B B AS K AN THEATRES THE DAILY N E I WAR SUMMARY S Oliver Theatre FRI. SAT. A SAT. MAT. FEB. 26-27 Selwyn A Co. Present Rol Cooper's Big American. Mel- drama of Love, Lauflhs, Mystery and Thrilla -UNDER COVER" Direct from Chicago, with H B. Warner and the Guaronteed ' original Chicago Company US IDEAL WILLIAMS A WOLFUS PIERRE PELLET! ER A CO. SPINETTE QUINTETTE DE HAVEN AND NICE ALFRED BERGEN BROWN AND ROCHELLE OLIVE VAIL Late Star of "Miss Nobody from Starland" THE FL0REN2 FAMILY "Mother's Roses" "Hearst-SeHg News" When you want us, we are at the same place. Call us any time, night or day. Cabs of Taxlcabs. Our baggage service Is the most proficient In the west. ENSIGN'S 221 So. 11th Norton's Dansant SATURDAY 3-30 to 6 P. M. ROSEWILDE PARTY "HOUSE University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN ornciAN 1123 O St Yellow Fro Year Tatreiuig Solicited rarcin CLASSY can MEIQR DRUG CO. ISCi end O STREETS THE DUTCH MIL AC::3 PULCE T3 EAT. SPECIAL MUSIC Austria is mobilizing troops on the Italian frontier and has been doing so for the cast ten davs. The detach ments are chiefly artillery and their guns have been placed In 6uch a man ner as to dominate the passes of the Tyrol. German submarines have sunk a French steamer and an English steam collier off the coast of France, but without any loss of life. It ia reported that Emperor Wilbelm will go at once to Helgoland, theGer- man naval and aerial base, to person ally direct the submarine attack against England. The German procla mation declaring sucn a campaign went Into effect at midnight last night The British foreign office has Issued a statement, saying that If any or tne belligerent nations should abandon the principles of international law by at tacking a merchant ship without first verifying its nationality, England would not consider herself bound by the generally accepted rules of naval warfare. Forty British and French aeroplanes made an attack on Ostend and other Belgian towns in the hands of the Germans, bombarding gun positions, barges, canal locks, transport wagons and the large German aerodrome at Ghlstelles. The French war office reports that they have made an important advance in the Champagne district, capturing German trenches three kilometers in extent (two miles). On tne rest oi the western front nothing of impor tance has occurred other than minor nrtlllerv and infantry attacks. The Russians continue to retreat in east Prussia and western Poland, but the Russian war ministry descriDes the movement as simply strategical, since the Russians are retiring to for tified positions in Poland. The object wv c nf the campaign seems to be to keep j as many German troops engagea m eastern Germany as possible and thus prevent any movement hy the Teuton allies to "break the deadlocK on tne western frouL ,' Tn the Interests of humanity, the Electro Steel Company of Pittsburgh has refused to bid on a contract for suDDlving the British government with i4.000.000 worth of shells. Great Britain has replied to the American note protesting against de tention of neutral ships in a ten thou- onnd word dispatch denying tnat sne is unduly detained ships or that such ..tinn 1b detrimental to American CfcVtrJV chin-nfno and trade. omvfo nininmatic exchanges and neutral problems are occupying the major portion of the attention oi iu at the present time. Holland and Italy, following the lead of the United ot.tn. ,fivfl ma.de diplomatic repre- owi'l entfl.tions to Germany, protesting against the sea war zone declared by Germany, and the consequent aiuu. merchant ships found therein. Norway, Sweden and Denmark are ex pected to do likewise in a joint n. Great Britain has also been requested not to use the flags of neutral nations on her merchant ships. Relations between Turkey and Greece are at the breaking pomu Turkey offered reparation for the in sult to the Greek attache in Constan tinople, but he has left, leaving the affairs of the legation In the hands of an under secretary: tne Twraa mm . .ian anid to have left Athens mi,- nrtnn naval board has Issued a statement explaining the action of Exclusive Agency for MARTHA WASHINGTON CHOCOLATES "Sweet as the scent of roses Pure as the epctlese snow." SUN DRUG CO. B2273 Cor. 14th A M e.T Tr9iK VnL Rldpath's Library Universal Literature, 18 VoL Earth t Al tint and Its Inhabitants, comDinauyu v and film. 4 by 5, Eastman . t ,vn m inn and cheap. Afi- f, au ui "M1tt tt fit. UICH LOST Pair pumps taken by mistake at Freshman Law Hop. Call 325 T. Al. A. "v LOST-Gold signet ring, with initials G. F. K. Can LrStau. Men Flmiol Price Curt s Suits & Overcoats 250 Handsome Models Worth up to $28 This is our semi-annual event that hundreds of well dressed men in Lincoln have learned to wait for. Sale begins Saturday. Germany in declaring its campaign on enemy merchant vessels and the for mation of a sea war zone. The state ment says that in view of the fact that Great Britain is attempting to sub jugate Germany by starvation, Ger many must use every means in her power to prevent this. Since the sup ply has been shut off to such an ex tent that the 'civilian population of Germany has no longer sufficient food, they must resort to drastic measures by the exercise of whatever power they have that will bring England to terms. The statement ends with, "Germany knows that with the use of the submarine England -can be placed in a position where food will be lack ing. She has the submarine force with which to do it; her life as a na tion and the Jives of her people de pend, upon putting this campaign into action, and she must do so." Scott's Orchestra. B-4E21. Can B-1482 or THE GLOBE LAUNDRY Is Asking for a Share of the Student Trade. Special Rates for Fraternities and Clubs CHAPIN BROS 127 So. 13th FLOWERS ALL THE TIME 1 J&?w Interested in Sktets ? W are adding new models almost every day and selling them, too-for nearly styles. .t. tvBt ..virt- fuller this season and in most models, shorter. om and feTsure you will have no difficulty in finding what you want. Materials include Satin Duchess, Silk Poplins, Wool Crenes. Gaberdmes, Black and WMU aS2!S '. Mixtures, novelties. WoolPoplinS. Vlgw. Serges. RTmpoorhuddah Cloth, etc Colors are Black, Navy Blue. Gray. Sand. etc. Excel- lent values at 5.00 to 20.00 Skirts Second Floor. MLLEIR & PAWN WLl