WARTHON'S Shoe Repair Factory and Shining Parlor 1140 0 Street Headquarters for Student! Cut Flowers We extend you a cordial In vitation to call. Unique floral arrangements for all social occasions. Corsage Boquets a Specialty Griswold Seed Co. Floral Dept., 1042 O St. Ensign Omnibus fi Transfer Go. Takes pleasure In giving you the efficient service in tho west in cab. taxi or baggage when you call us. day or night. 221 So. 11th St. The University of Chicago HOME STUDY In addition to resident work, of fers also instruction by corres pondence. Kor detailed information address U. OF C. (DIV. H) Chicago, III. 22nd Year LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES ILLER'S RESCRIPTION H A R M A C Y Cor. 16th &. O St. Phone B4423 GEORGE BROS. lPrfntfno 1313 IS STREET sea m, i Unco b OUR SPRING line of everything that is good in Neckwear is now complete. See our ties at - m m THE Social an& fibersonal Miss Florence Agor ol Omaha spent the week end with friinds who are at tending the University. Miss Almeda Hill, who was a mid year graduate, has returned to her home in Falls City after visiting with friends at Nebraska City for several days. Susie Baker, '14. was married to Kugene Fountain of Blue Lake. Calif., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fountain will live at Areata. Calif., where he is a demist. Dr. C. J. tilmore, head of the botany department in Grand Island College, and a graduate of the University, was in Lincoln Sunday to attend the f mitral of Doctor Bessey. Ivan G. Beege received a letter from Henrv Caruso, asking him to fill one of Caruso's dates in New York next week. Mr. Coruso is suffering from bronchial trouble and has asked Mr. Beetle to fill the date, considering him his most able contemporary. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hargreaves and baby daughter, Grace Margaret, left Saturday for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Hargreaves are former students of the University. Mrs. Har greaves and the baby will stay with Mrs. Hargreaves" parents. Secretary SPECIAL STUNTS FOR THE SENIOR PARTY Rumor That Senior Girls Will Bake Cakes for the Occosion Black Masques Making.Arrangement Extensive plans are being made by the girls of the Black Masque Society to make the Senior party one of the most enjoyable events of the year. It is rumored that the girls themselves are intending to bake a number of cakes for this occasion and there are some special stunts arranged that ought to make the party one of the livest" Senior functions. Aside from the eats and stunts there will be dancing, in which circle two steps and robber's waltzes will be the thief order of the day, the object be ing to get everybody to mix as much as possible. All Seniors are urged to put in an appearance and make the affair a suc cess. JUNE COMMENCEMENT INVITATIONS UNIQUE Order Given to Eastern Firm Design Entirely New Will Be on Sale in March The invitations for the June Com mencement are to be of a novel and attractive form, with several new features, according to the order which was given an Eastern firm several days ago. The design will be entirely different from those of past years, and will be made in leather and card board. The sale will begin about March fifteenth and will continue for three days. Orders will" be taken for the exact number wanted and a small de rosit will be required. The sheet an nouncements will also be sold at this time. "Nebraska Alumnus" Delayed by the Printers The next edition of the "Nebraska Alumnus" will not be out for two weeks at least. The printing company has had more than they can handle, on account of legislative printing, and have delayed the Issue. r a T T. Y NEBBASKAN and Mrs. W. J. uryan. unui greaves winds up his business affairs In Lincoln and locates in Washington, where he will have a government posi tion. ill f M Hill. Mrs. James T. Lees, wife of Profes sor Lees, has been renominated with out opposition for the position of president of the Lincoln Woman's Club. The Lincoln club is the next to the largest if not the largest woman's club in the United States, having a membership cf 1.040. lilmer Hills of Caldwell. Idaho, a graduate of the University of Nebras ka, and Miss lone Bellamy were mar ried Saturday at Salt Lake City. Utah. Mrs. Hills graduated from the Omaha High School and taught for two years in Fairbury. Mr. Hills was formerly principal of the Fairbury High School, but is now practicing law at Caldwell. Franklin Terry Smith. Sigma Chi. and Ruth Elizabeth Lane, daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Lane of Fremont, will be married at the Trinity Cathedral in Omaha, March 9. Dear James T. Tan cock wil officiate and Miss Greta Lane, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor. Frank Perkins of Fremont will be best man. Only relatives and close friends will attend the wedding. