THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Dally Nebraskan Property of TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 3LZ3I 1CZ3E UNI. NOTICES Lincoln C. A. SOUENSDN Editor-in-Chief Acting ManaElngr Editor.... R. V. Koupal Associate Kdltor L. O. Chatt nKPORTORIAL STAFF Ivan O. i-ee Irving T. Oberfelder J. C. Beard lister ZooK Everett J. Althoua Pora Slater F. W. McDonald Mar. Kauffman v. nrahin Harold O. King Chnrlcs M. Frey James A. MoKachen J. K. Glassey Hennett C. Vig- V. Jacobson T. V. McMllUan J. L. Gillin Luclle Leyita SPECIAL FEATURES Whos Who Sl'as Bryan I lorena jiixDy Rnnlotv rnlnmn i Camilla Leyda I Dorothv Ellsworth Cartoonist Charles "Mlsko Athletics enry vyio Business Manager Frank S. Perkins Absl Business Manager. .Russell jr. ciarx Subscription price $2.00 per year, payable In advance. Single copies. 6 cents each. Entered nt the postofflce at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 879. ' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1914 "I will study and get ready, and then maybe my chance will come.' Lincoln. . '. 4 . .-i ' '. ' t ; ) i ALFSSANDRO MODESTI, who will appear at Rfgoletto in "RIGOLETTO" at the Oiiver tonight. READ BUT DO NOT CRITICISE THE STORY If Students Like Following the Author Hat Agreed to Dramatize Play for Public Save enough money to go home on. By permission of the National Four more days and it is good-bye Board of Censors, the author pleas Lincoln. After all, home is the best antIy and hopefully submits the fol- place on earth. lowing story in five chapters (drama tization rights reserved). The read' Remmeber, it is not too late to con- ers will kindly refrain from any ex- tribate to the Belgian Keller Funa. pression or approval or disapproval Leave your money with Professor while the writer makes his get-away Buck, who will see to it that your The heroine was purposely omitted owing to . the differences in popular opinion. One suiting the taste of the individual reader can be inserted CHAPTER I Time, last week. Enter Doctor Con dra. "Aha! So warm? Then why the coat?" Shedding his fine black overcoat, the doctor plunges into his work, conscious that the coat has Cornhusker Pictures. All pictures having to do with the following events and activities should be handed in to the editorial office of the Cornhusker at once: Ivy day, Law barbecue, graduation exercises, track and cross-country teams, both of last spring and this fall: Senior sneak day, football Olympics, High School Pete day, comics, and any snap shots portraying student life. Mystic Fish Mystic Fish Meeting. Important. Wednesday at 5 p. m., at Chi Omega House, 1426 E street. .Students Attention All students wishing to attend the Messiah program at convocation Thursday morning, may arrange to be excused from 11 to 12 a. m. DEAN ENGBERG. Engineering Society Meets Wednesday, December 16 7:30 p. m., in M. E. 206. Talk on Power Farming and the Fremont Power Farming Contest," by Prof. I F. Seaton. pr. Condra will show mov ing' pictures of the contest. Meeting in charge of the Ag. Engineers. All are invited. gift gets over there by Christmas. MORE ABOUT FOUR-FLUSHING Ae we suggested yesterday, four flushing is not altogether unknown to University students. There are differ ent kinds. Take the intellectual four- flusher. He is not so common a spec! mon hut the most daneerous because hi rnrfl,,Rhin results in flabbiness been lac?d wnere he can flnd " when of mind. He, it is, who reads a book wmwy Dia"s low review and .then learnedly talks as if CHAPTER II he had read the book. He, it is, who The wintry blasts are blowing. The on reading an opera program bemoans snow swirls about the corner and the tho fart that a previous engagement wind wildly, whistles as it shrieks will keep him from seeing La Boheme. about the round corners. Doctor Con He, it is who in the ball room or at I dra betakes himself to his office, grabs the banquet table in a familiar way for his coat, and grabs. The coat is quotes from Bernard Shaw or Nietzsche J gone! quotations he got from the Literary CHAPTER III Dieest that afternoon The shiny needle quivers In the grasp of the Great Detective. The brown thumb presses firmly the small plunger. It quivers, sinks, and the The would-like-to-appear-rich four- flusher is more common. The common . examDle is our friend with the striped collar and flashy tie for us to see, anC hypodermic charge has shot home. the ten-cent socks visible only to him- Doctor Swatslem wearily raises his u9w Thon thprp i th hand to rebuke the great mind. But woman who tries to be a social butter- knock shakes the door, and in stalks fly on 4he money her mother Baves by Doctor Condra. "My coat is gone doing the family washing. And what stolen can you find it?" The