THE DAILY NEB R A SK AN 1 THEATRES Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8 SHARP TUES., WED. A WED. MAT. The World'i Greatest Melodrama From the Drury Lane, London THE WHIP 100 People 20 Dogs 10 Hones Ore, $1-50. Bal.,$1&.75c. Gal., 50c TOM POWELL'S Peerless Minstrels and Vaudeville Show 'Olive's Manufactured Mother" The Pathe Daily FEB.8, 9, 10 DALTO FREES A CO. CASAD, IRWIN & CASAD "RUNAWAY JUNE" "THE GREEN CAT" "Hearst-Selig News" WHITMAN'S GLASSY CANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13th cad O STREETS THE DUTCH MILL A 600D PLACE TO EAT. special music Exclusive Agency for MARTHA WASHINGTON CHOCOLATES '"Sweet as the scent of roses Pure as the spotless snow." SUNi DRUG CO. B2273 Cor. 14th & M ARROW SHIRTS for every occasion. Color fast guaran teed' satisfactory. "Insist on Arrow." $1.50 up Clnett. PeAnfV & Co.. Idc. Makers Oar Bssinsss to Sell 0(1(11 Your Bflsiam ts Bsj UUHL FRATERNITY AND SORORITY TRADE SPECIALLY SOLICITED A few of our leaders: Komo Try it W.50 Eureka Semi-Anth V& Washed Egg $6.00 Spadra &50 Other grades at low prices. V7IIITEBREAST GOAL 00. 107 North llth The Styles Ahead YOUNG MEN'S SUI Choice of the House $16.50, $18.00 J20 and $22.50 Suits and Overcoats Sweatee, Underwear, Shirts, selling The Store That Wins Every Race Social ano Mies Gladvs Schamp of Omaha spent the week end at the Delta Zeta house. The Delta Zeta alumni will meet with Mrs. Nettie Wills Shugart, Tues day evening. iiK Carrie Coman of Falls City spent the week end at the Alpha Omi- cron Pi house. II I I ii a i i U 111 1 "' ' "' i m. ' ' ' ' n""-" I Helen Carroll and Margaret Leake (Club will meet with Mrs. Willard Kin. of Fremont were in Lincoln last week ball. 1936 D street, at 2:30 p. m.. of rTemoni fie " ..,., tk aBine hostesses end and attended the Senior Prom. Mrs. J. W. Hoberg of Nebraska City has returned to her home after spend .ng several days at the Achoth house. The pledges of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority will give a valentine party for the sorority at the chapter house Feb ruary 12. ui Marcia Perkins of Fremont was a week end guest at the Kappa Alpha Tbeta house and attenaea me Sigma Chi formal party. Saturday vmine chemist came to make bis home with Pro fessor and Mrs. George Borrowman at 947 South Thirteenth street. Miss Grace Bennett entertained at t..o, Rafurdav in honor of Mrs. Otto Wiese of Laramie. Wyoming, for merly Miss Helen Dinsmore. i- Mrs. Dorothy Miller Campbell, for mer student at the University, and a member of Kappa Alpha Tbeta, has returned to W borne at Cleveland. CHOICE OF THE HOUSE Osama. U ?mm HIS is our greatest sale because of ' f the tremendous business it is brlng V ing us because our patrons tell us, selections are better, and the bargains away ahead of anything ever offered in Lincoln. Then, too. our salesmen tell us the wonder ful values practically sell themselves. It's no wonder, though, when you consider that the World's finest product of the tailor's art is at your disposal. Just think of the golden opportunity to buy Society Brand, Browak, Pelham, Schloss Bros., Fit Form, Sam Peck, and all our, fine makes of clothes at reduced prices. Here are Suits in the newest patterns, in plain and fancy Black and Blues, Serges. Worsteds, beautiful Cassimeres, Chalk Stripe, rich Plaids and Fancy Mixtures ga lore. Garments for now and future wear. Overcoats too. Balmacaans in modified stvles great Coats with shawl collars, Ches terfields, plain and fancy weaves all lengths and sizes to fit all figures. WERE GETTING ENTHUSIASTIC RE SPONSE TO THIS GREAT DISPERSAL OF at redactions of ELS SHIRE, personal Ohio, after visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miller of Lin coln. Jack Bowen of Omaha, who has been in the forestry service at Bil lings, Montana, for the past year, has registered in school again this semes ter. ! The University Faculty Women's will be Mrs. Grove K. Barber. Mrs. P. H. Ftye, Mrs. E. L. Hfnman. and Mrs. F. W7 San ford. A son. Thomas Mockett. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dav!es of Utica. Nebr.. Sunday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davies are graduates of the Univer sity. Mrs. Davies was formerly Kath ryn Mockett. She Is now at the home of her parents in this city. Carl Rohde. Jr., '12, and. Miss Greta Mace, who studied at the University Music for several years. ! were married recently at the home of the bride's parents at coiumDus. mt. cad Mrs. Rohde are occupying a new bungalow on a farm near Columbus. The Misses Anna Jelen, Mabel Thompson, Stella Rice, Emma Chris tensen and Effie Noll entertained at a house party at the home of the latter Friday evening. The rooms were tastefully decorated with red and green cupids and hearts being much in evidence. The evening was spent in games and dancing, and at a late MAYER p Sals TS & OVERCOATS sr Neckwear, Shoes Etc., now i to i oit regular price. CO President- -..Achmonttf tvprp served. Mrs. IIUUI ita v.j H. L. Noll chaperoned the party Dr. C. E. Bessey sustained another attack yesterday morning as a result of degeneration of heart muscles and a general breakdown. He was resting more easily during the evening. Dr. J. F. Stevens summoned Dr. W. O. Bridges of Omaha for consultation Sunday morning. Halph M. ("Sham") Kryger. Delta Chi, class of 1913, was a campus vis itor Friday. Mr. Kryger. who has been in the employ of the legal depart ment of the Burlington, has recently become associated with Mr. Williams, a well known attorney of Neligh. un der the firm name of Williams & Kryger. Word was received in Lincoln yes terday of the death of Everett Delzell. youngest son of James E. Delzell. for mer state superintendent of schools. Mr. and Mrs. Delzell recently moved to Stevens Point. Wis., wnere j. Delzell is head of the state normal school. The son.' Everett, was aDoui sixteen years old. He was said to have been in ioor health for some time. The funeral will be held Tues day at Stevens Point. Wilson Delzell. who is taking work at the State Uni versity, lert Lincoln early Sunday morning when he received word of his brother's death. Iowa State Collegian: A total of 2.629 students have enrolled this term according to the figures at the regis trar's office. Last term there were 2,542. The difference of eighty-seven does not give the number of new stu dents enrolled, because some dropped out last semester. Not over a dozen asked for their credits to attend some other college. The Clothes Ahead Choice of the House no oils $25.00, $28.50 $30 and $35 Suits and Overcoats The Store That Sets The Pace 5M ELECTION TUESDAY (Continued from page 1 and Stewart Claar have the field To themselves. For the business manager of thi Husker, Ralph Lahr and Paul Babson have been announced. Each is out re newing friendships and the contest here promises to be a warm one. One or two candidates have been heard from in regard to the Ivy Day oratorship. C. L. Rein, "Secretary to the Chancellor." is one of the rumored would-be silver-tongues, and to keep him company it is said that the follow ing have entered the race: Bob Har ley, Harold Prince. Abraham Sorenson and Homer Hewitt. It might be a goo 1 plan to have a debate on the honor occasion instead of a speech. PROF. W. A. ROCKIE GOES TO LOUISIANA Last Year's Graduate Will Do Soil Surveying in Alexandria, Louisiana ' W. A. Kockie. an Instructor In Ih? geography department, left today for Alexandria. Louisiana, where he wiM do some soil surveying. Mr. Rockie works in the south !n the winter tim and in the north in the summer time. He has accomplished some very cred itable work while assisting Doctor Condra In the geography department. J Mr. Rockie is a graduate or the Uni versity. He received his A. B. degree last year. While in college he was a candidate for Senior president and was once president of the Union Lit erary Society. Bubbles She "I wish the Lord had made me a man." He "Maybe he did, but you can't find him." Silver and Gold. i