a D! Minnesota Daily. Roger Garvin, one of the mainstays of the University of Pennsylvania's varsity crew for the last two years, was declared ineligible by the faculty. Garvin, it Is learned, accumulated five conditions during the mid-year exami nations and there is almost no chance that the faculty ban will be lifted. Will Elect Baseball Captain by Mail Evanston, 111. A captain of the 1915 Northwestern University baseball team will be elected by "mail order," ac cording, to the coach's announcement. At the end of the baseball season last year there was a deadlock for the office, so letters will be sent to all members of last year's squad and they will have another chance, in writing, to agree on a leader. Lewis Captain Lewis, star guard on the Minnesota basketball team, was elected to cap tain next year's quintet Lewis won several games for the Gophers. His foul goals were responsible for Pur due's two defeats. He scored nine foul goals against Northwestern and Minnesota won 12 to 11. He also scored nine foul goals in a game against Iowa, which the Gophers won 11 to 9. Co-eds at Northwestern university are to play baseball this spring for the first time in the history of the Insti tution. It was announced today that the games will be seven innings in length, and that the umpire may "call" them any time ehe Bees fit. "The time will come," thundered the suffragette orator, "when women will get men's wages." "Yes," said a man in the back seat, Next Saturday night" Scarlet and Black. Nebraskan Gets Degree Harry Walter Johnson of Oakland, Nebr., received his master of arts de gree at the ninety-fourth convocation of the University of Chicago, held on March 16. 1915. The total benefactions to colleges and universities for the year 1914 were 116.045,474. Of this amount Cornell received over $4,000,000. When Father Swooned My father one day said to me, 'My son, here's fifty beans; Blow ev'ry blooming cent, it's free- Here, stick it In your Jeans." Then I unto my father said, - "Dear Dad, take back your pelf, I'll never spend a doggoned red That I've not earned myself." My father turned a sickly green, . His eyes they did protrude; He smote himself upon the bean, Then fainted where he stood. Dally Kan Ban. NEW COLLECTION FOR THE HERBARIUM Prof. Raymond J. Pool Will Select the Specimens From a. Collec tion in Omaha Prof. Raymond J. Pool will go to Omaha Saturday to look over a colle tlon of botany specimens. In the col lection there are several thousand plants. This private collection will be pre sented to the University and added to the herbarium as Boon as arrange ments for packing and shipping are completed. NORTHWESTERN TEACH ERS' AGENCY The leading Agency for the entire WEST and ALASKA, Now Is the best time to enroll for 1915-16 vacancies. Write imme diately for free circular. BOISE, IDAHO THE n Telephone B2311 339 North 12th St The CO-OP : Supplies for all University classes : The Co-op Book Store Cash Paid cr Dae Bills Given. 318 North 1 1th ON SECOND HAND BOOKS University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOB. UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Ileal Hours. 7:00 8 :S0 11:00-1:30 fi.E0-7.Ca. CMAPIfJ BROS 127 So. 13th FLOWERST ALL THE TIME THE GLOBE LAUNDRY Is Asking for a Share of the Student Trade. Special Rates for Fraternities and Gubs Where there are a sufficient number of students in a Club or Chapter House tojustify, a special rate is made. Call at our office or telephone B-3355 for information. - rHE EVANS LAUNDRY The Most Complete la Equipment. The Most Perfect la Service. University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCkER JEWELER S.S.SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O St Yellow Front Year ratronag Solicited SIMMONS THE PRINTER 317 812th PHONE B23I9 "SPA" Get your Lunches at the City Y. M. C. Cafeteria Plan 13TH AND P Gleaners, Pressors, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning; Plant In the West One day service if needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men'i garments carefully made.