detec- shall we say of the cheap four flusher Uve smiles, and lays aside the needle who lives on the reputation of his fra- "The case is interesting. It presents ternity and expects when out of school 80me unique aspects which mark it tn rt a fat ifh hprmiRfi he ran give as " But the doctor had fled to tha irrin in anma nirpadv RuweRsful catch the train. He had a lecture in fratemitv brother? San Francisco that evening, And we must not forget the society I CHAPTER IV four-fius hers, which being interpreted Two uays have elapsed. The Sleuth means social climbers. They are still sleuths. The coat still hangs harmless but the most contemptible of about alien shoulders, "hang it." The all. They measure social standing by Sleuth submits his Bixth bill, at $1.05 dance oroerams. They scheme and plan how to get bids to' select parties. They refer in public to prominent society women by their first names. Oh! they are some boys, they are. rz SEUion pins ARE HERE .50 at HALLETT'S Initials Engraved Free Unl Jeweler Estb. 1371 1143 O an hour. Doctor Condra shivers, and the blasts still blow. CHAPTER V Third day later. Sleuth has gone to Halifax on a clue, also on the train. Doctor Condra Is reconciled to his loss, and has purchased a new coat. The doctor has returned from San Francisco and arrives at bis office. And there, on the identical hook, hanga the same coat tht had been stolen. Breathlessly he approaches. He touches its soft, warm folds, and, finding it to be real, joyfully wraps it about bis body and proceeds to catch another train. END Scott's B4521. Orchestra. Call B1482 or Union Society There will be a Union business meet ing in the Union rooms tonight from 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. There will be elec tion of officers and all members are urged to attend. Phi Delta Phi All active men in Phi Delta Phi will meet at the Acacia house tonight at 8:00 o'clock for an important meeting. Rifle Men All candidates for the Rifle Com pany and the University Rifle Team should report at the gallery range at 5 p. m., Wednesday, December 16th. LIEUT, S. M. PARKER. Ag Club Meets in U. 102, Thursday, 7:30 p m. E. A. Worthley will speak. Every Ag out. Cornhusker Offices. Editorial oflices, room 1001, fourth floor, U. Hall. Editors' office hours are from 2 till 5 p. m., Mondays, Tuesdays, WedneS' days and Thursdays, and Saturday morning. Phone, L-8758, three rings. Business office, room 1, basement, U. Hall. Business manager's office hours are from 3:30 till 5 p. m., Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, and on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8 to 9:30. Phone, L-8753, one ring. Classified Column MODERN ROOMS Within one bluck of campus. Only nine and ten dol lars. Call L5593, 1240 S street 62-64-7 ONE modern south furnished room with good light and heat at 330 N. 14. Telephone L4406. 63-65-11 FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britannica, flexible leather, Indian paper, $135 cash, or $17.50 for 8 months, or $15 for 10 months. Messages and Papers of the Presidents, in half morocco, 11 volumes, $35. E. A. Boostrum, Stroma burg, Nebraska. 60-G4-6 PERSON who borrowed Moore's Non leakable pen at Mixer Friday, please leave at Nebraskan office. 63-65-10 LOST On night of "Mixer," in Girl's Gym, large filigree brooch. Please return to Nebraskan office. 62-64-9 LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Nebraskan office. 82-64-8 IF n Q VJAPPINESS is somethin' we U rJ carry inside of us an bring out once in a while. A ca'm sperit an a peaceful pipe o VELVET '11 brinfi as much happiness t' th surface as if it cost a hundred dollars. 10c buys a tin of VELVET So a mctr.l-!Incd bag of this Kentucky's Purlay da Lux viih that nged-in-the-wood mellowness. ' 1Z 3EZDI ILZ3C 31 GLOBE THE LAUNDRY Is Asking for a Share ofjthe Student Trade. Special Rates for Fraternities and Clubs THE University School of Music Etablihed 1894 Opposite the University Campus Eleventh and R Instruction given in all branches of music. Students maj enroll at any time. Beginners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director THE MB Telephone B2311 333 North 12th St. Cleaners, Pressers, Dyers For the "Work and Service that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning Plant in the West. One day service If needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's garments carefully made. Gifts That Are Different are to be found in our stock of Christmas Novelties. " Calendars and Art Panels, Gift Books, and Greeting Cards, all tasty and surprising ly low priced. ' Graves Printery Specializing in Univezsiy Tainting B-2957 244 N 11th f University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Meal Hours. 7:00 8:30 11:00-1:30 307.00. K