T H E DAILY NEBE ASK AH he Dally Nebraskan Properly of THK L'NIVKRSITV OK Lincoln NEBRASKA C. A. SOREXSEN Editor-in-Chief Actlnc Marutrlnr Editor IC V. Koupal Associate Editor L. O. Chatt RF! PORTO RlALi STAFF ln O. Irvine T. Oberfelder J. C. Beard Leater ZooK Everett J. AltbouM I ra Slater F. W. McDonaid Mar. Kauffm&n F. CrshlU Harold G. Kin it Charles M. Frey Janus A. i!cEachen .t. IL Classey Rennett C. Vg W Jacobson T. W. ilcMillian J. U Cjffln Lutile Leyda SPECIAL. FEATURES Whoa Who - Si'.as Bryan erwi.tv mliimn i Camilla Lcvd I Dorothy Elia worth Cartoonist Charles Mlsko Athletic Henry Kyle Ruftlne Manarer Frank S. Perkins luL Rusineas MiiwKr.. Russell F. Clark Subscription pnee $MM per year, payable in advance. Single copies. S cents each. Entered at the postofflc at Lincoln. V-hraska. as second-class mail matter. nnr th Act of Concress of March J. ir.y MONDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1914 Know the true ralue of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrasti nation; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Chesterfield. I sjty Missourian hand. He walked up the station plat form. When he neared the delegation he stepped out of Ibo stream of pass engers and. extending his hand toward the banker, said: "Why, Mr. Blink. I am glad to see you." The banker tried to think who the man could be. ! met you in St. Louis at the convention last spring." the young man prompted. Then the banker said the customary, "I rt member your face, but just can't call your name." The young man told him who be was. It was the man the delegation had come to meet Talking laer to his business asso ciates, the influential banker said: "That's a smart young man. He means business. Do you know, he recognized me the second he got off the train, and he bad only seen me once beiore in bis me. Ana tne proposition went through. You say, "I wish I had a good mem ory for names." You can. It is just like anything else learning to play the piano, to sing, or to be a good doctor. It takes effort at first. And perseverance, ray more attention to names. Practice associating races and circumstances with names. Little by little it will become a habit. Once the habit is formed you have added much to your efficiency, no matter whatyou may be doing in this world. Unlver- YALE SENDS BONES TO STATE MUSEUM Famous Dmonyus Now Complete Box Containing Two Bones Received From Yale University A box containing two important bones of the famous Dinohyus was re ceived by the State Museum from Yale University. Four years ago collectors from Yale and also from the Univer sity of Nebraska were working side by vide on the Agate Springs Ranch in search for specimens of this sort. when these two bones were discovered by the Yale party. After some investi gation it was found that the dis covered members belonged to Dino hyus. of the Nebraska State Museum, and they were accordingly sent here by the collectors of the Yale party. On account of the courtesy of Yale University, all the missing members of the giant fossil hog have been supplied. All people like applause whether de served or not. UNI. NOTICES NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BELGIAN RELIEF Total Amount Now Reaches Sum of $161.80 Leave Subscriptions With Professor Buck have The second all-University party was a huge success. Seven hundred and fifty students, sprinkled here and there ith members of the faculty, found their way to the Armory. Put it down that parties of this kind are here to stay. And we can safely trust that the Regents will see to it that ade quate room Is provided. One word more. The Daily Nebras kan wishes to congratulate the com mittees who were chiefly responsible for the good time enjoyed. The Uni versity public Is indebted to them. Fremont Club All members and former students of the Fremont Normal College should be at the next meeting, called for tonight at 7:20 o'clock, in room 310 Library Building. The following subscriptions come in since last Saturday: : Delta Gamma $10.00 Cash 10.00 Cash 1.00 Cash 25.00 Miss Alice Hanthorne.. 