I- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THEATRES PROFESSOR HOFFMAN HAS COLD CHEMICAL SUPPLIE8 HAVE BEEN CUT OFF Oliver Theatre TONIGHT, 8AT., AND SAT. MAT. The 8ensatlonal Drama "TO-DAY" '$10.00 worth of thrills." K. C. Poet. With the Chicago Company Headed by Arthur Byron Nights $1.50 to 60c, Mat., $1 to 60c Bias 'THREE BEAUTIFUL TYPES" 4'.i& Tntuuunt etnuiA IZDjI ANN TASKER & CO. vJhtXA PARILLO & FRABITO UAte&A SWOR & MACK pfeAfcll BERT MARKET KRAMER & PATTISON THE FRIEDLANDER TRIO THE LONGWORTHS "THE STRANGE CASE OF PRINCESS KHAN" "Who Is Who is Hogg's Hollow" "The Courtship of the Cooks" WHITMAN'S GLASSY WNDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13th and O STREETS Ambrosia's Cbocolite Frapped Creams "Pood for th God" eurs drug co. Cwr 11th M Nw Tlpbona Bldg. "Ask Your Physician About Us" H. m. Scbembecft The only authority on the "Late Dance Dope" LINCOLN'S HIGHEST CLASS DANCE ORCHESTRA Single Piano Jobs Also Solicited Phones: B3715, After 6 p. m. L9378 University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O St YHow Front Your Tatronago Solicited Unable to Meet His Classes on Thurs day Reported to Be Improving Professor Hoffman, head of the me chanical engineering department, was unable to meet his classes on Thurs day, lie was confined to his home on account of a severe cold. "No Junior Promenade" sayr the Colorado College authorities, giving as their reasons the already numerous distractions of college life, the ex panse, and the undemocratic nature of the function. Seriously Affects Store. at Nebraska Chance of Improving Industry in United States The chemical supplies that the United States had been Importing from Germany have been cut off to a great extent on account of the pres ent war. The store at the University of Nebraska has not been seriously affected, however, as there was a large amount on hand and there has been a good supply obtained since the be ginning of the war, so that the stu dents in Chemistry I need not worry .WW ? T- i j-vt.1 ' : Jjyv -'J 1 S. ' J V5 53 '.! V? ?? 'i f v' w I: f i 15 4 5fi7 ?eac?y or Business at 340 N. Uth St The UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-3684 340 No. 11th SCENE FROM Arthur Byron and Bertha Mann m the OLIVE Tonight, Sat. and Sat. Matinee Special Rates to Students! THIS WEEK ONLY UNI. CLASS, SATURDAY 2 p. m. CIas.es Mon Wed., Fri., Sat., 7?0 P. M. Socials 8:30 to 12 P. M. HAMPTON'S ORCHESTRA . Eula Erkslno and Mr. g. G. Erickson. Lincoln Dancing Acadomy t ...... iAi if.. L54II ll n p ft ,1 1 u n .1 . 'ii.uFii that there will not be enough material maifo their "unknowns. IU Ulv There Is a good chance for the United States to make the production of chemicals on a large scale a part of her Industry, There Is no need for the people here Bending to Ger many for material that can be made here. If there were men enough that understood the work, or were even willing to learn, the chemical Industry could be carried on in this country with good results. Chancellor Avery recently spoke to the Chemistry Club on this topic and he pointed out how this might be carried on. There is a good chance for 6ome capitalist to add to his fortune by trying this venture. Don't fail to read Mayer Bros, ad In this paper. THE W 1 Telephone B2311 333 North 12th St. Gleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Service that rieases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning Plant in the West. One day service if needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. We Have Resolved to satisfy the printing needs of the university students. If you can suggest any ways we have overlooked, we will sit up nights to produce results. IF IT'S NEW WE WANT TO LEARN IT. Graves Printery Specializing in Univeisity Vzinting B-2957 244 N 11th THE GLOBE LAUNDRY Is Asking for a Share of the Student Trade. Special Rates for Fraternities and Clubs 365 Days of the New Year We'll be looking out for your inter ests in the line of STUDENT SUPPLIES. Your's for a prosperous year, COLLEGE BOOK FACING THE CAMPUS. STORE University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR. UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Meal Hour 7:008:30 11:00-1:30 6.30-7.00.