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Smith plan to leave for Hawaii to be away for several months. OH! WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS WEEK? Complete Schedule of Events for This Week Basketball Game Big Evnt for Tonight March 3 Wednesday Nebraska-Wesleyan basketball. Arm ory. March 4 Thursday Con voca t ion Sy m phon y progra m. Girls' basketball tournament. Arm ory. University Dinner Club and World Polity Club banquet. Liudell. March 5 Friday Alpha Sigma Phi banquet. -Phi Delta Theta. Lincoln. Delta Tau Delta banquet. Ag Club dance. Lindell. . Palladian Girls' banquet. Phi Gamma Delta Freshman house dance. Alpha Theta Chi house dance. Alpha Tau Omega house dance. Crete vs. School of A g Mixer. Arm ory. Palladian meeting. Temple. March 6 Saturday Junior Prom. Rosewilde. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Union Literary Society banquet. Commissioned OHioc-s of School of Ag. Music Hall. Senior party. Armory, 2:30. Tegner. Art Hall. GENEVA DEBATERS WIN FROM EXETER Question Debated Was Concerning Government. Ownership of Rail roads Unanimous Decision The Nebraska High School Debating League is now going "full blast." In the first series in the Central district, held at the Exeter Opera House, Mon day. March 1, Geneva returned victori ous by a unanimous decision of the judges. Marie Allen. Stephen Robin son and Charles Rothrock represented' Exeter on the affirmative; Warren Edgecomb. Donald Moore and John Koehler, Geneva on the negatire. The question discussed was the government ownership of railroads. The work of both teams was excellent. The Judges were Professor Maxey of the College o'f Law; C. A. Soronsen, '13, Law '16, and OeorRo R. Mann. Law '1.1, all of the Slate University. GIRLS ELECTED TO JUNIOR OFFICES Three Girls Selected for Positions President Has Called Another Meeting for Thursday Throe girls were elected at Junior class meeting. The second meeting is to be held Thursday at 11:30. in Me morial Hall. Margaret Davisson vice-president; Helen Davisson, secretary, and Bertha Ehlers, treasurer, was the result of the first meeting of the Junior class last Thursday. President Spencer has called a meeting for Thursday at 11:30 o'clock, after Convocation, in Memorial Hall. The purpose of this meeting Is to boost the Junior play. Plans will be discussed and arrangements made to insure the success of the play. SIMMONS THE PRINTER 317 SI2th PHONE B23I9 University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O St. s YHow Front Your Tatronago Solicited - THE Telephone B2311 333 North 12th St. The CO-OP : Supplies for all University classes: The Co-op Book Store Cash Paid or Dae Bills Given. 31S North 11th OTS 8KCOXI) HAM) BOOKS University Y.M.C.A- Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience , Meal Hours. 7:008:80 11:001:30 5. SO 7.00. Where there are a sufficient number of students in a Club or Chapter House tojustify, a special rate is made. Call at our office or telephone B-3355 for information. THE EVANS LAUNDRY The Most Complete in Equipment. The Most Perfect in Service. Don't hesitate! Spring Suits.LightOver coats, Hats and Furnish ings for Men and Boys now ready for your selec tion. KENSINGTON SUITS that fit and stay fit dis tinguished styles $20, $25 upward. SPECIAL DEMONS TRATION of Kenmor medium - weight spring suits powerful values now on sale at $15. MANHATTAN Shirts beautiful multi-colored stripes $1.50, $2 up. STETSON or Magee's Special Derbies and Soft Hats newest blocks $3 to $5. Other good ones at $2. Gleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning Plant in the West One day Bervlce If needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made.