5.00 Total to date, $161.80. Leave, subscriptions with Professor Buck or at the office of the secretary Michigan Increases Professors' Salaries -I JUST CANT CALL YOUR NAME" It's embarrassing to have to say that. It Immediately marks the per son to whom you address the apology a stranger to you. He' feels it- It re minds him of his unimportance. He is resentful. He is an alien to you. But If you could walk up and say "Why. Mr. Smith." or "Howdy. Mr. Jones," immediately the man Is on friendly grounds with you. You have recognized his Identity. He feels he Is somebody. He Is flattered and you have won your man. A young man went to a town re cently to lay a business proposition before a commercial club. It meant money to him. Among the delegation of business men mbich went down to the train to meet him was an influen tial banker. The young man cHmbed down the steps of the coach, traveling bag in DIFFERENT Let your Xma Gift be jatt a li-itle different than usual. Fulpee Flower Bowls. Parsons Nut BpwJs. Sterle Sebra Bud Vase. Combination and Umbrella. Walking Stick All new things are at HALLETTT UNI JEWELER Frat and Sorority Jewelry, Too. Est. 1071 1143 O Ann Arbor. December 3. The Board of Regents revised the faculty salary schedule of the literary department and the academic divisions of the en gineering department at their last meeting. The revised and the original scales follow; Instructors, f l.44-$ 1,600, formerly $$00-$1,400; assistant professors. $1,- 7K-$2.O0. formerly $L6M-fl,S0; jun ior professors, $2,10Q-$2,4J0 .formerly $2,K0-$2.2w; professors. 12.500-14 ,M0. formerly f2.5W43.500." The revised scale affects 210 teach ers and increases the year's budget by approximately $10,400. The department of sociology at the University of Kansas is making a state-wide survey of the prohibition situation in Kansas. The object of the investigation, conducted at the re quest of the International Temperance Society, is to learn bow much liquor is being shipped into Kansas. THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Father, mother, sister, brother, sweetheart, lover. What will you take them for Christmas? We have a little booklet contain ing hundreds of classified sugges tions for Christmas. A copy will be given free to each one who men tions the "Nebraskan." The BookShop 1212 "O" ' - ---., . . , , 23 nhX "NORMAN" TL KET7EST ARROW COLLAR 0-. FaW4r St Co., Imr. Hfltn Curtain! Fresbmaa "i wish, dear, that we were on such terms of intimacy that you would tot mind calling me by my i Erst name." College Widow "Your second name is good enough for me." Daily Hassan. Scott's B-452L Orchestra. Call B-1182 or r YOU WANT modern. deirab!e rooms, one block from the campus,' nine and ten dollars, call trZl'iZ. 1240 S St 5941 5 University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN cm C IAN 1123 O St. YHw Front Ymt TaxreMf Solicited FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britannlca, flexible leather, Indian paper, $125. cash, or $17.50 for $ months, or $15 for 10 months. Meseaf es and Papers ' of the Presidents. In half morocco. 11 ; volumes, $35. E. A. Boottrum, Stroma. burg, Nebraska. CVC1 FOUND A pocketbock. Inquire at Station A. C9-2 , LOST Slide rule. Name in leather case. Reward Lf returned to 11. C. . Phillips. B2M2. I Cut Flowers We extend you a cordial in vitation to calL Unique Coral ' arrangements for all social occasions. Corsagt Boquets a Specialty GrisvcM Seed Co. Floral Dept, 1042 O St ni D V. 0 0 HpHAR'S two places whar you cau aiuuays find sympathy in tlio Hirtionarv an in a pipe o' VELVET. !Mp 1 For there's solid so-ace in that aged-in-the-wood mellowness which chmges Kentucky's Barley de Luxe into VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. IDe tins and 5c metal-lined 11 JL 1Z -EL Have you begun your shopping? Christmas is almost here. See our new things Hie UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-36S4 340 No. 11th THE University School of Music Established 1634 Opposite tho University Campus Eleventh and R Instruction given in all branches of music. Students may nroll at any time. Beginners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director THE Telephone E2311 333 North 12th St Cleaners, Pressors, Dyers For the "Work and Serrice that Pleases." Call B2311. The Best equipped Dry Cleaning riant la the WesL One day serrice U needed. Reasonable Prices, good work, prompt service. Repairs to men's ganrfti carefully made. Gifts That Are Different are to be found in our stock of Christmas Korelties. Calendars and Art Panels. Gift Books, and Greeting Cards, all tasty and surpriiir;? ly low priced. Graves Printery Specializing in Univetsily 'Piinliruj C-2957 244 N 11th r 1ZJ University Y. M. C. JL- Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy Convenience Ul Hotii. 70-850 11:03120 6.--0 7.C0.